Chapter 89: Why did Chef Nine Star come to set up a stall in front of our school?!!

Under the light of the setting sun.

A tall black long straight girl sits in front of a fast food truck.

Not next to Kohei Joichiro.

There was also a position between the two.

A strange uncle who dares to eat 'dark cuisine'.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa decided to stay away.

The name of the galactic face is beautiful, but she definitely doesn't want to try it.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka is now in dire need of a stir-fry, as well as fragrant rice.


The wonderful stir-fry aroma comes to the face.

Dispelled the little doubt in her heart about the food truck.


The stomach growled again.

The insect in the heart of Shiyu Kasumigaoka was completely hooked out.

This time she was not embarrassed.

There was no reaction to smelling such a fragrant smell.

That's certainly not a normal human being.

The stir-fried meat slices are quickly on the board.

The rice cooked in Hibiki Rice is plump and looks crystal clear.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was immediately attracted by the meal and subconsciously picked up her chopsticks.

Pick vegetables, shaved rice, and do it all in one go.


The ultimate combination of fatty gravy and soft sticky rice makes the black long straight girl feel the ultimate pleasure.

The burgundy eyes instantly lit up, and a slightly fleshy face instantly flushed.

The girl with a quiet appearance turned into a rice cooker at this moment.

Like a robot, it repeats the action of shaving vegetables.

Kohei Joichiro smiled at the girl's imageless appearance.

Not at all surprised.

The other party was obviously just an ordinary student.

It is absolutely impossible to resist the deliciousness of fast food truck dishes.


Seemingly choked, Shiwa Kasumigaoka raised her head sharply.

"Let's drink the saliva before you eat. "

Thor in the food truck handed him a glass of water.

"Uh~thank you~~"

Shiwa Kasumigaoka glanced at the blonde maid gratefully.

Suddenly the impression of the food truck was a little better.

The bosses and waiters here are rare good people......... The mineral water was prepared by Thor.

She is always told to run errands to buy water.

I simply stocked up on a few boxes in the food truck.

Just now, Thor opened a bottle of water and prepared to give it to Chu Feng.

I saw a black straight girl with a choked little face.

The kind Thorsso poured each other a drink.

Grunted and poured out.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka's face finally returned to normal.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, mainly because the boss's fried meat slices are so delicious, I didn't hold back for a while." "

Shiha Kasumigaoka looked a little embarrassed.

I always feel that after encountering a food truck, the number of embarrassments is much better than usual.

She has always maintained an elegant personality at Toyonosaki Gakuen, and usually pays attention to her own image.

"Haha~~ Don't feel embarrassed, the dishes of the nine-star chef, your reaction is normal. "

Kohei Joichiro laughed and said very casually. (⊙o⊙)...

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked confused.

"Nine, nine-star chef?"

It was even more shocking than when she had just tasted the delicious food.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka doesn't know much about the culinary world.

But I have also heard a little about the chef star.

She hadn't even tasted a three-star chef's dish before.

Nine stars?

It's hard to imagine.

This chef's place in the culinary world.

A head light novelist comparable to the Immortal River Bunko.

It was exactly the existence she needed to look up at.


She is now fortunate enough to eat dishes made by top chefs.

Shiha Kasumigaoka did not doubt the red-haired uncle's words.

Because the dish just now gave her unparalleled enough to remember the feelings of a lifetime, so ~

Why did the nine-star chef come to the gate of our school to set up a stall??? the slot was full, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka subconsciously wanted to complain.

But she is usually articulate, and she can't say a word at the moment.

Perhaps, this is the willfulness of the big guys in the culinary world.........

In his thoughts, Kasumigaoka Shiyu continued to bury his head in cooking.


See the hint that appears above the head of the black long straight girl.

A strange expression appeared on Chu Feng's face.

Beautiful girls, luck is really not bad.

Sometimes he even had to wonder if his system was an LSP.

【Congratulations on getting a chance to draw skills.........】

[poisonous tongue, otaku, dressing, literature, writing...]

[Skills are being extracted...]

Forehead......... No way?

Didn't you go out today to see the yellow calendar?

Why did you draw the skill of Shiwa Kasumigaoka?

Also, Why is poisonous tongue also considered a skill?

Chu Feng was speechless for a while.

The total sensory system is sometimes more pitted.

Brush it, brush it, brush it however you want! Chu Feng chose to put it on directly.

Open the steaming tray, pick up a roasted wheat, put it on a paper tray, and hand it to Kohei Joichiro.

That's right, the medicine king's father just ordered another one.

The system tone continues.

【Congratulations on your winning skill: writing!】

[Trigger dry multiplier critical return...]

【Your writing ability has been upgraded to the top!】

All right~

First a top artist, now a top writing ability.

The system is going to drive him to the rhythm of the development of the light novel world.

Shaking his head and smiling, Chu Feng did not have the joy of winning the top skill at this moment.

Where you have the freedom to write a novel, you can sell for two hours a day, and maybe you will earn more.

After eating the three dishes, Kohei Joichiro checked out and walked away dashingly with his tool kit.

Two dishes with fantastic ingredients, plus a bowl of Galaxy noodles, seemed to be just enough for his meal.

Chu Feng did not feel strange.

Kohei Joichiro has obviously awakened his gourmet cells a long time ago, and it is estimated that he has eaten a lot of fantastic ingredients, and his physique and rice volume have exceeded the normal number of times.

In fact, when making the golden section roasted wheat, Chu Feng hesitated again and again, but decided to continue to roast whole pork.

After all, there were still leftovers of the ingredients exchanged last time, and he didn't bother to modify the price.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka had finished eating the stir-fried meat slices and a bowl of rice.

His stomach was a little bloated, and his whole pretty face was covered with red light.

Just a pair of eyes, always staring at the steaming pang not far in front of him.

She had noticed it when the strange red-haired uncle ate the roasted wheat just now.

Although the shape is a bit strange, the aroma is still wonderful, and it is not too good compared to the fried meat slices.

After being completely conquered by the food truck cuisine, Shiwa Kasumigaoka is eager to eat another golden section of siu mai.

As if seeing the girl's thoughts, Chu Feng reminded: "Don't think about it, you should not be able to eat anything now, come back when you have the opportunity in the future." "

The amount of red-haired pork in the stir-fried meat slices is at least twice as much as the roasted whole pork in the roasted wheat, and ordinary people can only eat one portion at most.

The two small hands that Shiyu Kasumigaoka placed under the clipboard gently touched his stomach, and the feeling of increasing and increasing was very obvious.

Reluctantly looked away.

Who told her stomach not to fight.


A warm current appeared out of thin air and spread throughout the body.

The exhaustion accumulated overnight was suddenly swept away.

Her whole spirit has changed a lot.


Does the cuisine here also have a refreshing and anti-fatigue effect?

Experiencing Chu Feng's magical Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu for the first time, Shi Yu was suddenly stunned in place.

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