Everyone reads the same books. Why others are better than you is because they are better at reading than you. So Xue Lang asked Jiang Lin, "what books have you ever read?"

Jiang Lin said: "read most of the Confucian classics in circulation, but also read several military books."

Xue Lang asked again, "to what extent? Intensive reading, comprehensive reading or rough reading? Maybe recite the whole book? "

Jiang Lin was stuck and couldn't answer for a moment. After thinking about it, he said, "all military books can be recited. Most of the Confucian classics can also be recited. When he was filial piety, he read several Taoist Scriptures and Buddhist scriptures."

"Have you ever read history books? Have you ever read the code? "

Jiang Lin said: "I have read the spring and Autumn Annals, but I have not read the code."

Xue Lang said: "from tomorrow on, I will be nearby. When you don't need a guard, you will study at home. First read the code of law, then read the book of rites, and then from the spring and Autumn Annals, all the historical records, the records of the Three Kingdoms, and the book of Han should be read. All the historical books that can be found should be read first, not only through reading, but also intensive reading. Every time you read them, you should write your reading notes and experience. "

Jiang Lin touched his head and said, "Why are historical books and codes? I thought my elder brother would let me read more Confucian classics. "

Xue Lang looked at him with a smile and explained, "if you are 30 years old, I will not let you read the code, I will only let you read the history books. You are only 18 years old. You are at an age when your heart is higher than the sky and you are full of fighting spirit. At this age, vigor and spirit are enough. What you lack is the understanding of the rules. Life in the world is not a lonely person. If you want to communicate with others, integrate into the society, and walk in this world, you must learn the rules of the aristocratic family. As the saying goes, rules are dead, people are alive. Smart people can live with the rules, fools stick to the rules, both of which generally do not live too hard. "

Jiang Lin thought for a moment and said, "brother, do you mean to let me obey the rules?"

Xue Lang laughs and shakes his head, way: "also, also not."

"What's the answer?"

This is not Jiang Lin asked, but a female voice. Xue Lang looked out in a hurry, but Princess Pingyang and Liu Nanguan were standing outside the door.

two brothers hurriedly rose to salute: "have seen the princess your highness!"

"No gift! Seeing that Youyang was teaching ah Lin, his words were witty and he was fascinated. I didn't let anyone report it. I didn't expect to hear such a wonderful argument. Why let Jiang Er Lang see the ceremony first, and Youyang will tell you quickly. "

Princess Royal came in the best of spirits, and the path sat first, pressing Xue Lang to catch up and say. Xue Lang asked Liu to go out to prepare tea. Then she said, "as I said just now, 18 is the age with the highest heart. To read the code first is to make you understand the height of heaven and earth, and let you understand the boundary of behavior. If you read the book of rites again, you can understand the common customs. If you read these two books, you can go to the world. "


Pingyang Princess clapped her hands and exclaimed, "this is a wonderful saying, quite a way to do the best of the situation in the world."

Liu female official couldn't help but interposed: "dare to ask Xue Zhubo, it's good to know the law and observe the etiquette, but what if you meet someone who is lawless and has no etiquette?"

Xue Lang showed his hand: "you have already occupied a reasonable position. If you are good at making use of it, don't you just advance and retreat from your heart?"? Code of rites is dead, man is alive. Since he has occupied a reasonable position, what are you afraid of him doing? There is a saying that people are afraid; there is a saying that people live a face, a tree live a skin. If you meet someone who wants to face, you will know the law and abide by etiquette, and you can go through it. "

Liu female official asked: "if you meet that, don't be shameless?"

Xue Lang laughs and says, "one effort can reduce ten meetings!"

They're all smart people. Just call it up. Liu nuguan glanced at Xue Lang with a smile and said, "I thought Xue Zhubo was a gentleman of duanfang, but now it seems that..."

I didn't finish my words, but I understood them very clearly. Xue Lang naturally refused to accept and asked, "where am I not a gentleman? I am not a man of frivolous speech and action, but also of benevolence. Your highness also said that I am open-minded. How can such a man be a gentleman? "


Liu Nu Gan was speechless. Xue Lang said with a smile: "therefore, rules, etiquette, knowledge, the use of the wonderful, with one mind. To be a virtuous gentleman is not to be a clumsy one! "

"popping" -- Princess

's Royal Highness applauded again: "the words of young Yang are very deep in my heart, and have a sense of confidant."

Xue Lang smiles and bows his hand to thank: "Your Highness, flattery."

This princess is not a person who abides by the rules. If Pingyang princess is a person who abides by the rules, she would have died in Chang'an long time ago, instead of leading the army and guarding the side.

Princess Pingyang said, "You Yang just said why you want to read the book of rites and the code of law, but you haven't said how interesting it is to read historical books."

Xue Lang said: "it is wise to read history. History is one cycle after another. Throughout history, it is only the reincarnation of one dynasty after another. He who goes with the time prospers, and he who goes against it dies. Today is the reappearance of the past. If you read more history books, think more, and compare the past and the present, there will always be gains. This kind of harvest, need oneself to experience slowly, cannot say also

Princess Pingyang was shocked: "today is the reappearance of the past history Today is a representation of the past! Wonderful! Thank you for teaching me! "Xue Langhan, what he said was just the view of a modern historian. Xue Lang agreed with this view, so he said it. Therefore, the modern people are better than the ancient people in that they have a wide range of accessible books and knowledge, and knowledge is not comparable to the ancient people who lacked the circulation of books in ancient times.

In fact, in ancient times, all those who could read books and become great masters had one thing in common. Because there are too few books in this era. The printing cost of books is too high. The circulation of books depends on reading. People copy by themselves. If they have good memory, they can easily read them.

Therefore, the more profound the accumulation, the greater the probability of talent. Take the famous six surnames of guanxi as an example, there may be one or two generations without talents, but after a few generations, there will be talents. Among the eight famous families in the Tang and Song Dynasties, several of them were born in the family of leidai scholars.

Xue Lang said: "ah Lin is a member of the army. After reading the military books, he still needs to be verified on the battle lines. The combination of theory and practice is the way to achieve success. No matter how much I teach, it's useless. We are different in character, experience and experience. Therefore, you have to read more and accumulate knowledge. The so-called accumulation of knowledge is just like this. "

"Thank you, big brother. I'm also taught!"

Xie Lang went to worship in Linjiang. Xue Lang accepted it calmly. If it was not for his brothers who were brothers, he would not teach them. It is because Jiang Lin regards him as a relative that he is willing to devote his heart and effort to explain Jiang Lin and wish him success.

In fact, Xue Lang is a passive person in love. Although he is cheerful and easy-going, he is not enthusiastic and active. Because of the experience, let him guard against the heart is quite heavy, Jiang Lin first looked at him like a brother, he then treated Jiang Lin with his brother.

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