Speaking of ancient Chinese Taoists, in order to refine alchemy is really done! In the history of the west, chemistry and physics are also separated. In China, they are all done by Taoist masters!

The first to use saltpetre is the Taoist masters!

Those who first used lead and mercury were Taoist masters!

It was the Taoist masters who first practiced gunpowder!

In order to cultivate a fairy pill, Taoist Masters really contributed a lot of light and heat to the Enlightenment of many subjects in ancient China. Applause for that!

Therefore, in order to refine alchemy, the explosion of the alchemy room is not surprising. But poor Su Han was affected by the fish, hurt the facial nerve, a lively handsome boy into a facial paralysis.

I don't know if there was a woman who liked high cold facial paralysis in ancient times. If Su Hansheng was born in modern times, such a cool and handsome guy like him was also a doctor, he would be very popular with soft girl paper. Maybe there will be a female patient pretending to be ill in order to know him.

"Xue Yi Yi?"

Well, Xue Lang's thinking is divergent again! After being called back to his senses by Su Han, he covered up and said, "Dr. Su, in the foreign country I came to, it should be facial nerve damage. It is said that this kind of disease is usually treated with acupuncture and medicine. "

Su Han immediately asked: "can there be a cure example?"

An old professor, a colleague of Xue Lang's father, had suffered from this kind of disease. Xue Lang had a little understanding and said: "it is said that if it is temporary nerve paralysis, it can be cured by Acupuncture and medicine; if it is facial nerve necrosis Nerve necrosis is generally irreversible and very difficult to cure. However, acupuncture can improve it

Su Han expressed his gratitude to Xue Lang: "thank you for your advice. The stone from other mountains can be used to attack jade, which also points out a way for su. Can you tell me something about it? "

Xue Lang scratched his head. He was not a professional doctor, but in the year when Xue's father became a vegetable and his brain died, the doctor gave him some common sense. Let him explain the definition of professional, he is not able to explain, but he can put his own understanding to say.

Xue Lang thought for a moment and said, "nerves do exist in the human body. No matter whether people are alive or dead, they can exist and see. For example, if you touch something, what's the feeling you feel, it's the nerves that transmit this touch to your brain. You're in a situation where there's something wrong with the nerves that control your facial expression, and your expression doesn't respond correctly to your mood. "

After hearing this, Su Han thought a little and asked, "so, it's quite different from the context?"

Xue Lang knew about it, but he was able to answer: "it's not the same. The venation is the route of qi movement in the human body. When a person dies, the Qi mechanism does not exist, and naturally there will be no vein. The nerves are different, and the nerves do exist. Specifically, I'm not a professional, and I don't know. I only know that there is a difference between the two. "

Su Han is thoughtful when he hears it. Xue Lang's heart is beating drums. This boy should not steal the corpse after listening to these things, right? In ancient times, stealing corpses was a big crime!

Su Han did not speak, Liu medical order interposed: "vein does not exist, nerve exists, how to prove?"

Xue Lang's egg hurts! He's not a doctor. Tell him it's anatomy! But what is anatomy It was against human relations to dissect corpses in ancient times.

After thinking about it, Xue Lang said: "the vein is the circuit of the gas engine. Qi can't be found. If people are alive and have gas, they will naturally feel the vein. If people die, they will not be able to touch them. This is the truth! Nerves are all over the human body. People should rely on nerves to perceive everything in the outside world. This kind of perception exists all the time, just like the skin and bones of human beings. I'm not a professional neurologist, and I don't understand

They had no choice but to discuss with each other. Xue Lang quickly took the opportunity to leave. In case there were any problems in the discussion between them, he could not answer them. In order to help his highness attract talents, he also broke his heart and made awful eggs.

Ye Qing wants to take care of his little fiancee in YILIAO. Su Han lives in YILIAO temporarily. Both of them settle down temporarily. Su Han and Liu Yiling discuss medical skills every day and get along well.

Ye Qing is a dull calf, except when facing his little fiancee, most of the time he doesn't speak. If you go out every day, you can bring your prey back. Obviously, you are a good player.

when the Xiong army was stepping up training, her royal highness and his subordinates shared their joys and sorrows, and did not idle in the government. Most of them were in the barracks of the Xiong army.

People in the mansion could only go to discuss affairs at that time, and Xue Lang was no exception. Asked after the snow, said her royal highness was free, immediately asked people to enter the briefing.

"Yes, your highness."

"Sit down, Youyang. What can I do for you?"

Princess Pingyang was dressed in a simple and elegant summer dress, with a wide robe and large sleeves. But, the skin actually suntanned some, the face takes the tired color, listens to the voice slightly some dark elegant.

Xue Lang said: "although training is very important, your highness should take good care of the jade body."

Princess Pingyang waved her hand and said, "it doesn't matter. I practiced martial arts with the generals in the army today, so I'm tired. Why didn't you get sunburnt when Youyang was out every dayXue Lang laughs: "naturally skin white, not black, exposure to the sun will only sunburn, when the injured skin molts, it will recover. It should be a natural physical problem. "

Princess Pingyang said, "a man in Youyang has such a constitution. Isn't it that women envy and envy them?"

Xue Lang showed his hand: "born, I can't help it."

After a few words of greeting, Xue Lang didn't want to annoy Princess Pingyang, so he said: "I picked up two people by chance two days ago. One is Su Han, a doctor. It is said that he is the descendant of Hua Tuo, a miracle doctor. Doctor Liu said that he had good medical skills and could be recruited! Another one, named Ye Qing, whose little fiancee was injured, is now in YILIAO for treatment. Liu Yiling said that he should have a good bow skill. "

Princess Pingyang nodded and asked, "is there any doubt in Youyang's heart?"


Xue Lang pondered: "Su Han's reputation has already spread. I think there should be no big problem. Only Ye Qing, why is he here? What a coincidence

Said, two people account of the life story, to the Pingyang princess in detail. Princess Pingyang pondered a little and then said, "well, tomorrow I will summon these two people in the mansion. Youyang will accompany you. Let's see you again."

"Here it is

Xue Lang has Xue Lang himself to see the standard of man, and his Royal Highness has its own standard. The two men still want to recommend it to his royal highness, so that she can see it, perhaps she will see something else from her perspective.

after that, Xue Lang wanted to leave and let her royal highness take a good rest. Princess Royal smiled, "am I so fragile in the eyes of young Yang?"

Xue Lang embarrassed way: "not so, just want your highness to have a good rest."

"Sit down and listen to a Liu. At least next month, sweet potatoes will be harvested?" Princess

asked his sister in a slow voice.

Xue Lang would go to the fields every day, so he was familiar with the situation of the crops. When he saw Princess Pingyang asked, he said everything about the situation.

Pingyang Princess all know once, let Xue Lang go, she rest at ease.

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