The Turkic Jieli Khan led 150000 troops into Yanmen and harassed Bingzhou; the other troops disturbed Yuanzhou and the great earthquake brought down the pass.

As soon as the news was announced, the ministers looked serious, but there was no excessive surprise. The sage Li Yuan said directly: "at the beginning of the year, Xue Qingjia once said that Turks would go south this year, and we have been taking precautions against this. Now, Jieli is coming! "

Because of Xue Lang, the court was not unprepared against the Turks' southward March. However, Xue Lang is not in Beijing. I don't know what measures the court has taken to adjust the personnel.

Feng De Yi said: "those who can be worried about are those who are only afraid of going to the south, and most of them are not zhijieli. Besides, there are Liu Hei Kai! "

The largest group of Turks plundered in the South was Jieli Khan's 150000 army. Although the rest of the Turks were not so powerful, the large number of invaders, together with Liu heikai, who was still making an attack, put great pressure on the defense of the Tang Dynasty's states.

The king of Qin had a resolute face and directly asked for a battle: "sage, please lead the troops to meet the Turks. If Jieli went south, the momentum was very strong. If we beat him head-on and destroyed his momentum, then the troubles of the rest of the tribes would be easily solved. If we can't eliminate the momentum of fighting, the Turks will become stronger and stronger, which will certainly affect the morale of our army. At that time, the war that is easy to fight will also become a battle of hardship. "

Xue Lang was an outsider in the war. He also understood the meaning of the king of Qin. He kept up his courage and went down again and again. When the enemy's voice is powerful, it's time to strike head-on, destroy the enemy's prestige, and strengthen our own prestige.

Li Yuan pondered for a while and said, "map!"

Immediately, an internal servant carried out a huge map. I didn't know what kind of animal skin it was. Naturally, the drawing was not modern and delicate, and the painting style was still so rough and abstract. In any case, Xue Lang followed him around for a while. He could understand the characters, but he could not understand anything else. He could not understand the geographical situation that this map was intended to express.

Li Yuan took a walking stick handed over by his internal servant, lit the map with his stick, and said, "this is Bingzhou and Yuanzhou, which are the places where Jieli soldiers attacked and attacked; these states are the places where Liu Hei Kai made trouble. And these states are bordering on the Turks, and all of them are suffering from Turkic soldiers. "

Li Yuan points at the map and frowns at once -

there are many places bordering on Turks, and Liu Hei Kai, for the Tang army, the defensive pressure is too great! All the ministers frowned, even the king of Qin was frowning and pondering.

A middle-aged minister said directly: "to the sage, Liu Hei Kai and the Turk soldiers are in rebellion, and the jieri interest rate department is entering Yanmen. It can be said that there are internal and external troubles. As the old saying goes, the first thing to do is to set the outside. I think that the imperial court should pacify Liu heikai first, and then Turks. Calming down Liu heikai is only a temporary achievement, but it will take time to wipe out Turks. Therefore, I ask the sage to make peace with the Turks and endure the anger for a while. "

This is for peace.

Li Yuan said: "Zheng Qingyan is reasonable."

It turns out that this guy is Zheng Yuanshou, Taichang Qing. Xue Lang secretly looked at him. The reason why Zheng Yuanshou proposed to make peace was not a weak person, but from the perspective of old man seeking a country.

Since the Sui Dynasty, he has been sent to the Turks for five times. Each time, he was ordered to go back safely and finish his mission. Xue Lang expressed his admiration for such a capable man.

Feng De Yi said: "the minister is against it!"

"Why did the Fengqing family object?"

Li Yuan asked. Feng De Yi said with emotion: "we had already been on guard against Turks going south in our Dynasty. We fought a war without preparation. What's more, since ancient times, how could there be the principle of seeking peace before fighting? Is it not more powerful for the Turks to show weakness to the Turks, and to be trapped in our court and passivity? The minister suggested that we should fight first and discuss peace after winning the war, so that we can take the initiative. "

Li Yuan also nodded: "Fengqing's home is reasonable!"

So, saint, which side do you support?

For a moment, the court officials to fight first or to reconcile, arguing endlessly. Li Yuan did not seem to be able to make up his mind for a while, and he was willing to let the ministers debate about which option was more advantageous.

Hearing his headache, Xue Lang said in a loud voice, "I have something to say to the sage."

"Xue Qing's family, please."

Xue Lang said: "the sage, this is the first year of the Turkic famine. But when famine comes together, can it be over in a year? Moreover, Turks are not good at farming and live on animal husbandry. Their ability to resist disasters is weaker than that of the people in Central Plains. However, both men and women, old and young, are skillful in bowing horses. When they are hungry, their first choice must be to go south and plunder them. In the next few years, the Turks will surely kowtow frequently. Even if they negotiate peace, they will only exchange gold and silver for a short and false peace. However, there has always been only peace fought out, not peace negotiated! "

Xue Lang pauses, accentuates his tone, and goes on: "what's more, if the court is reconciled before the war, what will the subjects of the world think? The so-called upper line, lower will be effective. First of all, there was the Tang Dynasty with iron bone, and then the people of Tang Dynasty who would rather die than surrender! Therefore, I believe that this war must be fought! Moreover, he must beat hard. It's better to beat the Turks with pain. When he thinks about going south next time, he should not use his buttocks to decide his head, but to think about it with his head. Only in this way can we obtain a short-term peace, so that I can release my energy and settle down. And when my internal troubles are settled, the Turks will perish! ""Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

After a burst of applause, even Zheng Yuanshou, who advocated peace, also supported Xue Lang's speech. Looking at Xue Lang, the sage's eyes were full of admiration and said: "the words of Qing family are like the evening drum and morning bell, which are ear shaking and enlightening. I want to rule the people, iron and unyielding, meet the strong not timid, would rather die than surrender, courtesy and integrity! Let's not talk about peace. Let's talk about who can lead the war against the Turkic Jieli Khan? Can the Qing family be recommended? "

This is the last question Xue Lang asked. Xue Lang was asked a little silly. He only knew the famous generals of Zhenguan Dynasty and Gaozu Dynasty He knew a few things but didn't know them in detail. So he thought about it and said, "I'm a saint. I'm not familiar with the generals of my dynasty. I only know that Princess Pingyang has great military achievements and the king of Qin is good at fighting. Now the princess is guarding the pass. Only the king of Qin is in the court. Why not ask the king of Qin

The king of Qin is an expert in war. Xue Lang pushed it to him, and helped his master, Princess Pingyang, to brush his sense of existence. Li Yuan was obviously in a good mood and was good as a runner: "what suggestions does the king of Qin suggest?"

Li Shimin, the king of Qin, immediately got up and stood in front of the map, took over his stick, pointed to the map and said, "according to the sage, the minister suggested that the soldiers can be divided into four routes, one out of Youzhou and the other from Qinzhou, and attack the Turks in the front. In addition, they sent troops to Yunzhong and xiazhou to attack the Turks in order to cut off the Turkic rear road. As for Jie Li I asked myself to lead the troops, with the bed crossbow, the magic arm bow, to meet the Jieli

Prince Jiancheng asked in a startled voice, "the bed crossbow and the magic arm bow have already become an army?"

Looking at the crown prince, the king of Qin replied, "since I have got the bed crossbow and the magic arm bow, my younger brother and I will rush to work day and night, and choose the officers and soldiers under his command to train them. Now it has become the number of a battalion. It is enough to meet the Turks."

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