Xue Lang put down the statement and refused to comment. He looked at Changjian with a serious look on his face and asked, "Changjian, do you have any advantage in accepting that official?"

Chang Jian was shocked: "big boy, how dare you be! How dare you be

Xue Lang was not moved: "since there is no such thing, why do you help that official so much? Also know to see the opportunity to hand over the official report. You make me wonder

Chang Jian was so frightened that he knelt down and said in a hurry: "I really didn't receive any benefits from him, but he was indignant at Gong Shanzhi's indifference to Lang Jun's orders and rules. Lang Jun is the Duke of Changping County, who can be as old as Lang Jun and become the Duke of Jin at such an age? There is no such thing as ancient or modern! "

The tone was full of pride.

Xue Lang nodded, motioning him to continue. Chang Jian said with emotion: "Lang Jun is kind and has a high status. Even if he is a member of Beijing, the crown prince and the king of Qin treat him with courtesy. Gong Shan, a bad old man, was so contemptuous of him. Out of righteous indignation, he listened to the official's private gossip and violated the taboo of the husband. Please punish him

Xue Lang didn't speak and was not angry. He thought quietly for a while. He was so quiet and frugal that his face was blue. He was afraid that Xue Lang would not want him to serve him.

Xue Lang said, "your punishment is for your loyalty. Please write it down for the time being. Now, go and see if Dr. Su is back

Chang Jian raised his head in surprise and saw that Xue Lang didn't have any anger on his face. He kowtowed respectfully: "thank you very much. I'll punish him later. I'm going to see Dr. Su right now

With that, step out quickly.

Xue Lang watched Chang Jian go out. He always knew it. I thought that after beating the sweet potato cultivation, Changjian should have a clear idea of his style of doing things. Unexpectedly, he just went to Chang'an and began to be proud when he came back. Fortunately, Gong Shanzhi happened. Otherwise, it would not be easy to see how long and frugal he was.

It seems that Changjian can only be used as a personal servant. If you go out to represent him, you still need to find a calm one. Although long-term frugality and loyalty are commendable, there is not enough steadiness to calm down. Sooner or later, he will get into trouble.

Xue Lang thought about it. After a while, Chang Jian came back, followed by Su Han --

"Lang Jun, doctor Su is back."

Xue Lang nodded and looked at Su Han: "doctor Su, there is a small matter. I want to ask you to accompany me."

"What's the matter?"

"Follow me to see an officer who has complained of illness."

"So it was, but I went with Xue's advice."

Su Han's promise was incomparably straightforward. Xue Lang directly froze: "don't talk about conditions?"

Su Han Bai Xue Lang glanced at him: "as a doctor, where is there a threat of visiting a doctor! Such practices are detrimental to medical ethics. Although I love delicious food, I can't do it. "

Xue Lang didn't hesitate to give up his thumb. He thought that although Dr. Su had the property of being funny, it didn't affect him to be a good doctor. His medical ethics were also noble.

"What kind of patients are you looking for? What are the symptoms? Please let me know what kind of herbs I need to take

Su Han also very dutiful inquiry. Xue Lang said: "doctor Su only needs to prepare the medicinal materials and utensils that he usually uses."


Su Han went back to the next room to get the medicine box. After su Han arrived, Xue Lang went to Gong Shan's house together. The meritorious officials of the princess residence lived in the folk houses near the princess mansion. It's just that the Pingyang Princess rank is there, and even if weizeguan's house is not as big and luxurious as that in Chang'an, it is not comparable to that of ordinary official residence.

From the side door out of the princess's house, walk a few blocks to arrive. The place was full of meritorious officials and officials in the princess's mansion. The courtyard is not necessarily very big, but the living conditions are broader than modern.

Gong Shan's house is in the middle of an alley with its doors closed. Xue Lang nods to Chang Jian, and Chang Jian immediately goes up and knocks on the door --

"who is it?"

An old man's voice answered the door and opened it. It was an old man dressed as a servant. The old man obviously knew Xue Lang and perhaps Su Han. In short, when he saw the two men, his face changed and his voice was very loud: "consultation of Xue, doctor Su ordered you to come. Please wait a moment. I'll let you know."

With that, he bowed down to make a bow to Xue Lang and Su Han, and then turned around and ran in. He saw that the fast-paced man was not matched by his pale appearance.

Su Han went to Xue Lang and said in a low voice, "did the patients inside hear the servant's voice?"

It's not stupid!

Xue Lang looked at Su Han with a smile and patted his shoulder and back: "wait and see."

"Well, Mr. Xue is right."

His eyes were full of interest in watching the opera, which made Xue Lang very speechless. Isn't it too much to watch?

After a while, the servant came out: "counsellor Xue, doctor Su, my master is not able to see guests at present. Please wait for a moment."Xue Lang picked up his eyebrows and didn't say anything. Su Han had already whispered in his ear and said, "this old servant has the smell of wine. It didn't happen just now. It's only after you go in and out."

Xue Lang nodded and said, "I went to Chang'an for more than a month. When I came back, I heard that Gong cangcao had been ill and had been ill for a long time, but he didn't get better. I still had some friendship with Su Yiling, so I asked him to come and help me. Gong cangcao is inconvenient But is it more serious? Doctor Su, please go and help. "

Su Han said solemnly, "yes! The patient is the most important thing. The rest is just details, which is not important. Please show me the way

The old servant was full of bitterness and wanted to stop him. Xue Lang stepped forward, relying on his height, directly blocked the old servant behind him, and asked Su han to walk forward to see the patient in the backyard.

Go straight to the main hall of the backyard. When you enter the room, there is a smell of wine. Xue Lang looks around. He even sees a small wine cup and even two chicken bones under the table!

Su Han looks as if unintentionally touched Xue Lang with the shoulder, meaning is extremely obvious. Xue Lang was not moved and said directly: "for the sake of Gong cangcao's body, please lead the way."

The old servant sighed and had to lead the way! When I got into the bedroom, I didn't see anyone. I could smell the wine and the deafening snore.

Su Han said, "if you only listen to the snoring sound, you will know that the people in the house are in good health. I think it's not a big problem except drunk. "

Xue Lang only said with a smile: "although I believe in Dr. Su's ability, what I say is that hearing is false and seeing is believing. It's safer to go in and have a look. "

Su Han nodded: "this is reasonable, then go and have a look."

Sure enough, when he got into the house, he saw Gong Shanzhi's robe wide open, revealing his belly in a single suit. Instead of sleeping on the floor, he rolled barefoot on the floor with red cheeks -

"Xue Youyang, who only knew how to use the local people in weizeguan, and only shared his meritorious deeds with them, totally regarded the old people in Beijing as nothing! How eccentric! Burp I'm not drunk. I'll have another drink! "

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