Mr. Xue clearly remembered, before, he was riding his dog along the road. The weather was weird that day, it was still sunny in the morning without a trace of clouds. Dark clouds suddenly covered the sky at noon and it started to rain.

Because they were on an old highway that had been abandoned after construction at high speed, there was almost no traffic flow. It was as if they were blinded by the blinding white light that suddenly appeared on the horizon.

There was only one possibility for the current situation, and that was teleportation. As for which dynasty or place Mr. Xue was teleported to, he was not a professional researcher, so it was impossible to tell by his clothes. Moreover, the most important thing was to find an origin for himself!

Make Up... Make Up... Make it up!

"My name is Mr. Xue. I heard that my ancestor came from Jianang, a place very far away called the Fu Lang Country. I've troubled you to take care of me for a long time, but I still don't know your name. Also, what era was it now? What was the country's name? Who is the current emperor? "

Mr. Xue asked for a long time, and the teenager looked curiously at Mr. Xue: "Fu Lang Ji? What is that place? He had never heard such a strange accent. My name is licorice, and I am the disciple of Weize Pass Doctor Ling Zhengchun. Currently, the Sage is the Li Clan, the country's name is Tang, and my year's number is Wude. This year is the fifth year of Wude. "

The name of the country was Tang, and the year was Wude —

Wasn't that the era of Tang Gao!

For Tang Dynasty whose future might would shake the whole world, their creator, Tang Gao Zu Lee Yuan, had named himself Wude. According to the time of the year, the general guarding Weize Pass should be the legendary son of Li Sanniang — — Pingyang Zhao Princess. Oh, he was not yet hung up. The word 'Zhao' could not be used. He should address this Princess as Lili.

As a hardcore fan of Tang, amateur history enthusiast Mr. Xue paid most attention to Tang Dynasty. He even went to Xi'an three times.

This was considered the fortune of misfortune!

Mr. Xue was both happy and at a loss. He was overjoyed to be able to wear it at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. At least, he had understood it before, but it wasn't like he couldn't be blind and understand nothing at all. Blank is a modern man, how do you survive in ancient times? This was a problem that needed careful consideration.

He felt something hot and wet touching his palm. It was soy milk licking his hand. Was this comforting him? The soy milk was still as gentle as ever.

Amongst the four dogs, he was the most gentle and gentle one. He was not as lively as the steamed bun, nor as cold as the steamed bun. His temper was very gentle like Labrador. The only time he got angry was to protect his master, Mr. Xue. Only that time did he act like a virtuous Mu.

Earlier, when he was just feeling a little down, the soy milk noticed it and licked his hands to comfort him as usual. Indeed, he had become smarter, and his senses were sharper and more human. Therefore, how could he not cheer up!

"Good girl!"

Mr. Xue's heart was warm as he comforted it softly.

The licorice looked at them curiously, "My husband's four dogs are very smart and very intelligent. If it wasn't for them, my husband would probably have been frozen to death in this weather. "

"Is that so? What was the situation then? I'm confused, and I'm not sure. Could you tell me something about the little licorice brother? "

Mr. Xue asked himself how it was when he was rescued. Like all passionate and curious teenagers, licorice was very interested in Mr. Xue's rescue.

Four dogs, two to protect their owners, two to call for help. Who wouldn't like such a smart, intelligent dog? Who wouldn't want to boast? Who wouldn't envy him? Especially children like licorice, who are more interested.

Mr. Xue was both surprised and touched by what he said about him being saved. In the past, Mr. Xue raised dogs to watch over the house and protect the yard. In the future, he would treat Steamed Bun and Steamed Bun as family that was dependent on each other for their lives.

He made a silent decision in his heart and asked Liu Gan, "Little brother Liu Li, who is the general that saved me? Can you let me thank you in person? "

Liquorice smiled and comforted him, "Don't worry, my husband. The general likes my husband's dogs. During the two days when my husband was unconscious, he kept asking about my husband's condition. He said that after he recovers, he will call me to see him."

As he spoke of the general, Liquorice's tone was very respectful. It was obvious that he was very fond of the general. He just didn't know if the General mentioned by licorice was that Princess Pingyang!

Mr. Xue was also curious to know what kind of person this legendary Princess was. From a man's point of view, Mr. Xue secretly hoped this Princess was a beauty whose beauty and strength were equal.

It was unknown whether it was due to teleportation or falling down, but other than feeling weak all over, Mr. Xue felt especially tired. Just saying a few words made him feel tired. However, there was one problem that had yet to be resolved …

"Little Brother licorice, you said that I've been unconscious for two days?"

"Exactly. Master said that my husband was severely injured. If it wasn't for the good old ginseng that the general had bestowed upon me, I wonder if my husband would be able to wake up. "

The licorice was full of admiration for his general. Mr. Xue was a bit embarrassed. Not only did he pick him up, he even got a doctor, and gave him ginseng for treatment. He felt that he owed him a great favor: "I really don't know how to repay that general for such a great favor.

The licorice tucked him in and comforted him, "My husband has not recovered yet, and is still recovering. Everything will wait until my husband is fully recovered."

Mr. Xue responded and temporarily suppressed his thoughts. He quickly said, "I got it. I'll be troubling you to take care of me for the next few days."

"No worries, it's my duty as a doctor. This is what I should do." "Husband, rest well."

"Yes." That's right! Steamed buns, steamed buns, soy milk, and youtiao! "Come here!"

Liquorice looked at Mr. Xue in confusion. Seeing that the four dogs were running over to surround Mr. Xue, his expression immediately collapsed. "Lang …" "Husband, the names of these four dogs are …"

Anyone who had a pet would introduce it to others in a very happy and proud manner. Mr. Xue was no exception. He could not keep his smile, "

"This is the steamed bun, this is the steamed bun. The steamed bun and the steamed bun are the wolf green." This is the steamed bun, this is the steamed bun. This was soy milk and youtiao, both of them Demus, with lighter back and belly hair, rounder eyes and longer eyelashes. This was a beautiful female dog, with dark fur and belly hair, and a handsome, handsome face, the most handsome of the dogs. Come, children, say hello to the licorice, and thank him for taking care of us! "

"Woof woof!"

The dogs gave him a lot of face. Liu Gan first looked confused, then his mouth twitched. He gave Mr. Xue a weird look, then looked at the dogs. His eyes seemed to have pity in them, and he said in an unbelievable tone, "This is a steamed bun? Is this a steamed bun? "

"Wrong!" It was the opposite! "This is a steamed bun, this is a steamed bun."

licorice smiled embarrassedly and scratched its head, "how did my husband see the difference? It all seems the same to me. "

"I've been raised from a young age, so of course I can tell. You can sort it out after a while. Right? "Steamed Bun!"

Steamed Bun waved his tail enthusiastically. Even though he had become smarter, he was still as lively as ever. The corner of Liquorice twitched again as he muttered softly, "Why would my husband call such handsome dogs steamed buns?" What a pity. "

Mr. Xue asked boldly: "Don't you think that name is cute and has a personality? "It's more like my family's steamed bun."

The licorice looked at Mr. Xue, then at the dogs, speechless. If licorice had come into contact with the modern internet, he would definitely understand that this was called the collapse of the world. Mr. Xue was clearly an amiable man, and the four dogs were also extremely intelligent, so why did they have to do this for them …? Hm, what about the weird name? Obviously, the licorice root does not understand, the comical world is not to be understood by ordinary people. However —

"Husband, what is a youtiao?"

"It's also edible!"

The corner of Liquorice's mouth twitched once again, as if he regretted asking this question. He quickly asked something else: "Cough, my husband, Bao..." What kind of food do the buns feed? "For the past two days, no one has been feeding them and they have not eaten a single bite. All they have done is to protect their husband. Such loyalty is truly touching."

As he mentioned the name of the dog, the licorice plant had yet to recover and it was stuttering.

He was indeed young. Mr. Xue looked at the licorice with encouragement, completely baffled by what he saw. Mr. Xue sighed and said, "Yeah, if it wasn't for Steamed Bun and the others, it would still be a problem whether I could survive or not. "Also, Steamed Bun and the others don't accept food from others. How about this, steamed buns. You guys go out and find food for yourselves."

Mr. Xue stared at the steamed buns. The dogs had become smarter, but Mr. Xue wasn't sure how smart they were. However, he could try it out from here.

The steamed bun tilted its head as if it was thinking about something. It barked at the other dogs, turned its head around, bit its own bag, and then looked at Mr. Xue — —

Was this to let him take off his dog backpack?

He never expected to become so smart! If Mr. Xue could move, he would have hugged the dogs and rubbed them vigorously before stopping. However, he couldn't move. He had to get the licorice to help unpack the dogs' backpacks. The four dogs were very cooperative, standing still while the licorice helped.

Mr. Xue was surprised and happy at the same time. He tried to continue instructing: "If you can catch a pheasant or hare, bring two more back."

"Woof woof!"

The steamed bun barked twice, and the four dogs came out one by one. Mr. Xue blinked. Did you understand?

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