I had a chat with Princess highness in the main hall for a while. The royal highness of the princess estimated that she was in love with the Liu magistrate. Obviously she felt that she had never talked about it, or sent Xue Lang to the next door to do something.

As soon as Xue Lang went in, she received several small eye knives swished by Liu nuguan. Liu nuguan's face seemed to be smiling, but her eye knife was sharp and swish: "Xue Lord is thin, coming?"

Xue Zhubo's three words are really stirring and gnashing his teeth. Xue Lang Khan, this is to remind him that the Lord Bo Mingming is Xue Lang, but it is Liu nuguan who works?

Fortunately, Liu's female officials are literate and pay attention to the gentleman's words and not their actions. Xue Lang Hei hei, laughing and laughing: "in fact, it came early, went to the plantation for an hour, and was dragged by the princess for an hour. Where are the books? I'll sort it out. "


Xue Langquan listened to this arrogant little hum as a song. She moved the account books piled on one side with a smile. Although Liu Nanguan hum, she had already put them in chronological order. Xue Lang only needs to sort out the numbers and check it with the general account.

These account books look more, in fact, is mainly written in Chinese characters, the number of paper. At this time, the books were read vertically from left to right, and every expenditure was clearly remembered. However, it is not concise and detailed enough.

Princess Han Jin used to be a thinner. A year ago, the former main book died of illness. After that, he was led by Han Jin and his leading book. His royal highness did not send him any more. Therefore, the account books and documents are not many, mainly the trivial records.

Of the account books of the five big boxes, there are four big boxes which record the old accounts, but they should be kept by the master book, so they are all handed over.

Chen Zhang Xue Lang didn't take care of it first. He had already passed the Chen account of two people's hands. In fact, there was no need to check it. Han Jin's acceptance means that he must have checked the accounts before taking over, and there is no problem.

What Xue Lang wants to check is after Han Jin takes over. Check the figures. He ordered people to find Chang Jian, brought in the book box, took out the pen and ruler from the book box, and asked Liu nuguan for a large piece of uncut Xuan paper. Xue Lang began to fold the paper in half and cut it to the required size.

After cutting, start drawing tables. Xue Lang can make a simple bookkeeping book. When he does something by himself, he does it by himself. If he is asked to do something complicated like balance sheet, he will certainly not be able to do it. However, it is really a small card company to make a simple general account book, cash flow account and so on.

The form is mainly for the accounts he manages later. Before Xue Lang took over, he found a piece of paper to calculate the monthly figures on the paper, and then calculate the annual accounts.

Because of the fragmentary and non-standard bookkeeping, I haven't got a clue until dinner time in the afternoon. In the Tang Dynasty, there was no electric light, and now there was no glass window. The light in the room was not bright. For the sake of his eyes, Xue Lang didn't want to work overtime. He said hello to Liu nuguan and left work voluntarily.

Liu nuguan's face was full of confusion. She was about to bite her silver teeth at Xue Lang's refusal to work overtime. She stood up and walked away with her skirt in her hand.

Xue Lang didn't care about her. After work, he called on Chang Jian to go home together. When he came to the door of his house, he remembered the mung beans, soybeans and leek seeds that people had asked for this morning, and called out Wanfu: "Wanfu!"

"Mr. Lang, what can I do for you?"

"You and Chang Jian go to the plantation and ask Ma Yuanliang for two useless pots and carry some soil back."

"Here it is."

A good servant never asks his master why he should do so. A good servant will only obey his master's orders. Obviously, Wanfu and thrifty are good servants.

Xue Lang went back to the backyard himself. As soon as he came in, soybean milk, steamed buns and fried dough sticks came flying over. The steamed bread was standing under the porch eaves, gazing at this side quietly. That fan'er was simply.

As soon as he entered the door, Moshu and Chimonanthus praecox came up to him --

Xue Lang looked at the hem of his clothes. Although he had paid great attention to it, he was still not careful to get dirty when he was doing things. Xue Lang was a little embarrassed: "the clothes are dirty again! Or, ink bamboo, would you please make me a short brown suit? In case I'm not used to the robe, and I'll get dirty by accident. "

Mo Zhu Bai Xue Lang glanced: "Lang Jun is the person who wants to go to your highness. Where can you always wear short brown? It's better to change clothes for Lang Jun more than to wear short brown. I remember that when I first moved in that day, the female officer Liu had left cloth and cut it out for her husband

Then he changed his clothes for Xue Lang and went to the warehouse.

The storehouse, Xue Lang thought, was about the most barren warehouse. There were three poor rolls of cloth in it, which was given by Liu Nu Guan that day.


chatting with his royal highness today is inspiring Xue Lang's inspiration to earn money. There are several businesses that can be done, of which two are reserved for future Emperor Taizong to do so again.

now, there's one thing you can talk to your highness. He can't talk with his highness. He has no capital. He can't do business without capital. I hope your royal highness will not be too smart when it comes to business.

Not long after Xue Lang came back, xiuniang cooked the dinner and bought him bean sprouts. This season, bean sprouts are not easy to grow, and they are expensive to sell.The weight given is even less after stir frying, that is, two or three chopsticks. However, Xue Lang, who hasn't eaten fried vegetables since crossing, is still quite satisfied. He eats two steamed buns directly with fried bean sprouts. If it's white rice, he can get three bowls.

In fact, Xue Lang's favorite way to eat bean sprouts is to put them in boiled fish, or scald them with boiling water, and have a cold sauce, which is very sour and spicy. Unfortunately, the pepper seeds have not been sown, it is too early to eat chili.

After dinner, Wanfu and Changjian have brought the basin and soil back. First take a basin, mix the soil with plant ash, sprinkle leek seeds, water, and let Wanfu shovel some horse manure in the stable.

After finishing, they will move directly to the spare room where the sun can't shine. After that, they don't have to worry about it. They just need to water and fertilize from time to time. Leek is a very fertilizer consuming vegetable.

The simplest is bean sprouts. Xue Lang asked for advice: "want to eat mung bean sprouts or soybean sprouts?"

"Mung bean sprouts!"

This is moso bamboo. "Langjun, soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts are delicious. If you want to eat anything, you can get what you want, and then you can get lucky. "

Xue Lang looks at Mo Zhu, which means that wintersweet can talk more. When he turned away his face, he felt disdainful to look at it. Xue Lang laughed, and he even gave him a pot to eat together.

Call xiuniang: "you see what I do, and I'll give it to you later!"

Xiuniang's eyes were wide open and her voice was very excited: "Lang Is the husband going to teach the maid? "

Xue Lang has not yet responded, Mo Zhu has called out: "Lang Jun!"

Xue Lang did not understand to look at her, ink bamboo language with anger: "Lang Jun's ability how to teach others at will!"

Xue Lang laughs: "sprouting bean sprouts is also a skill? It's not worth anything. It's very simple. You can learn whatever you want. "


"Of course, it's true. Basically, it's OK to read it once."

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