"The people went on."

The way the sage laughs.


"If Xue Lang's policy can be implemented smoothly, it will be beneficial for the country and the people," the king of Qin continued. However, the biggest problem is also implementation, whether it can be carried out smoothly is a test! "

The saint nodded and expressed his approval.

"The prince said," I think of the implementation! A bad, the country broke down in front of the eyes. "

Father and son have a few faces are more dignified, know is a good strategy, but, how to implement is a big problem.


It was the king of Qin and Princess Pingyang to open up. Qin Wang smiled and said, "elder sister is long, elder sister said first!"

Princess Pingyang also refused to give her head to her brother, and then said, "father, Xue Lang offered three strategies, but the order of salt making was in front of the paper making center, and the book was finally built?"

Qin Wang smiled: "elder sister, younger brother and you think of one place also."

It seems that the king of Qin wants to say the same thing as Princess Pingyang.

The sage Li Yuan looked at the prince vaguely, but he could not see the difference on his face. "When Xuelang gave his advice, he said that the three strategies should be first and two strategies should be taken first, and the last was to build the book."

The prince blinked, biting his teeth secretly, insisting: "even if the new salt making and papermaking were carried out first, there was no benefit in the book building, and it was not enough to shake the scholars' foundation, so it was still dangerous to build the book."

"The salt making method written in Xuelang's memorial is all laymen, I don't know if it can succeed or not," said the king of Qin. However, if we want to succeed, we must first select the suitable site, and then we will try the trial production. If this method is completed, and the increase of salt tax is put into the national treasury, I estimate that the fastest time will also be three years, and the slow one will not be necessary for four or five years. And the paper making method, if the paper is produced first, it should be faster than salt production, a year is enough. But to add a large scale, it will take a long time to come. If there is a buffer between the two days, the situation in the world should change or it is unknown if it can be implemented. "

The prince robbed the white way: "the original Erlang also has no grasp of implementation. And not to mention anything else, we need to wait for many days. If this policy can be kept secret, if it is disclosed, it is known by the aristocratic family The consequences are unthinkable. "

The king of Qin has not spoken yet. Li Yuan, the sage above the throne, has said: "the history of the left and the right has been strictly ordered by me, and now only my father and son know it."

Prince a Lin, even busy way: "son will be strict confidentiality, keep mouth like a bottle."

The saint nodded and said, "even if there is no time to implement the book at last, only by these three strategies, Xue Lang has a profound vision and a true statesman!"

This is a high evaluation!

The prince coveted the saint father silently, and did not speak. The king of Qin thought about the color, and said, "father, I was established in the early days, and the world was not flat, we should implement the policy of giving a light corvee and a modest Fu, otherwise, I would be afraid to shake the national foundation. However, the Treasury is not rich because of years of war. If the technology of salt production can be achieved, the policy of "giving a small amount of money" can enrich the Treasury. This is the best policy! "

The sage smiled and stroked the way: "yes! The best part of this policy is here! If it can be achieved, why worry about the Treasury is not rich? "

If the Treasury can increase revenue

The prince also smiled on his face: "the purpose of salt making is here, what is the purpose of papermaking?"

Li Yuan did not answer, but looked at the king of Qin: "Erlang and Jianling can you think through it?"

Qin Wang shook his head: "I can't think about it."

"If you ask the purpose of paper making, your daughter knows a little bit," replied Princess Pingyang, who has been silent all the time

The sage said, "since Jianling has thought through, he will give ah ye a share with your brother."


Princess Pingyang said: "when xuelongchu was in my mansion, I saw whether he was a scholar or not. He asked him curiously. He once told me that in his growing up country, whether men and women, they entered school since childhood, and studied different subjects from Tang Dynasty. In his idle talk, he talked about the problem of knowledge popularization rate, and then discussed why the aristocratic family can be eunuch and lasting for generations. "

"What does the popularity of knowledge mean?" the prince asked

Princess Pingyang explained to her that day that day, she repeated her words, but she did not go without a word, and it was clear that Princess Pingyang was also a person who was well-known and strong.

The sage, Prince and King Qin understood it when they heard it. The king praised: "it's a wonderful word."

The sage said, "how does Xue Lang talk about the official affairs of the aristocratic family and the aristocratic generation?"

"To her father, Xue Lang once said that the popularization of knowledge and the opening of people's wisdom, in addition to the teacher's teaching, the most basic thing is the dissemination of books. And books and knowledge, from Han to Jin, after the Sui and several dynasties before the north and south, most of them still master in the hands of aristocratic families. Compared with many scholars of the aristocratic family, the poor have geometry? Even if I have the honor to enter school, the cost of ink, paper and inkstone is also a big burden in the poor family. "

"The father, the son of the heaven, there are the Han men in the mansion. They once said that the thirty old Mingjing, the fifty young scholars. If you want to succeed in reading, you will not have to produce these many years, and the poor can't afford it. "Princess Pingyang agreed: "Xue Lang said the same thing. In the long run, more and more books and knowledge will be concentrated in the hands of aristocratic families. The children of poor families have no way to study, so they can only do so for generations. Naturally, it is impossible to find a group of illiterate people to govern the country. Naturally, officials can only be selected from the gentry. After generations of officials have accumulated, there will naturally be a family of prominent officials, and the government will inevitably be dominated by aristocratic families. "

Speaking of this, Princess Pingyang stopped and suddenly said with a smile, "come on, Xue Lang has a wonderful metaphor for this situation. He compared the power of the family and the state to a piece of cake. Xue Lang said that the cake is so big that everyone wants to eat it. Naturally, the fewer people share, the better. If there are more people, the less they will get. "

The father and son almost took a breath when they heard it. The sage said with a solemn face: "this metaphor is quite wonderful. It gives you a sense of sudden relief."

The crown prince frowned and looked gloomy: "even if we know that the aristocratic families control the government, but the court needs people, and the poor families have no talents, only the aristocratic families can have talents. How can I do it

The king of Qin was full of contemplation and asked, "elder sister, What Can Xue Lang do to solve this situation?"

Princess Pingyang said, "Xue Lang said that the most direct way is to increase the circulation of books and knowledge, reduce the cost of publishing books, and provide more ways for people to study. In this way, as time goes on, the number of scholars from poor families will inevitably increase, but the situation that the government is dominated by aristocratic families will be changed! "

Speaking of this, the father and son together showed a sudden color, and the king of Qin admired him and said, "it turns out that Xue Lang's intention to present papermaking is here! Xue langzhen, a national scholar

Even the crown prince can't help but take it with his heart. He nodded his head and agreed with the words of the king of Qin. However, his eyes were a little dim and unclear --

why can't such talents be used by me!

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