Xue Lang Su Rong said: "fourth, the implementation of the law of losing nationality! With the implementation of this law, many vagabonds and hidden households have been seized. If the number of households increases, the taxes will increase. At the same time, the number of households will increase. Because of the equal field system, the cultivated land will naturally increase, the income of the Treasury will naturally rise, and the economy will naturally be more prosperous than in the past. "

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, tax collection was based on households, not on population. Five years before the opening of the emperor, Emperor Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty had implemented the method of losing money, and had made a nationwide census. The government checked the age and appearance of the registered residence according to the information of the census register, and tested whether there was a strong relationship between Zhuang and Ding.

In ancient times, population was wealth. Many hidden families and vagrants were seized at once. The number of households in the country naturally increased, and the financial revenue of the Sui Dynasty suddenly increased a lot.

Xue Lang said: "the minister thought that the subjugation of the former Sui Dynasty had something to do with the law of losing nationality."

The king of Qin was startled and asked, "why is it related to the cause of national subjugation that the law of losing nationality increased the revenue of the state treasury?"

"Because it involves something about the ability to withstand a crisis," Xue Lang said

"Crisis tolerance?"

The king of Qin chewed the word carefully, and his eyes lit up and said, "this is easy to understand, but where is it? People would like to hear more about it. "

Xue Lang said: "during the period of Emperor Wen of the former dynasty, the National Treasury was abundant and the national strength was strong. In addition to the reasons mentioned by the former minister, there is another reason that is the law of losing nationality. The implementation of the law did increase the number of households and tax revenue of the former dynasty, but the increase was a virtual increase, not a real increase. The result is that behind the seemingly prosperous growth of the former dynasty's finance and economy, there is actually a great crisis! "


"Yes, the crisis."

Xue Lang said: "with the present level of agricultural production, many farmers can not even feed themselves. The level of tax is directly related to the survival of farmers. That is to say, the people have no savings in their hands. The most intuitive consequence is that they have no ability to bear the crisis. To put it bluntly, people's family background has become thin. "

"The family becomes thinner?"

If the king of Qin thinks about it.

Xue Lang said solemnly, "yes, it's that the family has become thinner. Originally, a large family was divided into several households, and the division of family means the division of production. With the separation of industries, the labor force will naturally be divided. During the period of Emperor Yangdi of Sui Dynasty, corvee was required to dig all kinds of canals and the grand canal between Beijing and Hangzhou. If there is no labor force, the number of people engaged in agricultural production will naturally be insufficient, and the number of people who are naturally hungry will increase. Starvation is killing people

If more people die, the problem will become bigger!

In fact, the policy of Emperor Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty was good. However, the timing of its implementation was not right. He made a wrong assessment of the prosperity and affordability of the world's economy. Therefore, he was decisive and broke away. It was a tragedy!

The king of Qin thought for a while and blurted out, "why did the Duke of Xue propose three strategies to the sage?"

Xue Lang pretended to be surprised and asked, "how does the king know?"

The king of Qin said frankly: "yesterday, the sage called me to discuss with the prince and sister Pingyang. Don't worry about it. The sage has ordered it not to be spread out. Shimin was shocked by the news yesterday. He thought about these three strategies all day. The more he thought about them, the more he thought about them, the more profound he felt. So today, he couldn't help stopping the magistrate and solving his doubts. "

Xue Lang said, "I see. Still that sentence, to solve the problem of farmers is the most fundamental problem of the country, how to deal with the problem of farmers is the fundamental problem of long-term stability of the country. And how to solve the problem of farmers, land is the key. Today, the national capital is being dealt with. After years of war, the number of households and the increase or decrease of land, the imperial court has no exact data. Some of the problems can be fundamentally solved by preparing for the establishment of the fish scale and yellow books. This is the reason I put forward. However, the minister also stated in the Shuo that the implementation of these two policies needs timing and caution. Otherwise, good things will easily turn into bad ones. "

Speaking of this, Xue Langton stopped and said with a look of Contemplation: "since the king has seen the minister's sparring, he should know that the establishment of the fish scale book and the yellow book is the last policy. Now that the world is not peaceful is not a good time to set up these two books. Let's wait until the world is settled down, and then we will talk about it after the military power of our country is strong. The three policies proposed by the minister are all aimed at the long-term, and only the expansion of salt tax is considered to be short-term. "

The king of Qin suddenly said, "so it is. Xue Jun Gong's foresight and foresight, the people of the world just learned it today, and the people admire it! "

Being praised for his farsightedness, Xue Lang blushed a little. He spoke on the shoulders of the great sages of all dynasties. He was not really farsighted and guilty. "Even busy way:" the king flatters, Minister shame

The king of Qin waved his hand with a smile and sighed, "it's a pity to see that a good policy can't be implemented."

Xue Lang said: "governing a big country is like cooking small fresh food, which is neither urgent nor slow. I want to know the truth of it

The king of Qin shook his head and said, "No. I'm not afraid of county officials' jokes. Since Taiyuan, Shimin has taken on the military post. When they march and fight, Shimin dares to claim that they have rich experience. However, in terms of political affairs, Shimin is still a novice with shallow experience and needs to learn and accumulate. "

No wonder the king of Qin can become the future Emperor Taizong Tianhan! I think his open-minded attitude towards learning is also the key!Thinking carefully about the experience of the king of Qin, it was not plain sailing at the beginning. When the king of Qin led the army at the beginning, he also suffered losses and lost battles. At the moment, perhaps it is because he has a positive learning attitude and an open mind. He should be extremely tough for the people's heart, and learn and accumulate from failure, so that he has the military talent Li Shimin.

Now, the prince and the sage have transferred him back to deal with political affairs because of his military achievements. For the king of Qin at this time, he was still a novice in political affairs. Although he had a positive heart for learning and an open-minded attitude, learning and accumulation needed a process. I don't think so. No wonder Xue langce. Therefore, I just borrow an excuse to ask for advice today.

In the past, Xue Lang did not feel deeply about the so-called personality charm of the future Emperor Taizong and the present-day Er Feng Jun, but today, he has a profound feeling. There are many people who are smart and talented, but few are smart, talented and diligent. Obviously, er Feng Jun is one of them.

Xue Lang said yes!

It is no wonder that the prince Jiancheng, who is not bad, will lose to the king of Qin. If he was a minister in the imperial court, his attitude between the crown prince and such a two phoenix monarch would naturally be a bowl of water, but in the bottom of his heart, he might be inclined to the king of Qin. It's not that the prince doesn't work hard, but the elegant demeanor of the king of Qin. The prince can't stop it.

Xue Lang felt that she could discuss the dispute between the prince and the king of Qin in the bottom of her heart. However, Xue Lang, who knew the future development, had the responsibility to ensure the safety of the two. Today, she also took the opportunity to form a good relationship with the king of Qin.

is more concerned about his royal highness than Xue and Wang. Only wish your royal highness live long and well, so that this life is enough.

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