"See the saint!"

Not long after Xue Lang had passed, the sage arrived, accompanied by the prince and his wife, the king of Qin and the king of Qi, while the ministers were only a few from the political affairs hall. Accompanied by the princess, the eldest princess died early, the oldest surviving is Xiangyang princess, the sixth princess or little Lori, the age difference is very big. The same is true of the prince who came with him. Under Li Yuanji, the biggest one is Li Yuanjing, or a little Zhengtai.

These Princess Lori and Prince Zhengtai were born after the sage Li Yuan was more than 50 years old. Xue Lang silently calculated the age of his father-in-law, as well as the number of Laurie and Zhengtai, and gave the old father-in-law a thumbs up in his heart --

his father-in-law is old and strong, and his firepower is fierce!

Because she was not married, Princess Pingyang could not sit at the same table as other princesses and her husband-in-law. Xue Lang was arranged to sit next to the fifth princess's son-in-law.

The sage glanced at the seats of the princess and the princes, looked at Princess Pingyang, and looked at Xue Lang, with a somewhat satisfied look. He said with a smile to the ministers of the political affairs hall: "it's already a festival, but there is no unmarried daughter in my family. Liuniang is still young. Do you have unmarried children in your family

Pei Ji, with a stiff expression, said with a bitter smile: "there are still young girls and sixteen unmarried wives in my family. A minister should protect the matchmaker for Princess Pingyang, and the sage should also protect a matchmaker for the minister. "

Xue Lang poked at Pei Ji's wrinkled face and calculated the age of sixteen Niang in his heart This is the old woman. These old men That's it! Yami tofu!

It's rare to celebrate the festival. The old men in the political affairs hall didn't talk to the sage about political affairs, and the sage didn't have Wei Zheng's admonishments who couldn't see the emperor's pleasure. Naturally, the festival was very happy.

A group of old men quietly flattered the sage, which made the sage laugh and felt very beautiful. Xue Lang quietly raised his ears to listen and planned to learn.

The rules between the emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty were not as strict as those of the later dynasties, and the rules of drinking and dining were not so clear. The old saints were amused by the old men of the political affairs hall. The young men made a pile of them, and the women's wives made a pile of them, and they talked about each other.

At the top of Xue Lang's seat is Princess Xiangyang's son-in-law, while at the bottom is the son-in-law of Princess Gaomi. Xiangyang princess's son-in-law is about the same age as the crown prince, both in their early thirties, while Princess Gaomi's son-in-law is similar to Xue Lang.

Maybe the age gap is too big. After Xiangyang princess's son-in-law nods to Xue Lang, he doesn't answer. He squints his eyes and concentrates on enjoying the song.

But it was Princess Gaomi's son-in-law, who said to Xue Lang with a smile: "the third brother-in-law is polite. My younger brother Duan Lun has met her husband. I have been intimate with my brother-in-law for a long time, but I'm lucky enough to see him today. "

This section of Lun is actually a warm and active person, quite a bit familiar with the meaning. This kind of style makes Xue Lang think of his good friend Wei, who is also very good at communicating with people.

Xue Lang replied. Although he was not an active and enthusiastic person, he had a good base friend who was familiar with himself. He was very fond of the enthusiastic and active people. He asked with a smile, "should I call your brother-in-law from kindness?"

Duan Lun laughed and said: "this is not a bad thing, we are the relationship of brothers."

Xue Lang nodded with a smile and picked up his glass: "I'm stupid. How about having a drink first?"

"To my third brother-in-law."

Duan Lun was there, which relieved Xue Lang's embarrassment. Duan Lun was a warm-hearted man. Interestingly, he was still a fan of steamed buns and steamed buns. After drinking three cups of wine, he took Xue Lang to inquire about the situation of steamed buns.

Duan Lun said: "it's a pity that my younger brother will return to Yizhou after the festival. Otherwise, if I can hunt with my brother-in-law, I will enjoy the spirit dog."

The sage didn't know if they had drunk too much. Instead, they called on the prince, the king of Qin and the king of Qi. The father and the son each took an instrument from the musician's hand to perform the music of peace.

Pei Ji, the crafty old man, got up from his seat and danced in the field after the music started. The clumsy dance made the sage who played the lute laugh.

Xue Lang was stunned and immediately couldn't help laughing out --

probably no other dynasty could be like the Tang Dynasty! No matter the emperor or the minister, or the ordinary people, they are all bold and cheerful, and they like to be lively. No matter what the festival is, it's all about eating, drinking, entertainment, singing and dancing. It can be regarded as seizing every opportunity to enjoy life. It gives people an open-minded, optimistic, warm and cheerful feeling.

As for the Shangyuan Festival and Shangsi festival that Xue Lang spent after he came to Chang'an, in the dynasties before the Tang Dynasty, most of them had something to do with reminiscence and commemoration. In the Tang Dynasty, no matter what festival, it was all about eating, drinking, singing and dancing. All these became the time for everyone to enjoy the beautiful scenery, food and beauty.

Such a unique temperament, throughout China's 5000 year history, can really be regarded as unique. This is unique to the Tang Dynasty temperament.

Xue Lang smiles and claps his hands gently with the beat. Duan Lun is not busy chatting with Xue Lang either. He looks at the ministers dancing in the field with a smile on his face and turns his head to encourage Xue Lang: "do you want to dance for the third brother-in-law?"Xue Lang shook his head firmly: "no!"

Duan Lun said with a smile: "I want to go! The third brother-in-law should sit in peace. "

With that, the boy went out dancing!

After a piece of music was played, the dancers in the field and the performers off the field all laughed and looked very happy. Although Xue Lang didn't participate in it, he thought it was good.

The sage played a performance with his three sons, and the dancers returned to their respective seats. The Kabuki of the Jiaofang Department came back to the stage, singing and dancing with beauties, and the banquet would be held again.

Xue Lang picked up his glass with a smile, and felt that the slightly sour liquor was also delicious. Feel shoulder was patted, look back, it is Ru GUI. Such as GUI attached to his ear in a low voice: "son-in-law, you can go outside to walk, scattered wine."

Xue Lang nodded and got up. Under the guidance of Rugui, she quietly withdrew from the hall. Beside the Qujiang lake, the graceful and graceful Princess Pingyang was standing in a graceful posture.

"Your Highness!"

Because of the presence of outsiders, Xue Lang consciously did not call her maiden name. When Pingyang princess heard the sound, she turned back with a calm smile on her face and said, "we had a drink just now. Let's walk around the pool and have some wine."

Xue Lang nodded and accompanied Princess Pingyang for a walk by Qujiang pool. Qujiang pool is very large, and a place with good scenery, location and location is specially designated for the royal family to visit. Weeping willows are planted by the pond. In March of spring, willow branches are newly sprouted. With the gentle spring breeze, it is a pleasant season.

Xue Lang didn't get out of the mood just now and said with a smile, "I never thought that Shangsi Festival banquet would be like this!"

Princess Pingyang said: "today, the sage is in a good mood, so there is such a scene."

After that, he looked at Xue Lang strangely, and his eyes seemed to be angry. Xue Lang didn't understand. He felt his head and couldn't think of a reason: "why does your highness see me like this?"

"Youyang knows what festival it is today?"

"Shangsi Festival!"

Princess Pingyang stopped talking and looked at him.

Xue Lang blinked and blinked again and again. He suddenly remembered Su Han, who was waiting to meet his sweetheart by chance. He responded -

although he and Princess Pingyang have already decided their place, they are also unmarried men and women! It's time to make an appointment. No wonder her royal highness will make him cry out.

Xue Lang apologized to Princess Pingyang and patted her forehead. It's no wonder that Princess Pingyang dislikes such a festival! Cough Change the topic, change the topic! But what topic should we change?

Xue Lang, who is not good at talking, is a bit silly. He remembers that Su Han, who also wants to "meet" his sweetheart today, is also a good base friend with low Eq. can Dr. Su hansu find his sweetheart?

Xue Lang said he was worried!

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