With all kinds of talents introduced by Xue Xie began to work in the government, Su Han got out of business and asked Princess Pingyang to help him with activities and put him in a position in the imperial medical office. Su Han happily ran to the imperial medical office every day, or discussed medical knowledge with others, or devoted himself to the collection of books of the imperial medical office. He was not willing to spend his energy on business.

Xue Xue's talent is also very awesome. He used to manage a lot of things, and for a month, Xue Lang directly promoted him to a big management affair and was responsible for all business of Xue Fu. Zhu Baocai also took the guards and the boys to run around. The sugar blocks and sugarcane purchased by Zhu Baocai saved three percent of the cost when Su Han was in charge!

Xue Lang looks at the account book is very speechless. As expected, professional things should be handed over to professional people. Before, he was also wronged and troubled Su Han. Everything in the

house is on track, and the energy of Xue Lang can be put on the official business at most. Every day, the time is fixed to work and work, eat, exercise and rest. Sometimes you can talk with your royal highness, speak and live happily.


Before dawn in the morning, the bell for the grand assembly rang through the city, and all officials in Beijing were required to attend it. Xue Lang was awakened directly from his dream and got up from bed. He Xiang was holding his official robe to serve him to dress. Wintersweet brought a water basin to serve him to wash. All things came together to make him go out to court in the shortest time.

After a quick wash, he took the food box from Hexiang and got into the carriage. As he went to the palace gate, he stuffed steamed bread into his mouth and padded his stomach with millet porridge. When he got to xiamaqiao, he had just finished a bowl of millet porridge and two steamed bread, which made him feel full.

He got out of the carriage and walked quickly to the palace. All along the way, all the officials who came to the court and said hello to each other. Almost all of them said as they walked, and no one stopped.

After arriving at the xuanzheng hall, people soon came to the hall. As soon as the sage sat down, he announced and preached: "last night, we received an urgent 800 Li rush. Fu Yun led the Ministry to invade Fangzhou, and Fangzhou governor's office fled to Songzhou as a tree! As expected, Tuguhun has sent troops! "

The crown prince took the lead in saying: "this matter has been prepared in the imperial court, and the army, horse, grain and grass are already ready. Since Fu Yun dares to come, I should fight for it in the Tang Dynasty."

The sage nodded his head and ordered: "then, according to the arrangement made a few days ago, he took Ye Qing, the governor of Qizhou, as the commander, and Sima Jiang of Qizhou came to assist him in fighting Tuyuhun!"

"Here it is

Menxia province immediately began to draft the imperial edict, and sent the people eight hundred miles in a hurry. After that, there was the transfer of grain, grass and troops. These were the six departments. Xue Lang was in charge of the Ministry of finance. Naturally, he was not free. According to the local regulations, how much grain and grass should be allocated, where to allocate, and quickly distributed.

Although prepared in advance, but still busy for a few days to get everything done. Xue Lang is worried about it. This time, Ye Qing and Jiang Lin will go to the battlefield.

According to historical records, the battle was won by Chai Shao, who paralyzed the Tuyuhun army with a beauty trap, and sent elite cavalry to attack from the rear. However, Ye Qing is not Chai Shao. He will not use Chai Shao's method, and I don't know how he will do it!

Xue Lang was busy with the affairs of the imperial court. Princess Pingyang sent someone to tell him that Su siniang had personally told him that she had comforted Su siniang and let Xue Lang not worry.

The idea was so thoughtful that he solved many of Xue Lang's worries. He felt more and more grateful and loved the princess. However, the affairs of the imperial court were so busy that he could not spare time to meet the princess.

It's not easy to get to the rest day. Calculate the time. It's time for cherries to come down. In spring, when the peach blossom is in full bloom, Xue Lang brews a lot of peach blossom wine. The peach blossom wine of Xue Lang's family is already quite famous among the officials and nobles in Chang'an city. Last year in weizeguan, due to limited conditions, only peach blossom wine and plum wine were brewed. This year in Chang'an, Xue Lang wanted to try to brew a batch of cherry wine.

At the beginning of spring, Xue Lang asked Princess Pingyang to help him buy two orchards and sugarcane orchards. In the orchard is the current common fruit, peach, plum, apricot pear, as well as plum, cherry.

At that time, most of the dignitaries had their own farms and orchards. The fruits were almost never purchased and were produced and sold by themselves. Xue Lang entered the country as the custom, and bought orchards. Otherwise, he could not make cherry wine extravagantly. Cherries are not cheap and people-friendly even in modern times. While making wine, you can have a little date with Princess Pingyang.

remembered that his royal highness had not been seen for several days, and Xue long was very fond of her mind, urging him to drive faster and reach the orchard, almost to the princess of Pingyang.

"You Yang!"

Today, Princess Pingyang wore a pink green Ru skirt and stood under a fruit tree full of red cherries, which was particularly beautiful. Xue Lang couldn't help looking at it more and went over with a smile: "let's go in."

Princess Pingyang nodded and went into the orchard with Xue lang. each of them took a pair of scissors, followed by servants with baskets. Looking at the red cherry full of branches, Pingyang Princess turned around and asked with a smile, "what kind of fruit does wine need?"

Xue Lang: "well done is good."

Princess Pingyang nodded, raised her hand, picked a cherry on the branch near her and put it into her mouth. She squinted slightly: "how sweet! Do you think it's suitable for you to have a taste of this kind of fruit

Then he cut a bunch of cherries and handed them to Xue Lang. Xue Lang had some regrets: "I thought I could be fed by your highness."Pingyang Princess angry at him, don't say feeding, even handed over the past cherry also decisively take back, thin angry way: "rude apprentice, cut yourself!"

Xue Lang laughed. While laughing, they cut cherries and put them into the basket, which was carried by the servant. After a while, they filled the basket.

Although walking among the fruit trees, the sun still made people dizzy. Xue Lang carried the weight, said: "let the next people continue to pick, we go back to get these out."


However, it is not convenient for people to live in a small house at the foot of the mountain.

Xue Lang's orchard is a series of hills, at the foot of the mountain is a large area of farmland, all belong to a small village not far away. The orchard is not far from the village at the foot of the mountain. There is a river in the east of the village. The road from the mountain is the river stem. The carriage can't pass through, but can walk.

Xue Lang and Princess Pingyang are walking --

"Youyang, what do you think that man wants to do

Because Princess Pingyang was wearing a skirt and the road on the river stem was not smooth, Xue Lang asked Chu Xue to support her and protect her. She was afraid that Princess Pingyang would wrestle and did not pay attention to the front. Princess Pingyang was guarded and looked around from time to time, but she noticed the situation ahead.

Not far from the bend of the river, there is a man standing in a daze, looking at the water, motionless -

the situation is abnormal!

Xue Lang frowned and told his bodyguard, "go and have a look."

"Here it is

The guard took orders. As soon as he moved his steps, he saw that the man standing by the river was groping for the water plants on the bank and walked into the water step by step. His head was drooping. Although he was slow, he was very resolute. He raised his sleeve and wiped his face from time to time --

Xue Lang was surprised and responded: "that man wants to throw himself into the river! Move quickly, go and have a look

"Here it is

The guard flew away!

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