This is a rather ordinary mountain forest, because it is close to the palace, and there is almost no one on the mountain. After walking up to the pavilion where Rujing greets you, there is a very common Buddhist temple. At the gate of the temple stands a bareheaded monk with a full face of whiskers, dressed in coarse hemp robes and shoes, standing there, as if waiting for someone.

Seeing the arrival of Princess Pingyang and his party, they strode over immediately and clasped their hands together: "I have seen your highness, but I haven't seen him for years. Is everything ok with your highness?"

Princess Pingyang was obviously in a good mood. With a faint smile on her face and joy in her eyes, she nodded her head and said, "thank you, master Xu Yun. Everything is well. How about you, master

The monk's face is full of both age and appearance. His nose is straight, his eyes are bright, and his waist is like a javelin. He is upright and upright. The monk said with a smile, "with your Highness's blessing, it's not good to be clean and at ease on this mountain."

"Three years ago, when I went up the mountain, the mage was waiting at the door like this today to greet her. After years of absence, everything was well with me. I was very happy in my heart."

Master Xu Yun joined the ten with a smile and said, "master Miaochu has been waiting for his Highness for a long time. Your highness should go up the mountain quickly. Don't let the master wait in vain."

Princess Pingyang laughed and said, "yes, Miaochu's temperament. If I walk too slowly, I'm afraid I'll be impatient. If I'm turned away, I'll make a joke!"

Both of them laughed. Xue Lang stood beside him without disturbing. He could see that Princess Pingyang was relaxed and in a good mood.

therefore, even if he did not know his Royal Highness's past, he was not in a hurry. Only for her relaxed posture at this moment, everything was worth it.

"Youyang, let's go!"

Princess Pingyang greets Xue Lang, and Xue Lang smiles with great grace and looks at his master Xuyun arched his hands. Master Xu Yun makes a Buddha's salute and doesn't detain him. He looks at Princess Pingyang and his party going up.

Rujing little nun kept quiet all the time. When she saw master Xuyun, she only said hello in silence. When she left, she looked calm and calm without any impatience or impatience.

Princess Pingyang took a look at her and said with a smile, "if you have made a lot of progress in practice, it seems that the skill of the master's apprentice is better than others."

This sentence seems to have poked into the little nun's slot, and her calm expression broke down. She sighed, "the son doesn't talk about the father's fault, and it's hard for the apprentice to talk about the master. It's not hard for him to have a simple meal, but the master's temperament Amitabha

It's hard to say. Pingyang princess is a smile, seems to be very understand the meaning of her words, comfort way: "hard as quiet."

Rujing's head, with a layer of hairy and short hair, slightly deviated, and said seriously, "master is also hard-working to have an apprentice like me. Master and I, each other, each other! It's expensive to know yourself

Pingyang Princess smile, can't help but smile, reach out to feel such as static bald head. The little nun was thin and small, and the size of Princess Pingyang didn't bother to feel it.

The party continued to go up. Rujing didn't talk much, but he was careful. He knew to stop for a while and let Xue Lang have a rest.

Xue Lang gasped and looked. Except for him and Changjian's master and servant, the others, including the first snow and quiet, breathed as usual and did not have any effort at all.

Princess Pingyang did not shy away. She reached out and took Xue Lang's hand and took him up together. Xue Lang was used to it and didn't feel shy. She gritted her teeth and tried to move her aching leg. While climbing, she secretly decided to increase her luck when she went back.

After climbing for about half an hour, Chang Jian was out of breath, and Xue Lang finally got to the top of the mountain. There was a temple on the top of the mountain with no name plaque, no carved beams, no painted pillars, no red walls and green tiles. It was the common wall and green tiles. The walls were higher, the rest were ordinary, and the floor area was small.

the gate was closed, such as quiet As soon as he pushed forward, the gate was pushed open. Xue Lang stopped his steps and asked, "I am a man. Is it convenient to enter?"

If Jing looks back at Xue Lang: "the son-in-law is worried about too much. In the eyes of Buddha, men and women are all living beings. How can gender be divided? This is the Buddhist hall. It should be a convenient place for all living beings. Of course, this is because you came with the princess. If you are alone, we will not receive male believers. "

Hello! You just said "men and women are all living beings"!

Xue Lang make complaints about it. He finally put up with it, but his face is very subtle. Pingyang Princess "puff and hiss" and takes Xue Lang's hand and goes in first. However, she turns back and tells the servant: "You Yang and I can go in. You can stay here and wait."

"Here it is

First snow and long frugality answer together.

Xue Lang and Princess Pingyang went in together -

this small temple, just like its appearance, is very small. Enter the door is a small yard, yard planted with two fruit trees, look at the fruit hanging on the tree, one is a pear tree, the other is a jujube tree. The small courtyard is facing the main hall. There are two wing rooms on the left side of the hall. There should be a small vegetable garden behind the wing rooms. In the main hall, there is a Buddha statue of a female Bodhisattva. Judging from the texture, it should be carved from stone.As an art student, the real stone sculptures of Tang Dynasty are right in front of you. Xue Lang naturally can't turn his eyes away from it.

look at the thin strips. It's a typical stone carving of the Tang Dynasty. It's so beautiful!


A very graceful female voice sounded, and Xue Lang found a nun sitting on the top of the Pu Tuan under the Buddha statue. The nun is very beautiful and has a good voice. She should be several years older than Princess Pingyang.


Princess Pingyang let go of Xue Lang's hand and turned her head to introduce him: "this is my good friend, master Miaochu. Today I want to bring you to meet her."

Xue Lang nodded, slightly bowed, and saluted miaozhou. Miao Chu got up and put his hands together as a gift and said, "Jianling, this is the emperor's son-in-law you chose?"

Princess Pingyang nodded and took Xue Lang in. She went in to worship the Buddha. She took the three incense sticks from Miaochu and offered incense to the Bodhisattva. She was very religious.

In the past, Xue Lang didn't believe in these things. After his inexplicable crossing, he was in awe of god Buddha. However, if he was allowed to attribute his crossing to the god Buddha, he would not believe it. However, as a mature and rational adult, he is willing to respect other people's beliefs and tolerate different religious customs. Therefore, Xue Lang just bent down and bowed, put on three pillars of fragrance, but did not kowtow.

Miao Chu glanced at him lightly and asked, "does Xue's son-in-law not believe in Buddhism?"

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