By the time Xue Lang finished the ritual and knew that Princess Pingyang had been involved, Chang'an city had already spread all over the country.

Sleeping trough! what the fuck! what the fuck!

Even three times can not express Xue Lang's complex emotions. In Chang'an City, above the chaotang, some people are really hateful!

The censor pan of the ginseng kidnaps people with morality, benevolence and righteousness, intending to force Princess Pingyang with the name of righteousness. However, it can spread to the whole city of Chang'an in just two days, and there is definitely someone behind it. This is something that you can think of with your toes. If no one connives and promotes it, the rumor will not spread so fast.

Pan Deqing of Shenren is hateful, and those who add fuel to the flames are even more hateful! We can see the evil of human nature! Cotton planting needs technology. In the territory of early Tang Dynasty, the suitable places for planting were not very wide. These objective conditions limit the cultivation and promotion of cotton, which means that cotton can not be popularized nationwide like sweet potato and potato. With the limitation of varieties, the yield is not high.

These people only know what they are, but they don't know why. Pan Deqing, seeing the good use of cotton products and seeing that some courtiers wear cotton padded jackets to keep warm, they take it for granted that Princess Pingyang wants to make a profit from it.

this kind of heart is just a villain's heart! It's just that it's really hard to say. It's just like yellow mud falling into the crotch, not excrement but also excrement!

From the beginning, Xue Lang and Princess Pingyang did not want to use cotton for profit. Their goal has always been silk and cotton. The benefits they have gained are not particularly conspicuous, but they are long enough. However, it is better to come out now than later.

Xue Lang sat silently in his study for a while. He touched his pen and paper and wrote something. He made an outline first. Then he wrote it while he thought about it. He revised and rewritten three editions. Finally, he copied it in regular script. There are three big words in the title --

"on cotton"!

The next morning, I got up early and went directly to the palace and went to the imperial court

Xiao Huangmen asked a question on behalf of the sage, and Xue Lang immediately stepped out of the line. Lang said in a loud voice, "tell the sage, Minister Xue Lang has a play!"

"What do you want to play?" the sage asked

Xue Lang: "back to the sage, the Minister of the lower Yuan Dynasty set up a Taoist temple at home, but he did not go to the court for leave. Yesterday, after the completion of the Taoist temple, he heard that Yu Shi Pan had participated in the performance of Princess Pingyang of Anguo. The matter about Bai diezi was proposed by the minister, and the one who handled it was also the minister. The princess could not understand the reason better than the minister. In view of the memorial of the imperial historian pan, I asked for a debate in court!"

The sage said, "planting baidiezi is really beneficial to the country and the people. However, no one can be clearer than Youyang about how to plant and weave. I agree with your request."

"Thank you, saint!"

After thanking the sage, Xue Lang turned to look at Pan Deqing and bowed his hand: "Pan Yushi, please! I don't know whether pan Yushi knows me or not, or introduce himself to him. I, Xue Lang, whose ancestral home is Jiankang, grew up in a foreign country. I arrived in the Tang Dynasty in the spring of the fifth year of Wude. I became an official in Princess Pingyang's mansion in Anguo. When I first entered the mansion, I served as the chief minister. Later, I successively served as the counselor in the government. I moved to Chang'an. Thanks to the saint's appreciation, I now serve as a right Chamberlain in the Ministry of people's Republic of China! Now, the sweet potato and potato that are being vigorously promoted are discovered by the princess in my hand; the development and utilization of cotton fabrics are also proposed by me! Is it all right for me to debate

Obviously, it is a question, but in fact, the tone is extremely positive. Pan Deqing even said: "Xue Shilang is familiar with farming and has a reputation as an expert. I've heard of it. Please give me some advice."

They saluted and sat down on their knees. Men of letters and martial arts, including saints, all listened quietly to their conversation. Xue Lang said rudely: "if it's nearby, Xue doesn't dare to give advice. If it's about Bai diezi, if you look at the Tang Dynasty, Xue says a word of advice, no one has any objection!"

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Actually, the king of Qin patted a few wat boards, and said in a loud voice, "this is true of Xue Shilang!"

Xue Langchao, the king of Qin, bowed his hand, thanking him for his support, and then said, "when I was last year old, the princess was still guarding weizeguan. I was the leader of the princess's mansion. In the early spring of last year, there was a cold spring and a heavy snow fell. Because I am a foreign country with a warm climate, I can't adapt to the bitter cold of Weize pass, and I'm not used to burning charcoal. When I chatted, I asked her highness if there were any clothes to keep out the cold except fur and fur. The princess replied that there was no such thing. So, I talked about a kind of crop called cotton planted in foreign countries. After listening, the princess asked me that it was baidiezi. Because of the different names, I was not sure. It was only when the princess made people look for seeds and me from Chang'an that I recognized that the cotton I was talking about was the white pile that the princess said. At that time, it was still the exotic flowers and plants in the garden of the house of power, wasn't it? "

As soon as Xue Lang's voice fell, several old ministers nodded frequently and said, "there are still plants in my garden. At that time, they were really planted as exotic flowers and plants."

Xue Lang looked directly at Pan Deqing: "cotton is baidiezi. After hearing about the use of cotton, the princess sent people to search for seeds from Chang'an and asked me to plant them in weizeguan. However, limited by varieties and cultivation techniques, the harvest is not high... "

Xue Lang reported the output figures directly and said, "except for a bunch of lint collected last year, all the cotton padded jackets collected last year were made into cotton padded jackets, which were handed over to the border army of weizeguan and changed when they stood guard.""Cotton planting is not as simple as sweet potato and potato," he continued! Special climatic conditions and cultivation conditions are needed. They like temperature and sunshine, fear of rain and waterlogging, and fear of diseases and insect pests. If the climate is too dry, cotton fruit will explode, and if it is too wet, it will easily suffer from diseases and insect pests! Limited by these conditions, throughout the Tang Dynasty, there are not many places suitable for planting, so how can it be popularized in the world? "

Xue langdun: "second, limited by the quantity and quality of seeds! Cotton is not native to China's Datang, most of its seeds are from Gaochang, and its stock is limited. This year can plant so many acres of cotton, is the princess of Pingyang, an state, using her identity, exhausted methods to collect! However, compared with the number of border troops, the cotton harvest is not even a drop in the bucket. How to promote it

Xue Lang's face was serious, and he looked at Pan Deqing coldly: "no matter what else, only these two points, dare you ask pan Yushi, how to promote cotton? If you don't want to become a fat man in one bite, you can say whether you will choke to death. Xue Lang's ability is limited. Please teach me by Pan Yushi! "

When pan Deqing was asked, his face turned red and white, and forced himself to say: "since it is limited by the cultivated area and seeds, it should be handed over to the imperial court. The court should come forward to coordinate and fully support it. We should put the country first and put benevolence and righteousness first."




Before Xue Lang had said anything, the ministers of the imperial court jumped out and began to accept pan Deqing, especially those from aristocratic families -

in this year, the family state, family state, and people at that time mostly focus on the family, especially those who have inherited hundreds of thousands of years. An iron family, a dynasty of flowing water. For aristocratic families, the emperor can change, but the family can't fall! If there is a family with a long history, who doesn't have a little secret recipe and so on.

If we let pan Deqing's heresy become true, we should hand over some good things to the state first!

This is absolutely not possible!

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