"Duke Pei flattered me. How can I know how to train soldiers? It's just hearsay. It's all due to the princess. If the princess didn't improve it, my method would not have been possible."

"Youyang is modest."

Xue Lang and Pei Ju sit by the fire, eating barbecue and chatting.

The camp divided for them was not far away from the saint's camp. Because of the location, the team participating in the winter hunting had to pass by their camp when they entered the mountain.

Pei Ju was old and Xue langgong was poor. Neither of them went up the mountain. They only lit charcoal fire in the camp, chatting and barbecue. Of course, Xue Lang roasted it mainly, and old man Pei Ju enjoyed it.

Pei Ju was old and didn't eat much barbecue food. Instead, he rubbed Xue Lang's fruit wine. He took vinegar beans and salted peanuts out of Xue Lang's wine. He sucked the wine and squinted at the passing teams.

When the prince Jiancheng stayed in Chang'an, the king of Qin and the king of Qi came. Both of them had to pass by Xue Lang's camp. Pei Ju squinted and asked in a low voice, "who is the winner of the ranks of the king of Qin and the king of Qi who just passed by at Youyang temple?"

Xue langlue had some pain in his eggs and said directly, "the officials are busy barbecue, and they don't pay attention to it. Besides, I don't know anything about military affairs. I only know that Princess Pingyang is good at unifying the troops, but I don't know anything else!"

Pei Ju looked at him with a narrow smile and joked, "I'm just a bad old man. I can't get along with Princess Pingyang of Anguo. It's in vain for Youyang to make a confession to me!"

Sleeping trough! what the fuck! what the fuck!

Xue Lang was so hot with a smile that he forced his face to blush and said, "it's not to express one's feelings, but to discuss the matter."

Pei Ju laughs and claps his knee. Xue Lang thinks this is a typical example of disrespect for the old!

The old man laughed enough, and just then he said to himself, "if I look at it, if we talk about the military appearance, we should take the king of Qin as the winner; if we talk about the domineering, then the king of Qi will win!"

Xue Lang was stunned --

the troops of the king of Qin were described by their military appearance. Obviously, in Pei Ju's eyes, the troops of the king of Qin could be regarded as the army. The king of Qi was domineering No army can be described as arrogant!

I thought about the team of the king of Qin and the king of Qi who just passed by. The king of Qin had strict discipline in moving, sitting and lying. It was obviously a well-trained team with black armor. It should be Xuanjia army to which he belonged.

And the team of king Qi If you think about it carefully, it seems that although it seems to be in a moderate way, it seems that it is too loose. You can look around from side to side and look around from side to side. There is no military capacity or discipline to speak of.

Xue Lang moved in his heart and asked, "it seems that the team of the king of Qi Please give me some advice

Pei Ju shook his head with a smile. He reached out and took a bunch of rabbit meat, a mouthful of meat and a mouthful of wine. After eating the delicious squint, he shut up!

The old man ate two bunches of rabbit meat and drank a pot of fruit wine. When he stood up, he still shook his body and waved his hand: "I'm drunk. Thank you for your hospitality. I'd like to go back to the camp and have a rest."

Xue Lang didn't understand his intention at all. He thought about it for a while, but he paid attention to it secretly. He didn't ask again, "Mr. Pei, please have a good rest."

Pei Ju answered and went back to the tent with the help of his entourage.

Xue Lang alone, directly carrying the wine pot, a mouthful of meat and wine, eating Ziwei flavor, not because of a person feel lonely or anything.

The weather is cold, eating and drinking, heating around the charcoal fire, thinking secretly --

I remember that in order to fight against the king of Qin, the prince Jiancheng and the king of Qi privately offered more than 2000 villains and scoundrels in Chang'an city to settle in the Changlin gate of the East Palace, known as changlinwei.

This winter hunting, the prince built up to stay in Chang'an, only the king of Qi came! Is it not the team led by the king of Qi just now, or the evil youth team recruited from Chang'an City by the two people?! So, is Pei Ju suggesting this?

But why did Pei Ju imply him?! Consider Pei Ju's resume -

he once served as an official in the prince's East Palace, but he was not trusted by the crown prince, so he was not as trustworthy as Wang Yi. According to Xue Lang's contact during this period of time, the old man is really an old man. He seems to be kind. He smiles all day long. In fact, he has his own plan.

However, I still can't understand why the old man said this to him?

After thinking for a while, he put aside the things he didn't understand. Maybe there will be an opportunity in the future to make him suddenly clear.

In addition to this episode, Xue Lang's winter hunting is still normal. Steamed stuffed buns actually brought back two foxes. Both of them were killed by biting their throats, and their fur was still in good condition.

This year's winter hunting will last for three days. Ye Qing and Jiang Lin led the soldiers to participate in the imperial edict of the sage. They were very busy. Until the evening, Jiang Lincai had time to come over. He was armed with a sword, and his demeanor was majestic, but he was also dusty: "brother!"

Ah Lin

Xue Lang was sitting by the fire, grooming the dogs. When Jiang Lin came over, he also carried some foxes in his hand. Jiang Lin said with a smile: "it's said that steamed stuffed buns have hunted foxes today. It happens that my younger brother has also hunted some, so I'll take all of them to make clothes for my elder brother!"

Xue Lang said: "I still want to save to send to younger sister-in-law. When she gives birth, it should be a cold winter, right? The weather is so cold that I want to make a cloak for her. "Jiang Lin scratched his head and said, "my mother-in-law said that the quilts and padded jackets sent by my eldest brother are very good. If you take the children, you should use less of them. We will wait until the children are old."

Xue Lang suddenly said, "is there such a saying? I don't know. Give it to me

Xue Lang patted the soybean milk lying at his feet with his belly exposed. He made room for it. He brought a small horse and sat face to face with Jiang Lin by the fire, chatting with each other.

After chatting with each other, Xue Lang asked about the war with Tuguhun. Jiang Lin said: "the soldiers in Tuyuhun have loose military appearance and lax military discipline, but they are domineering and occupy favorable land. If there is no land, they are simply vulnerable to attack."

Xue Lang nodded and asked, "how do you solve the problem of unfavorable terrain?"

Jiang Lin said: "I have agreed with Ziming that I will lead the Jingqi to make a detour. After that, Ziming holds a strong bow to attract the fire of Tuyuhun army! Elder brother was not present at that time. I didn't see the elegant demeanor of Zi Ming! I dare to say that in this world, if you talk about bow skill, Zi Ming can be among the best. The three arrows in a row directly frighten the Tuyuhun's courage! When morale is low and the morale of the army is broken, Ziming and I are fighting against each other to break the Tuguhun army

When Jiang Lin talked about the war on that day, he couldn't help but be elated. As a weak chicken who can't even shoot a fixed target, Xue Lang can't help but be fascinated by it!

However, why did such a person not make a name in the official history?

Think about it carefully, a Ye Qing, a Jiang Lin, and Su Han, these three people can be said to be outstanding people for a time. Jiang Lin was at the wrong side of the world. If he hadn't rescued him, he might have become a slave and a hero of a generation. It's because of him. It's the butterfly effect!

Ye Qing and Su Han He led Su han to Princess Pingyang's army, and Ye Qing stayed in weizeguan because Su Han could cure his fiancee's injury. He had contact with Princess Pingyang, and only then did Ye Qing succeed.

Therefore, the emergence and rise of these three people are all because of him?

And Princess Pingyang is still alive If we discuss the cause in detail, first of all, the soul wearing guy she met in her childhood, the man's prediction can be regarded as the reason that changed the life of Princess Pingyang.

With this reason, Pingyang princess will deliberately attract talents, and will attract Ye Qing, Su Han and Jiang Lin. So, can we say that the life of Princess Pingyang has changed because of the arrival of the comrade wearing soul and Xue Lang? Can we say that Princess Pingyang survived her death?

Xue Lang suddenly stood up, his face flushed, his expression excited, there is a kind of suddenly cheerful feeling!

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