Zhu Kezhen, a famous scholar of later generations, once said that during the warm period of the Tang Dynasty, the climate was warm and humid. However, Xue Lang didn't feel it at all. Even in spring, he still felt dry.

Over the past few days, the topics of the Korean people's Congress are the work plans and objectives of all departments for the whole year. The Minister of the Ministry of the people, who is not a big official, also needs him to be on the agenda.

At this time of year, the imperial court has to discuss a topic -

Turks going south!

Turks frequently harass and cause great border trouble. Last year, in order to reduce the cost of transportation, Shi Dou jingzuo, the director general of Bingzhou, asked to set up a farm in Bingzhou. The problem with Turks became a place where the court needed to spend money every year.

The sage said: "a few days ago, someone told me that the Turks attacked Guanzhong because their wealth and population were concentrated in Chang'an. It was suggested that if Chang'an was burned down and no longer a capital, Turks would not attack Chang'an. Somebody, get the map

The huge map was carried up and spread on the ground. The sage pointed to the map with a stick and said, "this is Chang'an. This is the Guanzhong area. This is the grassland of Turks. In the past years, Turks often attack our Tang Dynasty from here, here and here. Chang'an is adjacent to the border, so it is not in a favorable position. If Turkic cavalry marched in, Chang'an would be in danger. What do you think of them? "

After looking around the map for a while, the prince said, "today, the world is uneven both inside and outside. The so-called Xiangwai must first settle down in order to extend the country's sovereignty. There are merits in moving the capital. The capital of a country is what the people want. If the capital is stable, the country will be stable and the people's will will will make Chao tingteng move to settle the country. As long as the world is stable, there will be spare power to fight against Turks, and there will be no place for Turks to worry about! "

The king of Qi immediately followed: "the minister seconded me!"

The sage nodded and looked at the crowd: "what about the Qing family?"

Xiao Xuan stood up and said, "I'm against it! Moving the capital is not a trivial matter. It involves a lot of manpower and material resources. Please think twice. "

Several ministers also expressed their opposition. Pei Ji came out and said: "to the sage, I think it is imperative to move the capital! The Turks harassed the border all the year round, and the border people suffered. The imperial court spent countless supplies, food, and military power. Because the capital city of Chang'an was adjacent to the border, it needed to spend more. If the capital moved to the hinterland, there would be no fear of being captured again. The court could also spare more energy and materials to calm down the civil strife. The day when the civil strife is settled is the time of the collapse of the Turks! Therefore, I agree with you! "

The approval of the prince, the king of Qi, and Pei Ji gave the sage great confidence, and his facial expression was much better. The king of Qin, who had just returned from the war, was as deep as water and said directly: "I am against it!"

The prince looked at the king of Qin with a deep look. The king of Qin didn't care so much about it. He said directly: "Dirong's trouble has existed since ancient times. Your Majesty's victory in midsummer has made him invincible! How can we move the capital to avoid it because of the Turkic disturbance? Is this a shame to all over the world and a smile for all generations? "

Before the king of Qin's voice fell, Xue Lang, who had been unable to listen for a long time, immediately raised the wat board and patted it incessantly to express his support. In his heart, there was a sentence in his heart that he wanted to talk about!

The king of Qin was not moved, but directly fell down. He said sincerely and firmly: "Pi Huo Qubing is just a general of the Han Dynasty. He is still determined to destroy the Huns and become a vassal king. He is willing to put the rope on the sharp strength for his Majesty in a few years. If you can't, it's not too late to move the capital! "

Xue Lang continued to pat wat board, and after shooting, he also went out of the line and said, "minister, support the king of Qin! China has been a nation for thousands of years. I have never heard of anyone moving its capital to avoid the Hu people. Dare to ask the sage. But will the Tang Dynasty set a precedent that has never been seen before? With all due respect, how will the history of later generations evaluate this matter after a hundred years? Please think twice

The sage touched his beard and nodded: "the words of the king of Qin and Xue Lang, great kindness!"

With a smile, the crown prince Jiancheng asked, "in the past, fan Kai used to run rampant against the Huns with a hundred thousand people. Is it not the words of the king of Qin that are similar to them?"

The king of Qin said: "there are different forms and different natural forces. Fan Kuai Xiaoli, what's the road? "

Prince just smile, did not say anything, just, smile seems to have deep meaning. However, the king of Qin didn't seem to care.

Xue Lang sighed in his heart and said, "sage, I'm not the leader of the army. I don't know how many years it will take to pacify the Turks, but I know that it takes several generations to build a Chang'an. Chang'an, when King Wen of Zhou Dynasty, built it. It was called Fengjing in history. Later, King Wu built a pickaxe, which was called FengHao. When he got the emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, he moved the capital from queryang to this place, which was called Chang'an in history, which means long-term stability. Emperor Wen of the former dynasty set the capital here, called Daxing City, and the sage ascended the throne and renamed Chang'an. Several generations of construction have been flourishing, not in one day. It's easy to move the capital, but as Xiao NEISHI said, how to calculate the manpower and material resources spent? "

People are thinking. "First of all, material resources," he continued! After the relocation of the capital, the construction of the new capital city needs a lot of manpower and material resources. Then, where are the expenses for the palaces of saints and the homes of princes and ministers? The lesson of the former Emperor Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty is still before us! "

Everyone was surprised, and the sage also thought.

Xue Lang continued to work hard and said, "there are still manpower! When the capital is newly built, a large number of people must be relocated. Even if there is a large amount of land near the new capital, for the sake of people's livelihood and stability, we can only choose the wasteland without owners. A piece of wasteland, even if it is fertile, is still raw land. It needs at least one or two years of cultivation before it can become a mature land. There is a gap between the yield of raw land and mature land! Excuse me, where does the imperial court supplement the grain shortage in the past two years? The residents who migrated to the past should not eat hungry. Who can be responsible for the riots? Who can bear the responsibility! Let me say, Shangshu people are just sensationalism, but the brain will write sparse play, do you know how to write the word "suffering"? Burn down Chang'an It's easy to say. He's responsible for the cost of building a new city? If so, it's not too late for the sage to consider moving the capital! ""Cough!"

The sage was said to be flushed and coughed twice. He looked at him blankly and said, "the king of Qin and Xue Lang are right. Let this matter go and never discuss it again!"

"Saints and saints!"

The sage reluctantly said, "today's court meeting is here first. I'm tired and I'll retire from the court."

The sage retreated from the court and returned to the harem. The prince saw the king of Qin and Xue Lang go out of the palace together. Their eyes twinkled and they thought about it. Then he turned and walked towards the palace.

The king of Qin did not pay attention to the prince's movement, but laughed and called to Xue Lang: "Youyang, please stay."

When Xue Lang turned back, the king of Qin said with a smile: "I didn't expect that today I happen to coincide with Youyang. It's really gratifying. What Youyang said at the end of the day made me angry!"

Speaking of the last words, Xue Lang was still a little depressed, and said angrily: "originally, it's simple to write a recitation, but it's very wrong to write with your butt instead of your head! A city built, the need for countless costs, a fire burned out, also too do not know how to cherish! Prosperity, the people suffer, the people suffer. Those who talk about burning the city after the war are ignorant of their sufferings! "

The king's face turned red, and his expression was slightly uncomfortable. He snorted, "You Yang is right! I'll invite Youyang to have a drink or a banquet some other day, and the people will leave first! "

With that, he ran away like a burning butt. After leaving Xue Lang, the reaction of zhihoujue comes over. It seems that the king of Qin also set fire to Luoyang when he attacked Luoyang!

Motherfucker! Even ridiculed the king of Qin in his face! Well The king of Qin shouldn't hold a grudge?

In other words, Wei Zheng refuted him face-to-face. He did not bear any grudges and praised Wei Zheng Xue Lang this is only unintentional loss, should not care about is!

Xue Lang was so self-help, and then he went home at ease!

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