"Besides these two points, there is another advantage!"

Xue Lang said, Pingyang Princess smile, then: "to father and the future succession of saints."

Xue Lang laughed, for the two people's tacit understanding, but also for the royal highness of the princess. Xue Lang said: "yes, it's Mingzhi. Strive for the world This world, is a great river and mountain, is a vast continent. We don't play with them. We go to the sea, the vast sea, with endless treasures and wealth. It's more than enough to support our family. We don't need to fight for anything. We can play by ourselves and have a good time. We can live a stable life. "

Princess Pingyang nodded, full of interest and burning eyes, and said, "one of these benefits is that I would like to invite the preparation of the Navy, let alone so many benefits! I'll write a recital later, asking for the establishment of Taizhou Navy. "

Xue Lang said: "by the way, to build a shipyard, I know the structure of a ship, but I have only played with models. To build a large ship, we have to have a skilled master."


"It's a kind of toy for children. According to the structure of the boat, it's reduced in proportion and made for children to play with."

Xue Lang explained, Pingyang Princess strange way: "this kind of secret things can also play for children?"

Xue Lang said: "because florists have developed more advanced ships, the eliminated secrets are no longer secrets. They can only be made into toys for children to play with."

Pingyang princess suddenly, immediately strange way: "the florist unexpectedly so advanced?"

Xue Lang thought of the modern convenience and sighed, "yes, it's much more advanced than the Tang Dynasty."

"Why did Lang Jun come back?"

Xue Lang smiles and looks at the beautiful face of Princess Pingyang. He is blessed to the soul: "maybe To meet you

Princess Pingyang was stunned. Her eyes were light and she looked at other places. She seemed to be ashamed: "I set up people to recruit people. Helmsmen and sailors who are good at sailing should be recruited in advance."

This is obviously a shift in the topic, Gu left and right to talk about him!

Xue Lang chuckles and doesn't point out. In fact, what he says is what he says in his heart. It is rather baffling to pass through, but if he knows each other with his royal highness, he will accept it.

After that, Princess Pingyang wrote a Shuo in her own hand and asked the sage to prepare for the construction of a water master. At that time, people still paid more attention to the sea than to the later generations.

And the fact is the same, although the Tang Dynasty has just been established, throughout the world, at this time, if we talk about prosperity and civilization, which country can match the Tang Dynasty!

At this time, the Tang Dynasty was still the real kingdom of heaven. If you told the sage that the enemy was from the sea, he would be treated by the sage with the eyes of a fool.

However, Xue Lang was different from Princess Pingyang. They just wanted to run a stable place. It was not important whether the sea power or the land power. What's important is sustainable development!

Ten days after Princess Pingyang's sparring was sent up, the sage's reply came down. The sage approved the princess's request to build a navy, and even generously gave her 50000 places and five large ships.

Compared with the 50000 Navy recruitment quota, these five ships are very cold, but this is the only saint, want more Yes, the sage can give craftsmen and let Princess Pingyang build it by herself. It can also be seen that the Tang Dynasty paid little attention to sea power. However, this is also good, more convenient for Xue Lang to plan and operate.

After the saint's approval, it was the turn of autumn and winter. Xue Lang's wine making work also needed to be done. Before the beginning, taking advantage of the vacancy, Xue Lang put his mind to work. On the basis of the previous discussion, he wrote a plan to Princess Pingyang, which she was responsible for organizing and implementing, while Xue Lang went to work.

Princess Pingyang asked people to build a courtyard next to Xue Lang's residence, which was connected with Xue Lang's house. Although it was not as luxurious as Princess Chang'an's, it was no problem for all the accompanying people to live in.

When Xue Lang went out to work, Princess Pingyang was working at home. When Xue Lang came back, they took a walk in the courtyard hand in hand. Without the personnel disturbance in Chang'an City, the days were really quiet. Xue Lang only felt that this was the most relaxed and happy day after he passed through the Tang Dynasty, and his mood was unprecedented relaxed.

the south of the Yangtze River is humid and cold than Changan. It is afraid that the princess is not used to it. When she built the house, Xue Lang took the craftsmen in the Princess House and laid the Earth Dragon to make it easier for winter. Princess

's waist is getting thicker and her belly is getting higher and higher. After winter, Su Han also came from Changan, as well as the gift of the saints and the festival of Pingyang's Princess and Xue Lang. At this time, Xue Lang suddenly realized that at the end of the year, the seven years of Wude were almost over!

This year, he had a beloved woman in his life, and she would give him children. She would treat him with affection and justice. She would give up the comfortable life in Chang'an City and accompany him to live in Vietnam with him.

Although the sage ordered him, Jiang Lin still left his wife and children and came to Suzhou without saying a word. Su Han came from Chang'an City on a cold day to protect his wife and children How many people can you get in life? Xue Lang, who is lucky, has not only his wife, but also his brothers and friends.In the middle of the night, when she gave her Royal Highness the cramp of her feet, Xue Lang felt like "I am very lucky!"

Princess Pingyang, wrapped in a fur coat and covered with a quilt, let Xue Lang help to knead her feet and said, "what's the matter with Youyang?"

Xue Lang said what he thought in his heart. Princess Pingyang's eyes softened a little. He said, "because it's Youyang, today's company is with you. Youyang knows the friendship."

Xue Lang nodded, remembering Pei Yunzhao's gift during the day. He felt that the ceremony was a little thicker than his friendship, so he asked the question. Princess Pingyang said calmly: "Pei Yun Zhao's grandfather Pei Ju and Pei Gongde are highly respected and respected by sages. His father, Pei Xuanji, has always had elegant expectations. At the beginning of the founding of the country, the sage established Pei Xuanji as an official of the east palace to assist the eldest brother. Pei Yunzhao became an official with the help of grace. At first, he served as a saint. He was also an old acquaintance with me and had some friendship. Therefore, this ceremony is not abrupt. I have already asked chuxue to pay it back twice. On one hand, I would like to talk about my old friendship, and on the other hand, I would like to thank him for taking care of you in Yuezhou

So it is! The man who had met the princess's Royal Highness would be the princess's Royal Highness as long as he was not a straight male cancer patient.

Xue Lang secretly thought about his own careful thinking, but it was inconvenient to explain to Princess Pingyang. When Princess Pingyang looked at him, her eyes and expression seemed to have seen through what he was thinking. Xue Lang felt guilty and coughed and asked, "is it still painful? The doctors of flower growers all say that the leg cramps of pregnant women are caused by calcium deficiency. Now it's winter and it's not good to go to sea. Otherwise, if you can eat more fish and shrimp, it's good for calcium supplement

Princess Pingyang looked at him with a smile, but she didn't break his little mind and said, "it doesn't hurt. I have asked Princess Qin for advice. My situation is less serious than when she was pregnant. I think it's because I listen to Youyang and eat a lot of fish and shrimp. "

Take care of her. Help her to sleep again.

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