When the baby was born, Xue Lang immediately ordered people to report the good news everywhere! The next day, when the sun was shining high, he carried a well shielded shoulder chariot and moved the princess and the baby into the house together. The third day is to wash three gifts, to give the baby a milk name. As the name bitter hand, Xue Lang said the pressure is great. On the second day of

, her royal highness went out of bed, and Su Han Su told him that it was necessary to take proper activities under the ground so that blood stasis could be better discharged. At the beginning of the

, Xue Lang also helped him. Later, her royal highness walked away. After a while, she went back to bed. Her long hair was wrapped in a piece of cloth, which was a little weaker than before.

Mammy refused to let Xue Lang live in the same room with Princess Pingyang, and drove him to the next door. The first thing Xue Lang did when he woke up every day was to come here to report, to see the children and to see his wife.

During the day, he will move a small board. When his highness is in good spirits, he will talk with her. When she is asleep, he will come out and walk around again.

"Can you name a child?"

Princess highness asked, "Xue Lang's body is stiff, shaking his head and laughing," not yet! It's better to call baby! Li Gong's granddaughter's nickname is Bao. How lovely

Pingyang Princess gently smile, do not agree, only look at his two eyes, smile without words, but mammy couldn't help but interjected: "son-in-law, this can't be done, the child takes a cheap name just to be able to support, to take the boudoir character to take more is."

"Is that so?"

Thinking of Jiang Lin's son, a Li, there was such a custom in ancient times, which is also a beautiful metaphor. Xue Lang said, "OK, let's take a humble name! What is it called? "

Princess Pingyang chuckled and her beautiful eyes flowed: "isn't Youyang without a clue?"

I'm right!

Xue Lang blushed, embarrassed to scratch his head, and simply said: "it's better to give your name to your highness. Come on, I admit defeat!"

Princess Pingyang gave a gentle smile. Her eyes were soft and her eyes were full of love. She looked at her daughter lying beside her. She said, "my child followed me and experienced many experiences. Although she was born successfully, she has been tested for a long time and was born by the water Well, you need a word for water in your name. "

"Water word?"

Xue Lang murmured a word and thought hard. Princess Pingyang raised her hand and gently touched her daughter's tender little face and said, "there is no softer person in the world than water. However, she has galloped over the world's most strong, and there is nothing better than water that can attack difficulties. I hope that my daughter will be like water, soft and strong, fearless and safe. "

Xue Lang nodded and said, "it's good to take a word for water. The water gallops on the smooth road and flows continuously, showing the spirit of the majestic atmosphere. When it comes to high mountains and dangers, it goes back up and shows the gentle and calm rhyme. Good, water word good! Boys can take the metaphor of strong growth of animals, girls can not be so foolishly, the word "water" is good

Princess Pingyang nodded with a smile and hesitated: "it's just Water what? Shuiniang? Water treasure? "

Mammy then said with a smile, "is it not like calling a water baby?"

Xue Lang burst out with a puff, and coughed with fright. While coughing, he expressed strong opposition: "no water baby! We are girls! Girls can't call that name! "

Peat! Water baby Do you want the second and the third to call huowa, Dali WA, and gather together seven gourd dolls to change the world! HONO! It's a nightmare!

Xue Lang expressed strong opposition!

After a little meditation, Princess Pingyang said, "can you call me shuinu?"

"Yes! How lovely the water slave is

Xue Lang quickly agreed, with mammy that water baby to do contrast, water slave feel more beautiful, anyway, as long as not called water baby, he agreed.

On the third day of the washing ceremony, Jiang Lin came from Suzhou and invited Pei Yunzhao and Taizhou governor, but no one else was invited. Pei Yunzhao came with his wife and his two sons and daughters. The eldest son was seven years old, and the eldest daughter was only four years old.

Mrs. Quanfu, who is in charge of washing three, invited the old Taijun of the Zhao family in Dazhong, Taizhou. She is 70 this year, but she is very intelligent and has a vigorous spirit. Her family is full of children and grandchildren, and her family is harmonious.

When Princess Pingyang sent for her invitation, the old prince was very happy and agreed. After taking the official ship to invite, he took the trouble to come to Yue State.

Since her arrival, Princess Pingyang has hardly ever been to Taizhou, and has no contact with the local princes' aristocratic family, except for her strong voyage to the fleet on that day. Now, in order to give the newborn daughter to do washing three, the initiative to throw olive branches to the Zhao family, Zhao where there is no consent, naturally is pleased to come.

The governor of Taizhou, whose surname is Qian Yingyi, was born in an ordinary family in Guanzhong. Although he was not from a noble family, he spoke a very pure official language. When the fleet was practicing that day, it was not good to talk to Princess Pingyang. Instead, he pulled Xue Lang to say a lot of things. His eloquence was quite like a flood of the Yellow River. At the same time, Xue Lang understood why Qian Zhishi was so. This is not a pot for promoting Mandarin in the whole country!

My great China family has a vast territory. Every place has its own dialects. In some places, there are even ten li different sounds. Some dialects, not local people, really can't understand.When Liu Zongyuan was an official in Guangxi, he couldn't understand the local dialect, so he took a local translator with him. If he didn't translate it, he was in a state of being in a state of muddle even when he talked to other people. No one could understand anyone's words, which made him miserable.

Qian Zhishi, obviously, is suffering from this kind of pain. The teacher around him is from Wu, and he takes it with him wherever he goes.

Almost all the attendants of Princess Pingyang and Xue Lang can speak Mandarin. It's rare for Qian Zhishi to meet so many people who can understand their words. His attitude is very enthusiastic and positive. No matter who he is, he talks incessantly. When Xue Lang says hello, he makes an excuse to meet the guests. God knows that there are only a few guests, so he doesn't need him to greet them.

Because of the limited living space, it was not convenient to stay. Except for Jiang Lin who could run to live with Su Han, the rest of the people waited. Xue Lang specially ordered people to go to the city and parcel a manor. After the three banquets, he sent the guests there.

Princess Pingyang is still in her confinement, so she won't show up. When Xue Lang comes back to the house, she is holding the child and teasing: "have all the guests gone?"

Xue Lang nodded: "I didn't invite much. How's the baby? Let me see! "

When Xue Lang came in, shuinu little baby was rarely awake and her dark eyes were open. In fact, she could not see anything, but instinctively pursued the light. Rubbing some cold hands, the hands are hot before holding the daughter to see -

compared with the two days before, novice dad is much more skilled in holding the baby, of course, compared with the old hand, it is still a bit clumsy.

The baby who has not yet given birth is responsible for eating, sleeping and eating every day. Water slaves are not worried. They usually sleep in a big way, but if they are hungry, or urinate or pull, they will frown, open their voice and cry, one after another, in a hurry. If they are not satisfied, they will not stop. Mammy said with a smile that her temper was more domineering than that of her little lady. It sounded like a little bit of the demeanor of empress Taimu when she was a child.

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