Xue Lang can not hide the shock, and Pei Yunzhao left such a mine, shocked Xue Lang for a while and then left. Xue Lang's mood was a little complicated -

unexpectedly, the king of Qin proposed this! This is really different from the historical records! There is no such record in history! However, the highness of the princess has lived in six years of Wushu, and now it is at the end of eight years. What is different from the historical record is meaningless.

Xue Lang was dumbfounded and laughed. If this advice really came true, there would be more places to operate and more convenient! Hope it can be done! Princess

went to Taizhou for three days only and returned three days later. The official boat stopped directly at the edge of the Jianhu Lake. Xue long went to the lakeside early and waited for him to see his royal highness holding the water slave down from the boat. He quickly reached for the child and kissed the child's little face. He asked, "baby, I want to die Dad!" Do you miss Dad ,


The water slave called twice, waved his little hands, grinned and grinned. Smiling happily, the father skillfully took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth gently with his chin. He didn't find the expression of his mother's smile. Also happy display: "dad know you come back today, someone to stew you delicious egg soup, let's go to eat it!"

Said, holding the child to rush into the door.

Child mother Princess of Pingyang, in a leisurely manner, followed the boat in the door. The first snow was behind the command, and the other side was looking at the princess. The

had a child and forgot the mother. The son-in-law has committed such crimes! The crime is not small and unforgivable. Please take care of your son-in-law!

The little baby who hadn't seen for a few days went home. Xue Lang was very happy. After the servant reported the arrival time, he took the time to let a Tu stew egg soup, waiting for shuinu baby to come home and eat it.

Now she took the baby home, put her in a special baby chair, sat down, watched the nurse feed her egg soup, she ate happily and contentedly, turned her head to the princess with a smile and said, "I'll have some bird's nests stewed in the kitchen, and bring it up for you to eat?" A faint smile on one's face was seen in her chair, Princess



"You are my wife, I don't care who you think about! Right? Come, eat while it's hot

Then she took the bird's nest with her own hands. Princess Pingyang took it, blowing the bird's nest in her hand gracefully and said, "is that right? Seeing that the son-in-law took the baby and left, he didn't even ask about this palace. He thought that he was old and had been rejected by his son-in-law? "

Er See this self proclaimed palace again! For a long time, I had never heard of her royal highness, and she looked at some cheap leather. Patting his head, he said with a smile, "my good highness, you are jealous of your daughter! Is that interesting? "

"Jealous? What do you mean? "

Xue Lang patted the forehead again --

over! Fang Xuanling is still a small official in Tiance mansion. Erlang is still the king of Qin. Where are the jealous allusions! How can this be explained? Make it up! Who let him say it!

"It's an allusion. There was an emperor who gave a concubine to the Minister of Xinzhong, and the minister said to the emperor, "my wife said it, and I am not allowed to accept it.". The emperor was surprised that a concubine should be taken care of. Where can there be such a wife! He said to the minister's wife, "I'll give you a glass of poisonous wine. You can choose whether you want to drink poisonous wine or allow your husband to take concubines.". The minister's wife is a strong-natured man. She would rather choose poisonous wine than allow him to take concubines. She raised her head and drank it. As a result, she found that the wine was not poisonous wine, but vinegar. The emperor was helpless and said to the minister, "you see, your wife would rather die than let you have a concubine. Please ask for more happiness from yourself."! Then, there are stories of jealousy handed down! "

Xue Lang tried hard to translate Madame Fang's allusions into words. Princess Pingyang couldn't help laughing. She gave him a look and said, "that's it! Therefore, does the emperor's son-in-law feel jealous of his wife? "

Xue Lang, no matter how stupid he was, could not nod his head at this time. He quickly shook his head and denied: "no! My royal highness is brilliant and charming. How can she be a jealous woman? I'm not good at handling affairs. How can your highness be wrong? "

Princess Pingyang did not speak. She gazed at him for a while. She laughed and said, "well, I've made up such a narrow story. I'll forgive you once!"

Xue Lang arched his hand: "thank you for your generosity."

Princess Pingyang nodded her head and said, "but didn't you tell me that the florist practices monogamy? Why did the minister in the story take concubines

Sleeping trough! what the fuck! what the fuck! Jealous do not forget IQ online, on the disadvantages of having a smart wife, this is not to give men a way to live!

Xue Lang silently explained his heart and make complaints about the fact that monogamy was only practiced in the new dynasty. There were concubines in the old days.


Princess highness once again nodded, and did not know whether she was fooled or not, and listened to her royal highness commented: "however, the emperor in the story is also narrow, and it is absurd to catch such a jester."

Xue Langxin said, "what your brother will do in the future, you remember to keep this attitude and attitude when your brother does it in the future."!"However, the smell of vinegar is so strong that the minister's wife wants to come and pick up the cup and smell it out and drink it It's also a wonderful person. "

Xue Lang some egg ache: "I said, your highness, we listen to the story, don't dig the details, that's boring!"

Princess highness smiled lightly, which was omitted. In fact, she is not really angry, just tease her husband-in-law, a small expression of her dissatisfaction, this is a small interest between husband and wife.

water Nu satiated and satisfied, and was satisfied to be carried by the Niang Niang. After he slept, Xue Lang relaxed on the homemade sofa, holding a dry cloth towel in his hand, and rubbing his hair to his royal highness. Her royal highness sat on the carpet. She had just bathed. Her long hair was wet, and Xue Lang was rubbing it for her.

Xue Lang thought of what Pei Yunzhao had said when he visited a few days ago, and then he asked, "did the sage approve of Erlang's advice?"

Princess Pingyang said, "there is no conclusion yet."


Xue Lang was puzzled and showed a look of doubt. Princess Pingyang said calmly: "elder brother Shangshu, the introduction of Zhancheng rice is of great significance. You and I have made great contributions. On merit and reward, I ask you to be exempted from the punishment of exile, and then take up a post on the spot and preside over the promotion of rice in Zhancheng. I, on the other hand, granted a food city and returned to Chang'an to serve as the chief supervisor of the Shaofu temple. "

Xue Lang took a breath and continued to ask, "what about the Navy? No more? "

Princess Pingyang continued: "the eldest brother said that the establishment of the navy was for a long-term policy, not an emergency. Yuanji has grown up and advised Yuanji to take up the post of governor of the Navy, so as to increase Yuanji's practical experience, so as to become a talent as soon as possible and share the leading role of Erlang. The eldest brother said, Erlang has been fighting for many years, and he has made great achievements. Someone should come out and share some of them. "

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