Princess Qin is speechless by Su Han. The emperor Su asked me to be a doctor

Su Han nodded with satisfaction and said, "this medicine is not precious. It is a kind of forest frog produced in the mountain forest of Bohai county. It produces oil in the body. It is called frog oil in the Pharmacopoeia. It has the effect of strengthening the body, nourishing yin and moistening the lung. It can enter the lung and kidney channels, replenish qi and blood, and is suitable for the Qi disease of the princess. If you can take it regularly, it will certainly be of great benefit to the princess's body. "

The king of Qin was overjoyed and said, "thank you for your advice. I will send someone to get it."

Su Han said: "forest frogs are very common in the local area. They are numerous. They are not rare. They are very easy to get. The only drawback is that they have a long way to go. They are far away in the mountains and black waters. Therefore, I only introduce this medicine to the princess. Ordinary people don't have this kind of manpower, so it's useless to get them easily."

The king of Qin nodded his head: "thank you so much for the order of Su Yi."

Su Han naturally said that he didn't need to thank him again and again. He gave a detailed account of the frog's appearance, which part was used as medicine, and so on. After that, he told the king of Qin: "the land of white mountains and black waters is rich in high-quality old ginseng and Rhodiola. If the king of Qin sent someone, he could take some back, which would be beneficial to the princess."

The king of Qin nodded: "please give me some advice."

Su Han couldn't go back to the house. He found a pen and paper in the pavilion and wrote a list of medicinal materials for the king of Qin. It took nearly an hour for him to explain. After that, Su Han left.


Princess Qin has yet to persuade her again. The king of Qin has already waved her hand to stop her and said, "maid of Guanyin, listen to me. As long as it is good for your health, not to mention that it is far away from Bohai County, it is far away from the western regions. I will send people to take it. Guanyin maidservant, I will not let you again because of me under others, compromise!

The words of the king of Qin are sonorous and forceful, but the expression is vaguely filled with resentment. The princess of Qin sighed in her heart. When Erlang was poisoned, the sage lowered the title of Yuanji, but the crown prince only scolded him once, which finally failed to level Erlang's heart. Don't say it's Erlang. Even she is disappointed with the sage, who is so fond of life that makes people feel cold.

Thinking like this in her heart, Princess Qin stretched out her hand to hand with the king of Qin, and said in a soft voice, "Er Lang, why do you say this? I've never felt aggrieved. I I just feel heartache for Erlang

With that, she could not help sobbing. Tears fell down his cheeks and his face drooped down. The burning tears hurt the grievances and unwillingness of the king Qin's heart and soothed his sadness and loneliness. The king of Qin stretched out his hand and took Princess Qin into his arms. His voice was low: "if there is anyone else in this world who will mourn for me, it is only Guanyin maid you. Therefore, you should take good care of yourself and accompany me for a long time

"Here! Listen to your majesty

Xue Lang, who is far away from Taizhou, is not aware of the situation in Chang'an city. He is running around the country to check the preparation and sowing of Zhancheng rice.

Historically, Zhancheng rice was introduced into China in the Song Dynasty. The reason why it was introduced was because of the drought in China at that time. Zhancheng rice is resistant to drought and waterlogging, easy to cultivate and easy to grow, so it was popularized on a large scale. In the Song Dynasty, Wanshi Zhancheng rice was introduced, which spread from Jiangnan to Lianghu and Liangguang, with a wide range of promotion.

But at this time, during the early Tang Dynasty, there was no drought. It was very difficult for Zhancheng rice to be popularized on a large scale. If the newly established governor of Jiangnan Navy, Princess Pingyang, and her son-in-law, Xue Lang, were not the main promoters, there would not have been many people who responded to the support.

Food is related to the safety of life and the survival of the family. Everyone is afraid of starvation. Most people have doubts about changing the grain varieties in their hearts of seeking stability. Because of the well-developed water system and abundant water resources, Wu has the characteristics of Waterlogging Tolerance of Zhancheng rice. In addition, more people want to support the relationship with Princess Lala of Pingyang.

According to the geographical distribution, Xue Lang selected the one with the largest planting area from those who wanted to try. Painstakingly, he personally guided a series of affairs of seed selection, land selection and seedling sowing. Within one month, I have visited almost all the prefectures and counties in Wu and have done my best.

There are many hills in Wu area. The land is waterlogged because of too much water, and there is also some drought because the terrain is slightly higher and it is not easy to water. When Xue Lang chose, he didn't want good terrain or water conservancy. He wanted these two extremes to let people try.

Xue Lang Fang Yan introduced Zhancheng rice in order to let everyone harvest more grain. The advantages of Zhancheng rice only depend on saying. If the advantages of Zhancheng rice can be proved by facts in the first year, there will be no lack of support in the second year.

This is what Xue Lang and Pei Yunzhao discussed. The first year of trial planting is trial planting. As long as the first year's operation is good, the later one will be easier to operate. The superiority of grain seed really needs sowing to prove.

When Xue Lang finished scattering seedlings and went back to the government, it was more than a month later. After more than a month's work, he became thin and dark, but his spirit was still vigorous. When Xue Fu came back to the house, it was the morning. Shuinu baby was sleeping.

Shuinu's work and rest are regular. She sleeps for more than half an hour in the morning and in the afternoon. She can eat and sleep. She is plump and plump. When she pinches the soft ground, she kisses her soft ground. Xue Lang used to love kissing her little face, which is soft and smooth. It looks like a boiled egg that has just been peeled. It feels bad."Baby, I miss you so much! Come on, Dad! Hold it

When he got home, he washed away the dust and cleaned himself up from head to toe. Shuinu baby also woke up and bowed down on the bed with his small buttocks pursed and his round eyes open.

After stretching out his hand for a long time, shuinu didn't react at all. He looked at him, and his expression was not afraid, as if he didn't remember him. Xue Lang was stunned and laughed bitterly: "can't you forget me? Oh, this is an unfortunate business! Let me leave home for such a long time, my daughter did not know me! Pei Yunzhao can't get rid of the responsibility for this

With a smile, Princess Pingyang held her daughter up from the bed. She bowed her head and said in a soft voice, "baby, this is your father. Come on, call your father, and let your father hold you high!"

Hearing this, shuinu's eyes brightened and she immediately put a smile on her face. Although she can't speak yet, she can generally understand. She is very enthusiastic and reaches out her small hand to Xue Lang: "Dad! High! High

Xue Lang swept away the frustration just now, smiling like a fool on his face and nodded in a hurry: "OK, OK, hold high, lift high! Come on, fly

Immediately held water slave to turn two times, happy baby kept laughing. However, it broke down at one stroke. The baby grew fat and held it heavy. When he lifted it twice, his hand was sour. Most people would not like to lift it again. Now there is a happy one. Just after putting it down for a while, the little baby opens his hands to his father. On his face is the cute expression of the famous smile: "Dad!"

Full sweetness is no problem!

"Daddy, tall! High

Xue Lang shook his sour arm and sighed in his heart. It was really difficult to raise a child to know his parents' kindness. It's very difficult to take care of children!

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