Transplanting is not as good as seeding. Zhancheng rice is a kind of rice with strong survival ability. It takes a short time and does not need to spend more than a month on the outside like sowing seedlings. Xue Lang went on a tour once more. First, he was responsible for his duties. Second, he wanted to see whether the selected land was chosen according to his instructions. In order to please the princess, I'm afraid that some people will choose good fields to sow in order to please the princess!

Every place will stay for a day or two, and more time is spent on the road. The last stop is in Hangzhou. After visiting Hangzhou, you can take a boat to Taizhou.

"Sir, Chai asked for help."

When Xue Lang arrived in Hangzhou, it was already noon. He had been running around for days, and his face was hard to hide. He declined the invitation of the governor of Hangzhou to receive the wind. He went directly to the post station to take a hot bath and have a good rest. He would get up early tomorrow to inspect the transplanting situation in Hangzhou.

When hearing Chang Jian's announcement, Xue Lang had just finished the bath and was waiting for his hair to dry. It could be said that his clothes were not neat. For a moment, there was no response: "Chai Shi? Which Chai family? "

Chang Jian quickly reminded: "Qianniu in the East Palace of the former dynasty is from the Chai family."

Qianniu in the East Palace of the former dynasty?! Isn't that Donggong Qianniu of the Sui Dynasty Chai Chai Chai Shao!

Xue ran suddenly, sitting upright, thinking of his Royal Highness's complex emotion to Chai Shao, after a moment of silence, he said, "you go out to deliver a message. Tomorrow afternoon, I will wait for the visit of Chai in the post office."

"Here it is."

Although he did not understand what the Chai family wanted him to do with his son-in-law, he was willing to take the time to see Princess Pingyang.

After a day's rest at the post station, Xue Lang, together with the governor of Hangzhou and Luo, went to the selected plots for inspection.

at the beginning of the selection, he deliberately selected people who had a positive attitude towards the trial planting of Zhancheng rice. After a round of inspection, the situation was still satisfactory. Most of them followed the requirements and did not make decisions without authorization.

After watching it for a while, Xue Lang expressed his satisfaction. It was not good to refuse the invitation of Luo Zhishi. He went to the governor's office to accept his banquet. After eating for more than an hour, he saw that noon was approaching, and then he made an excuse to leave.

"If the emperor's son-in-law is easy to leave, the lower officials will not send them away."

Luo Zhishi watched Xue Lang's carriage go far away, and then he stood up straight. His face was cloudy and uncertain, and he was slightly unhappy. The teacher who followed him reminded him: "Ming Gong, if you have something, please go back to the mansion."

Luo Cishi's expression was awe inspiring and nodded. However, he could not help complaining: "the princess's status is noble. We can't climb up to the top. Xue Yiren It's just that you can't do anything about it. "

The master looked around carefully. After seeing that all of them were his own, he relaxed his guard a little and said, "this Xue Yiren was not a man of long sleeves and good friends when he was in the capital. Last time and this time, there were many people who wanted to visit him. However, apart from Pei Yunzhao of Yuezhou, he had never heard of anyone who could talk to him. Therefore, for these people, please be patient and try your best. "

Luo Zhishi nodded: "it can only be so."

Two people look at each other, some unwilling, but can do nothing, also can only return home.

Xue Lang returned to the post station. After gargling, he took a short rest. Changjian massaged his scalp and loosened it. Xue Lang closed his eyes and let Chang Jian massage. Suddenly he asked, "who was Chai's poster yesterday?"

Chang Jian replied, "Huiye is Chai Dun, who is the speaker of the Chai family in Hangzhou. He is the leader of his family, and he is called Chai uncle."

Xue Lang nodded and said nothing more. After a while of spirit, Chai's housekeeper brought the gift list to him. Chai then arrived and waited for Xue Lang to be summoned.

Xue Lang lived in a separate yard in the post station. The people he took Most of them are guards. The servants who serve close to each other only take a long and frugal one, and one cross courtyard is enough to live in. In order to entertain Chai, he asked Yi Cheng to find two maids for him and began to cook tea early.

A casual glance at the gift list, the gift on the list is not particularly valuable, but just the general etiquette, including a pair of handmaids listed separately as gifts.

After such a long time, Xue Lang received and presented to his maid as a gift, at least a dozen. In the palace of Chang'an City, there are also a considerable number of singers and dancers sent by Li Xiaogong. After the initial shock, Xue Lang got used to it. He was more calm when he received such a gift. Sure enough, time is a pig killing knife.

With such a sigh, Chang Jian came to report: "Ye, Chai is here."

"Please come to the main hall. I'll be there later."

After sorting out his clothes, Xue Lang went to the main hall to meet the guests

"No need to be polite. Please sit down and talk. Come and see the tea. "

Chai Fen sat down with the guest and the host, and made people serve tea. Chai said: "I heard of the name of the emperor's son-in-law. I've been lucky to see you today. The grassroots are really lucky."

With a faint smile, Xue Lang said, "brother Chai, you are welcome. So far, I have only heard of brother Chai's name, but I have never seen him. When I met for the first time, brother Chai took the initiative to pay a visit. "Chai Lian hurriedly said: "harassing your son-in-law is the fault of the grass-roots people. If we did not hear of the visit of the emperor to Hangzhou, the grass people would not dare to put it on the table. I would like to say that Chai has not been grateful to his royal highness. He has never visited the emperor's Condor to visit him. Thanks to the emperor, he thanked Chai for his gratitude to his royal highness.

Xue Lang nodded: "I will tell you, please have tea."

"Thank you for your son-in-law."

After Chai's thanks, he took a sip of his tea cup and was slightly stunned: "is it the way that the southern people drink tea? Does the son-in-law like this method? "

The maid provided by Yi Cheng is from the south. She can't cook tea soup, but she can only make tea. At that time, it was a popular way to drink tea in the south, different from the tea soup in the north.

Xue Lang apologized: "this tour is for business, I didn't bring a maid. Today, in order to entertain brother Chai, I specially asked Yi Cheng to find two maidens. The maids are all from the South and can't cook tea. So I can only invite brother Chai to drink a cup of tea. "

Chai's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "tea soup has the taste of tea soup, and green tea also has the aftertaste of tea. Each has its own strong points and may as well do something."

finished drinking two cups of tea, and then laughed again, "the young brother of the grass man who is good for nothing, is the princess of the Royal Highness who dredged up and entered the office of nunya. His royal highness had always taken care of Chai. So much love. Originally, Chai should give full support to the trial planting of Zhancheng rice. But his family background is limited and his support is limited. I'm really ashamed. "

Xue Lang said: "do what you can. If you want to know, your highness will not blame."

Chai Hun said with a laugh, "it is very great that your highness is too great to care for Chai, and I will not blame you, but I am sorry for Chai."

Chai and Xue Lang have been around for a long time, changing their views over and over, but there is only one meaning -

Princess Pingyang has a very different attitude towards Chai, and she has a lot of friendship with Princess Pingyang. If he had not known the relationship between Chai Shao and Princess Pingyang, Xue Lang would have believed it.

The bottom of my heart laughed bitterly, and it was not easy to tear him down. I had to bear to accompany him slowly. I walked around with him for more than an hour. I didn't say anything meaningful. I listened to him watching the present and remembering the past. There he said how Princess Pingyang cared for Chai and how well she was good. Xue Lang was very tired of listening.

Xue Lang said politely that he did not want to listen to this nonsense any more. He took tea to see off the guests until he saw them off. He also couldn't understand what Chai Chong came for. Chai even busy way: "the emperor's son-in-law stops, the grass-roots dare not be sent off when the emperor's son-in-law."

Xue Lang's identity is there, naturally he will not be sent to the gate of the hospital. He is modest to get up to see off the guests. Smell speech way: "so, brother Chai walk slowly, I will not send."

Chai said: "yes, my husband-in-law will stay."

After a pause, he said in a low voice: "the maidservant given by the grass-roots people today is from the north. In addition to the pleasant color, they can also cook a good tea soup and play a good pipa. It can be said that the husband-in-law can have a try if he has time, or it can comfort his husband-in-law's lonely journey."

Finish saying, also a pair of do not say in the meaning of a pointed smile. Xue Lang's silent pain --

smile so obscene, it's good to smile at him!

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