Xue Lang sat and thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out why. When Princess Pingyang took a nap, she saw him sitting there in a daze. Seeing his stupefied appearance, she asked with concern: "what's the matter?"

Xue Lang looked back and saw Princess Pingyang come out languidly. Her long hair was still scattered, and she was not in a bun. She was wearing a light gauze dress and holding a round fan in her hand.

In this way, Xue Lang had no intention to think about anything. He was full of his beloved Princess. He jumped up like a spring and jumped to hold the princess's hand. He took over the round fan in her hand, fanned her and sat down. He asked with a smile, "did you sleep well? Is there anything uncomfortable? "

that gallant look, pleasing the royal highness of princess, the tone is unconsciously a lot of softness, take some Xu Jiao Qiao: "how hot, sleep sweaty, why doesn't there be wind?"

Xue Lang nodded and said, "in summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. You can't use an ice basin in your current physical condition, eh Shall I make you a fan


Princess Pingyang looked at him curiously. Xue langlue thought for a moment and said, "it's not difficult to make a fan with human power. Wait. I'll take a picture and go to Heng Yu and ask him to help me weave the fan leaves with bamboo strips. It's very simple."

Then he began to draw a picture. Seeing the newspaper on the table, he hesitated for three seconds and pushed it to Princess Pingyang: "this is just received today."

With a smile on her face, Princess Pingyang took it over and took a look. She couldn't help smiling. Xiumei frowned and thought deeply.

Xue Lang hates him to make some decisions for him in the name of "hello". He will be more careful than he is, and he will not hide his highness. A little hesitation is concerned about the health of her royal highness. In the end, the idea of "do not impose on others" is the top idea.

Princess Pingyang pondered for a while and asked, "what do you think of Youyang?"

Xue Lang shook his head and said, "I don't have any idea. I can't see what the sage intends to do. Or we can only infer one or two things until the follow-up residence report is sent."

Pingyang Princess frowned tightly and her face was heavy. She said, "I look at it. The sage is afraid that he has a heart of easy storage."


Xue Lang scratched his head, thought for a moment, and asked, "what's the matter?"

Princess Pingyang said, "if my father has no intention of saving up easily, Yuanji will be the main force for dispatching the army this time, and other generals who can fight well will be sent to assist him. And Erlang will surely rise and fall openly and secretly to seize his military power. The most direct way is to transfer Yuchi Gong and Qin Qiong out to assist Yuanji."

The princess has a good eye. In history, her father Li Yuan did this! Princess Pingyang can see it, but Xue Lang is familiar with the history, but he doesn't see it This is probably the real spectator.

Sometimes know too much, too clear, when thinking, is also a kind of hindrance. Xue Lang always cares about the Xuanwu Gate incident in his heart! This kind of mind, affected his judgment, actually did not have Pingyang princess to see clearly.

Xue Lang laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart and thought about it seriously. He said, "the bystander sees clearly, and the one who is in charge is a fan. To tell you the truth, when I looked at it earlier, I only thought that the sage should find a balance between the prince and the king of Qin, and strike 50 boards each. While weakening the military power of the king of Qin, he should use Ye Qing to strengthen the sage's own authority, so as to make decisions. "

"That's how you saw it before?"

Princess Pingyang's face became serious and dignified. Xue Lang second understand: "Jianling, you are afraid of the prince and the king of Qin, I think so?"

Princess Pingyang said: "what do you think I'm not worried. There are no generals under the elder brother. Yuanji is the only one who can use them. Yuanji was cut off by his father before, but this time it was opened again. For elder brother, it is the proof that the father's family members are still there. The one who can be worried is Erlang! "

Princess Pingyang sighed and said, "I know Erlang's temperament. Military power to him is like eating meat in his mouth. Although his father did not take all of his military power, he also divided the power in his hands. I only hope that he can judge the situation. Don't pay too much attention to the gains and losses of the moment and lose judgment."

Xue Lang thought for a while and said, "Erlang's strategic vision and wisdom are quite reliable, and there is no shortage of people with insight under him. He should be good at persuading Erlang."

The princess is not only afraid of being pessimistic, but also afraid of persuading people to fight for power. Do you forget what you said to me, the world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit? Now Erlang is not only Erlang, but also big brother. "

Then he sighed again.

Xue Lang was silent and understood the meaning of Princess Pingyang. Although we haven't studied it carefully, we can see from the historical records that behind the king of Qin stood the Guan Longshi clan represented by changsun Wuji, while the crown prince built up his own After the Xuanwumen incident, the first thing the king of Qin, who won the victory over Wei Zheng, sent him to Henan to appease the aristocrats. It was obvious that the aristocrats of Henan generation were supporters of the prince. Both the king of Qin and the crown prince have their own interest groups.

Power struggle!

Xue Lang can't help sighing in his heart. He looks up at Princess Pingyang with worry in his eyes and stops talking. Princess Pingyang met his worried eyes with a faint smile and asked, "is Youyang worried about me?"Xue Lang firmly said: "no matter how you do, I will support you!"

"Even if I want to get involved in the struggle between big brother and Erlang? Even if I want to remonstrate with my father, it involves the matter of the throne? "

Asked Princess Pingyang. Xue Lang still nodded: "yes! All support it

Princess Pingyang did not speak, only looked at him with zhanran eyes. She could see nothing but a frank and sincere look in his eyes!

Xue Lang is telling the truth!

He would certainly give all his support to Princess Pingyang to make a choice. He lost his family and knew what it was like to lose his family. He did not want the princess of Pingyang to experience that pain. So long as the princess chose to do so, he supported him, but he did not want the princess of Pingyang to regret it.

"Why are you still so stupid?"

For a long time, Princess Pingyang sighed, raised her hand to touch Xue Lang's face, and tears appeared in her eyes: "why is Li Jianling so lucky to be treated by Lang Jun so much?"

Xue Lang gently smile, way: "I don't want you to regret, that is your relatives, if you don't do anything, I'm afraid you will suffer in the future. I don't want to see your pain, see your pain, I will only be more painful than you!"

Princess Pingyang couldn't help it any more and threw herself into his arms. Her voice choked: "the husband can't give up me. Am I willing to give up my husband? fool! Fool

Xue Lang hugged her soft body, gently stroked her back, and said in a soft voice, "don't cry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Jianling, did I tell you? I love you. I love you very much. In the Tang Dynasty, because of you, I feel that this field is meaningful. Without you, Datang is just a second hometown that I have no choice but to have nothing else. "

Princess Pingyang raised her head from his arms. Her eyes were moist and she was coquettish and angry: "I will cry for tears!"

Xue Lang smiles with embarrassment. Princess Pingyang's eyes are like the sea. She can't help but hold his neck, pull down his head and stick it tightly to his mouth. After a long time, she just separated and hugged him with her arms: "this is what you are Love evil people! How can I give up! "


Xue Lang's face flushed with kisses, and he couldn't speak out. He could only make great efforts to keep silent.

Princess Pingyang gave him a charming look, but she did not move away. She was still close to him, and said in a low voice: "the big brother and Erlang are not in charge of their mother. How about the elder brother and Erlang What I can do has been done, and the rest is powerless. Elder brother and Erlang are no longer children. What they do should be independent. How can I manage it? I only hope that they can take into account their brotherhood and scruple when they act. The only thing I'm worried about is Aya! Fortunately, Aya has made up his mind now, and he is in good health. It is not too late to start decorating at this time. There is still room for him. "

Xue Lang is not good at judging the situation. If Erlang can see clearly and resist going to extremes, the Xuanwumen incident may not happen; if Erlang can't see clearly, the Xuanwumen incident I'm afraid it will be staged again! The right of choice lies in the king of Qin. Neither Xue Lang nor Princess Pingyang can do anything about it. They can't control anyone but themselves!

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