Xue Langzhen chose not to choose fame or wealth, so she was asked to choose by her royal highness. If

chooses fame, it means that her Royal Highness has ambitions in politics. Princess

's achievements in Changan are good for nothing, and Li Yuan's subordinates and children can also compare Li Shimin's achievements with others. Even the crown prince Jiancheng can't compare with her. If it wasn't because she was a woman and had no hope of the throne, he would have regarded her as a political enemy! If

chooses money, it represents the political concession of Her Highness. In terms of Prince Jiancheng, Yuanji or Li Shimin, her position will be more detached and more stable.

only, as a subordinate, there are some words that Xue Lang is not very clear about. Even if he lacks emotional intelligence, he knows that he can not talk about the closeness between other brothers and sisters, and does not say what his highness will think of him. In case of Li Yuan's knowledge, his life will be finished.

Princess highness obviously knew Xue Lang's embarrassment, and amused him without embarrassing him. He looked at his nose and nose for a moment, and said, "money!"

Yami tofu!

Princess Royal is as wise as in the past!

there is no doubt that her royal highness is very capable, but the present environment is not the environment of Emperor Wu's accession to the throne. Although Li Yuan is not very wise and wise, she is also a capable emperor. There are three brothers Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji and Li Shimin fighting for the throne. No matter how the throne is calculated, she will not have ministers to support her accession to the throne.

Since there is no hope to ascend the throne, it is superfluous to continue to seek useless fame. An invincible position of the princess is not to be made by these frivolous fame, so that her father and brothers can be suspicious of her. Instead of making some other difference, they can make their status more detached and become the object of all parties' support and personal invincible position.

princess's highness didn't think so, Xue Lang did not know, these are Xue Lang's own analysis. Your Royal Highness has been the most favorable choice for everyone. It's still a great pleasure to be a subordinate.

Therefore, Xue Lang said, "since you have chosen money, please repair books as soon as possible, go to the imperial court, ask saints to give us names, and acquiesce in our business by the way."

With the tacit consent of the sage, those who want to copy should think twice. What's more, Xue Lang didn't give up. Wei ZEGUAN only earned the first amount of money, and then he imitated it. Anyone who wanted to be interesting could understand it. Princess

nodded her head and asked the first snow to rub the ink. He said, "isn't there the name of the plow?"

Xue Lang would like to despise his royal highness, but in view of his personal safety, he still restrained himself in his efforts: "Your Highness, which one is better than the name given by the saint?" With the name of his subordinates, your highness can sell 10 Guan, and with the name given by the sage, you can sell at least 30 Guan. "

Princess Pingyang laughed and joked, "Youyang is right!"

"Your Highness is wise."

Xue Lang is quite modest. Her royal highness smiled and shook her head, and she began to write the sparse brush with the ink of the first snow, then she asked to write, suddenly asked her, "how do you sell it, young Yang?"

Xue Lang had a plan in mind for a long time: "I have asked the craftsmen to rush to work. First, we need to make the number for the ribbon cutting ceremony. After finishing this, let them continue to do it. The subordinate here will sort out the drawing and size of the plough, and let people copy more copies. When buying, they will send a finished plow with a drawing manual. As long as it is 66 runs, 66 runs are good, and it is very lucky! "

"66 runs!"

even if her royal highness was accustomed to money, she was shocked by the price.

Xue Lang also dutifully explained: "Your Highness, that is a plow named by the sage, and our plough is practical and easy to use. Two oxen are needed for other ploughs, but only one for ours! Do you think these two points alone are worth 66 runs

Princess Royal is rendered speechless.

Xue Lang nodded with satisfaction. He felt that the ribbon cutting ceremony should be made more extensive. He simply said, "we should send people to the nearby villages to promote the ceremony. It's better to attract people with cattle farming to hold an on-site ordering meeting. By the way, your highness, your sparring should be written quickly. By the way, taking advantage of our children's convenience, we should urge the saints to send down the imperial edict as soon as possible. When we wait for the ribbon cutting ceremony, we will take a walk around to frighten the curfews, so as not to have the audacious person copy them before we make money. " The expression of Princess

's highness... Her Royal Highness has no expression. A terrified image is obviously affected by three views.

Xue Lang said it freely. The more he said it, the clearer he thought: "except for the local people in weizeguan, they can only learn from us, and those from other places can also learn from us and sell them once. If you have money, you can make money together. Everyone is happy! They'll be a lot more cheerful when they have to pay. "

"Youyang, why don't you write a document about your ideas with me?"

Princess Royal did not know when to put up a shocked expression, repeatedly nodded, directly suggested. Xue Lang Leng for a moment: "Your Highness, you know, your subordinate does not know classical Chinese?"

Princess Royal leisurely said: "no harm, you are used to how to write how to write, just write down your plan, let the palace a good look!" It is said that Guan Zhong had great talents in ancient times. Did not this palace also encounter one of them? ""Ha ha, your highness, I flatter you. I just see a lot of them. Hey, your highness, your chance to make a lot of money is just around the corner. As a subordinate who provides you with quyuanli, can I share a little bit of it? "

Xue Lang asked weakly and weakly. His royal highness looked at Xue Lang with a strange look. He asked, "should we give the young Yang, how much do the young Yang want to divide?"

Xue Lang calculated and tried to say, "how about 10%

Princess highness slightly hesitation, nodded: "yes!"

Xue Lang from ancient to modern times is pleased with her compliment, her royal highness. "Your Highness is the first good time to go through the ages." "From ancient to modern times, the first one is subordinate," Princess


"Your Highness flatters me, your highness should not praise him so much."

Xue Lang is embarrassed to be praised. Princess very modest smile: "when we get this, Miyahara intends to stay behind, and rewards Yang 30% as a reward. Unexpectedly, she actually proposes 10%.


Xue Lang wants to cry and look at Her Highness without tears. "Your Highness, is it still too late to regret?"

Princess Royal face is full of face: "the contract can be changed!"

Xue Lang really wanted to cry. He said with a sad face: "Your Highness, bullying your subordinates with zero EQ, you are so ungrateful!"

Princess Royal surprised, "why don't we say it in a good way? Didn't Youyang put forward the number of shares? In addition, Youyang, what is EQ? "

Xue Lang's low EQ played a role again. He said powerlessly, "Your Highness, your subordinate's purse is injured, and your spirit is stimulated. I can't remember it!"

Princess highness: "..."

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