At the same time, there may be floods.

Li Er and all the officials were dignified. At this time, it was just the beginning of Zhenguan, and Li Er got the throne in that way. The occurrence of these disasters, it is simply appropriate to send people curse and damage his reputation reasons and excuses.

Li Er's expression was very complicated. After a moment's silence, he said: "the flood and the drought are not harmonious. All of them are immoral. Is it because my virtue is not cultivated? Is it that heaven is punishing me

"Your majesty!"

Nowadays, most of the important officials in the imperial court are subordinates who share weal and woe with Li Er, and most of them come from Tiance mansion. They have deep feelings with Li Er. I feel sad when I hear the speech. It is no more than that the Lord dishonors his ministers.

Seeing the silence in the atmosphere, Xue Lang scratched his head in his heart and said, "fortunately, fortunately, the imperial court has begun to make preparations early now, so it is better than being caught off guard by then?"

On hearing this, Li Er Yi nodded: "yes, too."

Then, the people gathered together and began to discuss the Countermeasures for the flood disaster. Xue Lang doesn't know much about this. As a new generation of Four Haves born in New China and grew up under the red flag, Xue Lang is used to the glorious tradition of big PLA where there are disasters. How to fight and solve disasters is something PLA and the country are worried about. As ordinary people, do their own work well and donate money when they can. The people of my big flower family are so cool!

Xue Lang's character is that he doesn't know what he doesn't know. After listening to the discussions among the ministers, he raised his hand like a pupil and said, "Your Majesty, I want to say something."

"You can tell me."

"Here it is."

Xue Lang responded and said seriously: "the problem of post disaster epidemic prevention! Why are you not involved? "

People His majesty Li Er was stunned, and the eldest sun Wuji said: "we all know that we should prevent the great epidemic after the disaster. However, there is no effective means and we do not have a corresponding understanding of the epidemic. Therefore, it needs to be done by the Taiyi department and the pharmaceutical Bureau."

The eldest sun Wuji said that Xue Lang could not help thinking of a time when the maid girl was ill. According to the law, when the servant is ill, the owner has the obligation to ask for a doctor to delay the medication.

Once, the maid of Princess Pingyang's family got sick. When the steward came back, Su Han was not in the capital. Princess Pingyang ordered people to take her post and invite a doctor of medicine from the imperial medical department. As a result, when the doctor came, she made a prescription and asked the sick maid to dance with a chicken, which was a cure.

When Xue Lang knew it, he was in a mess in the wind! Exme?! Are you kidding me? The three outlooks are going to explode! After consulting Princess Pingyang, she knew that this was a common medical method!

Xue Lang was speechless, and without hesitation, he drove the man out, changed to a doctor again, examined pulse and prescribed medicine again, and the maidservant's illness was cured.

Thinking about the painful past, Xue Lang immediately said: "after the disaster, doctors and doctors are faced with the situation that there are more monks and less officials. In order to make good use of steel on the blade and give full play to the role and advantages of doctors, in fact, some measures for epidemic prevention can be adopted by ordinary people. For example, the raw water after the disaster can not be drunk, it must be boiled; the garbage must be cleaned up; the accumulated water should be reduced as far as possible, and no breeding place for mosquitoes and so on... "

Xue Lang poured out all he knew about epidemic prevention. He explained why he did it and what benefits it had. He would let all the ministers in the Legislative Council and sage Li understand it at one time, so that he would not explain it again.

After a long meeting with the palace, when Xue Lang came home, all the babies were asleep, and Princess Pingyang was waiting for him with a small hand stove in her arms.

"It's so cold, don't wait for me! You should go to bed early and get warm with a quilt. "

Xue Lang said so. However, Princess Pingyang just smiles and doesn't care. She orders someone to bring him hot water to wash and gargle. At the same time, she says, "how many more days do you need to be busy? Today's winter is warmer than in the past. The plum blossoms in the garden bloom a little earlier. I wanted to go with you to collect plum blossoms and brew some plum wine. Besides, Chuang Tzu reported that the pigs had grown up and could be slaughtered. Elder sister Xiangyang and aunt Tong'an all asked me for soap from our family. This year, we can make more and give them some. "

Even if they did not participate in the government, the couple's life was actually very wonderful. Xue Lang has a strong hands-on ability and a wide range of learning. In the days when he is not involved in government affairs, the young couple can find fun all the year round.

In front of Princess Pingyang, Xue Lang gave her wholehearted trust. She taught her wine making skills, the method and principle of making Hand-made Soap. When the season came, they were busy together, and they didn't rush for time and production. They were entitled to a hobby and an interesting event, but they were also interested in it.

Princess Pingyang naturally knew the importance of these secret recipes. She was moved by Xue Lang's trust and loved him even more. I thought she was just a short-lived person. But who knows that God treats her so well and gives her such a lovely husband, why not be satisfied with her? Enough, big enough!

Xue Lang naturally did not know the psychological activities of Princess Pingyang. Listening to the words of Princess Pingyang, he laughed happily: "is it? I thought, things in the court, should not be of great use to me, I also finished what I know, the next day, should be able to enjoy a few days of leisure. Now that the plum blossom is about to open, it's time to make the soap first, and then gather the plum blossom to prepare the wine bar! "After washing and changing his nightgown, he and his daughter-in-law got into the warm quilt together. The couple talked leisurely and leisurely. Xue Lang thought that this was the only way to live. The old TV show "baby, I love you", baby long, baby short, pull it down, that is not to live, that is to cheat girls. Life is more than love.

After that, as expected by Xue Lang, he was not called into the palace any more. Only occasionally, people from the palace or other ministers came to ask for advice. Xue Lang's days returned to his former leisure.

Xue Lang was free, and the caustic soda prepared earlier was ready. Xue Lang took people to Chuang Tzu and ordered people to start killing pigs.

We had to kill the sausage, stewed pork, stuffed sausage, and so on. We had enough manpower to start the work in an orderly way. Shuinu's mouth was greasy. If she didn't dare to give her more food, she could eat a little belly and go round.

It took a few days to finish killing the pigs. I left a few pigs for the Spring Festival. Now the first batch is mainly for cooking oil, making Hand-made Soap, sausage and bacon.

When Xue Lang and his wife and daughter happily led Chang'an, they immediately received the imperial edict from the sage Xiao Li -

Xue Lang granted the Duke of Liang state and the eldest daughter Xue Jingzhi as the princess of Yongning!

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