As the general historical records, the snow in early spring still came down! There is no heating, no down jacket, no cotton padded jacket, or even a pair of cotton shoes. It depends on one's integrity to keep out the cold. In such a weather like

, the royal highness of the princess is to give consideration to subordinates, give her subordinates to send carbon and clothes, and Xue Lang also has two more hand warmers.

holding the lotus incense, they have a good handheld stove, carrying a good promotion plan, even if it is a heavy snow day, you have to see your royal highness. The faster the

is going to make the promotion plan for the plow, it will be better prepared. The snow on the

road has been cleaned very clear. As a result, when it comes to the main hall of the princess's highness, it feels that the soles are still wet. Before entering, Chang Jian takes out a pair of dry cloth shoes from the bookcase: "please change your shoes, Lang Jun."

Xue Lang quickly changed his dry shoes. The cold on his feet made him feel better. Enter the main hall, which is very warm with charcoal pots burning. The charcoal is good, but it still has some flavor. Xue Lang couldn't help sneezing --

"master Xue, it's really the first person to arrive before the voice comes."

is Liu magistrate. She is in her Royal Highness's office, too. Xue Lang rubbed his nose, first salutes his royal highness:

"see your highness."

Then he turned to Liu nuguan and hugged his fist: "Liu Nanguan is early." Princess

waved her hand and said, "no need for courteous, early snow, drive ginger tea in Xue's main book to dispel cold."

A cup of ginger tea, I feel warm. Xue Lang's face came to life, which attracted Liu female official's ridicule: "look at the attitude of master Xue, is it colder outside? Or is the fur thin? "

This tricky girl!

Xue Lang silently Tucao, mouth: "here can not buy cotton padded jacket, also can not buy down jacket, and make complaints about cold all rely on a Hao Ran righteousness, I feel this cold outside the family is natural."

"A noble and upright body?"

Liu nuguan looked Xue Lang around in a meaningful way and said, "Can Xue Zhubo open the three stone bows?"

Sleeping trough! This must be discussed! Xue Lang Gang wanted to roll his sleeves and think about it. He said, "you can't discriminate against my physical strength just because I'm thin! I A-choo

Damn charcoal! He lost his chain at the critical moment!

Facing Liu nuguan's meaningful eyes, Xue Lang decides not to share the same view with his wife, and he can't strip off his clothes to show her muscles. He will be beaten out as a hooligan. My friend is a nice man.

, watching the two men's bickering Royal Highness sympathize with their subordinates, interposed: "young Yang is not used to the cold here?" Don't be cold. Call on Liu Zhengchun to give him a pulse. "

It's not cool, your highness. It's not cold. It's not

Princess Qi Dao: "is a flower house without charcoal heating?"

Xue Lang said: "back to your highness, you don't have to use it except in the remote places. There is heating in the north, air conditioning in the south, cotton padded jacket and down jacket when going out, so there is no need to burn charcoal

Princess Pingyang asked, "listen to the meaning of Youyang, cotton padded jacket and down jacket are clothes to keep out the cold. What kind of fabrics are they made of?"

Xue Lang introduced what the down jacket was made of. He said of the cotton padded jacket and asked, "has your highness ever seen a kind of flowers and plants with white silk balls in the fruit?"

Princess Royal has not answered, Liu female officer asked: "Xue's book is white stack?"

Bai diezi?!

The problem of the difference between ancient and modern names is that the egg hurts. Xue Lang simply took out his pen and drew the appearance of cotton. He asked, "this is called Bai diezi?" "Exotic flowers and rare herbs," Princess

said. "It is white stacked. There are also some gardens planted in the garden of the central government. The seeds come from Gao Chang, and they were introduced into the former Sui Dynasty, and they were also exotic flowers and plants. It is said that Gaochang is used to make white laminated cloth, which is soft. However, Gaochang has strict control over the weaving method, and outsiders can't do it. "

Liu nodded with approval. Xue Lang said, "this is cotton. It can be used to make cotton padded jacket and quilt. The cost is cheap and warm. In terms of cold protection, the cost is much lower than that of wool quilt! Most suitable for ordinary people! "

In ancient China, Pueraria, hemp, silk and wool were widely used as raw materials for fabrics. Cotton was planted and used in large areas as early as after the song and Yuan Dynasties. Before that, cotton was only introduced into the border areas, not into the Central Plains. The Central Plains area is only planted as exotic flowers and herbs for ornamental purposes.

Xue Lang's face "your bo Tim tin mat" expression, Princess Royal drink silently hot water, can not see the heart of the idea, the spirit of martial arts as outstanding as before. Liu nuguan was obviously more honest and felt uneasy.

Princess Royal make a prompt decision: "ah Liu, Chuan Shu Jing Zhong, the life of people to collect white seeds of stacking."

Then he looked at Xue Lang and said, "you know how many seeds do you need for a mu of land?"

Xue Lang said: "in a florist, you usually have five to seven catties per mu of land. I don't know about the seeds here, but at least we should prepare according to this amount. By the way, when sending seeds, I remember to bring two people who are good at planting cotton. I have never actually planted cotton, but I have seen it. "

Princess highness looks to Liu female officer, Liu female officer should immediately.After talking about the cotton padded jacket, the princess looked at Xue Lang with a deep meaning. "I am glad that the inspection tour of the day is carried out. There are young Yang, and Tang is very lucky, Motomiya Yuki."

Xue Lang embarrassed smile: "Your Highness flatter me, but see more, there are differences between the two places."

"You Yang deserves it. In Youyang, it's the difference between the two places, but it's lucky for me in Datang. Youyang is a meritorious minister to the Tang Dynasty. This palace knows it, and the sage knows it. "

Princess highness made a clear statement. Xue Lang laughed and said sincerely, "Your Highness, if your subordinates say you don't want to do meritorious deeds, it's a fake. But it's not just meritorious deeds. My ancestors once lived in this land. As a descendant, I also want to do something for this land. It's not in vain to come to this world. "


Princess Pingyang said: "You Yang's ambition, this palace knows."

Xue Lang said: "it's not ambition. It's just to do what I can. As for the final success or failure, we should try our best to obey the destiny! So I have a clear conscience! " Princess

looked at him with a deep look and nodded. Seeing this, Xue Lang took out the written promotion plan: "Your Highness, this is the promotion plan written by my subordinates. Please have a look."

Princess highness took the promotion plan -

Xue Lang wrote in vernacular Chinese, when writing, he used words and sentences as far as possible, but he did not use modern words at all.

Princess Royal finished reading, did not first evaluate the plan is good or bad, but first to praise Xue Lang: "young Yang this article written... Well, it's better to be easy to understand and clear at a glance. "

Xue Lang's silent luck: "Your Highness, how about this plan?"

"It seems that it is too lively and not solemn enough," said Princess Pingyang

Xue Lang was disheartened: "Your Highness, the solemn one is sacrifice. This is a simple ceremony, which is to ask for a lively and joyful ceremony. Please take Sima and Changshi to cut the ribbon. Before cutting, let's have a section of gongs, drums and lions to cheer up the excitement. Then cut the ribbon and hang red cloth on the cattle and plows. All the people who know about farming mulberry can see it at a glance It's good and bad to come out. "

Princess highness: "the plan for the promotion of young Yang is a set."

No objection. Xue Lang said with a smile: "Your Highness, please remember to invite more people. How much you can earn this time depends on how many people your highness can invite."

Princess highness said, "this palace must do its best."

discussed some details again, and Xue Lang preached the ritual process to his highness by speaking orally, so that his royal highness could have some idea.

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