Nothing will be hooked up!

  Seeing this scene,

  There was anger in everyone's eyes!

  This is,

  No acting anymore!

  Feeling the angry eyes of the crowd,

  The two shopkeepers were ashamed,

  The face is on fire,

  Lowered his head.


  The supervisor mixed in the crowd,

  At this time, I was secretly happy in my heart,


  Secretly compared a gesture of Jesus!

  if only,

  Ye Chen is no longer the same as before,

  Hundred hooks in a hundred,

  You won't lose too much yourself.


  It should only be a slap in the face!

  Ye Chen looked at the slowly rising hook,

  The expression has changed!

  not anger,

  Not disappointed either!

  The corners of his mouth twitched slightly,

  On Ye Chen's face,

  Showing a full-bodied smile!


  slowly rising hook,

  Under the astonished eyes of the crowd,

  It even hooked into the gap of the packaging box!

  The hook is inserted in the wind system,

  move up slowly,

  And the hooked box,


  Although swaying,



  Narrowly landed at the exit.

  Ye Chen has already taken out the figure,

  the shock of the crowd,

  No reply yet.

  And this kind of operation?

  People looked at the gods as if they were gods,

  Staring at Ye Chen with wide eyes!

  Is it difficult,

  Ye Chen has already calculated everything?




  Just when everyone looked at Ye Chen in shock,

  a roar,

  Attract everyone's attention!


  store manager,

  eyes widened,

  Lips trembling slightly!


  You must be cheating! "

  Looking at Ye Chen,

  The supervisor suddenly gritted his teeth and said.

  the operation just now,

  It is clear,

  It's simply not possible for humans to do it!

  Not only does this require amazing computing power,

  It also needs terrifying control ability!

  For hook control,

  It has to be fine to the millimeter level! !

  The manager doesn't believe it,


  Someone really can do this!

  "I'm the manager of this store,

  I suspect you are cheating!

  stop now,

  Take our inspection! "


Chapter 162

  Chapter [-]: Young Master Ye, I'm sorry, I'm late!

  After hearing what the supervisor said,

  the people present,

  All turned their angry eyes on him!

  If nothing else,

  The operation of two employees just now,

  It should be arranged by this supervisor!

  see you in a moment,

  everyone present,

  Look at the boss's eyes,

  Full of scorn!

  can't play,

  just cheat,

  Even to frame others for cheating,

  It's so shameless!

  Ye Chen also heard what the supervisor said,


  For this supervisor,

  Ye Chen didn't even bother to lift his eyelids to look at him,

  The movement of the hand did not stop,

  When the supervisor speaks,

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