EN Jin lifted the red cap and raised her head. She stood up and held out her hand to Gu Meng.

"Whelp?" The voice with a smile is deep and soft, "after worship, I'll call my husband again."

Red silk and satin in the air, fluttering to the fall, become a section of the flowing background.

Gu Meng looks at en Jin for a few seconds, and then looks at the big hand with distinct bony joints handed to him. He feels like he has been scratched by a feather. He can't resist the itching. He bites his lips and smiles. Then he grabs the other party's hand and stands up.

EN Jin sees Gu Meng's smile, and her heart is bound to move. She grabs each other's wrist and tries to pull people over and do something to him. However, she is interrupted by the noise from the ceiling of the room.

On the ceiling near the window hung a square plank without warning. In a short time, Mo Chunying propped up her head in the hole.

The little girl's eyes in two people around a circle, thought through, her face expressionless way: "you can be a little bit tired, anyway, I don't want to live."


There's a man in the attic above.

Patronizing a relationship ignores it.

EN Jin's expression is accordant, release the hand.

The room on the third floor was connected with an attic, but the butcher didn't try to find it when he came in. Either you don't pay attention to it, or you don't know, so it can be regarded as a safe shelter for the time being.

Gu Meng steps on the wooden box to enter the attic. There is no window on it, so it is not transparent.

After he went up, he turned around to give en Jin a handle. When he held Enjin, he caught a glimpse of Enjin's left arm. He didn't know when there was a blood hole on her left arm, which made the cloth on her sleeve wet.

Gu Meng's eyes flashed and she pursed her lips in silence.

After en Jin comes up, Gu Meng asks Mo Chunying to look for a candle or an oil lamp, while she sits at the entrance with en Jin, taking advantage of the dim light outside to deal with her injured arm.

"Just cut it?" Gu Meng tore the dress of her wedding dress nearby and wiped her arm for Enjin.

If it is not too fatal injury, such as being split half of the head and so on, Enjin will not react generally, he has a high tolerance limit for pain.

He glanced at the deep wound on his arm and said, "when I was in the box, I raised my hand to block it."

At that time, if the butcher with an axe chopped deeper, Enjin might have lifted the lid and became angry.

Gu Meng frowned ruefully and tore a piece of cloth from her wedding dress and said, "I knew you'd all hide from me..."

"Don't tear it." Enjin helplessly said with a smile, "the wedding dress is broken, how to return it to the ghost girl? Don't you think she's going crazy

Gu Meng doesn't care about it. She continues to tear it. She is cruel and shabby. When she winds her arms, she is gentle and delicate.

"It's a question whether we can go back or not." Mo Chunying found a lamp, lit it, turned around and put it on the floor beside them. She sighed, "I don't know how long I'm going to stay here? If those people in Ding's house find us missing, with their wisdom The situation may not be able to find here. "

The little girl is also a master of poisonous words. She originally wanted to say that it is difficult to save them with the intelligence quotient of those people in the house. However, she turned around and changed a more euphemistic way.

Gu Meng pretended not to hear the details, looked at en Jin and said, "do you have an idea?"

"Six hours." EN Jin suddenly tunnel.

Mo Chunying did not understand, asked: "what do you say?"

Enjin wiped the blood dripping on the skirt of Qipao and said faintly: "there is fog at 10 o'clock at night, and the door may open again. Now the door disappears because the cloth shop has fallen into a different world than before."

"Why didn't you just say that downstairs?" Gu Meng slightly twisted his eyebrows and said absentmindedly, "for Bo Ye, candi should be worried. If he can get out of here at 10 o'clock in the night, it should not be a problem to arrive at Ding's house before 12 o'clock..."

"I only said it was possible." Enjin repeated.

Gu Meng pauses for a moment and says in a daze: "do you mean..."

EN Jin looked at him and explained, "the opening time of the shop may only be at noon. If it is a little bit too much..."

He stopped for a second. "This may be a visit that never comes back. We missed the only chance to go out."

Mo Huan sat back on the floor and hugged Yu Ying.

Gu Meng tied a bow on Enjin's wound with a piece of cloth. After a long silence, Gu Meng said in a low voice: "if you say something that is uncertain, it will cause expectation. If you do..."

Words stopped, white jade general face, expression gloomy down.

EN Jin then laughed. He reached for Gu Meng's chin and whispered, "don't worry, do you remember I'm a VIP?"

“…………” Gu Meng doesn't know how to answer, so she thinks that Enjin's second illness has happened again.

"If the door disappears, let the wall in front of you disappear as well." Enjin recalled the strange incident that happened in the prison, and her eyes were filled with smiles. "Even if the door of the cloth shop doesn't open at 10 o'clock at night, I will take you out."Although Gu Meng doesn't know where he is confident, but what fan Enjin has promised, Gu Meng knows that the other party will do it.

Inexplicably, the heart is stable.

Seeing Gu Meng's face full of trust, Enjin was satisfied. Because he was close to each other face to face, he would lower his head and kiss the moist lips in front of him.

Just then, a faint voice came from the corner --

"kiss me, I don't want to live anyway."

Mo Chunying lies down and curls up on the floor.


EN Jin's face turns cold. After glancing at Mo Chunying in the corner of her eyes, she keeps away from Gu Meng.

Knowing that it was not the right time, he stood up on the floor and said to Gu Meng, "Mr. Gu, please close the board. Boss Tu may come back at any time."

Gu Meng answered, leaned down to hold the knot and pulled the plank up.

When it was fully closed, he looked down a little worried, as if to see the second floor through the wooden floor.

Gu Meng murmured, "hold on, don't let anything happen..."

Gu Meng carries a lamp to reflect the surrounding environment, which shows that the loft is not large in area, but it is arranged like a tailor's workshop.

There was a huge long table covered with cloth. There are all kinds of tools, such as needle and thread, soft ruler, cutting knife, etc., and the design drawings of clothes are placed on it.

On the drawing was a titanium pointed pen. The cap was pulled out and set aside. A drop of blue ink was dripping on the end of the pen. It looked very fresh, as if the owner of the workbench had just been here.

Gu Meng puts the lamp on the table and is looking at the drawing with lines on it. Suddenly, a woman screams from the floor.

Three people in the attic cast their eyes on the floor for the first time. The lamp in the lamp flickered.

That call is not sharp, with the cry sound reverberates in the corridor, bumps into the room, can let them feel the woman clear pain.

It seemed that the pain forced the woman to exhaust her last strength to make such a shrill cry.

The call lasted less than ten seconds, getting weaker and weaker, until it was completely stuffy.

It's Xiaochen.

Xiaochen's voice disappeared, the three looked different, silent in place.

Thinking that this was over, there was a creepy sound of bone chopping from downstairs.

"She was still alive..." Mo Chunying shrank in the corner and covered her ears like an evasive one. Her expression was painful and she murmured, "I know She held my foot, but I kicked her away... "

Speaking of this, Mo Chunying curled up more tightly, and her voice almost disappeared: "I didn't save her Sorry I couldn't save her... "

"It's a difficult situation." "Enjin tone insipid way," there is no need to blame yourself

The sound of bone chopping is still ringing. It sounds like it comes from the second floor. The interval between each sound is very long, but it is powerful. The sound continues to disturb the nerves of the survivors.

Enjin's psychological quality has always been strong. She found a corner and sat on the ground. She hooked her fingers to Gu Meng and said, "would you like to come and sleep for a while? There are still six hours

Gu Meng wants to find something to distract her attention. She takes a stack of pamphlets from the corner of the table and puts them on the floor. She also sits down next to en Jin.

"This should be Miss Ding's workshop. I wonder if I can find some clues here?" Gu Meng said, "but then again, why does she choose to stay in the attic because there are so many rooms in the cloth shop?"

EN Jin and Gu Meng go through the pile together. He pulls out a book from the book, pats the dust on it, and finds it is a student record.

EN Jin opened the pamphlet and said thoughtfully, "I always feel that she is hiding something."

Gu Meng is attracted by his classmates' records and comes to see them together.

A very thin record of two students. The front turned to male, until turning to a certain page, there was only one female classmate.

"This is..." Gu Meng points to the photo and looks surprised.

EN Jin looked at the name column next to the eye, which was written with the word "clove".

The old-fashioned black-and-white photos are very fuzzy, the face is smeared indistinctly, but you can see a clear jaw, a black mole on the corner of the mouth -

the same as the female ghost I met twice before.

Gu Meng looks at en Jin, but says, "the ghost is lilac?"

EN Jin thought for a moment, nodded and thought it was reasonable. He looked at Gu Meng's wedding dress and said, "the ghost girl can freely enter and leave lilac's room, and the desired wedding dress is also in the butcher's shop. If she is not a very close person with clove, she is herself."

"I thought the ghost was a customer of lilac." Gu Meng's back was cold. He took off his wedding dress in a hurry and said, "isn't Miss Ding dead?"

EN Jin gave a faint "um".

"Shit!" Gu Meng said unhappily, "for a long time, the ghost girl and Miss Ding are the same person."He thought about it for a second, and then he didn't understand, "no, why is the whole town lying to us? Even the servants of the Ding family say that Miss Ding is still alive? How can NPC play when they are so dishonest? "

"Don't be angry, Mr. Gu." Enjin, amused by Gu Meng's small appearance of blowing hair, rubbed his head and said, "there is still a possibility that NPC people will lie collectively..."

Gu Meng said, "what is it?"

"They don't know they're lying." Enjin added, "we don't know lilac is dead."

Gu Meng was stunned for a moment and said strangely: "rumors about lilac are all over the street, but no one knows that she is dead?"

"The townspeople talk about cloves. Do you think they really care about lilac? They just care about the lilac scandal. " "When people get together, they like to talk about bad things, which is why rumors tend to spread more easily than the truth."

Gu Meng Wu thought to himself. He looked at the blurred picture and said, "I feel this woman It's not easy to live in town. "

The lilac in the townspeople's mouth is obviously a fickle and restless woman with her own career, which is quite different from the traditional women's viewpoint. In the eyes of women, it is an alien. She finally gets married and gives her husband a green hat. In a word, she has a lot of bad deeds. No matter whether clove is really like what everyone said, it will be very difficult for a person to live in the public criticism for a long time.

"Mr. Gu's empathy EN Jin's sight swept a circle between his clear eyebrows and eyes, full of appreciation, and said, "it's really rare."

EN Jin picked up another book, opened it, and scanned several pages at the speed of one page a second, and waved to Gu Meng to come and have a look.

Gu Meng goes over again and looks at it for a while, and finds that en Jin has got this letter, which is lilac's -

"March Fourth". In a week, it's a good place to decorate it. It's very comfortable to look at it. It's a good place to have a rest in the future. For a long time, I did not take the needle and thread, but embroidered a white chrysanthemum to practice. The effect is not very satisfactory. "

"March 17. My friend brought a bundle of foreign yarn from Britain. The cloth is fine and even, and the color is bright. It is really nice and pleasing. But I prefer the local silk


Gu Meng slowly takes over the book from en Jin's hand and turns page by page. He can't help but be fascinated.

The letters recorded lilac's daily life and mood. They were short but real, showing a rich inner world of women.

Looking at it, I can't help but make people change their outlook on Miss Ding, who is in everyone's mouth.

Gu Meng looked at the letter and said, "just look at these to know how much lilac loves her career."

"Look at this." When turning to a certain page, Gu Meng stops for a moment, points to the elegant and clean handwriting on it and reads, "I'm afraid I can't take it from the store downstairs when I've run out of stitches. If I take it too often, it's bound to arouse the suspicion of the fat man. It was a smart market with a good mind. I found an excuse to go to the cloth shop in the west of the city to buy needles and thread. It was no accident that I met many talkative neighborhoods. It's just that people are so free that they often pin their eyes on others. "

"Fat man." After reading it completely, Gu Meng was happy and said, "it's quite appropriate to call my husband that way."

EN Jin looked at Gu Meng and asked him, "what do you think?"

Gu Meng looks around the small and dark attic and speculates: "this should be Miss Ding's secret space. From all people, especially the butcher, it seems that her husband does not want her to contact her previous career after marriage. Even if she is making several clothes, she will avoid her husband's going to the attic secretly."

Enjin lowered her eyes and appreciated her slender fingers, and said: "what a man wants most is a snail girl, who is both obedient and able to take care of the housework. Moreover, the attitude of the townspeople towards Ms. Ding, a career oriented woman, is clear at a glance. It is understandable that boss Tu is guarding against cloves in such a comprehensive way

Gu Meng squinted at him, "do you want a snail girl, too?"

EN Jin was stunned for a moment, and her mind turned quickly. Then she saw him holding Gu Meng's arm and leaning up. She said with a sweet smile, "what I want is a man who can protect me from the wind and rain, such as Mr. Gu."

Gu Meng trembled and got goose bumps. He continued to read his letters, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid of you."

At this time, Mo Chunying, who had been lying on the floor loading corpses, slowly turned over and sighed, "you can continue to sprinkle grain, I don't want to live anyway."

EN Jin:

Repeatedly interrupted by the blind girl, Enjin was a little irritable.

I don't know when the dull sound of cutting bones has stopped.

Gu Meng leans her back against the wall, bends her legs, and slowly turns over her letters. Turning over a page again, he was obviously stunned.

Gu Meng slowly sat upright and said to Enjin, "look."

Eugene took a glance.

The letter ended abruptly in a sentence -

"almost found."Gu Meng quickly turned back a few pages, and the rest of the book was blank.

He pondered for a moment, looked at en Jin and said, "Miss Ding means This attic was almost found? "

EN Jin looked at the date, the time stayed three months ago, and said: "since there is no record in the back, it means that Miss Ding has never come up again. It should be boss Tu who has doubts."

However, just as the words fell, the "babbling" sound of trampling on the aging floor came from the lower part of the attic, accompanied by the sound of heavy objects dragging on the ground.

Gu Meng and en Jin look at each other.

EN Jin put up a forefinger against the lip, made a "Shuo" gesture, and then blow out the lamp.

Hearing the strange movements in the room downstairs, even Mo Chunying, half dead and lying in the corner, also propped up her body and raised her ears with vigilance on her face.

The floor of the attic is not strong enough. If you move it, it will make a small sound of wood squeezing.

Gu Meng looks at the distance between himself and the entrance and exit of the attic. Carefully, he lies down on the ground. With one eye closed, he looks down at the room below --

boss Tu just drags a bloody yellow cloth bag right below.

The cloth bag dragged along the ground was bulging, and there was a bloodstain on the cloth scattered on the ground. Gu Meng's eyes stop on the bag for a moment and then move away uncomfortable.

The visual effects are bloody.

The butcher went to a table and threw the cloth bag "bang" behind him. It's like a butcher throwing a pig leg on the chopping board.

The rope at the mouth of the bag was untied. In an instant, a faint smell of blood floated up and penetrated into the gap of the attic floor.

Gu Meng purses her lips and resists the feeling of nausea. At the same time, he saw a pile of red meat piled up near the mouth of the bag.

At this time, boss Tu puts his hand into the cloth bag and stirs it to and fro, making a muddy sound. Gu Meng watches him take out a pile of cloth from the bag.

Boss Tu spread the bloody and wrinkled cloth on the workbench, and then smoothed it with his hands. Gu Meng found that the texture of the cloth looked strange.

It seems that the bloodstain can't hang on the cloth, revealing a pale yellow background in the white below. Gu Meng is closer to the gap between the boards and squints carefully. Finally, he can see that it is a huge piece of skin.

Human skin!

Under the attic, butcher boss "tit by tick" hummed a ditty, which showed that he was in a good mood. He felt a pair of scissors from the table, made two vertical and horizontal strokes at the whole human skin, and began to cut.

Gu Meng is frightened by the bloody operation.

He held his breath and lifted up at an unusually slow speed, without making a sound. Then he knelt down, leaned back against the wall and pulled back his long legs.

Seeing that Gu Meng's face is not right, Mo Chunying is curious. She also wants to look at the gap, but is stopped by Gu Meng's gesture.

"What's the matter?" Mo asked with her mouth.

Gu Meng can't say a word. She says to stop talking.

Mo Chunying is also honest, aiming at the light of the floor gap, and slowly lying back, the atmosphere dare not come out.

In the dark, Enjin takes Gu Meng into her arms, holds his hand, and slowly draws words with her fingertips in his cool palms.

Gu Meng understands Enjin's meaning, buries his face on his shoulder and closes his eyes with discomfort.

Below, butcher boss is still humming songs, accompanied by crisp cutting sound.

Gu Meng can hear clearly in the dark. The sound of cutting human skin is not the same as that of cutting cloth.

Since entering the cloth shop, he has been hiding and hiding, and he has to witness the bloody and abnormal pictures. His nerves have been in a tense state. Gu Meng gradually relaxes his mind by smelling the soft and cold breath of snow on en Jin.

The time is particularly long in the dark. Gu Meng has been waiting for the butcher in the room below to leave, waiting for him to fall asleep under the package of Eugene's breath.

"Gu Meng."

"Gu Meng?"

"Wake up."

Gu Meng is pushed to sit up and opens her eyes vaguely.

After two seconds of inaction, he turned to look at the other person, "huh?"

The lamp in the attic did not know when it was on again. Beside her, Enjin took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth. She said, "go, it's foggy outside."

Although Gu Meng was a little confused just after waking up, he never forgot where he was at the moment. Hearing Enjin's words, he suddenly came to his senses, stood up on the floor and said in his voice, "it's ten o'clock?"

"The clock downstairs struck ten." It was the little girl Mo Chunying.

I saw that she had already pulled up her hair and tied her hand behind her head. She knelt on the floor without any image to speak of, and peeped down through the crack with one narrow eye.

"After counting, it's ten, and my legs are numb." She seems to want to put her face into the wood crevice, and without raising her head, she tells Gu Meng, "absolutely true."

Another two seconds later, the little girl suddenly "poop" a, propped up, whispered: "black lacquer, black, hair can not see clearly!"Gu Meng:

It's really not good for girls to say dirty words

But they are still lovely.

Enjin night vision ability is strong, took the lead in the attic.

The figure of one meter ninety-two is silent like a cat when it falls on the ground.

Then Mo Chunying went down. After all, the little girl was short, and it was very hard to step on the box with short legs. Enjin gave her a handle.

Gu Meng sits on the edge of the attic floor with two feet hanging. When she is about to jump down, she sees en Jin on her back and reaches out her hands to him.

The beautiful face was smiling, waiting for himself to bump into his arms.

Gu Meng tries to jump in his direction. En Jin wants to catch him. As a result, Gu Meng is just a feint move, and he is still sitting on the edge of the channel.

"Go and go." Gu Meng shook his legs and motioned him to get out of the way and said, "I've hurt my arm, don't you know? If you dare to pick me up, you will become Yang Guo

EN Jin glanced at the red cloth strip tied on her right arm, then raised her face and looked at Gu Meng. Her eyes fixed on him and said seriously, "would you like to be my sculpture?"


Gu Meng doesn't think he heard a touching love word, although Enjin's expression tells him that it is a love word.

"Can you two sand sculptures hurry up?" Mo Chunying scratched the hair on her face. She probably held it in a small attic for a long time. As soon as she let it out, she completely liberated her nature. She yelled at the men in a breath, "I still want to live! If you grind again, you will be killed! "

Gu Meng:

The little girl, who had been bereaved all night, had a desire to survive.

There was still a faint smell of blood in the room.

Gu Meng falls to the ground, sticks to the lamp on the wooden box and gets up. As soon as he turns around, the weak flame, big as bean, lights up the things behind him. He is so frightened that he almost cries out.

Gu Meng covers her mouth and takes two steps back. With the distance, it is to see the scene in front of you.

In front of them stood a bloody doll model. After a close look, they found that the wooden doll was covered with human skin from top to bottom.

Especially at the top of the head, there are long thick hair hanging on the whole scalp. The skin was tight and wrapped around the head of the doll, like a mask that drenched blood. The joints of the body and limbs are densely sewn with coarse and wide stitches, making the wooden doll look like a rag doll.

Mo Chunying's face turned pale and trembling. She turned around and said, "go Let's go... "

On the doll, the girl's skin is stretched.

The butcher may be resting or waiting for the prey to appear. But the crowd could not control so much. They had to leave the cloth shop in the fog.

The longer you stay here, the less hope you will go out.

It is only a matter of time before the butcher wins.

No matter how much they trampled on the stairs, they rushed down from the third floor. When they arrived at the second floor, they happened to see Bo Ye and Tang Zhi standing there.

"We just came out of the master bedroom." Tang Zhi held a kerosene lamp and held it high to illuminate them.

Gu Meng looked at the room at the end of the corridor and said, "fat man doesn't sleep in the bedroom?"

Tang Zhi and Bo Ye shake their heads, saying that they have been in the master bedroom, but have not seen boss Tu go back to the room.

"He never went upstairs." EN Jin light way.

The atmosphere of the whole body solidified instantly -

they did not know where boss TU was going. They were absolutely in the light and the enemy was in the dark.

"No matter." Mo Chunying just want to leave here quickly, take the lead holding the guardrail downstairs in a hurry, "while he hasn't appeared, take the time to go."

The first floor is dark, and Gu Meng is about to remind her to be careful.

A creepy voice began.


There was a flash in Gu Meng's light. He quickly looked in that direction. In the dark, a faint shadow appeared behind Tang Zhi, and the silver shining axe blade was high above his head.


Other people haven't found the location of boss Tu because of the angle of view. Gu Meng almost looks for instinct between the electric light and flint, and pushes Bo Ye nearby to the steep and steep stairs.

Bo Ye's hand was tied to Tang Zhi's. as soon as he fell down, he affected Tang Zhi, and the ax on his head fell into the air.

The kerosene lamp fell to the ground, the glass was broken, and the dull sound of "Gulong Dong" sounded in the dark staircase.

Mo Chunying thought that someone was chasing after her. She screamed in fear. She jumped down the stairs three or two steps, and then she was able to avoid Bo Ye and Tang Zhi, who were rolling behind her.

After all, Bo Ye and Tang Zhi were tall and long legs. After half rolling, they got stuck in the narrow stairwell. Bo Ye was just under the pressure, and his neck almost broke. He wanted to scold his mother in pain.

At this time, Gu Meng can't help but murmur from the top of the stairs. Tang Zhi is in a hurry to unlock Bo Ye. Hearing this, he looks up and sees Gu Meng holding one arm against the guardrail.Under the weak light, Gu Meng can see her right hand pressing on her left forearm, and blood seeps out between her fingers.

It turned out that after Gu Meng pushed Bo Ye away, the ax fell straight down, and the edge of the axe was just close to his arm which he had not been able to take back.

Now the situation is in a mess. Everyone is stuck in the stairwell and can't get down. Boss Tu still holds the key position.

Seeing boss Tu waving his axe again, the target of this time is Gu Meng. Tang Zhi was so anxious that he simply lowered his head and bit the knot on his wrist with his teeth. After pulling out his hand, he supported Bo Ye to get up and quickly went upstairs to rescue Gu Meng.

Some people are faster than him.

No one can see exactly what happened. They just heard a loud bang and maybe a slight fracture sound. Then he saw half of the head of the butcher bumped into the wooden wall.

The wall cracked and caved in.

Tang Zhi is still in the same place. He sees en Jin's hand still pressing on the side of the butcher's head, and then he slowly releases his hand.

The butcher with a rabbit mask lowered his hands and laid his axe on the ground.

Although incredible, but the scene in front of me proves that en Jin pressed boss Tu's head into the wall.

With one hand.

Tang Zhi looks at the gloomy man with a side face and thinks, the power that makes people feel terrible.

It's not human.

EN Jin gently pulled the coat on her shoulder, went to Gu Meng, helped him go downstairs with one hand, and said to Bo Ye, who was still sitting on the stairs below, "don't get in the way."

Bo Ye gave a "Tut," stood up and patted the ashes on his pants and said, "I knew you were so strong that you should be released from the beginning, and you don't have to hide for so long."

"Let it go?" EN Jin walked behind Bo Ye, raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "what do you think of me?"


Bo Ye narrowed his eyes and laughed. He didn't say what he said in his heart. He said, "the strongest skill, commonly known as magnifying move."

EN Jin lightly lifted her knee and reached Bo Ye's back waist. She was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"The door is open!" From the front of the first floor came Mo Chunying's excited shouts.

The four men helped each other down the stairs. Sure enough, they saw the open shop door in front of them. The thick fog mixed with the moonlight came in.

Mo Chunying stood at the threshold and waved to them eagerly, "come on, come on!"

She will never step into the cloth shop again.

Just at this time, the top of the stairs sounded creaking sound, after a while, confused unconscious voice came, "guests Guest, can I help you

Boss Tu is awake.

The men look at each other and step up their pace. En Jin gives Gu Meng to Tang Zhi, and walks in the last place to ensure everyone's safety.

Boss Tu tumbled down the stairs to the first floor. He stood up with the help of the armrest. His neck twisted strangely, and he read persistently to the door: "guest, guest..."

Mo Chunying saw his ghost from afar, so scared that he screamed away and ran to the street.

Boss Tu saw that he couldn't catch up with him. He lifted the axe and threw it in front of him. The axe flew straight behind en Jin's head.

One by one, they went out of the narrow wooden door of the shop. En Jin, the last one, just came to the door. Seeing that the axe was about to hit him, he stopped.

Boss Tu:

Although the expression was covered by the rabbit face mask, we can see that his whole person obviously presented a two second stupefied state.

Boss Tu saw that the axe suddenly hovered in the air. As if someone had pressed the pause button, the air in the whole room was frozen and stopped flowing.

"Guest Guests Boss Tu looked ahead, and his broken neck made a strange grunt.

At this time, Enjin slowly turned back, the moonlight pouring in from the door only reflected his beautiful face and bone outline, as well as a long and narrow eyes.

Boss TU was staring at him with such a heavy gaze that he could not move a hair in any case, even his voice could not be heard, only the bubbling sound of blood in his throat.

In the silver moonlight, Enjin's eyes and tail were bent. Her voice was as soft as gorgeous silk.

"I almost forgot you."

With the axe hovering in the air, Enjin stretched out her left hand in the direction of boss Tu, and said, "if you hurt him, you will be damned."

EN Jin flicked her fingers easily, and the butcher's bloated and eccentric figure was fixed for a moment. Then, her whole body turned into powder and her figure collapsed to the ground. Like sand dunes washed away by rivers.

EN Jin lifted her hair on her temples and put it into her ears. After closing her coat on her shoulder, she seemed to have nothing happened, and she stepped out of the threshold.

The quartz clock on the table ticked again and time flowed forward.

Outside the door, Gu Meng looks back at en Jin who has just left the door and asks, "the shopkeeper hasn't chased me?"

EN Jin shakes her head, soft voice light smile, "game time is over."


in a room similar to the console, a slender man folded his legs on the table top, and his half long hair on his shoulders was neat and elegant."It's really tricky..." He dialled the Qi Banghai in front of his forehead and sighed in a low soft voice, "the master has begun to destroy the order of the game, and the speed of awakening ability is amazing."

Behind him, a young Lori in a cotton skirt and about eight years old collapsed on the sofa without sitting, with her legs high on the back of the sofa. She was hanging her head upside down on the edge of the sofa with a lollipop in her mouth.

"What did he do?" Laurie asked, her voice not as cold as a girl of this age.

The handsome man turned the chair to the back, supported his cheek with one hand, and flattered Tiancheng: "he recalled NPC by force."

Lori blinked indifferently, snapped a lollipop, and said, "put another one into the game."

"I can't do it." The man shrugged. "The chief designer recalled something, which means clear. We have no right to create another one."

"He let himself go, and he enjoyed himself." Laurie snorted, "and we'll wipe his ass

"Who made him a master?" The man laughed a little too much.

He glanced at Lori, who was hanging upside down on the sofa, wearing a skirt and wildly branching her legs, and quietly reminded her, "a girl should look like a girl. Sit down."

Smell speech, Laurie finally had a cold reaction.

As soon as her eyebrows twisted, she turned over and sat up. She threw two braids on her shoulder and glared at the man: "Laozi is a man! Queen, what kind of broken body are you looking for? "

The man covered his mouth in surprise and said innocently, "Oh, I'm sorry, you know, I have gender discrimination disorder. How nice a girl is, soft and cute."

Laurie slumped back on the back of the sofa with a black and calm face and said: "master, if you know that there is such a sub personality as you, you will definitely beat yourself to death and die together."

"Not necessarily." The queen looked at Lori, and with a gentle smile, her eyes were slightly longer than those of ordinary people. "The God who has been lonely for hundreds of millions of years needs a chance to change."

"Change?" Laurie hums, "change mother?"

The queen was not annoyed. She stood up. Her figure of 1.92 meters made the room narrow. He said, "don't you think the master has changed a lot?"

Laurie was silent for a moment and raised her big eyes to look at him. "I don't think he is as strong as before. Why?"

Although the queen did not agree with her point of view, but also did not dispute anything, only said: "may be because of love."

"What is love?"

"Something that softens life." The queen glanced at the lollipop in her hand and said, "it tastes like sugar."

Laurie looked at the sugar in her hand. After a long time, she threw it into the garbage can like "bah, it tastes terrible."

The Queen:

The author has something to say:

Laurie: love is something that can't be done by Laozi.

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