Tang Zhi complained: "foul..."

The next second, I was dragged.

The ghost pours down.

Qiu Zi escaped from the villa and drove away. The game created a shadow for the players in the house.

Fortunately, Gu Meng arrives in time and drags Tang Zhi into the nearest room in a hurry.

Relying on the door to block a female ghost attack, several people completed the rest of the steps.

The shadow returned to the moment after killing Matt, and suddenly disappeared.

The young man waved the sweat on his forehead, slipped down from the posture of leaning against the cabinet, spread out his limbs, and said: "it's so breathtaking. Playing game group has never been so exciting in wartime."

When the danger is relieved, Gu Meng has the thought of chatting. He unties the two buttons on the collar to dissipate heat and says, "do you still play games? Or what? "

"Well, we don't like to play that." The boy's tone disdains a way, he stroked the slanting bangs that covered his eyes and moved to one side.

He added: "I played dazzle dance. At that time, I took part in the popular dance group competition, PK with other groups, and hundreds of people came to watch the battle. That scene It's so exciting to think about it now


Gu Meng thought, what kind of circle are you in?

To bury the love circle?

When Bo Ye pushed the door and entered, he saw three people safe and sound.

He first said thanks to Gu Meng and the lads, then went to fetch Tangzhi and picked them up face to face.

He patted Tang Zhi on the back and whispered, "I'm afraid I'm not afraid?"

The boy with long hands and long legs hung loosely on the man and nodded without concealment.

After the false alarm, the whole person was a little weak.

In this way, he did not forget to hate: "that person had better not come back Kill him... "

It's just that the voice is soft and glutinous, with milk flavor, and the harsh words released don't sound cruel at all.

Bo Ye held back his smile and thought that he was really cute. Everything he did was lovely. The milk was fierce and the milk was fierce.

"If he really dares to come back, you don't have to do it and leave it to her husband."

A head peeped out of the door of the room and peered into it silently.

When he realized the figure, he sat up from the floor and called out, "sister..."

Lulu looked at him with deep dissatisfaction in his eyes.

The young man was frightened by her gaze. He avoided the sight as if he was evading. He comforted Lulu and said, "didn't you scare you just now? But don't worry, I'm fine. Thanks to Bo Ye, they saved my life. You see, people don't just care about themselves. There are still many good people around... "

"I'm so tired! Wage earners Lulu suddenly became furious and swore, "who wants to listen to you talking about this nonsense? What qualifications do you have to tell me about this? But for you, I would not have been like this! "

After losing his temper, he turned around and left, as if to confirm the situation.

The young man looked depressed as he sat on the ground with his head down and his shoulders collapsed.

It should be really sad to be treated like this by my sister.

Bo Ye looked at the door of his eyes and said, "such a sister, don't you throw it away?"

The boy didn't speak.

After a while, he wiped his face, raised his head and forced his face to smile.

"She is still young and not sensible. In addition, she ran into a ghost that night, which stimulates her a little. Maybe she hasn't slowed down." The boy spoke for his sister and said, "she used to be very sensible. I believe that after everything is over, she will be able to change back to her original appearance."

Gu Meng's face hesitated, and some could not bear to tell the truth.

Tang Zhi jumped down from Bo Ye, pulled his clothes and put it bluntly: "your sister can't come back."

The boy looked at him blankly.

Tang Zhi didn't explain any more. He knew that no matter what he said, the other party would deceive himself and insist on his own ideas.

Thinking that the twins were still upstairs, Gu Meng noticed the strange place and asked, "how did this game of bird in cage begin? Xiuyi and Xiaozhi stay by my side and have been good all the time. "

After digesting Tang Zhi's words for a while, the boy regained his mind.

Looking at Gu Meng, he was also confused and said, "I don't know. There was no earthquake or anything. The two dolls appeared behind me."

"The two dolls I saw in the picture?" Bo Ye confirmed it to him.

"Yes." The young man drew twice and described, "one in blue, one in yellow, and the other in blue, with a silk scarf tied around his neck."

"Silk scarf?" Gu Meng noticed that there was something different from the original, "what silk scarf?"

"Just..." The boy recalled a time and said, "leopard print, quite sexy."

"Show one?" Tang Zhi reacted to Gu Meng at the first time and said, "you tied a silk scarf to him yesterday."

The afternoon sun shines on the snowmelt outside the street, and the room is also bright.

Gu Meng only feels that something hidden in the fog is swayed away by the sunshine of white flowers.He looked up at Bo Ye and Tang Zhi and saw the same consciousness in their eyes.

Gu Meng, Bo Ye and Tang Zhi walk toward the twin room on the second floor.

At this time, the big house looked empty.

Run a player, the others should hide, should hide.

Gu Meng was surprised that even Enjin and Angela did not know where they had gone.

Gu Meng is thinking that they met Peter Pan at the entrance of the stairs. Pan Peter is covered with black and gray hands, and his face is rubbed a lot. He spreads his hands and walks in the direction of the kitchen.

"Where are you going, brother?" "I don't know what's going on in the house," he said.

Gu Meng pointed to the upstairs and then asked him, "where is Enjin?"

"In the basement, Angela is also there," panpeter said, rubbing his hands with the hem of his plaid shirt

"What?" Gu Meng beckons at him and signals to go upstairs. As he walks, he says, "did they bully you?"

"It's not Angela yet..." In the middle of his speech, Peter pursed his lips, and his face was full of humiliation. He said, "forget it, it's not the first day I met her, let alone mention it."

As he went upstairs, Tang Zhi continued to express the idea that he had been interrupted by the earthquake yesterday.

He said: "in addition to the literal meaning of the song, there is actually another interpretation."

Gu Meng still remembers Tang Zhi's words, saying, "what do you mean by women and wives?"

"Well." Tang Zhi said, "if you understand" め "as a woman," かごめ "means cage girl."

In the corridor on the second floor, the sunlight coming in from the end window darkens everything, except for a few players who walk in it against natural principles, and there is no shadow behind them.

In the silence of the room, only Tang Zhi's clear voice narrated gently.

"Cage women refer to pregnant women, because during pregnancy, they hold a cage in their arms, so the birds in the cage naturally refer to their babies in the womb."

"When and when? I asked about the time of the cage girl's birth, but unfortunately, on a night near dawn, the cage girl was pushed down the steps from behind

"In Japanese culture, cranes and turtles are symbols of good luck and longevity. When they slip, it means death, which means that the fetus in the womb has miscarriage."

"So at the end of the day, we will ask who the man standing behind him is. In fact, we are asking who is the murderer who knocked down the cage girl."

When Tang Zhi finished speaking, he fell into silence in the corridor.

They all stopped at the door of the twins' nursery.

Panpeter unknowingly rubbed the dirt on his hands on his shirt and murmured, "behind the nursery rhyme, there is a legend of such a hideous man."

"The interpretation of cage girls has been around for a long time." "I would not have thought about conspiracy theory if I hadn't heard that Lily was the man's cheating object and abused Xiuyi," Tang said

"So..." Gu Meng holds the door handle, but doesn't push it away. He asks, "what are Xiuyi and Xiaozhi in the end?"

"They are A bird in a cage in nursery rhymes Panpeter looked around the men and asked uncertainly.

But without waiting for others to respond, he immediately overturned this conjecture: "but this is unscientific. If Xiuyi and Xiaozhi, as the nursery rhyme says, are aborted fetuses, they should not be counted as human beings, but They all have shadows, and we can see that on the first day, the host and Lily are both kissing and hugging them. Are they normal children? "

"It might be better to understand them as ghosts living in puppets." Bo ye turned up the picture again.

Gu Meng takes the photo to see that the main part of the camera is occupied by the smiling faces of the host and Lily. Two doll dolls are sitting side by side in front of the railing in the corner.

It's totally different to look at the photos at the moment.

Gu Meng said: "every time a nursery rhyme is played, what appears behind the players are actually Xiuyi and Xiaozhi. Players with shadows are looking at them from the perspective of human beings, so that we can see their noumenon, and we..."

Gu Meng pauses, turns over the photo, holds it in his hand, pushes open the door of the room, and says, "what we see is the ghost living in the puppet."

The door opened and the twins in the room turned their heads at the same time.

The child's face is tender and delicate, and his eyes shine like black grapes. In the sun, his eyelashes flash like a butterfly flying.

Seeing Gu Meng appear, Xiuyi and Xiaozhi show a naive and enthusiastic smile at the same time.

Gu Meng looks complicated. She walks into the room and comes to Xiuyi and Xiaozhi.

Xiuyi looks up at him with a smile in his big eyes.

Gu Meng slowly bent down and faced Xiuyi. She turned her eyes around the child's face and said, "we have guessed your identity. Can you tell us how to escape from the cage?"

Xiuyi stares at Gu Meng, just smiles, then nods his head and says, "I like Gu Meng best."At this time, the sound of leather shoes knocking on the floor came from the outside.

Everyone turned their eyes to the door.

After a while, little Lori bumped into the doorframe, braked sharply and said, "we saw a woman's body in the basement!"

Gu Meng looks at Xiang Xiuyi again.

Xiuyi put his arm around Gu Meng's neck, pulled the man down a little, and attached it to his ear and said, "the crane and the tortoise have both slipped. Let the man standing behind him be a ghost forever."

In the evening, a royal blue car stopped outside.

Through the French window, panpeter saw the car stop outside the fence and quickly called out, "look! Someone is coming

They went out of the house and out into the open air.

The car in front just stopped there and no one came down.

Panpeter gathered up his thick scarf and, being blown by the cold wind, drew back his neck and said, "who is it? It's black. You can't see anything clearly. "

Laurie, dressed in a thin black skirt, shivering in the cold wind, her voice was also trembling, and she said, "go Go and have a look, don't you know? "

Peter took a look at Lori, thought about it, and took the scarf off and hung it around her neck.

"I don't have the guts." Panpeter said.

Laurie wrapped her scarf tightly, and there was no more habitual sarcasm on the face of the scarf.

People looked at the car through the fence. The windows were covered with film. It was dark at night and could not see the inside of the car.

Everyone was very cautious, and no one came forward to check it easily.

Enjin could not bear to wait. She opened the half human high white gate and went out.

He bent down to look close to the window and opened the door directly.

A girl screamed behind her.

The freckled woman covers her mouth and shrinks behind Zhou chengshuo.

Lu Lu and gang Ya Mei, who were separated from them for a while, laughed and liked to see them.

The moment the door opened, a person rolled out from the inside. En Jin retreated quickly and was not caught on.

The man lying on the street, or corpse, seems to have become a popsicle, frozen limbs, maintaining the posture of sitting in the car.

All exposed skin has been covered with blood, as if rubbed on a razor, and the blood and water at the wound have become ice dregs. Therefore, a face is miserable and hard to distinguish its original face.

But we can see from the clothes that this body is Qiu Zi who escaped at noon.

The young man turned his mouth and scolded without sympathy: "retribution, deserved it!"

Tang Zhi took a look and then he looked away.

"This fool..." Zhou chengshuo sighed and said, "what's the use of escaping? Didn't you hear the baby sitter repeatedly say that the mountain was blocked by snow? No one can get out before the seventh day... "

The public reaction is different, is saying, one person reminds way: "look at his shadow."

Under the dim street lamp, a shadow flowed out from Qiu Zi's rigid body, far away from the body, and then slowly converged into a man's shadow.

As you can see, that's exactly Qiu Zai's shadow.

The shadow stuck to the ground and got up from the position of lying down, and even patted the body as if stained with ash.

Then, under everyone's gaze, the shadow walked into the house as if no one else was there, winding up the steps and sliding in through the crack of the door.

Seeing Tang Zhi staring at the direction where the shadow disappeared, Bo Ye said, "what's the matter?"

Tang Zhi looked back and shook his head, but his expression was a little sad.

"It looks like It's lonely. "

Late that night, on the second floor of the huge villa, screams were heard from different guest rooms from time to time --

"ah, ah, there is a ghost!"

"Sleeping trough! Who's in my room? "

"Who? Who is it? I see you! Don't hide

Gu Meng is so noisy that she can't sleep well. As soon as she feels sleepy, she is awakened by the call of a freckled woman in the room opposite her.

Gu Meng frowned, and after a while, she opened her eyes like giving up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was frightened by a dark shadow beside the bedside table.

Subconsciously, he was about to get up and turn on the light, but he stopped half way up.

On the bedside table, there is a moon on it, and the upper body of a black shadow is framed.

Gu Meng looked at the shadow, and saw that the shadow turned to the left and right, looking for something.

Then the shadow spread out his hands and held it high above his head. He was helpless, as if saying, "I can't find it anywhere."

Gu Meng sighs and rubs her eyebrows. She gives up the idea of turning on the light and slides back into the quilt.

He lay on his side on the pillow, and his voice was very lazy at night. He said, "don't look for it. He's dead outside."

Finally, I know why other rooms are so busy in the middle of the night -

it's all because of Qiu Zi's shadow.

The shadow stood still for a moment in the moonlight on the bedside table, as if digesting Gu Meng's words.After a while, the shadow flashed to the right and disappeared into the darkness.

The next second, it appears on the opposite wall.

Gu Meng saw the shadow sit down on his side, his back against the edge of the falling curtain, folded his knees and buried his head, forming a cocoon shape.

It's as if you're autistic.

Qiu Zi's shadow is sitting on the edge of the bed melancholy, looking very lonely. Gu Meng is also embarrassed to drive him away.

But the shadow's existence is not weaker than a big living person. It feels like a stranger in the room.

Gu Meng knows that she can't sleep for the moment.

He looked at the moon with his pillow in his arms.

At this time, the warm temperature of the man was pasted behind him.

Two tender kisses fell behind my ears.

"Can you talk to the shadow?" Enjin's soft voice with just wake-up time of the dark, way, "is really amazing."

Gu Meng glanced sideways, but couldn't see behind him. When Enjin was joking, he ignored him.

EN Jin took Gu Meng, turned him over, and said, "why don't you sleep?"

Gu Meng glanced at her back and said, "there is a shadow."

Enjin raised the quilt.

Gu Meng is completely in the dark.

"So it can't see..." Enjin said in the quilt.

The quilt moved and there was no more sound coming from it.

A minute later, Gu Meng suddenly opened the quilt, his face flushed and panted for a while.

"You..." Gu Meng covered his mouth, red face urged, "don't do it, sleep!"

EN Jin's face is also a little red. She stares at Gu Meng for a moment in the moonlight, and raises her hand to raise the quilt.

Gu Meng quickly pressed down his hand and said, "is it a sperm brain?"

Enjin may have a bit of wind tonight, holding Gu Meng gently arch him.

The neckline that the man buckles neatly originally is all rubbed askew, show good-looking clavicle.

As a coquettish girl, Enjin whispered, "I'll call my shadow here. If you call your shadow, I won't do it..."

"Why?" Gu Meng pushed his head with annoyance and helplessness.

"I want to see the film." Enjin said.

"What film?" Gu Meng is strange.

"It's the film."

"What film?"

"It is I'm sorry... "

Gu Meng was full of goose bumps. She could not bear to wring down en Jin's face and said, "speak well!"

EN Jin lifted her eyes and looked at him. She said, "shadow of shadow "A tablet, calcium tablet, cat tablet"

Gu Meng, who has responded to this question:

Even his shadow is not let go, it seems that he is really hungry and thirsty.

The author has something to say:

thank you for reading

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