Peter's arm was aching and he was in a hurry to explain, and his tears came out.

"I don't know!" He looked at the empress and apologized anxiously, "that night, he injected me with a tube of stuff, and didn't explain anything. I thought it was a nutrient!"

The queen glanced at him and did not express her opinion, but her expression had already made him defensive.

"What kind of high tech is this?" Bo Ye twisted his eyebrows and went to the two men. He crossed his waist with one hand and said, "tracker?"

"And monitoring, nanotechnology through syringe injection." The queen threw away the pocket instrument with blood stained on the blade and wiped the blood on the knife on her sleeve. She said faintly, "now both the route and the geographical location of reset have been fully exposed. Shibuya central street is surrounded by water, and the process of going there may not be so easy."

Gu Meng tore his shirt and put it to Peter Pan to stop bleeding. Without raising her head, she said, "we've come to this point. Even if there's no way, we'll go on."

The queen put the dagger into the scabbard, poked the second yuan Qi bangs with her fingertips, and glanced at Pan Peter's eyes. She said to other people, "this child is only in the way. I suggest it can be dealt with."

"Why How to deal with it? " Smell speech, Pan Peter instantly stare big eyes, shivering, "buried on the spot?"

“……” The queen was speechless and said, "do you think you are rubbish?"

The queen meant to put Peter Pan in the terminal, which was well stocked anyway.

But Bo Ye couldn't hold back the young boy who began to drop the golden beans.

He rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, "take it. At least it's a mascot."

"Mascot?" The queen was slightly surprised. "Are you sure he is not a decadent?"

Bo Ye advised him to say, "be a kind person and save face for our children."

Originally, they had to rest for another two hours at the airport, but they were worried about new pursuers and decided to set off immediately.

Back on the helicopter, Gu Meng moves out of the medicine box.

Peter leaned against the door, sobbing, and wronged.

Gu Meng looks at the bone wound on Pan Peter's arm, and feels uncomfortable. But he can't blame the queen for her violence. He knows that if the tracker stays in panpeter's arm, the enemy will have more vision.

He had no choice but to say to Pan Peter, "don't be sad. No one blames you. If you don't remove that thing, you will be left in the airport to survive."

Peter wiped away his tears and nodded to show his understanding.

After that, he blurted out: "brother, am I in the way?"

Before Gu Meng answered, Bo Ye's low magnetic voice came through his headset, and said faintly, "it's a little bit."

Panpeter choked with a hiccup, and then his tears fell down again, crying loudly.

Gu Meng looks at Bo Ye and shakes her head helplessly. He continues to disinfect Peter Pan.

The helicopter went up into the air.

Tang Zhi opens Gu Meng's backpack and finds a robot hand wrapped in a scarf.

He looked at the robot and asked the queen in front of him through the earphone: "why do they want Eugene's hand? Stop us from restarting the game? "

"Not only to stop you, but also to seal almost all of the master's spiritual powers." The Queen's soft voice came.

"Lingli?" Tang Zhi looked up at the position of the cab.

"It can be understood as your human spirit." The queen explained, "the master's spiritual power is very strong, once captured, it can continue to be used for the glory of the Empire."

"Even if..." Tang Zhi wanted to say something else, but immediately realized that Gu Meng was on the opposite side. After thinking about it, he still swallowed the problem.

"Even if he's gone." Gu Meng, however, picked up Tang Zhi's words and said in a faint voice, "can spiritual power still play a role?"

The queen in front of her was silent for a moment before she continued: "yes, spiritual power will become a huge energy used by any party if it is separated from the body."

"Seal all the spiritual power into the mechanical hands. What about Eugene now?" Bo Ye bit his lower lip, pondered for a moment, and asked the queen, "what is his situation now?"

"Whether it's a warm body or a cold object, it's just a container for us." Without concealing anything, the queen said bluntly, "if you compare spiritual power to water, the master will pour water from the container of the body into the mechanical hand."

"So..." Bo Ye began to worry and said, "at this moment, there is not much spiritual power that supports en Jin..."

The queen did not speak any more, as if by default.

At this time, Peter felt a sudden pain in his arm.

He gasped and looked down. It turned out that Gu Meng used too much force to tie the knot, which made the wound hurt.

Seeing Gu Meng's absent-minded appearance, Pan Peter knew that he was bent on en Jin's safety, so he put up with it and didn't say anything.Gu Meng starts to pack the medicine box and asks the queen in a low voice: "I have always forgotten to ask, what will happen to us after the game is restarted? What will happen to you? "

"Everything, whether it's a space line or a time line, will be in the same orbit as if nothing had happened." The queen said, "as the game regulator, I am the master's replica, because it does not exist in this world, so it will disappear; as for other aliens in your eyes, their time and space lines will also adjust, return to the original coordinates, and then disappear from the earth."

"Restoration means..." Tang Zhi hesitated for a moment and said, "we will also forget what we have experienced for so long Anyone else you know? "

"Well." The queen said, "100% recovery."

The helicopter fell silent for a moment.

Everyone knows that recovery means getting back on track, and it also means forget.

Maybe for the rest of their lives, they will never be able to enter each other's lives.

Four hours later, there was no sound in the back seat. The queen guessed that the four were asleep.

"I don't want to forget him. I want to wait for him to come back."

At this time, a clear voice suddenly sounded in the earphone made the empress stunned for a moment, and was unprepared.

Hearing this, the male voice continued: "it must be very lonely to stay in the unknown space and not find the way back If no one remembers, I'm afraid he can't come back Is there any way to keep my memory of him forever? "

After a long silence, the queen finally said, "I'm sorry."

There is nothing he can do.

At 1 a.m., the helicopter arrived in Tokyo and made a forced landing at an abandoned power plant on the edge of the city.

In the searchlight, I saw the tail of the helicopter slowly opened downward, lying on the ground covered with snow.

After a while, a heavy military green box slipped down from the inclined board, fell to the ground and stopped. Then another large box hit the back of the box, making a "bang" sound.

The tall figure of the queen stepped off the plane from the ramp, followed by several people.

When they opened the boxes, the piles of guns and ammunition were exposed to the searchlights.

The queen looked around the men and asked, "who can use a gun?"

Peter is afraid to see some of the cool things on TV. I don't dare to see them on TV

The queen didn't expect him to. Then she looked at Gu Meng and said, "what about you?"

But before Gu Meng started to speak, the queen went on: "forget it, you are a kindergarten teacher. It's not appropriate to use a gun."

Finish saying, take out a bulletproof vest to him from the corner of the box, way: "put on, this suits you."

Gu Meng took over the bulletproof vest, took a look at it, then turned to the queen again and said, "you mean, I'm only fit to be beaten, right?"

"Said the queen Mr. Gu, you are sensitive. "

Tangzhi can use a gun.

Yamamoto's family is huge and complex. From the Tang Dynasty to his father's generation, all the men in the family would learn guns and equipment to defend themselves.

Tang Zhi started shooting lessons when he was 13 years old. He had searched all kinds of small guns. The most handy one was 98K, so as soon as the box was opened, he searched for a handy gun.

Gu Meng sees that Tang Zhi has already touched a 98K and put it on his shoulder. As he puts on his bulletproof vest, he looks at Bo Ye and says, "Bo Ye, can you?"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Bo Ye was loading a magazine into a silver hand gun, skillfully.

"There's a thousand Ping shooting range behind candi's ancestral home." Bo Ye said.

"Well?" Gu Meng said, "so?"

"So as the son-in-law of the candi family, I've rubbed around his shooting range and his shooting lessons a lot." Bo Ye chuckled and turned the gun with his fingers, then put it into the holster tied around his waist.

"The rich second generation are really..." Panpeter smacked his lips and said, "much more."

After picking out the equipment they needed, they each assigned a tactical headset. After adjusting the channel, they tested the communication.

Worried that there was an ambush around Shibuya central street, five people abandoned the helicopter, which was a huge target.

They found two cars outside the power plant.

As soon as Bo Ye opened the driver's door, a stiff body fell down from inside.

When the lights were not turned on, Rao Shibo Ye was also shocked.

Other people gathered to look at the inexplicable body, suddenly thought of a problem.

Tang Zhi looked at the queen and asked, "where did those who didn't pass the game go at last?"

The queen looked at the corpse on the ground without any expression. Her long, narrow and upturned eye tail seemed cold.

"People who have not cleared the customs will return to the real world one after another," he said

Gu Meng recalled what Enjin said not long ago, saying: "in the first four days, the earth experienced tsunami, earthquake and heat storm, and then entered the extremely cold weather, and returned to the real world, it is impossible for people to survive in the environment of dramatic changes."Panpeter looked around and realized that there might be countless bodies lying in the surrounding buildings.

"No wonder it's called human screening..." Pan Peter said, "I should have stopped cooking earlier..."

Just at this time, there was a dull sound of "boom", and the western sky suddenly brightened, as if a bullet had burst, illuminating the earth as bright as day.

In a short moment, the light faded again.

People quickly looked up to the west, and saw a bright white arc covering half of the western sky, a number of unidentified objects sliding through the invisible membrane across the dark night sky.

The sky is like a lake rippling with a stone.

The queen narrowed her eyes a little and took back her sight from the sky. In a low voice, she said, "let's go. Time is running out."

Lights up in the dark, with the screeching sound of tires rubbing on the ground, the two cars headed for Shibuya district.

The author has something to say:

it's almost over. He wants to set off firecrackers outside.

Peter may be used to drag the show, but the child is still a good boy.

Peter didn't die because he sent something he wanted to express. He and Angela had thought about it. At that time, it would be more lovely.

Peter Pan: Thank you for your tolerance.

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