"What is Miss Gu looking at there?"

Asked a naive childlike voice.

I saw a fat pier with arms and legs and round and strong everywhere, and stopped by the door of the classroom.

Little fat pier, wearing a dirty little sweatshirt, still holding a toy plane in his hand, stood in place, and was staring at the back of the man squatting outside the corridor, and his face was full of confusion.

Looking at, "zislip" a sniff, he raised round small arm to wipe the nose.

At this time, another slightly more image of the boy came to him to stand and fixed, said: "he is looking at the clouds in the sky."

The little boy, with a pair of myopia glasses, holds a green fairy tale illustration in his hand, and is also looking at the back of the man outside.

When he said this, there was a kind of sophistication in his expression, like a poor little imitator.

Chubby pier looked up and looked at the sky in the distance.

It is the next school time in the evening, and there is a bright and white moon in the sky to the West.

At first, people will feel fresh because of the appearance of this round of moon, but the moon has been hanging in the sky for nearly half a month. People gradually lose their interest. In addition, nothing unusual happened. Life is still the same, and people will pay less and more attention to the more out of the moon.

Little fat pier just looked at it, and he put his eyes on the clouds on the sky.

At this time, the clouds are light and thin, some are red by the sunset, some in the sky are dyed pink, more, are the purple rays of the general dream.

Floating, let September evening add a gentle color.

"Why?" Little fat pier puzzled, looked at the little boy wearing glasses, asked, "every time teacher Gu leaves school, will it take a long time to see the clouds there?"

The boy lowered some children's voice, like saying a secret, saying, "Mr Gu is waiting for his beloved."

Small fat pier "Huo" a soft pour to pump air, by the nose slug blocked, slightly suffocated.

"The right person?" He was more confused and asked, "how do you know?"

"Because the legend of purple Xia fairy is also such, will often look at the sky clouds dazzled." The glasses boy shook his head with a sudden arrogance in his voice and said, "you are too small to tell you you don't understand. You can see a lot of things when you get to the class like me next year."

Chubby pier nodded stupidly, wiped the nose runny, and said, "the chief is so good."

Then, I took the plane to the rest of the classroom and played by myself.

Gu Meng squats on the long gallery outside the teaching building. There are two children left in the kindergarten. He has to wait for a while, so he can't get off work immediately.

Bored, he began to study the moon on the horizon.

The more you look at the results, the more disappointed you are.

"What is it..." Gu Meng sighed and changed his squatting posture.

When a person is alone, his expression reveals the blankness and depression without cover up.

Whenever you look at the moon, you will feel a very serious loss in your heart.

There is something in the deep door of memory, but no matter how hard he tries, he can not remember where the sense of loss comes from.

It's like losing a key at home, you're sure it's in a corner, but it's not going to be found anywhere.

In short, it feels terrible.

Gu Meng thought, fortunately, maybe one day the key will appear by itself.

Finally, he decided not to waste his mind on the moon. Some sad emotions have been going on for half a month, and Gu Meng is almost suspicious of his depression.

It may be true that as colleagues say, it is because there is no good rest.

Thinking about this, Gu Meng sorted out her emotions and was ready to go back to the class to see.

Just ready to stand up, a quiet childish voice came from around: "Gu teacher, don't let go."

Gu Meng paused, looked at his side, and saw a little boy in his class who did not know when he came to him.

“???” Gu Meng said he didn't understand what the child was saying.

The glasses boy looked at Gu Meng, looked at the clouds on the horizon, and smiled and encouraged him to say, "you must believe that one day, your heroes will step on seven clouds to pick you up."

“……” Gu Meng couldn't help raising his hand and touched him on his small head, and corrected, "it's seven colors of clouds."

The boy with glasses is a little red, and he grabs the back of his head - it is a shame to pretend to fail.

Childlike words are free, Gu Meng doesn't care much.

He looked up at his watch and said to the boy, "your mother is later than usual."

The boy with glasses squatted down in front of the low steps, and the little body was close to Gu Meng.

The boy sighed very sad and said, "she has been working overtime recently, and I can't help it."

"It doesn't matter. Wait a minute. You will always come to pick you up," gumeng saidAt this time, the glasses boy looked up at Gu Meng. After a while, he stretched out his little hand to support Gu Meng's mouth and pushed it up. He said, "so is the teacher. Wait a minute. Your hero will come to pick you up."

Gu Meng glanced at the little man beside him and chuckled. He looked very gentle and amiable.

The last child in the nursery class has also been taken away. Gu Meng is packing things in the classroom and preparing to leave.

He picked up his satchel and went to the door. When he was about to turn off the light, he caught sight of two tall figures coming towards him.

Gu Meng is stunned for a moment and looks at the classroom.

The men walk into the light from the darkening night, and Gu Meng can see their faces clearly. It's hard to hide their amazement.

Two men have a very outstanding appearance, even the same sex will be unable to help but take a look. No matter in dress or temperament, they all show their natural noble spirit. It can be seen that they are the kind of people who live a very good life.

Such men appear in pairs, no doubt produced the effect of street bombing.

Gu Meng looks back and forth between the two, and finally falls on the younger looking man.

The facial features are rare and exquisite. They are very Japanese in dress. In addition, the red tear mole under the left eye is impressive.

"Excuse me..." Gu Meng looked at the two people who came to the door of the classroom, put down their hands on the switch and said, "the kindergarten is going to close. What can I do for you?"

Men look at each other as if they are making eye contact.

Then he looked at Gu Meng again at the same time.

The child was surprised to see that the classroom was empty? Our class is gone. How many children are you looking for? "

Gu Meng guessed that such a young person should not be a student's parent, but a student's brother or uncle.

"No A little higher man finally opened his mouth, one hand in his pants pocket, light way, "my boyfriend can't give birth to children, so there are no children at home for the time being."



Looking at the tall and handsome man in front of him, Gu Meng thought to himself ok

Then just with the man next to the Japanese handsome boy on the line of sight, guess this is that "can't give birth to a boy's boyfriend.".

Under the light, the boy's face seems to be red.

Maybe he was infected by the shyness of the handsome boy. Gu Meng felt uncomfortable and looked at the handsome man and asked, "what's the matter?"

The man reached out his hand from his pants pocket, handed it to Gu Meng and said, "look at this. I wonder if I can help you with anything."

Gu Meng looks down and sees a red agate dice in the palm of a man's hand.

Under the man's eye sign, Gu Meng took the dice, looked at it for a long time, then looked up and asked, "what are you going to do? I'm going to work. "

The man then sighed, to return the dice, put in the hands of the toss, lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

After a while, he raised his head, gave a faint smile to Gu Meng and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you. I just want to confirm something."

Before leaving, the tall man handed him a business card and said, "if you need any help, you can contact me."

Gu Meng is confused with her business card and sees the two men leave. She can't figure out why she wants to contact a stranger.

Looking down at the name on the business card --

"Bo Ye?" Gu Meng thinks about it for a while and confirms that she has no impression of the name.

Back in the car, Tangzhi pulled on his seat belt and looked depressed.

"Is that really good?" He asked in a low voice.

Bo Ye started the car, but he didn't start immediately. He looked at the two moons in the sky at night and said, "it's not too late to tell him that it's not too late to wait for Enjin to come back. It's not good for Gu Meng to remember Enjin now."

Tang Zhi asked, "how long will we have to wait?"

Bo Ye held his hand on his knee, unable to give a definite answer. Some helplessly said, "forgetting will make his life easier."

"If Enjin can't come back, will she It's a lifetime. " Tang Zhi pursed his lips and said, "there have been many wonderful memories between them. Even these, can't Mr. Gu have?"

Bo Ye sighed. He was not sure whether such a decision was correct. He said, "wait a minute, not now."

Gu Meng soon forgot the incident that night, and the card that looked very high-end was also left in the corner of the drawer.

Gu Meng goes to work every day, goes off work, goes home after the vegetable market, cooks a meal for himself, and looks at the immortal moon in the sky for a while before going to bed.

Early to bed and early to rise, life is very regular, no different from the past, but that kind of empty feeling from the depths of the body has not dissipated in a day.

He was almost getting used to it.

September slips through the dull life day by day.

October is approaching.On that day, Gu Meng left work on time. After leaving kindergarten, he walked on the street to the subway station.

It's rush hour after work. The traffic is coming and going, and the crowd is rushing by at the crossroads.

Gu Meng walks on the sidewalk.

After a typhoon and a shower, the city began to officially cool down.

Gu Meng gathered up his coat and walked with his head down. He thought about what food he would like to buy on his way home this Friday.

Another red street light is the subway entrance, just to cross the zebra crossing, there is no reason to face a strong wind.

Gu Meng squints in the wind, looks up, and continues to move forward. As a result, before he takes two steps, he stops his steps.

As the wind continued to blow, Gu Meng looked up again. This time, he was a bit more astonished.

He was the only one in the street who was swept by the wind.

The wind seemed to care for him alone.

The strong autumn wind with a chill, Gu Meng's body penetrated through, and he stood in place for a long time, unable to move.

Slightly open eyes began to show moisture, in the wind gradually heart rate stall, breath turns fast, the heart of that huge gap is a little bit filled -

one day, all the wind will blow to you

Gu Meng, we must remember who he is at that time.

The strong wind turns in a direction and blows upward over the crowd. Gu Meng suddenly returns to his senses and looks around him anxiously to find the direction of the wind.

The next second, he saw the treetops trembling in the rear, and quickly turned to run against the crowd.

Gu Meng chases the wind and bumps into many people who go against him on the sidewalk.

Gu Meng keeps saying sorry words and tries to avoid it. His anxious eyes are always paying attention to the trend of the gust of wind.

The gust of wind climbed the treetops, swept the crowd, bypassed the intersection, and kept moving forward. Gu Meng chased all the way.

The satchel had already slipped from the shoulder to the elbow, and then from the elbow to the hand, until it was released and fell to the ground. However, Gu Meng ignored it and kept walking, full of the strong wind in his eyes.

He didn't know how long it would take for the wind to stop and where it would eventually lead him, but he didn't care.

Because he remembered.

I remember it all.

Everything about the man who promised to leave him a moon.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians around. Gu Meng keeps running. He raises his face and wipes his eyes in the wind.

No matter where you want to blow, please bring me to him.


The author has something to say:

thank you for the mines in wanglvxiaomo ~

it will be finished tomorrow.

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