Gu Meng suspects that the man is pretending to be amnesia.

But he had no evidence.

Every time Gu Meng asks Enjin if she really doesn't remember anything? The man looks at him with the wet eyes -

like a big dog lost and unable to find his home.

Under Enjin's naive and ignorant eye attack, Gu Meng has no power to parry, and she usually can't bear to investigate.

On the last night of the little long holiday, Gu Meng and en Jin lie side by side on the not so big double bed in the room. Turning off the lights, they looked at the blue fluorescence on the ceiling, as if under the vast sky.

Gu Meng decides to talk to Xiaozai calmly.

He tilted his head on the pillow and said, "son, to tell you the truth, what do you remember? Whatever you have. "

EN Jin also learn from him, tilt his head, so two heads against the head, looks like a pair of intimate look.

Enjin looked at the sky map on the ceiling, never looked away. Her voice was low and soft, and said, "I remember you are not my father."

“……” Gu Meng was silent for a moment. He didn't argue about anything. He just said, "what about the others? You can still remember What have we been through together? "

EN Jin looked at him blankly and shook her head.

Gu Meng lowered her eyelashes, and then, listening to Enjin's words, he said, "but I remember you."

Gu Meng's heart rekindled hope, turned over to look at him, and quickly asked, "remember me? Remember how I couldn't even name when I first met? "

Enjin winked at him innocently and said, "I only vaguely, almost, probably remember that you may be a good man."

“……” Gu Meng refused to be issued a good person card. She pulled the other half of the quilt angrily and said, "I feel vaguely that I may not be a good person. In the future, you can go to sleep on the sofa and don't rub my bed."

EN Jin remains unmoved and turns to face Gu Meng.

He held a corner of the quilt and shook it slightly. There was a trace of flattery in his soft voice. He said, "Gu Meng, are you angry?"

Gu Meng was not disturbed by his small movements and said coldly: "go to the sofa."

"Am I so stupid that I can't remember anything, so I make you angry?" Eugene tried to reach for him.

The poor man couldn't bear to listen.

Gu Meng remembers that it must be very hard for en Jin to find his way back after what he has experienced in the unknown space. It is not his fault to lose his memory. Why should he blame him.

In this way, Gu Meng divided the quilt into two parts, covered Enjin, and restrained her voice: "no more angry, you are not stupid, you are smart."

EN Jin instantly showed a smile, arched in the direction of Gu Meng and said, "Gu Meng, you are so good."

Gu Meng nodded with a fake smile and said, "after all, I am a good man." Then he adjusted to a comfortable position, closed his eyes and said, "it's getting late. Go to bed."

After Gu Meng closes her eyes, she feels Enjin moving in her direction, and her breath is getting closer and closer.

"Gu Meng." Enjin called him at close range.

Gu Meng's eyelids moved unconsciously. Without opening his eyes, he said lazily, "why?"

"You tell me something about the past every day, and I will remember it." "Enjin said," I know you must be very important to me, otherwise I will not only remember you in this strange world, I can only come to you. "

"Meng Jin's nose is very close to me, and then I don't want to catch up with you

Gu Meng's eyelashes trembled for a moment, and his heart was filled with waves. What was scratching his heart, some itched, some wanted to sigh, and even the air around him fermented a slightly sweet taste.

"Sweet talk king" is online again, he has no way.

As soon as Gu Meng opens her eyes, she is faced with a handsome face close to her. Her eyes are full of trust and joy.

Gu Meng softened his tone and said, "I don't want to rush you. You don't have to worry. Anyway, I'm here. I don't have to be afraid. It doesn't matter if you can't remember. Just know that I'm your man."

Enjin bent her eyes in the dim moonlight and said, "good."

Gu Meng kisses him on the forehead and says, "good night."

EN Jin slipped into the quilt and said in a soft voice, "good night, Gu Meng."

The room was quiet for a while.

But after a while, Gu Meng seemed to be impatient to "tut", opened his eyes, lifted the quilt, looked down, and said, "what are you doing?"

EN Jin got into the quilt and stopped picking Gu Meng's pajamas.

He raised his head, eyes full of ignorance, of course: "late night."

"And then?" Gu Meng twisted her eyebrows and asked him strangely."Serve my man." Enjin replied.

“……” Gu Meng pushed people away, feeling unreasonable, and said, "you go to sleep on the sofa."

It is the simple appearance of Enjin that makes him lower his guard, and now he has a sense of crisis.

This man is just amnesia. Everything else is normal.

"Just said not to rush me." EN Jin rushed up and continued the unfinished business.

"Why are you so shameless?" Gu Meng is short of breath.

After less than two minutes, Gu Meng's voice was obviously weaker. After listening carefully, he still had some meaning of pleading. "Son, I have to go to work tomorrow..."

"I'll just rub..." Enjin hemmed and hawed and said, "don't go in."

"I believe you ghost!"

When Gu Meng goes to work, Enjin is at home alone.

The past omnipotent big man, now the daily life summed up, is watering flowers, daze, buy vegetables and wait for their men to go home, completely into the retirement pension mode.

Gu Meng is afraid of Enjin's boredom. After a long time, she may be too busy.

He once suggested implicitly: "son, this is not a long-term plan, you Do you want to go out and find something to do? "

EN Jin takes back her sight from the balcony and looks at Gu Meng blankly. She sincerely asks for advice and asks, "what can I do?"

Gu Meng came to the spirit and asked, "what do you want to do?"

EN Jin thought for a moment and waved to Gu Meng.

Gu Meng walks to the fence according to his words. En Jin pulls him over and circles him in front of him.

So they stood on the balcony, looking at the afterglow of the winter sunset, hanging a green branch from the hanging orchid on the hanger.

Enjin motioned to the horizon and said, "I want to lengthen the winter days and dye the sunset glow to pink, so that you can still see the clouds like powder fog when you get off work every day. Your mood will be better."

"I also want to put stars on top of your head so that you can light your way home."

"Do you like to watch sunsets?"

"If I like, I'll make the Earth spin faster so that we can watch two sunsets every evening."

Ding Ding, Gu Jin said, "I don't want to do something in the world that I love you enough."

Gu Meng licks her slightly dry lower lip in the cold wind in the evening. At this moment, standing on her own small balcony, she seems to be standing on the top of the world.

"Thank you, son." Gu Meng only felt that the whole person was full of happiness, and no one could resist such a promise.

Although he felt dizzy because of Enjin's sweet words, he still had his reason.

Just wanted to educate Enjin not to do anything against the natural law, so as not to cause panic in the world, Gu Meng listens to Enjin's low "Oh" behind her back.

"I remember." Enjin calmed down and said in a daze, "I can't do those things because my spiritual power is gone."

Gu Meng:

The atmosphere, which had just been so sweet, was instantly destroyed.

Gu Meng turned to Enjin and said, "so do you have anything else you want to do?"

Eugene shook her head.

Gu Meng picked up his face and said, "would you like to accept Bo Ye's invitation to work in their company?"

EN Jin shook her head and said, "I don't want to go to work."

Gu Meng sighed: "is there really nothing else I want to do?"

EN Jin raised her chest and said with pride, "I just want to be the little white face of Gu Meng's family."

Gu Meng laughed angrily on the spot.

One working day, before three o'clock in the afternoon, Enjin was sitting on the sofa waiting with the old machine.

After a while, "didi" two, as usual, came in a short message, is Gu germination.

[Gu Meng: there are also winter bamboo shoots and spare ribs in the refrigerator. Today, you can not buy vegetables. Do you still want mashed potatoes? You can buy some potatoes if you want to. 】

en Jin stood up. He didn't want to eat mashed potatoes, but he knew that Gu Meng wanted to, so he planned to go to the vegetable market to buy potatoes.

EN Jin pulls out a red crumpled plastic bag from the shoe cabinet, and takes out a ten yuan note and two orange and orange quarters from the change bag next to it, and then puts it into the red plastic bag and rolls it up.

Enjin bent down and tucked the rolled plastic bag into the side of the sock tube. After getting up, she shook her trouser legs. Seeing that there was no flaw, she nodded with satisfaction.

Gu Meng said that wealth should not be exposed.

So every time he went out to buy vegetables, he kept his money well.

EN Jin slowly out of the door, leisurely walk in the community, meet enthusiastic people say hello also ignore, look always light.

When he walked slowly to the market, it was one evening when the market was busy. But if you look at it, most of the people who come to buy vegetables now are aunts and grandsons.

EN Jin came to the familiar stall and weighed a bag of potatoes. The shop owner asked for 9.5 yuan.

Standing in the noisy vegetable market, Enjin stands out from the crowd. He is standing in front of the vegetable stand. His body is straight and straight like a small poplar. His face is beautiful and his face is expressionless.Surrounded by choosy aunts, she talked to the stall owner in a loud voice. Only he was calm and elegant, not stained with a trace of secular atmosphere, and his lonely appearance was not grounded at all.

EN Jin then raised her head and said to the stall owner, "is nine yuan three OK?"

Stall owner:.... "

The big man whose appearance is not grounded is full of philistine breath when he opens his mouth.

The stall owner waved his hand and looked disgusted. The man was used to bargaining with him every day, so he didn't bother to argue with him. He said, "take it away and give you another green onion."

Enjin left contentedly with a bag of five potatoes.

EN Jin slowly walk back to the unit downstairs, suddenly stopped.

He looked up at the upstairs and suddenly remembered that he had not taken the key with him.

Standing in the same place for about two seconds, he quickly accepted the reality and sat down on a pony beside the flower bed downstairs.

The little Maza belongs to the man who keeps flowers next door. No matter it's windy or rainy, it's placed beside the flower bed.

Enjin didn't bring an old machine and couldn't see the time, but he didn't have to look at the clock to know the exact time.

It's 3:32 now. It's two hours and twenty minutes before Gu Meng comes home from work.

Because he didn't have the key, he had to sit here and wait for Gu Meng, and then he would take him home.

Although it is the early spring season, the weather is a little cold, but today's afternoon sunshine is sunny, the sunshine on the body is still warm, en Jin will not be frozen.

Tall men sitting on ponies with long legs curled up look like they're going to crush them.

Eugene waited with one hand on her cheek.

People from time to time to the eye-catching men cast their eyes, but men do not care about the outside world.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Enjin looked at it and saw a spade inserted in the flowerpot next to her.

The spade belongs to the man who grows flowers next door.

EN Jin thought for a moment, pulled out the small shovel, and then pulled out a gray potato from the bag --

and began carving potatoes.

Enjin has no one in space shaping ability, so carving is a piece of cake for him.

After a while, originally an irregular potato in his hands into a lifelike rabbit.

Anyway, take it back to wash and cut it into pieces. After carving the rabbit, Enjin picked up a potato.

While he was carving the second potato, an old lady with a small schoolbag on one shoulder and a child in one hand came to Enjin.

The old lady picked up the rabbit on the ground and said, "young man, how much is this?"

Enjin looked up, not good at dealing with the situation in front of him, he did not know what the old lady wanted.

The old lady saw that the beautiful young man was not smart. She took ten yuan out of her pocket and put it in the potato bag. She said, "OK, OK, ten yuan. Don't change it."

With that, he took the rabbit and his grandson and left.

EN Jin looked down at the ten yuan in the bag and blinked slowly.

Gu Mengtian came back only when he was wiping the darkness. He saw his fool sitting by the flower bed blowing the cold wind. He was angry and distressed.

He picked up Enjin from the small Mazar, patted the ash on his hand, and said, "how can I sit outside and wait? How old are you? I don't know it's cold outside? "

Enjin old honest said: "go out to buy potatoes, forget the key."

Gu Meng can't help but pull people to prepare to go upstairs. Before going upstairs, she looks around en Jin and is empty. She asks curiously, "you go out to buy potatoes. How about potatoes?"

"Sold out by me." Enjin said.

Gu Meng:

What's wrong with reselling?

Selling potatoes?

The author has something to say:

thank Yi Yin and a flying ship for their mines, and for the hand grenades of fox Zhenwu clam.

Thank you for saying good words to make me happy, hee hee.

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