Zhao Hairong held a short saw in his right hand. In the bathtub beside him, his whole jaw was immersed in the bottom of the water, and wisps of blood were still floating on the water.

Enjin stood outside the crowd, took advantage of her height to look at the water and said faintly, "that half face is not his."

Cheng Jiaojiao still blocked by the door, surprised and asked him: "how do you know?"

Take fingertip point of mandible side, Enjin: "Zhao Hai Rong here have two light colored moles, but not in the bathtub."

Cai Xiaoqi stepped back in fear and did not understand: "yesterday, you also said that sister min's eyes are not her own, but her own. Why are they installed in her eyes? And half of Dr. Zhao's face. Who else could it be How could this happen? It's weird. I I'm not feeling well. Excuse me

She turns and rushes out of the room. When she passes by Gu Meng, Gu Meng looks at her and finds that there is a lot of sweat on the girl's forehead, which dampens the bangs and sideburns.

May be too nervous, coupled with physical weakness, will be more prone to sweating than ordinary people.

Without thinking about it, Gu Meng recalled Zhao Hairong's words in the morning and said, "when I saw Huang Min yesterday morning, she kept saying that it was not mine. Zhao Hairong also said the same thing this morning. I think what they want to express is that part of their body has been replaced and no longer belongs to themselves."

"Replaced by whom?" Cheng Jiaojiao obviously couldn't accept it. She immediately took up his words and asked, "people are not plastics or machines. Organs and human tissues can be replaced and installed at will?"

"Don't think in a normal way." Bo Ye gently reminded her, "since things have happened, we should accept such a setting. After all, it is not a normal world."

Xiao Liang sat on the hospital bed in the room, stupefied. The whole person was sweating, as if he had taken it out of the water.

Tang Zhi went over and sat down on the opposite bed and asked him, "nurse Xiao, did you find anything unusual about Dr. Zhao last night?"

"Last night?" Xiao Liang looked at him stupidly. He still didn't come back from the bloody scene. He shook his head. "I went to bed early last night, and I didn't hear anything. When I got up in the morning, Zhao Hairong was not in the right state. He was always muttering with a mask. I didn't pay attention to anything I said."

There was a knock at the door, and everyone looked out. Yu Chunjiao stood at the door laughing and looked into the room: "how come all the doctors gathered here? What's the matter? "

Cheng Jiaojiao has always had a bad impression on this aunt, and listening to her saying inappropriate words, she is extremely uncomfortable. She turns her eyes and pulls Xu Jiayi out of ward 408.

Yu Chunjiao came in and saw the blood splashed bathroom. She said with a smile, "Oh, it turns out that the bathroom is dirty. The doctors don't mind. I'm going to call Lao Chen to clean it up."

Lao Chen is the only temporary worker in that hospital. He pushes the cleaning cart all day long and has no ghost.

After a while, Mr. Chen came. He took out a pair of tongs from nowhere. He caught the broken jaw in the bathtub and put it into the black garbage bag. He turned the bag and pinned it on his trousers waist. He bent down to lift Zhao Hairong's two legs and dragged them out. The blood wound across the floor.

Gu Meng looks at the old man with a dull look, and remembers the picture that he saw in the morgue last night. He is frightened.

Then I thought that Huang Min and Zhao Hai Rong were both dead in a strange way. Maybe it had nothing to do with temporary worker Lao Chen. He should have stolen Huang Min's heart.

After Zhao Hairong's body was dragged away, others wanted to leave. Yu Chunjiao called in three nurses. She took a mop from the corner and put it into Chen Jiahao's hand. She took out some kind of head nurse's sarcastic attitude and asked: "Xiaohao, Xiaoliang, Xiaomeng, you can stay and clean up the room. It's bloody. If there are patients living in, it's time to complain!"

Gu Meng:

To be honest, which patient dares to stay in your hospital? Wake up.

Although she is not willing to do so, Gu Meng still stays and follows the NPC's request.

Two other male nurses were also left behind.

Since he found Zhao Hairong sawing his face in the bathroom, Xiao Liang's whole life is not good. He can't lift himself up by the bed. He has been sweating on his forehead and his back is wet. Even his bed is dizzy and wet.

Gu Meng felt sympathy and handed him two pieces of paper. He comforted him and said, "look on, brother. It's like a game and a dream."

Xiao Liang sat on the bed, looked at him, no response.


Gu Meng puts down the paper in silence and continues to mop the floor.

Chen Jiahao has always been used to being lazy. Seeing Gu Meng at work, he said that he was dizzy and then slipped back into his room.

Gu Meng mops up the blood on the bathroom floor, leaves the door ajar and puts the mop behind the door.

Turn around and come to the bathtub, roll up the sleeves on both sides, ready to pull the plug from the bottom.

In the room, Xiao Liang turned his head and looked at the empty door of the bathroom. His eyes were covered with ashes and his expression was numb and terrible. He quietly listened to the slight sound of water coming from inside.

All of a sudden, the sound of water in the bathroom became fierce. It seemed that someone was struggling in the water, and even large pieces of water splashed outside the door.

Xiao Liang did not move, just staring at the gap in the bathroom door.After a few seconds, the splash disappeared and became a slight water sound again.

When the door opens, Gu Meng comes out of the room wet and looks up at Xiao Liang.

Embarrassed ground purses lip to smile, side to face to take up bathroom door, way: "the floor is all water, too slippery."

Xiao Liang nodded his head expressionless. He stood up and went to Gu Meng. His eyes turned around his face. He reached out and pinched the sticky blood on his hair tip: "go back to your room and change your clothes."


Gu Meng half lowered his head, raised his hand to hook the broken hair beside his ear and put it behind his ear, revealing a light smile. His eyebrows and eyes suddenly gave birth to a different kind of elegance.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Bo Ye and Tang Zhi checked all the rooms with purple curtains in the hospital and found nothing unusual.

They return to the fourth floor, ready to find Gu Meng and en Jin to sort out the existing clues.

Today is the third day, where the hospital exit is still not prompted.

Knocking on the door next door, it was en Jin who came to open the door. Bo ye walked in and saw Gu Meng sitting on the side of the bed cutting apples. The long peel came down in circles and almost touched the ground.

"Miss Gu, give me one too." Bo Ye half joked.

Gu Meng smiles. With a knife in his left hand, he peels the apple in his hand and hands it to the opposite side: "here you are."

Bo Ye picked his eyebrows. He seemed to have hesitated for a moment. He looked at him uncertainly and took the apple: "thank you."

He thought that according to Gu Meng's character, he must throw a knife to him and let him cut it by himself, instead of giving the apple so freely.

Bo Ye bit the juicy Fuji and sat down on the chair at the end of the bed.

Tang Zhi, leaning against the back of his chair, said: "the emergency surgery room, infusion room, operating room and ward, we have carefully checked these places with purple curtains, but we have not found any information related to the exit. However, both deaths occurred in rooms with purple curtains, and we don't know what this connection means."

"On the first day when the player checked in, they had a dormitory with six rooms. Three of them had purple curtains and the other three were blue. Candi and I lived in the room with purple curtains. So far, nothing has happened." Bo Ye added with Tang Zhi's words. He tilted up one corner of his chair and shook it. He looked at Tang Zhi and whispered, "do you want to change rooms at night? I always think our geomantic omen is not very good. "

Tang Zhi thought about it for a moment, and then he patted him on the shoulder: "another night."

Bo Ye pressed his hand on his shoulder with the trend, and he did not let go of it. He laughed a little.

Tang Zhi slightly opened his clear eyes and gave a silent warning.

The small action between them falls aside. In Gu Meng's eyes, he looks at the husband next door for a while, smiles slightly, and picks up another apple in the fruit basket and starts to peel.

"What do you think now?" Bo Ye finished his leisure time, chewed on an apple, and asked the two opposite, "this is the third day. Don't mention the exit. The connected air outlet has not been found. If it goes on like this, the players may be crazy and those who are not will die in the clinic every morning."

Gu Meng bent down his head and concentrated on cutting the apple. He was skillful. The edge of the knife was close to the flesh and made a "rustling" sound without any comment.

EN Jin thought for a moment and said, "there is another place that has not been checked."

"Where?" Tang Zhi asked.

EN Jin: "Dean's office."

"President Kim." Bo Ye thought, "the man in the legend."

The four took the elevator to the fifth floor.

As soon as he got off the elevator, Bo Ye pulled out a 30 cm long spanner from his back waist. He shook it in his hand and said, "all of them are literati. I don't want to go to this step."

Half way through, I found the door of the dean's office was open.


Several people look at each other, Bo Ye quietly put the wrench back to the back waist.

When I got closer, I found that it was a temporary worker named Lao Chen who was cleaning inside.

Mr. Chen is wiping all kinds of trophies in the cupboard. When he hears the news and looks back, four men at the door are looking into the room.

Frowning unhappily, he went to the door without saying a word. He would close the door without saying a word. His attitude was bad and tough.

"Uncle Chen, can you lend us a tour?" Bo Ye stepped out a long leg against the door and gave a very gentle smile, "or we can clean it for you, do you think?"

Chen ignored him as if he couldn't hear him and insisted on closing the door.

Bo Ye's smile did not change. After touching his waist, he was held down by Tang Zhi.

The door of the office was shut mercilessly to his face.

Tang Zhi summoned the other three people to the corner and said, "maybe the key to opening the office door is not the key, but the temporary worker."

EN Jin thought a little, and felt that it was very reasonable. She rolled up the sleeves of the shirt and said calmly, "go."

Tang Zhi blinked. Before he said the plan, Enjin understood it?"Where are you going?" he said

Enjin: "fuck him!"

Tang Zhi:

Gu Meng:

Bo Ye handed him the wrench he had prepared.

The casual worker wiped the corner of the office and was about to pack up and leave when the door was tapped twice.

The old man looked at the door, wiped his hands and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, no one was seen. With a calm face, he leaned out of his body and looked into the corridor, which almost scared him to death.

The stiff and pale girl was sitting in a wheelchair, her long hair was dry and sparse, her skin was rotten, her mouth was half open, and her white eyes were fixed on the end of the corridor.

"West Asia? West Asia Chen Ran to the girl, knelt down in front of the girl and stroked her hands out of the blanket in a panic, "what's the matter with you? Is it too stuffy below? But you're not well. You can't run around now. My father will send you back. Darling, my father will push you back... "

The temporary worker, rickety, stood up, walked around the back of the wheelchair and pushed the girl to the elevator.

The elevator door at the end of the corridor closed and two people came out of the press room not far away.

Bo Ye looked at the elevator and said to Tang Zhi and Gu Meng in the back, "it's gone."

The temporary workers left in a hurry and did not have time to close the door.

Looking around the room, the area is small and the furnishings are simple. The bookcase on one wall and the trophy display cabinet on the other wall. There are sofa and coffee table near the wall at the entrance, and the desk is in front of the window.

Bo Ye closed the door behind him, locked the door, and said, "try to find personal belongings such as resume or diary, and find out who president Jin is first."

Tang Zhi went to the display cabinet and looked up and down. There were crystal cups and medals. Most of the trophies were engraved with the words "excellent medical science and technology workers", "Clinical Medical Research Award", "Lifetime Achievement Award" and so on.

EN Jin sat in the chair behind the office, bent down to pull out one drawer after another and rummaged through it at a very fast speed.

Most of the drawers were medical notes, as well as cases of special patients. En Jin opened several letters and scanned them in turn. She found that most of them were greetings from president Jin and his former colleagues in the Research Institute. There were polite words between the lines and not much substantive content.

On the other side, Gu Meng looked up in front of the bookshelf for a while, then wandered to Tang Zhi's side, followed him to look at the display cabinet, and casually said, "do you see anything?"

Tang Zhi shook his head: "can only see that president Jin is very famous in the industry, should be a good doctor."

Gu Meng held her arms in her hands, and her eyes glided over trophies one after another, and she gently laughed: "maybe."

Feeling that Gu Meng's tone was a little strange, Tang Zhi turned his face to look at him, but noticed that his bangs were slightly wet with sweat. He said, "Mr. Gu, are you very hot?"

It's still raining outside. The indoor temperature is about 20 degrees centigrade. It's cooler.

"Just a little nervous." Gu Meng wiped his forehead and wiped it with a paper towel from his desk. He said with a smile.

Tang Zhi let him relax and went to the rest of the room to look for clues.

As soon as Bo Ye entered the door, he noticed the fluttering curtain on the floor in front of the window. What attracted him was the color of the curtain.

Light purple, pink.

He went forward to lift the curtains, looked up at the back wall from top to bottom, and tapped gently on it.

Gradually squat down, knock to a place, suddenly stopped, uncertain to knock twice.

Provoked a smile: "sure enough, there is a problem."

Bo Ye pulled out the wrench he had brought with him. He had intended to pry the door, but now it has other uses.

The sudden knocking of heavy objects startled the other three people. They looked at Bo Ye by the window one after another, only to see that he had knocked a hole in the wall.

Gu Meng frowned: "what are you doing?"

Tang Zhi quickly stepped forward and squatted behind Bo Ye. When he saw something in the dark wall, his eyes lit up: "it's like a safe."

This wall is more fragile than other places. Bo Ye holds the wrench and knocks again several times, until the safe inside the wall is completely exposed.

Throw the spanner, clap hands: "who can give advice, what is the password?"

Enjin was simple and rude: "12345678."


Bo Ye squatted down and pressed the password according to his words. As a result, when he pressed to the sixth digit, he could no longer enter the number. Click OK to display the password error.

No longer hope in Enjin, he looked at Tang Zhi and Gu Meng and said, "give me a reliable point."

Gu Meng wipes the sweat from his forehead with a paper towel and shakes his head to show that he has no idea.

Tang Zhi looked down at the floor and frowned.

"654321," Enjin said

Bo Ye: Shut up

At this time, outside the elevator to the floor of the prompt tone.

The temporary workers are back.

At the same time, the four people were calm.

Uncle Chen doesn't look easy to offend. If he is caught by them breaking into the office and damaging public property, the consequences may not be as simple as an embarrassed smile.Gu Meng said, "hide?"

Tang Zhi stood up, slightly anxious: "where to hide?"

Bo Ye was not willing to leave, so he finally found a clue. He went to a doctor in an emergency. He tried "654321", and the password was wrong on the display panel.

With a low mantra, slender fingers move quickly in the password disk, trying different combinations.

Heavy and protracted steps came up the corridor, nearer and nearer.

Tang Zhi took a deep breath to stabilize his mood and looked around. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on a whole display cabinet.

quickly scan it as like as two peas. I wonder if it is coincidence. The three rows of showcases have six identical crystal trophies inserted in different trophies, but the angles are different.

“4,6……” Because he was in a hurry, Tang Zhi made a small jump in the spot and waved to Bo yezhao to try the password he said, "3, 5, 1, 2."

Bo Ye: "wrong password."

Tang Zhi didn't give up: "463518!"

Wrong password.


Wrong password.

The sound of footsteps has arrived at the door, and Gu Meng frowns: "clean up the scene, let's go."

Tang Zhi's last attempt: "469572!"

"Drop -"

the lock pops open.

At the same time, the door locks.

There was only one newspaper in the safe. Bo Ye got it quickly and had only time to look at the huge headline on the cover --

"Pandora's box has been opened".

The next second, the temporary worker pushes open the door of the office.

EN Jin standing in front of the bookcase, will hold a stack of books a book into the cabinet.

Bo Ye held a feather blanket and beat the dust above the curtain.

Tang Zhi and Gu Meng stand on one side and wipe the table.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, the four stopped at the same time and looked at the door.

Bo Ye was the first to react. He laughed like a warm-hearted young man of the year: "Uncle Chen, you are back. We see that you left halfway and the work has not been finished, so..."

It goes without saying that the four young people are obviously helping others.

Old Chen, with a gloomy face, swept everyone in the room and said in a deep voice, "get out of here!"

The four men rolled out, quickly and consciously.

At night, the hospital fell into a dead silence, only outside the window drizzle in the night of the earth.

In Room 403, Bo Ye is sitting on the head of the bed, reading newspapers.

The bathroom door made a slight noise, and after a while, the door was pushed open from inside.

A pure white nurse came out with a thin waist and rich buttocks, especially the two long legs exposed in the cool air.

Bi Zhiying run, rubbed against each other under the white buttock skirt.

"Doctor Bo, I've tried the tap. It's OK. I'll go first."

Bo Ye was still holding the newspaper, but secretly he looked at each other's legs through the edge of the newspaper. His eyes were gradually dim.

The nurse went to the front of the cabinet to pick up a tray with syringes, gauze and potions on it. It seemed that she was going to patrol the room.

"Wait a minute."

Bo Ye spoke faintly, turned over and sat upright, holding the nurse's wrist.

The little nurse frowned, and the tone of her voice was slightly defensive: "what are you doing, doctor Bo?"

Bo Ye lowered his head, a finger gently around the white wrist of the other side, slowly circling, his voice deliberately lowered, making his ears numb.

"My wife is not here tonight You can keep it for as long as you want. "

The little nurse was sluggish for a moment. Her face gradually turned red, as if she was angry or shy. She tugged at her wrist: "doctor Bo, please respect yourself! I'm not that kind of person

Bo Ye stood up and held each other's shoulders and drew him closer. The ruffian laughed: "what kind of person? Make it clear. "

The little nurse struggled.

The iron tray fell, making a harsh sound, and the syringes were scattered all over the floor.

The author has something to say:

about stealing corpses, the leading group will apologize when they come back. The four people still fear the dead.

The next chapter explains the password. It's too late to code today. Have a good weekend.

Thanks for the nutrient solution of summer.

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