In the bathroom of a guest room on the second floor, Ruan Chu's face was still drenched with water. He looked up at himself in the mirror and stood still for a quarter of an hour.

It was not until the smell of blood and rotten meat that kept churning in my stomach dissipated. Then I took off my towel and wiped my face. I walked out dejectedly.

He sat on the edge of the bed, facing the pale sky outside the window, and gradually clenched his hands on the bed.

Judging from the reactions of the four men in the morning, we should know all we should know. Their deeds have been revealed, together with his cannibalism

Severely hammered under the bed, Ruan Chu water clenched the back of the alveolar, vicious emotions in the chest.

He was sure that flower juice and pollen together would trigger cannibalism. Even though he knew that eating Wang Xiaochi was something he couldn't choose, he still couldn't accept himself. He felt sick and nauseous all the time.

The thick blood, the warm feeling of holding a corpse in his hand, and the constant force of tearing with his teeth when chewing human flesh, these feelings can never be forgotten and torment his nerves and conscience.

He wanted to know if other people would be tempted to cannibalize their companions if they were in his situation, but why Why did nothing happen to Gu Meng? He has made sure everything is safe and sound, but why is he the only one who finally becomes the monster? Why can Gu Meng escape!

He could not bear to bend down, his hands gripping his hair, his eyes red with envy.

Out of the window, the fir trees swayed gently in one direction at the same time. Under the sky like ice, they formed up and down dark green lines.

The cold wind blew through the window lattice, Ruan Chu water adjusted his mood for a long time, and stood up with his whole clothes.

I smoothed my broken hair behind my head. When I looked up again, I didn't see any embarrassment. I looked out of the window and pretended to smile.

He did not dare to stay alone in the room for too long, for fear of arousing the suspicion of other players, so he opened the door as if nothing had happened and he didn't want to lean on a person by the door and didn't know how long he had been waiting.

Ruan chushui quietly closed the door and said with a smile, "Gu Meng? What can I do for you? Why didn't you knock at the door just now

Gu Meng looks at him and sighs at the cheekiness of this man. Now he can pretend that nothing has happened.

He put down his foot on the wall behind him and said, "before I hit you, I'll give you a chance to explain."

"What did I do wrong..." Ruan chushui was stunned. He seemed to have recalled for a moment, shook his head, and sighed in a melancholy way, "or was found by you."

Gu Meng faces him and laughs, "it's hard not to find out that you've made so much noise."

"Well, in that case..." Ruan chushui's expression gradually turned to pain, and said sincerely, "yes, as you think, Wang Xiaochi was really killed by me. You can call me an animal, you can say I am inhuman, but you don't understand what I experienced, I was at that time..."

"Wait, wait." Gu MengYue was more confused and had to interrupt him midway, "I'm not here to listen to you explain Wang Xiaochi."

Ruan chushui was at a loss and said, "then you are..."

Gu Meng took a step closer and said, "I asked you why you framed me?"

Ruan chushui looked at him in surprise and blurted out, "frame you?"

"Stop pretending." Gu Meng, with an uninteresting expression on her face, shook her hand and moved her wrist. "I got some flower juice last night. Is that what you did? You want me to eat him. First, you can pull me into the water. Second, you can kill Bo Ye. Now you just have to answer me, yes or no

"No! What the hell are you talking about? I have no idea what flower juice is. " Ruan chushui frowned, his face stained with thin anger, "pollen? I went in and out of the flower grove yesterday, and I would inevitably bring some back. If I accidentally caught Bo Ye and bothered him, it was my fault. I apologize, but what is the situation with flower juice? " He recalled, and suddenly said, "maybe it was stuck to me when I passed through the flower forest, but I didn't realize the problem. What did you mean by that? Is Did you have the urge to hurt others last night

Gu Meng stares at Ruan chushui suspiciously. The man's eyes are open. He looks at him all the time when he talks. He doesn't look like he's lying.

Instead of answering his question, he asked, "do you know the function of flower juice and pollen?"

"Do they still work?"

“…… Do you know why you attacked Wang Xiaochi? "

Ruan chushui closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows. It seemed that he didn't want to mention this topic: "I must be hungry to the limit. I've never been so hungry. It seems that I've lost my heart. I really didn't expect that hunger can push people to this desperate situation."


Gu Meng begins to doubt herself.

According to Ruan chushui's meaning, both flower juice and pollen were accidentally rubbed against him and Bo Ye. Although it sounds full of coincidences, small probability events are also possible. Moreover, Ruan chushui has no idea of the reaction that flower juice and pollen will produce when they meet, so there is no such statement as framing.If this is the case, it can only be considered bad luck.

"You really scared me when you mentioned human flesh in the restaurant." Seeing Gu Meng in deep meditation, Ruan chushui gave a slight smile and quietly relaxed. He continued, "because of his weakness of heart, he escaped."

"Sorry, I misunderstood you." Gu Meng pondered for a moment and said, "but you'd better let everyone know about Wang Xiaochi. It's an account of the dead."

Ruan chushui's face was stiff: "how can I explain this? It's just It's hard to say. "

"To be honest, as you admitted just now, I was so hungry that I couldn't help eating people."

After giving advice, Gu Meng says hello and is ready to leave.

"How can you say that!" Ruan chushui was stabbed in the pain and clenched his fists secretly. He couldn't help saying, "you should be able to understand my situation. After all, you also..."

The voice stopped suddenly, and he suddenly realized that he had said too much.

In front of her, Gu Meng stops because she can't see her expression clearly because she is facing her back.

After a long time, you said: "the mouth of a man is a deceiving ghost."

Gu Meng turns around and walks toward Ruan chushui. She grabs the man's back neck and presses it down. She quickly lifts her knee and bumps into his abdomen. Her strength makes Ruan Chu cry out in pain, and her eyes almost vomit.

"Your situation?" Gu Meng holds his hair and forces him to raise his face. His face, which has always been warm and moist, becomes a little cruel. "Hungry, I can't help but eat people, and become like wild animals, isn't it? It seems that you have expected what I will experience, and you still don't understand the function of flower juice and pollen. It's all deceptive

Ruan Chu bow waist, red eyes, eyes pain out of tears, whispered out of breath.

Since he was ripped out, he was not in disguise. He was not willing to say: "since you are also hit, why Why... "

"Why am I ok?" Gu Meng bent over and looked at his eyes face to face, "because My friends. "

They are intelligent, bright and brave. They actively look for ways to turn bad things into good ones. That's why I am more lucky.

Gu Meng pushed open the door and dragged Ruan chushui into the room. He said, "remember, this time I hit you for Enjin. If you hadn't used such abusive means, our children's neck would not have been hurt. He had never suffered such a great injustice..."

The door slammed.

The wind stopped abruptly.

Enjin cuts deer meat by the campfire, preparing for lunch, with thick gauze around her neck, half of which is exposed outside her collar.

From time to time, Tang's face was covered with fire, and his face was covered with fire.

Bo Ye saw the meat on the slate and said to Enjin, "son, it's a pity you don't cook."

The sliced meat is even in thickness. If it is measured with a ruler, it may not be different. One piece of meat is stacked together, just like a work of art.

"Who's the son?" EN Jin did not lift her head, her voice was low and judo, "please put your own identity."

"Is that the way you talk to dad?" Bo Ye held Tang Zhi in front of him. When he kneaded and kneaded like a pillow, he didn't forget to chat with en Jin. "Tut, it's really ungrateful. It hurt his father's heart. When he didn't even have a big name, he didn't think about who gave you such a beautiful name. When he was ignorant and ignorant, who set an example and quietly became your lighthouse? Shine on you, guide you, escort you? "

Enjin didn't care about him.

Tang Zhi clapped Bo Ye's mouth with his backhand and muttered, "don't bully Mr. Gu when he's not here."

Bo Ye seized the white hand and put it on his mouth. He said in a low voice: "cheap son, don't pick up white, or you will give me a baby."

"Don't dream!"

Tang Zhi was so embarrassed that he wanted to withdraw his hand. Bo ye not only refused to let go, but also poked out the tip of his tongue to lick his fingers, which made his predecessors tremble.

EN Jin did not see anything. After cutting the meat, she put down her knife and held a pair of bloody hands. She looked around for a week and said, "what about Gu Meng?"

Tang Zhi managed to get rid of Bo Ye's harassment. He rubbed his wet hands on the men's trousers, and his face turned red: "he said he would go to the kitchen to get the seasoning before he came out. He should still be in the room."

EN Jin clearly, without a trace to see the direction of the second floor, a little hesitation, way: "I go to find him."

Bo Ye and Tang Zhi continued to heat up the fire, saying a few whispers from time to time. There was a slight crackling sound in the campfire. Under the distant sky were the lines of ice blue mountains. Everything was too quiet and beautiful.

After a while, Gu Meng opened the zipper of his coat, sweat slightly on his forehead, and came out of the wooden house with a pile of spices in his arms, which Ruan chushui brought back from the village yesterday.

When Bo Ye saw him, he asked, "how did you go so long?"

"It doesn't take time to pick and choose?" Gu Meng puts down a big bag and a small bag on the stone slab and looks at the two people who are holding each other. She is quite helpless, "can you be a little bit like that in the survival game? How can you two play adult love games with any copy? ""Say, throw to thin ye a string of dry red pepper, way," don't hold wife hot Kang all day, help cut, eat barbecue this noon. "

Tang Zhi climbed up from the blanket on the ground and said, "what can I do?"

Gu Meng looked at his bandaged left hand, shaking his head: "you are responsible for eating."

Tang Zhi did not want to, he helped to deal with spices and do some work that didn't need to be contaminated with water.

Gu Meng looked at a circle, and he was surprised: "where is Enjin going?"

Tang Zhi thought of it and said, "you didn't see him just now? He said he went to the house to find you. "

"Then how can't I see people..."

Gu Meng didn't care much, and he focused on the pickled deer meat.

At this time, in the second floor room.

Ruan Chu turned off the tap, spat a blood foam on the side, and swearing in a low voice. He didn't expect Gu Meng to grow a warm face, good temper, really irritable so can play.

Hatefully, oneself has the mistake first, also has no personal support nearby, this kind of thing, also can only silently next.

Face the mirror, good in Gu Meng did not face, is the corner of the mouth some broken skin.

Ruan chushui took a rest in the room for a moment, rejuvenated himself and opened the door and went out.

Suddenly, he ran into a tall man.

Ruan Chu water looked up, heart bottom followed a deep, hidden feeling, clenched door handle way: "you look for me?"

Enjin nodded and beat her head with no one punch.

The hands are crisp and sharp, and the real people are not very cruel.

Ruan Chu water head back, staggered back a few steps to fall on the ground, only felt the nose bone is fast broken, tears suddenly out, pain is difficult to bear.

"This is for gumeng."

"My mother..." Ruan Chu water up, bite teeth, force to the gill Gang to draw tight, do not know what to say for a while.

Enjin went up and squatted down and looked at him calmly, and her voice was very weak: "next, stay away from Gu Meng. Don't let me see any contact between you and him, including looking at him, otherwise, you may not escape here tomorrow."

Ruan chushui suddenly wanted to cry, tightly pressed his lips, his eyes fell down on the floor, nodding with a strong head, only hope that this person can quickly walk.

Enjin's eyes turned around his face, and said softly, "I beat you and don't say it. Gu Meng doesn't like me so violent."

In a moment, Ruan Chu water eyes with thin water flowers, face rose red, because of the unknown mood began to tremble.

Obedience, actually, the heart roars: I can go to your mother! What kind of white lotus! Gumeng is a violent maniac! There is no good thing for four men in a room!!!

But it is, after all, outrage.

Enjin is in a cool and refreshing underground building, and comes to the open space in front of the cabin. Gu Meng is stirring deer meat.

He walked up, from behind very natural around his waist, probe to see, said: "what do you eat at noon?"

Gu Meng was used to his breath, and he didn't react when he was hugged. He rubbed his head on his shoulder and rubbed some itchy cheeks. He kept grabbing and mixing meat slices on his hand. He said, "these meat are fat and even, they can be roasted and eaten. Cumin and chili powder are complete, and the roasted flavor will not be too bad."

Enjin's chin was grinded on his shoulder, and her mouth was very sweet: "Gu Meng is delicious for everything."

Gu Meng is very useful. If not all hands are smelling meat, she rolls two hands on Enjin's head.

Bo Ye is taking a stick to shake the chopped chili, and sneers: "Enjin is the ability to lift the Han Dynasty Blue comes from blue. "

Lei Li slept well beside the campfire in another place, and with a breath, he stretched out and called Zhang Zhian several people, and finally started to prepare lunch.

After Gu Meng, he inquired curiously and said, "the little life is very delicate, and the spices are used. What is this going to do?"

Gu Meng didn't mean to leave him to eat, and laughed and perfunctory.

Near noon, Enjin dug a pit of moderate size on the ground, and after the fire was burned, she patted the ashes on her body and set up a thin slate on the fire pit.

Waiting for the stone plate to warm up, Gu Meng picked up a small basket of lettuce slices, and stood up and said, "I'll take it in and rush again."

Tang Zhi actively went up to grab the basket and walked quickly to the cabin: "I'll wash it. You are in charge of the barbecue here."

"Your hand!" he frowned and shouted behind him

"I'll be very careful!"

The sound of the clear sound disappeared in the room.

Bo Ye was helpless, and sat down again by the fire.

Tang stopped in the house, went to the kitchen, but settled down when he got to the stairway. He turned to the second floor. He didn't know what to think, turned around and went upstairs with lettuce.

In a room on the side of the corridor, Ruan Chu water finally stopped his nosebleed and lay in bed for a while. Until he was near the meal, he sighed and climbed up.

At this time, he knew that, even if she didn't go down, Luoting would go upstairs and shout him to eat.Walking to the door of the room, he wondered what expression he should make when he met Gu Meng and en Jin. He opened the door and saw Tang Zhi in front of him.


See the boy cold with a delicate face, not good intentions, Ruan Chu water face changed, nervously swallowed a saliva.

I can't get out of this door today?!!!

He pretended to be calm, but his hand behind him trembled slightly: "Tangzhi, what can I do for you?"

Tang Zhi stepped back and made a slight curve on the corner of his mouth. Then, without warning, he made a whirling kick on his side. His legs collapsed straight and his skills were practiced.

Ruan chushui was scared to close his eyes. He felt a strong wind rushing into his temple. His hair was moved. He said that he was bad. I don't know if he would kick his head.

But the expected pain did not come, after a brief friction sound, everything was still.

After a while, Ruan Chu opened his eyes tremblingly and looked to one side. It turned out that Tang Zhi stopped his movement on the way, and his foot was just a few centimeters away from his cheek.

Tang Zhi, standing on one leg, slowly and steadily moved his other leg aside, leaning against the doorframe.

He handed the lettuce basket to Ruan chushui and said faintly, "take it."

Ruan Chu took the basket with soft legs and said, "Tangzhi, listen to my explanation..."

"Don't talk." Tang Zhi interrupted him, leaning forward slightly. The red tear mole under the corner of his left eye made people feel cold and gorgeous. "I came to tell you that what you did to Bo Ye made me feel disgusted and unforgivable."

Ruan chushui: "I didn't want to target..."

Tang Zhi didn't listen to him completely. He went on talking to himself. His voice gradually lowered: "if you dare to play tricks again, I will drop the flower juice on you, and then lock you into the original room. Wang Xiaochi's body is still in it, and you can finish the rest."

Stop your mouth and turn back.

At the moment, he saw what was really abnormal, and his good feeling for Tang Zhi turned into fear. The boy in front of him had nothing to do with the angel image constructed in his heart.

Tang Zhi finally confirmed: "understand?"

Ruan chushui was pale and nodded.

Tang Zhi took back his feet on the doorframe and took the lettuce basket from his hand.

Ruan chushui just breathed a sigh of relief, not guard against Tang Zhi grabbing his hair, carrying his head fell to the door frame.

"Dong" a dull sound, Ruan Chu water forehead immediately out of a bag.

"Shit!" He crouched down slowly, covered his forehead, and could not bear to scold again.

This is the real cry, a big man, squatting on the ground, aggrieved like a child.

Tang Zhi lowered his eyes, glared at him coldly, and said, "this is for Bo Ye."

Tang Zhi came out of the wooden house. The lettuce in the basket was dripping with water and looked fresh and tender in the sun.

Gu Meng raised his hand and said, "come on, let's eat."

Tang Zhi chuckled and could see that he was in a good mood.

There were pieces of meat on the burning stone, and white smoke was coming up intensively. There was a peculiar smell of roast meat, and "zizilala" oil splashed into a piece.

Gu Meng sprinkled cumin evenly, and the meat flavor became more attractive.

Next door, fan Weiwei cried again. She looked at the tasteless venison in her eye bowl and wiped her bitter tears.

Lei Li also smelled the smell of meat from afar. Several men around the fire looked at the direction eagerly and swallowed their saliva quietly.

Gu Meng turns over the pieces of meat on the stone slab. After the meat is roasted evenly, it is dipped in chili powder, wrapped in lettuce, and stuffed into eujin's mouth.

"How about it?" He asked, "is that ok?"

EN Jin one side of the cheek drum, slowly chewing, mouth full of cumin meat, with lettuce can solve greasy, fragrant and hemp spicy further stimulate people's appetite.

"Delicious," he said

Then, she wrapped Gu Meng with a piece of meat.

Satisfied with his stomach, Bo Ye was in a good mood. He joked, "Gu Meng is really a good product for survival in the wilderness. Fortunately, he met him at the beginning of the game, and he didn't fatten up the field of outsiders."

Tang Zhi's mouth was full, and after swallowing it hard, he added: "it's still a must-have product at home. I can go back tomorrow, and I can eat sweet and sour spareribs made by Mr. Gu. That's great!"

Bo Ye continued to feed him meat, smiling and doting: "greedy cat."

Gu Meng, embarrassed by the praise, took his chopsticks and nodded the slate. He asked, "I thank you for your appreciation. Have a meal, two of you."

On one side, Enjin reached out to wipe the chili powder from the corner of his mouth. His upturned eyes and tail were full of smile and said in a low voice, "Gu Meng, you are a good product."

"Enjin's essential good product."

Gu Meng pauses for a moment. He feels warm fingertips crossing his lips. He doesn't dare to look at him, but his face turns red.Time unfolds under the golden sun, it is a kind of happiness that makes people's mind swell.

Ruan chushui opened the door and just wanted to step out, but he took back his feet as if he had been scalded.

He leaned over to look at both sides, and after confirming that there was no one, he walked out cautiously.

The bag on his forehead was obviously swollen and red. He lowered his head and went downstairs. He didn't see anyone else on the way. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When he came to the corridor on the first floor, Bo ye came in from the outside.

Ruan chushui immediately settled in his place, neither in advance nor in retreat. His expression was very embarrassed.

Bo Ye also saw him, slowly and leisurely toward him, quietly looking at the man opposite.

Just want to ask him how the wound on his face is going on, but see Ruan Chu water body a soft kneel down.


Bo Ye's step was beaten, and he was beaten by this one.

Ruan chushui hung his shoulders dejectedly and wanted to cry without tears: "who do you want to beat me for?"

Bo Ye was stunned. Then he seemed to be reminded. He rolled up his sleeves and walked forward: "I didn't want to hit you, but you took the initiative."

Push open the door on one side, drag the man's back collar to drag in, the way: "go, just disappear to eat."

The author has something to say:

thank you for reading!

There is no group, microblog is rarely on, something will be told.

The story of yueyaori was repaired while you were sleeping, and you will not be able to write it in the future.

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