From the moment he opened his eyes, he felt like an empty container.

No memories, no emotions, no ideas.


Until I saw the tall thin figure standing in front of the locker.

With black hair and cold white complexion, the lamp outside the corridor came in and cast a shadow on the clear line of the man's side.

The extreme black and white colors make his pupils dilate slightly.

This is the first picture he has left in his memory since he opened his eyes, a negative at the beginning of his world outlook.

At that time, he had no idea about appearance and appearance. A thousand people were the same faces, but the face in front of him had a fresh color.

"What are you looking at?"

The man looked at him sideways. Not only was the voice, but the whole person was clean.

Strange language, unknown semantics, can not understand, can not express, can only grasp all the information that can be obtained, learn from the person's appearance, and say: "what are you looking at?"

In the restaurant, he was bumped and crooked when he passed by. Looking back, the woman looked at him warily and displeasantly, and whispered to his companion: "who is this man? I don't even have a name. I don't know if it's a fool... "

"I don't know if it's human. In a word, be careful. It's better to stay away from him He didn't do anything to you just now

"It's OK. Even if he has a sense of thieves, in public, I'm sure he doesn't have the courage of that thief..."

He stood in the center with his plate in his hand, looked around and saw other people peering in this direction.

They sat around, pointing to him, and erecting an invisible barrier called "rejection.".

At that time, he was thinking, what is the nature of human beings?

Prejudice. Apathy. Self interest.

To define others at will is also a manifestation of prejudice, which he carried until later

All of them fled in the corridor. He stood still by the wall and watched the ghost float around under his eyes. It was boring.

All of a sudden, his hand was caught. It was long and powerful, with human body temperature. It was strange, but not annoying.

Looking at the opposite wall, still in trance, the whole person was dragged away.

His game, from then on.

What is the essence of human beings?

Like the warmth of the sun, like the river, like the sea in summer shining.

"If it wasn't for Gu Meng, I would have been out in the first game." Enjin pulled away from the memory and looked at the dull man at a close distance. His voice was light and judo, "you are very valuable and not useless. You are very handsome, whether for yourself or for others who have the same efforts."

Then, as soon as the conversation turned, the voice also turned low: "can be private heart I don't like Gu Meng to focus on others, just look at me. "

Gu Meng was in a trance, and only half of her words could be heard. She put all her heart on the soft touch left on her lips, showing a sense of urgency and astringency.

At that time, Enjin leaned over and was totally unprepared. Now, as soon as he thought of what had happened and looked at her beautiful lips, he felt that

"Bang" on the face of a fire, burning head dizzy swelling, tottering.

"Whelp I'm sorry Gu Meng felt that everything was in disorder and could not be cured. He covered his hot cheek and said, "why do you Why suddenly... "

Because it's so unexpected, so I've become helpless.

Enjin looked at his flustered appearance and blinked. Her heart was very calm. After waiting for a long time, she couldn't hear the words behind him. Her slender hand held his jaw again and said, "you mean why..."

Gu Meng has to look at him, looking at a man who has become a little strange because of a kiss. He swallows his cigarette and drops his head slowly.

"Why praise you all of a sudden?" EN Jin said of course, "because it is always wanted to express the heart, just find the opportunity to say it."

Gu Meng's shyness was drowned out a little, and he said in embarrassment: " No

After thinking about it, he repeated, "it's not about this."

"What does that mean?"

Enjin asked, the expression is ignorant and calm.

“…… Nothing. "

Gu Meng is fully awake, familiar formula, familiar en Jin, all ambiguous atmosphere is shot and scattered.

Heart: for Enjin, it may not mean anything, just like the kindergarten children will hold his face when they rise up to gnaw two.

At the same time, I feel a little depressed.

Can't rely on oneself is a fool to play hooligan casually!

At this time, he had no consciousness at all. He usually looked on Enjin as a little child, but now he wanted him to behave as an adult.

Enjin has been observing Gu Meng's expression. She can see that he droops his eyelids and wrap his quilt in front of him. His face is still hurt, lost and unhappy.You said the wrong thing.

He had an idea. He reacted and said in a low voice, "do you want to ask why I kiss you suddenly?"

Gu Meng's heart trembles and her eyes brighten. She immediately looks up at him. Her expression of forgetting to cover up can almost be called expectation.

Enjin looked at his reaction, only felt lovely in the heart, and wanted to kiss him for a while.

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the guest room.

Gu Meng is startled and immediately pushes away the man in front of her. Because she is guilty, she doesn't control her strength. She almost pushes en Jin under the bed.

After knocking on the door symbolically twice, Bo Ye led Tang Zhi to push open the door to enter. He took a flashlight and looked forward. He saw Enjin half hanging by the bed, supporting the ground with one hand. Gu Meng shrank in the corner of the bed. His quilt was covered over his body, leaving only a white and wounded face. His eyes were frightened.

The situation is very strange.

“……” Bo ye asked, "is it too late to quit now?"

"No! No Gu Meng wrapped up a small quilt and shook her head like a rattle, "just in time!"

The tone of excessive enthusiasm can not help but arouse suspicion.

EN Jin turned over from the bed, straightened up behind her, patted the ashes on her hands, looked at Bo Ye and said, "what's the matter?"

"Because..." Bo Ye pulled up his hand for a while, but he didn't pull it. He looked back strangely.

Behind him, Tang Zhi resisted, raised his eyelids and looked at him quickly. Then he hung down like a duck.

It's not just stubborn.

"Just agreed?" Bo Ye was helpless and chuckled, "candi, it's not so hard to apologize."

Gu Meng sits in the corner of the bed, looks at Bo Ye, and glances at Tang Zhi behind him. He is surprised.

He thought that after breaking up with his husband and wife, he had to stay away from each other for a long time. Unexpectedly, they came to visit in the evening and apologized

Think of here, the face quietly climbed on the blush, the whole person wrapped in the quilt leaning over the face, uneasy to cough a sound.

Enjin understood what they were coming for. Seeing Bo ye make a gesture to him, Enjin was ready to go out and leave the time for the two people who were in trouble.

After Tang Zhi, en Jin squinted at him, lowered the gorgeous voice line and said, "don't get too close to him, or..."

"How do you talk to your sister-in-law?" Not waiting for him to finish speaking, Bo Ye slapped him on the back of the head, faintly spit out three words, "lack of education."

And then he dragged the man away.

When the door is closed, Tang Zhicai has to take back his eyes, turn his head and calmly look at Gu Meng, who is still in the corner of the bed.

"He was even more embarrassed

He couldn't bear to be softened by others in his life. He was hurt everywhere by Tang Zhiqi. Now when he came to apologize, his seven points of resentment and three points of sadness disappeared miraculously.

"I didn't care much about it either, just..." Because Tang Zhi didn't speak for a long time, Gu Meng had to break the silence, lowered her head, buttoned her knee in the quilt with one hand, and said, "if there's anything really, it's also because your words hurt talents..."

"I'm not going to apologize."

The clear voice of the youth was cold.


Gu Meng looks up at Tang Zhi, and the mood that has just been brewed out instantly.

"Damn it..." Head back to knock knock knock wooden wall, turn a white eye, quietly curse, "dead child."

Gu Meng pulls off the quilt, lifts it up, spreads it over her body, and lies down again.

"Oh, I didn't want to hear your apology either." After adjusting a comfortable state, he said coldly, "even if I apologize, I won't accept it."

Tang Zhi stood still in the room, his hands in his coat pocket, his chin in his mouth, and his small face went into the collar of his coat, and bit the collar to grind it gently.

"You can go." Gu Meng glanced at him, "I'm asleep."

Tang Zhi looked back at the door, shook his head, and said, "you can't go out too soon. Bo Ye won't believe me. I'm sorry. Then he will preach to me."

“……” Gu Meng almost laughed angrily. The young master confessed unexpectedly. He raised the quilt to cover his head and said in a stuffy voice, "whatever you want."

Tang Zhi glanced at him, put his hands in his coat pocket, swayed over step by step, and sat down on the bed next to him.

A long leg stretch, endless way: "you were just playing kiss?"


Gu Meng's whole body is frozen, only his eyes are turning left and right. His face is so hot that he hides in the quilt and does not move.

Pretend you're not online.

"It's useless to say what you say, which is a drag on everyone..." Without hearing his reply, Tang Zhi shrugged his shoulders and didn't realize the lethality of what he said. He shook his legs and continued to speak to himself, "then you will have no voice. After a while, you will talk again, but the voice is too light to hear."

In the nearly ten seconds after the sound disappeared, Tang Zhi naturally wanted to go in that direction. Although he was not sure, he had a premonition that something ambiguous had happened at 8 / 9 / 10."You two!" Gu Meng couldn't listen or pretend to listen. She opened the quilt directly and looked at the person sitting on the opposite bed. She didn't know whether she was choked in the quilt or in high spirits. Her face turned red. "If you eavesdrop, you two will have been in prison for a long time!"

"As if you didn't break the law, you and Enjin should be the advanced prison people..." Tang Zhi took out his hands from his pocket and propped up on the bed. He knew that he had overheard many times and his face was a little unnatural red, but he still pretended to be nothing. He lifted his chin and said, "was I right?"

"Are you not sleepy in the middle of the night? You don't want to sleep, I want to sleep. " Gu Meng glanced at the clock on the wall, half angry and half shy, and said, "OK, OK, it's almost time. You should be OK when you go out now. Bo Ye won't doubt it."

Tang Zhi tilted his head and looked at him. He said, "no one says you are useless. Are you too rich in association?"

Gu Meng is stunned for a moment. He looks back at him blankly. Without warning, he changes a topic. Some of them can't keep up with the ideas of young people.

"In other words, you are not as bad as you said..." Tang Zhi turned his face towards the head of the bed. The bright moonlight was shining on the delicate facial features, and the red tear nevus showed a strange and gentle color. "On campus, no one insisted on maintaining Enjin. If Enjin was pushed out of the Bureau, there would be chaos behind. Bo Ye and I couldn't get through the customs smoothly. We should be friends with people as kind as you I'm a little worried. It's so soft that it's easy to die... "

"Hello Gu Meng had to interrupt him and protest discontentedly, "are you going to start a war?"

Tang Zhi glanced at him, then looked at the wall in front of him and continued: "but later I found that your vitality was unexpectedly tenacious. In the hospital, even if a person went to a terrible place, he could still calmly send out a call for help, and then escaped back. This kind of thing Ordinary people can't do it. If it wasn't for you, we couldn't get out of the game so quickly. "

"I don't know if the gods especially favor people like you. You always have a kind of wonderful good luck, which can often save you from danger." After thinking for a while, he finally came to the conclusion, "with you, Bo Ye, en Jin and I will also become very comfortable, so how can they be useless people? Things are not what you think. You don't have to feel sad because of your personality. Kindness, peace and tolerance are the qualities that shine like gemstones. I would say useless at that time It's just because I'm so angry that I can't choose what to say

Tang Zhi was silent for a moment, glanced at him, muttered in a low voice, "can you forgive me?"

Gu Meng didn't answer for a long time. She lay on her side in bed, buried her head and curled up slightly. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Tang Zhi thought he didn't hear it. Just as he was about to raise his voice and ask again, he heard Gu Meng calmly say, "don't you say no apology?"

“……” Tang Zhi was sitting upright, his precious little face held up a little, and said obstinately, "asking for forgiveness does not mean apologizing."

"Well." Gu Meng said, "others apologize before asking for forgiveness. You can skip the intermediate steps."

Tang Zhi pursed his lips and stopped talking.

"I'm not upset about what you said." There was silence in the room for several seconds. Gu Meng raised some quilts. The scars on her face were obvious against the white skin. There were three blood marks of Tang zhinao, but they didn't damage the beautiful and gentle appearance. After Tang Zhi said the truth, he had nothing to hide. He quickly poured out the pain in his heart, "if you want to eat sweet and sour spareribs, I'll cook you sweet and sour spareribs If you don't eat spicy food, I never put pepper in my pickled fish. In the game, if something happens to you and Bo Ye, I always break my heart. As a result If you don't want to raise a wolf, who can't


At the end of the day, if he hadn't reminded him, Tang Zhi almost forgot to say this.

Gu Meng wrapped himself in a quilt, like a silkworm chrysalis. He complained deeply and said: "although you know that you only have Bo Ye in your eyes, at least don't take other people's sincerity seriously."

"Know I see. " Tang Zhi hung his head and shook his feet from side to side. He was so ashamed that he explained in a low voice, "I'm not serious. Why should you..."

"Not really Gu Meng took a look at him and said, "some words are only suitable for thinking in my heart. If you say them, you will be friends."

Tang Zhi: "I don't think so in my heart."

After the matter was said, both of them were relaxed, and the room fell into silence again.

There is a breeze outside the window, and the trees are rustling. The moon is bright tonight. It slants into the window and decorates two people in the room.

Gu Meng wants to say that it's late, and asks him if he wants to rest. He just opens his mouth and utters a syllable: "you..."

As a result, Tang Zhi opened his mouth faster than he did: "did you kiss Enjin?"

Gu Meng: You go, will you? "

With his clear and innocent eyes, Gu Meng really suspects that he is intentional.

In the corridor outside the guest rooms on the first floor, Bo Ye and en Jin stood face to face against one wall."What's your opinion about candi recently?" Bo Ye adjusted his stance, changed his side center of gravity, and leaned back against the wall again. He was surprised, "where did he offend you?"

EN Jin's face was flat, mo de's feelings: "he not only made Gu Meng sad, but also hurt Gu Meng."

"Well..." Bo Ye raised his hand and scratched the bridge of his nose. He had no confidence. "Candi can be extreme sometimes. In fact, he doesn't mean any harm. He should be more tolerant."

Enjin: "when you say this, it's just like the bear child's parents say that the child is too young to be sensible. You should let him have more."

“……” Unable to refute, Bo Ye quickly cut the topic, "cough Because of this? "

"There are some things that I didn't care about before, but now I think of them, I can't ignore them." Enjin falls into memories and lists them one by one, "candi wants to eat sweet and sour spareribs, and Gu Meng cooks sweet and sour spareribs for him. He says he doesn't eat spicy food. Gu Meng never puts hot pepper in his pickled vegetable fish, and candi's request Gu Meng will agree to Gu Meng likes candi very much. " Speaking of this, she narrowed her eyes dangerously and lowered her voice in a gloomy voice. "Gu Meng can't like others. What she likes has to disappear."

"Whelp You may be very ill. " Bo Ye rubbed his eyebrows and gave up resistance. He couldn't connect the brain circuit with the abnormal version of en Jin. He said, "I'll take care of my man. You don't have to stare at candi in the future."

"That won't work." EN Jin Yang eyebrows, relaxed back, "such a dangerous person, I must stare at."

Bo Ye:

Hello, children, who is more dangerous?

They stood in the corridor for a while.

EN Jin estimated the time, twisted her eyebrows, kicked the ground impatiently, and said, "not yet? What are they talking about? "

Bo Ye looked at the time, went to the door and knocked.

After a while, Tang Zhiyang's voice came from the room: "what's the matter?"

Bo Ye said, "have you had a talk? It's a quarter of an hour. "

Tang Zhi: "wait a little longer - it will be ready soon."

Bo Ye has no choice but to look at en Jin on one side, which shows that he has no way.

In the room, after Tang Zhi finished shouting, he turned his head and got into the quilt again.

"And then?" He leaned forward, his eyes flashing, "did he stick out his tongue? Did you touch you? "

There were two people in the quilt on the bed, moving in the moonlight.

Gu Meng was almost forced to the wall by him, blushing in the dark and shaking his head: "No

"Why..." Tang Zhi sighed with regret, thought for a moment, and kindly reminded him, "can't Enjin? Do you want someone to teach you? "

“!!!” Gu Meng tapped him on the forehead and said, "don't make any blind ideas! Eugene doesn't need to know that! "

Tang Zhi was surprised and blurted out: "what do you do in the future..."

Gu Meng quickly leaned forward to cover his mouth and cried: "ancestor, can you sleep? Can I sing you a lullaby? "

Tang Zhi was covered with his mouth, his clear eyes were staring at him, and he shook his head firmly.

Gu Meng:

Seeing that Enjin frequently looks at the door, Bo Ye understands that he is worried about Gu Meng, so he looks for a topic to distract his attention.

He asked, "Why were you in Gu Meng's bed just now?"

Mention this, en Jin unexpectedly some shyly ground lowers head, the corner of the mouth slightly rises, pure feeling is like a small white lotus flower.

"What's the matter?" Bo Ye thought it was interesting and chuckled, "the expression of being hit by the first love on the waist."

"Gu Meng looks in a bad mood." Enjin's voice is low and soft, understanding way, "so, I want to comfort him with my young and fresh * *

“……” Bo Ye said, "how can you be more shameless than me?"

The two men stood outside the door for a long time. Bo Ye felt that he should finish his words, so he knocked on the door of the guest room.

But this time, there was no reply.

Slightly twisted the eyebrow, directly pushed the door to walk in.

Bo Ye and en Jin approached one after another, only to find that they were already asleep in bed.

In the bright moonlight, the pictures of beautiful women sleeping with their heads on their heads are very eye-catching, but Bo Ye and en Jin are not in the mood to appreciate it.

"Tut..." Bo Ye rolled up his left and right sleeves and carefully lifted Tang Zhi out of bed. He murmured, "I'll let you apologize. How did you get to bed..."

Tang Zhi's face was red, and he was unconscious. His head was soft on Bo Ye's chest.

As soon as Bo ye turned around, he saw that the people behind him were more reluctant than he was. He was almost blackening.

EN Jin looks at Tang Zhi's sleeping face without expression, her eyes are heavy.

It should be that Gu Meng and Tang Zhi lie down together and become ill.

Bo Ye quietly hugged Tang Zhi and passed him in silence. Originally, he wanted to put Tang Zhi on the bed in the middle. Thinking that Enjin was next door, he changed to the bed near the door.Results looked back, en Jin stood in place, still looking at Tang Zhi, extremely persistent.

He put himself in the bed to protect himself.

He did not look back, sighed: "son, don't look, sleep."

In the morning of the third day, Gu Meng is awakened by the sound of the sound outside the window.

After washing, he went to the front of the wooden house. There was a fire in the open space. Zhang Zhian and others were chopping wood with axes.

Gu Meng stood on the porch and looked around for a week. A dozen or so people in front of the house were busy. He rubbed his eyes and said casually, "do you all get up so early?"

"Thanks to the charcoal fire you brought back yesterday, it was distributed to everyone last night." Zhang Zhian stopped with an ax, turned back and said with a smile, "put the brazier in the room and bake the fire. It's not cold at all, and I sleep soundly."

"Raleigh, they are in one room. They get up earlier than us." Wang Xiaochi took a sip of hot water. He breathed out white fog and said, "it's probably because you have found something good. You also want to go to the village to look for it."

Gu Meng nods, turns to prepare for breakfast, and remembers Lei Li. They have to go through the flower forest to go to the village. They don't know if they have raincoats.

Frown. If you come back with all the pollen, you'll find it all over the house.

In the half morning, Lei Li and other four arrived in the village. They were frightened by the dummies placed around the village for several times. They got used to searching around the village, trying to find some useful materials.

Finally, several people found the ancestral hall in the East.

Lei Li led the way into the hall, looked around, and said with satisfaction: "it seems that it is a big family. Here we turn over the key points."

Other people scattered in the hall, but he was attracted by the long scroll of fairy deer hanging in the center.

When he approached, he opened the painting scroll and flipped it over. He didn't see why. He disdained to throw it: "cut, I think it's a good thing. A decorative painting is not enough for firewood."

When I let go, I didn't pay attention to it. I tore the immortal deer picture.

Lei Li looked at the scroll dragged down, didn't care, and went to other places to check.

At the same time, in a certain corner of the fir forest, a small square of snow gradually rolled up. After a while, a pair of brown horns emerged from the snow. With that thing drilling out of the snow, it was gradually seen that it was a sika deer.

The sika deer shakes its body and shakes off the snow piled on its head and back. It turns its head to both sides, blinks its big black and wet eyes, finds its direction, and kicks its hind hooves and jumps towards the deep part of the fir forest.

The author has something to say:

thank you for the late rocket

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