In the room facing south, panpeter closed the door, looked around cautiously around the room, and saw nothing strange. He went to the double iron frame bed, put the prison clothes on the lower bunk and began to change clothes.

Just took off the jacket, behind the brush a gust of wind, accompanied by the sound of miscellaneous footsteps landing.

"Who!" Peter's voice was so funny that he turned his head behind him.

As a result, his eyes widened when he turned back. There were four more men in the room, all of whom were just standing on their feet. They were all dressed in white clothes and were tall and tall. Because of their existence, the cramped cell seemed to be full.

"You, you, you How did you get in here? " Panpeter slumped back and sat on the bed, his arms crossed subconsciously in front of his thin chest. He was shocked and incoherent, "I just closed the door. It's still Nobody's yet

Despite standing in front of is four different styles of beautiful men, in his eyes have become monsters.

Tang Zhi kept his figure steady, looked around and said calmly, "it's the room where you left."

"The scene this time is a prison?" When Bo Ye looked at the indoor environment, he understood that it was easy to accept it. He leaned against the wall behind him tired and sighed, "I thought I could have a rest for seven days, but I didn't expect to enter the next game directly."

Panpeter looked at this and that in dismay. He did not understand what they were saying, so he ventured to ask, "where are you from? And What seven days? "

"We are..." Gu Meng adapts to the short-term dizziness caused by crossing the copy. Seeing that he wants to explain something to the young boy, he opens his mouth and waves his hand to give up. Now he has no strength and mood.

He turned Enjin over and pressed it on the double bunk post, lifted her back lapel and asked, "is it better?"

The purpose is a smooth skin.

Gu Meng raised his hand and touched it from the top to the bottom to ensure that there was no accident. Finally he was relieved: "lucky."

Feeling the warm hand on her back, en Jin looked at her side and turned her eyes. She lifted up the front of her clothes spontaneously and said solemnly, "is the front better? Check it out. "

The typical dressing is thin, and the stripper has meat. The chest muscle, abdominal muscle and Mermaid line are very popular.

Panpeter's eyes were drawn uncontrollably. He looked down at his white body, swallowing and forgetting to be afraid for a moment.

"Enjin has grown up and knows how to use her charm correctly," Bo Ye whistled, covering Tang Zhi's eyes with his backhand for the first time, and chuckled, "but mingsao is forbidden in front of candi."

"Bo Ye!" Tang Zhi grabbed his big hand on his eyelid and exclaimed, "why don't you let me see it?"

"I don't have enough to see?" With a smile, Bo Ye held the boy in his arms, clasped his head on his shoulder, and narrowed his eyes slightly. "My boyfriend's mind is very wild..."


Tang Zhi bit on his clavicle, the small tiger teeth are particularly sharp, but not to worry about grinding.

Bo Ye gave a hiss and patted him gently on the back of the head. It was not easy for him to loosen his mouth.

Since Gu Meng saw through the essence of eujin playing the role of pig eating tiger, many things can be seen clearly.

"No injuries ahead." He pulled down en Jin's front and covered a beautiful scenery. Instead of touching the beautiful muscles as Enjin wanted, he was expressionless and seriously taught him, "I just didn't manage you well, so that you learned the atmosphere of Bo Ye!"

“???” Bo Ye, who is teasing Tang Zhi, stops, looks at Gu Meng and says in a low voice, "explain clearly to me why I am a negative textbook every time?"

“……” Tang Zhi turned his head and faced the opposite side. He said in a quiet way, "ごめん." (sorry...)

In order to make an apology for Bo Ye, it is obvious that he has reached a consensus with Gu Meng.

Bo Ye:

Pan Peter, who was left in the corner, retreated to the corner of the bed. At this time, he had put on his prison clothes. Looking at the four people who were in an unusual atmosphere when they were together, he clenched his collar and said, "prison Is that always the case? "

"Anyway, the two opposite are Ji, so am I," en Jin pulled the collar and answered the shivering young boy's question, "but Gu Meng he..."

Peeking at Gu Meng, he doesn't go on, but he says in his heart: it can be.

Gu Meng catches that cautious look in his eyes. He is a little pitiful. He doesn't know what Enjin really thinks.

Bo Ye and Tang Zhi are whispering, but because of the small space, their voice is no different from that of the public.

"You can find a chance to explain to en Jin," Tang Zhi said, "don't emphasize Gu's sexual orientation in the future."

"OK." "We should be tolerant of heterosexuality," Bo added thoughtfully

"I fuckin '" Gu Meng wiped her face and put one hand on her waist. She was angry and helpless. She felt that if she didn't quickly declare her love for Enjin, she would be out of tune with the other three men, "I..."Just at this time, I don't know who's belly screamed.

Gu Meng pauses for a moment and looks at each other with other people. Then he remembers that he has not eaten for three days.

"There's a canteen here," Tang said. "It's noon when we leave. It shouldn't be long."

Gu Meng suggested, "let's go?"

The four men almost couldn't wait to walk outside, each with chest to back and feet floating.

Panpeter looked at the men who were as inexplicable as they had been when they left, biting their lower lips, with tears in their eyes, and some fear in his heart: these men are so basic that they have to find a way to stay away from them.

"Up to now, there are more or less Parthenocissus on the walls facing the door in each compartment," Bo Ye said intuitively as he walked along the corridor on the second floor. "It's the first time I've seen these plants planted indoors. Generally, you can only see them on the outer walls of buildings."

"It's not ivy, it's Ivy," Gu Meng explained to Bo Ye as he passed through a cell and looked inside. Green vegetation covered half of the wall. "The prison's name is ivy, which may have some special significance."

"Ivy?" Bo Ye thought about it and said, "good name."

As they passed a corner, Tang Zhi felt a breeze passing by. He could not help but pause and look back.

"What's the matter?" Bo Ye noticed that he was strange and looked back with his eyes. The empty corridor was very quiet under the sunlight. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Tang Zhi looked at it for a while, shook his head and turned around. "Let's go."

Just now Yu Guangli seems to have caught a shadow and passed him by, but since there is nothing behind him, it can only be regarded as a mistake because of the role of light and shadow.

Four men chatted all the way down the stairs, and a figure appeared at the corner of the second floor.

The man showed half of his profile so that he could see three lines painted on his face, which looked like a cat's beard. There was a small orange triangle above the tail of his long eyes. The unusual face painting seemed to be a sign of identity.

"It seems that I get along well with human beings." The man looked at Enjin's back for a while, lowered his eyelashes in silence, raised his hand, and ran out of the tip of his tongue like a cat and licked the back of his hand. It was a habitual action in thinking and whispered, "human beings are too soft and weak I don't like it. "

Tang Zhi calculated that for the timeline of this instance, it took less than a minute for them to disappear and reappear.

"It's so good that he can't catch up with the rice and feel so sweet when he scoops rice," he said

In fact, the rice in prison is rough and not soft enough, but after surviving in the wilderness, the simplest food has an extraordinary significance.

"Take a la carte." Bo Ye was distressed and crazily gave him vegetables. "My big baby is hungry."

Gu Meng lowered her head to grill rice, although there were only two dishes in prison -

stewed beef with potatoes.

Beef with potatoes.

But he didn't have time to lift his head.

The prisoners passing by looked at the table of four people, and they wolfed down like they wanted to swallow the plate, so they couldn't help but pay attention to it.

"I'll go and get some more." Gu Meng sat up straight, licked the corners of her lips, and saw that en Jin's bowl was empty. She didn't want to reach out and said, "bring a bowl for you..."


Before he finished speaking, the outstretched hand was blocked.

Gu Meng is sluggish for half a second. He takes back his hand and looks at others. He can see that the man's attitude is strange.

"No EN Jin stares at the bowl in front of him, a few can't smell ground frown, low soft voice repeated, "I can."

Then, in silence, he picked up the bowl and went to the window on the other side of the dining room.

"What's wrong with him?" Bo Ye took back his sight lazily from en Jin's back, drank a mouthful of soup, wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper towel, and said, "what's the mood?"

It is obvious that the atmosphere between the two people has been rapidly changing.

"Maybe because of the fever, I haven't recovered." Gu Meng shrugged his shoulders and didn't care, "I'm going to dinner, who wants it?"

"Me Tang Zhi raised his hand.

After a good meal, Gu Meng looks at the time and remembers the assembly time mentioned by the female prison guard before she left last time. She sees that there are only five minutes left and urges everyone to go to the dormitory building.

They walked along the walking path around the middle square playground. Gu Meng paid attention to it this time. The playground was surrounded by barbed wire, which was separated by barbed wire and divided into several areas. There are simple fitness facilities, basketball court, square table and trapezoidal chair for rest.

The turf covers the whole area thinly. The more it goes to the middle, the more sparse it is. When the wind blows, a piece of loess will be lifted up. With the clear and dazzling sun in the sky at noon, there is a feeling of bare heat.

He also noticed that there was a tower in the northeast corner of the playground. He squinted and looked up. On the tower, he saw a dark figure with light on his back. Something was flashing around his shoulder.It's supposed to be a guard with a gun on his back, watching the prisoner below.

On the opposite corner of the tower, a small vegetable garden, about 10 square meters, has been opened up. An old man in police uniform was watering the vegetable field with a strange indifference.

Looking at the whole row of green stems and leaves sprouting out of the soil, it's supposed to be crops like potatoes and radishes. In addition, the west side of the vegetable field is heavily covered with ivy, casting a large shadow on the ground.

"Another chamber of secrets?" Gu Meng enters the hall of the living building, and finally looks outside. He has a preliminary feeling in his heart. "The buildings here are not high, at most three floors, but the walls are very high, which is more than 20 meters. I suspect that the walls are closed. As in the copy of the hospital, the exit is set in an unimaginable place."

"Maybe that's right..." Tang Zhi thought for a moment and said, "now I don't know anything about the situation here. Let's see what clues the prison guards can provide."

Four men went up to the second floor and found that they were waiting in line in the corridor.

"Come on." Mi Fei, a female prison guard, sticks her palm to her lips as a loudspeaker. She tilts her head and laughs, "you're left!"

"How sweet..." Gu Meng sighs, "the uniformed police flower is really the treasure in the prison."

It's a pleasure to watch.

At this time, he felt a strong gaze on his face.

Can't ignore, look at the side of en Jin, blink an eye, way: "how?"

Enjin just contact with him on the line of sight do not open face, there is a kind of unspeakable discomfort, on the one hand, physical resistance to this person too close, on the other hand can not help but care about his words and deeds, even for he saw more female police eyes and feel angry. He vaguely knew that he didn't feel like this to Gu Meng in the past, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, and he didn't feel abrupt.

Enjin held her breath and was not controlled: "your taste is just so."

“???” Gu Meng's face was full of questions, "what kind of taste?"

"So hard to admit?" EN Jin squinted at him and said in a low voice, "Oh, man They are all visual animals

Gu Meng:

Although not in love, but this feeling is probably the feeling of being scolded by your girlfriend, don't tell you what's wrong, directly draw a conclusion.

He thought.

It's hard to argue.

Bo Ye observed Enjin for a while and led Tang Zhi's sleeve on one side and said, "what attribute did he trigger?"

Tang Zhi was very sure and said, "ツデレです" (AO Jiao)

"If Enjin doesn't have that high intelligence quotient," Bo Ye said lightly, "he may be regarded as neuropathy."

I'm a real fan of erratic character.

When they arrived, Miffy began to talk to the players.

"Twenty prisoners, welcome again to Ivy League prison, where you will have an unforgettable time." The woman was dressed in a stiff uniform, with high heels and elegant posture. "Because we are the experimental group set up by the warden, we have no restrictions on the activity time, but we have no right to enter the police office building. The prisoners' life schedule is posted in the cell. You can choose to follow it or ignore it. In addition, there is one thing you need to cooperate with."

Miffy kept smiling and continued: "at night, you should take turns on duty in groups of four, one in the first half of the night and one in the second. The main task is to patrol in the living area to prevent the prisoners from breaking out. Once you find any problems, please contact the police in the general control room. They will take over the work. That's all. What else do you have to say Is it? "

"Here, officer." A man was the first to raise his hand and asked, "when can we..." In the middle of the sentence, he said, "how long are we serving our sentence? When can I go out? "

Looking at the sound source, Gu Meng sees that the man looks calm. Since he can quickly enter the plot, he should have experienced several games in front of him.

Miffy: just come in and think about going out. That's not going to work

Players: Make complaints about adorable

. If you don't want to go out, do you want to sit on the bottom of the prison? "

“……” This time, the female police officer is speechless.

"Officer, can those Ivy plants be pulled out?" A woman in the crowd asked, "or are there any taboos when it comes to plants?"

Bo Ye and Gu Meng look at each other. Obviously, some players have noticed the irrationality of ivy.

"You can try it." Miffy laughs a little playful, again avoiding the positive answer, "try not to know."

After she said so, the players did not dare to try.

"But when it comes to taboos, you remind me of one thing." As soon as Mifei's painting style changed, he said, "there is an unwritten custom in prison. It is said that when you leave the prison, you should never look back. If you show that you never forget, you may come back again. Although it is just a groundless statement, here is a reminder to all of you.""When you leave, don't look back."

Most of them didn't care much about Miffy's words and began to whisper to the people nearby:

"I remember that Fage's movie had such a performance, saying that you can't turn back when you're out of prison. It's bad luck."

"We don't know when we're going out? Is it too early to talk about getting out of prison? "

"After listening for a long time, I didn't hear any important content. This NPC can't do it. It's not reliable. Ah It seems that we have to find the clues ourselves. "


After Mi Fei left, it was the free time for the players. Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't want to divide their work and cooperate. So they left with their own team in twos and threes.

Panpeter shrank in the corner like a quail. He saw the players passing by one by one. He wanted to form a team and timidly dared not answer.

Seeing that people were almost gone, he approached a nearby person and said, "Hello, brother. What's your name?"

He was a young man. He had a personality just by looking at his clothes. He had a dirty braid wrapped in a pink scarf. Others were long sleeve black and white striped shirts. He wanted to put a white T-shirt on top of the striped shirt.

"Harvey, what's the matter?"

Peter Pan: "brother ha, do you want to form a team? I haven't found my teammates yet

The young man looked at him defiantly, his face was cold, and he spoke with rhythm: "tell me, what's the reason for me to form a team with you? With your pathetic face? It makes me look like I don't want to face. "

Pan Peter blushed, and immediately felt that he might have found the wrong person, and he was unable to speak.

“Hey,Man……” The young man with dirty braid gave him a blow on the shoulder and shook his head regretfully. "It's a man who should be brave. Don't flinch and give up your boldness. Tell yourself aloud that if you meet a God and kill a Buddha, the world is to make it look good."

Panpeter couldn't stand the way he spoke. He waved his hands sideways: "s S…… Skr……”

Sent people away.

The first time he formed a team, he ran into a wall, and the young boy could not hide his disappointment. At this time, he saw the four men he had seen not long ago. He struggled for a moment and finally wanted to win.

He stepped forward to find the man who had just entered the game and called: "brother..."

Gu Meng looked at the people who were close to him. He was impressed by the little guy and asked him, "what's the matter?"

"Team up?" Panpeter thought for a moment, afraid that he was not attractive enough. He said against his heart, "I loliyin."


From 2 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., it's windbreak time. The prisoners are all over the playground like sheep.

In the gentle sunshine, Gu Meng sat on the ladder seat, with a long branch in his hand, and drew one square after another on the loess ground. He said, "we are now in the playground, with dormitory building 2 in the East, dormitory building 1 in the west, three buildings in the north and three buildings in the south It must be impossible to turn it out, so our attention may need to be focused on these eight No, we have to remove the police office building because we have no authority... " He drew a fork on a square with a branch, then threw it aside and patted the ash path on his hand. "It's seven buildings."

The squares drawn represent the terrain of the prison.

"There are no restrictions or too many background cues," Tang said. "If you want to go out early, you can only do a carpet search here, and the clues should point to the exit."

"It's still some time before the criminals go back to their rooms. We can search from our dormitory building first," Bo Ye suggested. "On the first day, we don't know the rules. For safety's sake, other places will start tomorrow."

"The dormitory building has only two floors and should not be too time-consuming," Tang added

Gu Meng nodded, looked back at en Jin, who was sitting on the upper floor and separated from them for a while, and said, "Enjin, what do you think?"

EN Jin looked at this direction, nothing said, look very indifferent, as if the appearance of independence does not allow people to approach.

Peter didn't see Pan Jin. Did he ask me quietly

"No," said Tangzhi casually, standing on the steps of the trapezoidal seat, observing the prisoners coming and going, "he doesn't want to see all of us."

"Miss Gu," Bo Ye said, looking at Gu Meng, "it's time for your children to rebel."

Gu Meng also had a big head. He lowered his head and sighed helplessly, "I'll talk to him in the evening."

The second floor of the dormitory building is a square shaped cloister design, so there is no ceiling between the first floor and the dormitory building.

As soon as they entered the hall on the first floor, they heard the sound of closing the door from upstairs, and two figures flashed by.

"It seems that someone is already a step ahead." Bo Ye said faintly, without paying too much attention to the two men, he looked to the room on the first floor, "I'll start from the south, and candi will be with me."

Whether it is the first floor or the second floor, there are ten rooms in the South and ten rooms in the north. The pattern looks clear at a glance.Gu Meng just wants to pull up en Jin. The man goes straight to the stairs. His voice is a little cold: "I'm in charge of the upstairs."

At this time, Pan Jin just wants to look forward to his action together.

Gu Meng could not help but said to the little boy, "let's start from the north and choose a room."

Peter's circle starts right in the middle of the cell

When Peter and Pan Jin went up and down the stairs, they saw that they didn't grind their teeth together

Gu Meng's room is very neat and tidy. It seems that there is only one person living in the room, because the upper bed of the iron bed is empty, and only the bottom is covered with bedding such as quilts and pillows.

"Your name is very special," Gu Meng knelt on the ground, stretched her hand to grope under the bed board, and chatted with the little boy. "It sounds like a foreigner's name."

Peter opened the iron cabinet door under the lavatory basin, squatted down and inquired inside. He replied, "it was Tony who helped me get it. He said it was foreign."

Gu Meng pauses for a moment and looks at him sideways: "Tony?"

"Yes." As if he had found something, Peter reached out and tugged at the water pipe in the cupboard. He didn't forget to reply, "he's the owner of our store."

Gu Meng thought for a moment and guessed, "are you a barber?"

"God, brother! How do you know that? "

“…… It's mainly about Tony. "

Peter Pan smiles at him: "but I'm still an apprentice, but my craft is not hard."

Gu Meng turned his words and said with interest, "what's your real name?"

"This..." Panpeter was a little shy. "Call me Peter."

"What does it matter?" Gu Meng understood with a smile, "I used to think that my name was feminine, and I wanted to change my name, but later I wanted to open it up. It was something that accompanied me and was part of myself. There was no need to feel ashamed."

"My name is Pan Jinlian," he confided

“……” Peter, do you find the bottom of the bed

Peter Pan:.... "

Gu Meng feels a raised burr on the rough board, tears it off, and takes it out to see it is a small piece of transparent tape.

After staring at it for a while, I felt that something might have been stuck there, but someone had taken it away.

"Brother! This brick is moving Panpeter somehow pulled out a water pipe and said in surprise, "come and have a look!"

Gu Meng hurriedly goes over and squats down to check. If he really sees a brick on the wall, it is crooked.

He asked Peter to give way to him, and he got half way in.

After a while, the sound of bricks falling down came from the iron cabinet.

"Is this Shawshank's salvation..." Gu Meng coughs twice because of the dust. Seeing the area behind the hole, Gu Meng intuitively feels that the prisoners living here want to escape from prison. He raises his voice and shouts, "I'll go in and have a look."

"Ah? Brother... "

Without waiting for panpeter to say anything, he climbed through the hole in the wall.

That area is very small, more like a place to plug the air conditioner, the four sides are walls, if the front is open, you can enter the next room.

The corners are full of spider webs, and the dust is a little choking. In the middle of the ground, Gu Meng hesitates, kicks away the stones on it, and squats down to raise the board.

When he saw the scene below, Gu Meng was completely stunned.

It's the Milky way.

In the vast and boundless universe, there are diamond like light spots everywhere. A rotating ring is flowing quietly. The edge emits soft but gorgeous light. The color spreads from deep purple to silver white. It is a kind of beauty that can not be described by words, but also has a kind of unspeakable horror.

Gu Meng reaches out her hand to the hole in disbelief. At first, she thought that there was a high-definition display screen below, but when her hand passed through the hole, her hair would stand upright.

He touched the real universe.

Gu Meng is obsessed with all this, and suddenly the leader is pulled back, and the whole person is lifted up.

He was startled and turned back. Enjin stood behind her with a face full of displeasure.

"You're going to fall." EN Jin looks at the scene of the eye hole, but does not show any surprise. It seems that it is normal for a universe to appear under the prison. She turns and carries Gu Meng back to the damaged wall.

When Peter saw that both men were out, he was relieved and asked in a hurry, "what's in there?"

Gu Meng patted the ashes on her body and finally regained her consciousness. She recalled the scene she saw and replied, "the sea of stars."

"Ah?" Panpeter was at a loss.

Gu Meng didn't explain too much. When the hole leading to space was a bug of the game, he turned to Enjin and said, "how did you come? Is it ready? "

Enjin did not go up at all, has been wandering in the door, heard the sound came in.He looked at Gu Meng's cold jade cheek with warm blood, and said, "since you always trigger some strange events..."

"Well?" Gu Meng looked at him, without a bit of consciousness, "do you have it?"

Enjin continued to say: "even if your vitality is as stubborn as a cockroach, it can't resist so much trouble."

Gu Meng:

"So next," Eugene said, raising her chin and glaring at him, "I allow you to follow me."


There was a brief silence in the room.

After a while, Gu Meng waved to Pan Peter, who was standing on the other side. "Let's go to the next room."

Enjin, who was completely ignored:

Time to the evening, in the first half of the night, the shuffle of feet sounded in the corridor.

Harvey, a dirty braided young man, yawned as he walked and complained to his companions: "Oh, oh, oh, I really don't understand. This prison is a good place to break chickens. The prison guards don't do anything with money, so they let us watch."

"The game is designed to torture players." His roommate was sleepy and looked in front of him and said, "I'll go downstairs and have a look. If there's nothing wrong, let's go back. It's heavily guarded here. What can happen?"

"Yes, yes." Harvey waved. "You can go, go, go back."

The roommate went down the stairs.

Harvey shuffled back and forth in the corridor, bored.

"Brother You dropped the soap. "

"Well?" When he came to the door of a cell, Harvey heard a voice behind him. Subconsciously, he looked down at his feet and saw nothing. So he looked back at the back, "what fat Soap... "

Inside the cell, Tang Zhi sleeps on the upper bunk and hears the rustle of ivy leaves from the opposite wall.

There was some noise in the silent night, and frowned discontentedly.

"Is the wind blowing?" The lower bunk, Bo ye asked, can't ignore that kind of voice.

"Maybe." Tang Zhi turned over and the iron bed creaked.

After a while, the leaves continued to sway slightly, and the wind never seemed to stop.

At this time, Tang Zhi opened his eyes, and suddenly thought that he had closed the window before going to bed, and that there should be no ventilation in the room.


Ivy was still shaking. His back got cold. He lifted the quilt, jumped directly from the upper bunk to the ground in the dark, and quickly got into Bo Ye's quilt.

The author has something to say:

thank you Bonnie and Nero for their mines

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