Bo Ye and Tang Zhi knew this well.

Who told them to always drive to the edge of the city.

And make sure you roll down the windows.

For the last bit of speed.

After Gu Meng was beaten hard by Gu Meng, Bo's husband and his wife were as quiet as a chicken.

This morning's farce was uncovered.

When the party walked out of the canteen, the neighborhood was basically empty, and half of the figure could not be seen.

"Brother, where are you going next? Are you going to search the houses one by one? " As a newcomer, Peter Pan has no idea when he first enters the game. He walks around his eyes and keeps up with the men's pace.

"It's still early."

Gu Meng looks up to the sky, and the lower half of her face is exposed to the sunlight cut down from the eaves. Her cold skin is bright white.

It's a sunny day with light clouds, and the sun's halo is bright white, which erodes the surrounding area.

"At this point, NPC are all in the activity room, so you can stagger the time with them temporarily." He took out a folded paper from his pocket and handed it to the young boy. He suggested, "go back to the living area to understand the whole story of last night."

NPC refers to prisoners other than players.

"The activity room is above the dining hall?" Panpeter took the paper, unfolded it, saw it was a work and rest schedule, and said thoughtfully, "I don't know what the prisoners are doing inside."

With both hands in his pocket, Bo Ye glanced at the direction of the second floor and said to himself, "I'm also curious..."

Then he turned to Peter Pan and encouraged him, "or do you want to get into the field of vision? Maybe we can find some clues. "

"Brother ye, you..." Pan Pete, like a conditioned reflex, shrinks behind Gu Meng, embraces his arm and looks at Bo Ye with his black eyes. "Don't laugh. I'm such a scrap iron. I'm sure I'll be caught if I walk alone. There's something wrong with me. It's only a matter of giving away my head."

"You really live to understand." When Bo ye heard the speech and laughed, he was amused by the children, half true and half falsely said, "but I'm optimistic about you. With you, a regiment is just five people, and the lineup is reasonable."

"Line up?" Panpeter stayed for a moment, then his eyes slipped to Tang Zhi, the far left, and began to exclude.

"A mage."

He also pointed to Bo Ye: "an assassin."

In order to point to en Jin, the result was a man a terrible stare to scare away.

He quickly withdrew his hand and said timidly, "one One ADC. "

"Finally Pan Peter still held Gu Meng's arm and looked up.

He saw Gu Meng's half face covered in the shadow, and the lines from the tip of his nose to his chin were exposed in the sunlight, smooth and beautiful.

At this time, the other side just handed over a look, dark pupil, white skin.

Almost think it is a classical and dignified ink painting.

There is a kind of just right gentle, very attractive.

Panpeter thought.

Thinking about this, he turned red and said, "Gu Meng A wet nurse. "

"Then I'm not a tank!" He finally reflected, pointing to himself, "is the regiment wartime rush in front of sucking hurt meat?"

Bo Ye said, "take good care of you."

Peter Pan:.... "

"Forget it, his small body still serves as meat. Don't eat it as meat." Gu Meng glanced at Bo Ye and said, "don't bully him. You're cowardly and don't tease him."

"Well, since Mr. Gu has spoken." Bo Ye chuckled and took the lead.

Slouchy slow pace, but can not hold legs long, a step ahead of normal people by a large section.

He went back to ask the situation

Peter Pan was just about to keep up with him when he heard a male voice that was so cold that he could drop the ice slag: "don't you loosen it?"

The sound line is extremely low and soft, but it is really cold to the Arctic circle.

When the young man turned his head, he looked impatiently at Enjin.

The tail of those eyes was slightly upturned, which made them look especially unfeeling and bad tempered.

Pan Peter was afraid of this man. When he aimed at him, he was so scared that he let go of Gu Meng's hand.

"Let go, let go, let go." He said in a hurry, "brother, I just didn't have time."

Without waiting for Enjin to respond, he ran away with Bo Ye in front of him.

The right sleeve is slightly crooked by Pan Peter, and Gu Meng carries it up.


"So fierce?" He glanced at en Jin and said, "who provoked you?"

Enjin felt that he knew what he was asking.

When he saw Pan Peter holding Gu Meng, he felt angry.

As a result, Gu Meng didn't mean to push the man away. He was so angry that he almost rolled on the ground on the spot.

He meow

Jealousy makes Enjin's emotional quotient reduced to zero, and her tone is not good: "is the first day you know I'm fierce?""Yes."

EN Jin:

I can't go on with that.

"So what are you angry about?" Gu Meng asked him bluntly.

“……” Enjin is more willing to choose death than to say what she really thinks.

After two seconds, he said, "don't you mean to focus on the game?" His voice was low and soft, and he didn't answer the question It won't burden you? "

Gu Meng was stunned for half a moment.

Eugene walked past him.

Enjin kept a short distance with the people in front of her. When she passed the playground in the center of the prison, she heard a sound coming from one side.

An old man in police uniform was squatting there, digging the soil with a hoe, holding the seeds in one hand, and filling the pit one by one.

I saw this old man yesterday. He was always working. He seemed to grow in the garden like those radishes and vegetables.

EN Jin lack of interest, looked at the eye and then moved away.

At this time, Yu Guangli caught a glimpse of a figure coming to his side.

You don't have to look sideways. You can know who the comer is just through the light sweetness that comes with it.

The sweetness becomes soft and fluffy as soon as it is exposed to the sunlight on the top.

Enjin breathed deeply and wanted to possess the taste completely.

"Eugene, have you recovered your memory? Do you remember the past? " Gu Meng walked beside him and asked uncertainly, "do you remember who you are?"

Enjin wondered why he asked, but he also told the truth: "No."

Maybe the expression of doubt is too obvious.

Gu Meng glanced at him and explained, "nothing. I just think you It's a little different. "

It's a little euphemistic, but it's a big change in temperament.

Enjin frowned and said, "do you have it?"

He has no such consciousness.

It's just that when I think about what happened in the snow mountain, I can't understand what I did at that time, for example

Why do you kiss Gu Meng?

Why be obedient to him?

Why can you say "like" so frankly

Thinking about it, someone's sense of shame exploded and his face turned unnaturally red.

Gu Meng Wu was lost in thought, so he didn't pay attention to the people around him. He said to himself, "can it be because of the fever in those days You're burning your brain? "

EN Jin: What do you say

Gu Meng shook his head and easily accepted the status quo, saying, "you probably recovered."

"It's a good thing," he added

EN Jin not salty ground "Er" a, the bottom of the heart does not feel oneself to have what change, to restore not to restore such a statement does not dispute.

In front of him was Pan Peter's chirping voice, which pestered Bo Ye and Tang Zhi.

Gu Meng and en Jin walk slowly behind, looking a little silent.

After a while, we are approaching the living area.

"So..." In a low voice, Gu Meng suddenly said, "do you count what you said before?"

"Which one?" Enjin didn't understand and looked sideways.

He found the other side was nervous.

Gu Meng looks at the ground in front of him and licks his lower lip with the tip of his tongue. As a result, the soft and tender red becomes moist and glows in the sun.

To attract his attention.

EN Jin was in a trance when she heard Gu Meng say, "like me or something..."

"How can it be?"

Words are blurted out without thinking.

EN Jin's heart beat like thunder. She only felt that the top of her head was "Teng" hot, and her cheek was also hot.

The first reaction to being poked is to deny.

Die proud.

It's hopeless.

"Hello - how long are you going?"

In front of him, Tang Zhi stood on the steps, and his eyes were slightly narrowed by the sun.

"I see."

With a faint smile, Gu Meng said to en Jin.

Then he waved to Tang Zhi and walked forward quickly.

EN Jin walked and stopped, looking at Gu Meng's back, suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Some of them crouched down in frustration, like a sundial, and the shadow ran after the sun.

On the North corridor of the second floor, there was a pool of plum colored air dried liquid, which was blocked in front of a cell door.

"Is this really human blood?" panpeter startled

"Can it still be tomato juice?" Bo Ye replied lazily. He was not surprised by the blood and corpses. He said, "everything here is real. Get used to it earlier and feel better."

Peter put a cold wipe on Peter Brother ye, even if he adapts to it, he can't feel comfortable. "

"Look at the edge of the bloodstain to one side." Tang Zhi pointed out, "the body was dragged away by something."

Gu Meng leans by the door of the cell and looks at the traces of blood dragging on the ground. He wonders, "why is the trace broken at the door?" Looking at the clean floor again, he said, "it's too unnatural.""What's the point of studying death?" One man said.

In addition to them, there are several other players also gathered in the corridor.

One of them was a man with silver rimmed glasses.

It's pretty clean.

He waved his hand impatiently and looked very experienced: "in case it is killed by a ghost, any unreasonable death method can be reasonably explained. In this game, life and death are too normal. If I say that a person dies, he is dead. It is better to seize the time to think about how to pass the customs clearance game."

"I heard that there is a monitoring room on the first floor. You can go and have a look." A woman with big waves didn't pay attention to the glasses man's words. She leaned against the guardrail and said, "but I have to get the access card."

"Didn't the player patrol last night have access cards?" Gu Meng looks at the woman and asks, "I remember they have access to the monitoring room."

"As soon as the shift was over, none of them remained." Wave girl said, "it is last night a few patrol saw the video, but when asked, they can't say what." "Sneer a sound," afraid is not hide tuck in. "

Gu Meng suddenly thinks of something. He lowers his head, stands on his side, and puts his hand into his pants pocket.

The wave girl then looked around the crowd and asked, "who searched room 111 yesterday?"

It's the room in the middle on the north side of the first floor.

Many people have gone in, including Gu Meng and Pan Peter.

"What?" The glasses man is alert and looks at the woman, "what's the problem?"

"Something has been taken away." Wave female straight way, "until now did not appear, it seems that someone is not willing to share clues."

"That must not be me." The glasses man immediately put off the relationship, "I patronized yesterday to get close to those prisoners."

"Oh." The wave girl's response was flat, "what's up?"

Obviously was reminded of something, glasses man's face suddenly became ugly, turned around, "bang" hit the railing.

"They just want to pick up soap from me!" he said

All of them said, "well

Tang Zhi is paying attention to the conversation among other players when he suddenly sees Gu Meng gesturing to him.

Look over and ask: what's up?

Gu Meng turns his head towards the stairs.

Tang Zhi immediately agrees and whispers to Bo Ye beside him for a moment. After Bo Ye nods, he walks quietly to Gu Meng.

While no one was looking, they went down the stairs to the first floor.

"Where to go?"

Away from the crowd, Tang Zhi asked.

Gu Meng pushed open the safety passage door, let him in first, and said, "monitoring room."

Glancing out, no one followed, let go of the door.

"What are you going to do there?" Tang Zhi did not understand, "now there is no access card, we can take advantage of the night watchman to see."

"There's one thing I'm not sure about." Gu Meng said, "go and try."

The monitoring room is in the safe passage door at the end of the corridor. After entering the door, it has to turn two corridors. The location is tortuous.

They went to the door of the monitoring room.

Gu Meng takes out a white hard card from his pocket.

Tang Zhi opened his clear eyes slightly: "this is..."

"Gold's access card."

NPC in the hospital copy, a middle-aged uncle disguised as Zhengtai.

"At that time, the door card was put in the pocket. After entering the smart house, I found it was still there. I took it with me before entering the copy of snow mountain, but it didn't fall off." Gu Meng looks through the white card and explains, "since this door card can shuttle between copies and has not been cleaned up, there are only two possibilities, either completely useless or a special task reward."

Tang Zhi pointed to the card reader on the wall and said, "try it."

The white door card passes through the slot.

"Didi" two times, the green light.

Tang Zhi's accident: "it turns out that it's a key to success."

"Fortunately, I didn't throw it." Gu Meng collects the access card and pushes open the door of the monitoring room.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see a wall of TV screen.

About eight stations are monitoring the living area in real time.

There are several rows of knobs on the wide console, an old green phone, a microphone, two dark blue thermos cups, and an ashtray full of cigarette butts.

Beer bottles are scattered in the corner of the table. Most of them are empty, and half of them are left in some bottles.

Tang Zhi went to the table and glanced around the eight TV stations.

"There are four cameras on the second floor." He pulled up his chair and sat in front of the console, looked at a number of knobs, and tried to operate it. "First, we need to determine the time period when things happen, and then we can get pictures from various perspectives."

Gu Meng propped up one hand on the console, supported the back of Tang Zhi's chair with the other, noticed a TV station, and asked, "why is there only Peter Pan? What about Enjin and Bo Ye? "

On the screen, it's where they've just been.Many players are gathering to discuss, but Bo Ye and en Jin are missing.

Tang Zhi smelled the speech and looked at it. Just as he was about to say something, the sound of footsteps came from the door.

They both start at the same time and turn their heads.

Bo Ye pushed the door in and saw their surprise. He chuckled and said, "come and have a look."

Behind him came Eugene.

Tang Zhi and Gu Meng breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Four men gathered in front of the console.

Tang Zhi retrieved a monitoring record on the second floor and rewrote it eight times faster.

After watching it for 30 seconds, Enjin knocked on the table with her fingertips, and her voice showed a trace of impatience: "too slow, pour quickly."

Tang Zhi looks at him sideways: "may miss..."

"No Enjin stares at the screen and interrupts him directly, "I watch."

Tang Zhi accelerated to 16 times.

Enjin fingertip again knocked: "hurry up."


It was adjusted to 32 times.

At this speed, we can't see any pictures, and the people walking on the screen all flash into line segments.

Bo Ye and Gu Meng give up in silence and go to one side and sit on the edge of the table side by side.

Enjin said: "faster."

Tang Zhi pursed his lips.

64 times.

EN Jin looked at Tang Zhi, puzzled: "don't you know what speed is?"

"It's the limit! Do it yourself Tang Zhi suddenly stood up and fell the keyboard in a fit of pique.

EN Jin:

Bo Ye took care of his baby and patted him on the back. He said, "I'm not angry. If you leave this kind of thing to en Duxiu, we can save time."

EN Duxiu:.... "

EN Jin a person sitting in front of the console, not only used 64 times the speed of inverted, but also adjusted the monitoring of the other three stations to watch together.

Not as strong as a man.

Tang Zhi mumbled: "although I have a high IQ, my personality is too bad."

"I don't know what happened." Bo Ye held his hands behind him and stretched out a long leg slightly. He said faintly, "don't be unbalanced. He does the same to Gu Meng..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Gu Meng and said strangely, "I remember that a few days ago, he still called out to be your licking dog. How can he ignore you now?"

Tang Zhi is also curious and looks at Gu Meng.

Gu Meng is playing with a pen in a boring way, and her gentle side face has a light expression.

Smell speech, lift eyes to see the back of en Jin, not a few seconds and hang back, continue to play pen.

"Lick the dog, lick the dog..." Gu Meng whispered, "stop licking. It's a real dog."

Bo Ye:

Tang Zhi:


Eugene almost broke the keyboard.

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