Just when Gu Meng is at a loss, the short man at most 165 in the player appears.

The short man laughed at them from afar.

The image is very easy to associate with the fruit shop owner at the entrance of the community -

he has a beer belly, a dirty waist bag tied to his hip, and he is either carrying goods or cutting pineapples and sugarcane all day.

Every person is a smiling face, see what people say.

All over the Philistine, eyes a turn, showing obvious shrewdness.

The short man rubbed his hands and went to the side of the trapezoid chair. He raised his face to look at the five people above, and said hello to them.

After turning his eyes around, he picked a man who was obviously good at talking and said, "I was not far away when I saw that you took a magic cube to study. It doesn't look like an ordinary gadget!"

The man who is obviously talkative is Gu Meng.

Gu Meng looked back at the Rubik's cube in en Jin's hand. He was not very enthusiastic and said, "what's the matter?"

"Is it from the flowerpot?"


It was so direct that it was unprepared.

Gu Meng and his wife have to face up to the man who is 165 at most and has to look down at him.

Afraid of his own bad things, Peter twisted to one side and held back.

Gu Meng buries her head and gently kneads her neck with one hand -

the sequelae of sleeping with Enjin for one night is a bit stiff.

"What do you know?" Gu Meng asked, not nonsense.

"I went to room 111 with my friend yesterday, which is the central room on the first floor." The short man put his hand into his pocket and said with a smile, "what a coincidence? I found a flowerpot in the cupboard under the washstand, and a small Bible was buried in the soil. "

Hearing this, most people understood.

The people in front of them also have the clues, and they are a step ahead of them.

Bo Ye used to occupy a whole row of seats and put his pillow on Tang Zhi's legs to bask in the sun. After listening to the short man's words, he became interested. He put down his long legs from the chair and sat up.

"What is in the Bible, then?" He asked lazily, leaning back on the back of his chair, sweeping the bridge of his nose with his fingertips.

"It's in the book." As the short man spoke, he took a card out of his pocket.

That card is the size of a playing card.

Because of the distance, Gu Meng squints and sees more clearly. There are lines of carbon black on the card.

More is not clear.

"What is this?" Panpeter couldn't resist his curiosity. He put his hands on the back of the chair in front of him and stared at him with his head hooked.

At this time, the short man took back the card with his backhand, looked at the Rubik's cube in Enjin's hand, and laughed with a smile: "why don't we exchange and have a look? Just take a look at it, and there will be no loss. "

Gu Meng thinks it can be, and reaches back with one hand.

As for the secret of Rubik's cube, they haven't worked out why.

Now that the other party has a clue, the exchange is not a loss.

EN Jin sitting in the back of the high, light aimed at the hand extended over the eyes, put the Rubik's cube on it.

After Gu Meng gets the card, Bo Ye, Tang Zhi and Pan Peter gather around him.

The four heads together to see the pattern on the card.

On one side of the card is a milky white bottom with black geometric lines.

"This Is it a decorative design? " Panpeter guessed.

"I don't know." Gu Meng looks horizontally and vertically. Without seeing anything, he ignores it and turns the card over.

On the other side, Tang Zhi intuitively said, "the final judgment."

The front of the card is a pair of oil painting, the background is dark green grass and light blue sky.

During this period, there are about 20 people. At first glance, they are all male bodies, all of them are naked. Therefore, they look like flesh color and earthy yellow.

The style of the Renaissance came to us.

More than 20 people concentrated in a small card, dense and crowded.

"The final trial? What is that? " Peter didn't understand.

"It's a fresco painted by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, depicting Jesus' temporary trial of the world." Tang Zhi pointed to the painting on the card and explained, "but this is only part of it. The whole mural is divided into four layers. This should be the content of the fourth layer. I'm not sure where the fourth layer is

"What's the use of giving this card? Do you want us to collect trucks? " Panpeter scratched the back of his head, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, "I remember that there was a pickup truck before. In order to collect a set of Water Margin cards in primary school, I ate ten boxes of small raccoons. "


It's no wonder that primary school students are easy to earn money.

Gu Meng asked Did you get it all in the end? "

"It's all one piece short, but it's not complete." "It cost me a lot of breakfast money," he said with a strange smileGu Meng nodded, and said, as if it were true or false: "we'll have another 20 boxes."

Tang Zhi thought for a moment and said, "I think peter pan is right. Players may need to collect cards and finally put together a complete mural."

Panpeter bowed his head shyly at the recognition of his conjecture.

My heart is happy.

Gu Meng is accustomed to listen to Enjin's views, look around and say, "what about Enjin?"

Then I found out that the man was not around.

Panpeter turned his head, nuzzled his mouth toward the top of the stairs and whispered, "I've been sitting on it all the time."

Gu Meng looks sideways.

I saw the children with a straight face, a person sitting in the back chair, eyes straight at their direction.


This kind of children Mr. Gu see more, each session can always bring so many.

Want to integrate into the collective and can not pull down the face, so the small expression appears particularly stubborn.

Gu Meng can't see the child so lonely, beckoning to him: "if you have a question, why are you sitting so far away?"

Enjin didn't open her face and looked at other places. Her low voice was cold and cool: "if you have any questions, don't you ask them directly? I don't like places with lots of people. Just sit here. "

Gu Meng said: "it's You're not cute like that. "

EN Jin's eyes moved, slightly anxious.

Why am I not cute? Do you dislike me?

Although the heart is full of rolling, the surface is still silent.

It doesn't matter if I keep silent with my lips.

"Leave him alone." Tang Zhi glanced at the upper part of his eye. The red lacrimal mole was fixed in the corner of his left eye. He looked cold and indifferent, "maybe he doesn't know anything."

"Who said I didn't know?" EN Jin turned to her face and frowned.

I can't stand loneliness, but I can't stand it.

"Please tell me where this part of the mural is located." Tang Zhi holds the card in the air.

EN Jin got up, lifted her long legs across a row of seats and pulled out the card in Tang Zhi's hand.

"This part is about people who fall into hell during the trial." Enjin looked at it and understood, and said in a low voice, "in the lower right corner of the mural, it occupies one ninth of the whole picture."

Peter Pan was surprised: "big man! You can see the proportions? "

Enjin looked at four people around him from a high altitude, and snorted coldly. His tone was sparse and ordinary: "isn't it easy? What can't be seen is no brain? "

Be proud and proud.

How much to beat, how much to beat.

Bo Ye: Yes, you will be beaten sooner or later. "

Gu Meng: I may not be able to keep you

Tang Zhi asked, "can we do it now?"


After the short man got the cube, he twisted and pressed again. After a long time, he didn't respond. He wanted to knock twice on the ground.

The smile faded away.

"What's your clue?" The short man was a little uncertain. "Did you really get it from a flowerpot?"

"Absolutely true." Peter returned the card to him, changed the cube back, and said, "it's just that we don't know how to use it."

Short man:.... "

I feel like a big loss.

The short man left disappointed.

Gu Meng turned to the Rubik's cube and suggested, "otherwise, we should leave it first and go to other places to have a look?"

It's half an afternoon now. The sun is proud but not dry. It makes people lazy.

"Go to the sports room." Tang Zhi stood up and swept his hair behind his head with one hand. "Dinner will be in another hour or two, and the dining hall is just downstairs."

The recreation and sports room is in the same building with the canteen, one up and one down.

It is mainly a place for prisoners to have collective entertainment and read books and newspapers.

Bookshelves and newspaper racks are placed along the wall, and there is a table tennis table in the corner.

When Gu Meng and other five people arrive there, they are seeing a small flat headed man with glasses around a table studying what.

Hearing the movement of the door, the small flat head and the glasses man looked back. Seeing that it was a beauty group, they looked at each other again.

"Meinan Troupe" is a code name given to Gu Meng, en Jin, Bo Ye and Tang Zhi in private.

Because these four men are always hanging out in groups, each looks like eating by his face, and they are eye-catching everywhere, so we are deeply impressed.

Pan Peter is included in the beauty group, but it is far from the men in all aspects and has no sense of existence.

the glasses man sees them approaching gradually, and his hand holding the book will not turn over or swing.

Bo Ye saw some clues and gave a faint smile: "if you don't want to reveal it, you can hide it. If you don't take the initiative to say it, we are not interested in asking."

After listening to his words, the glasses man was embarrassed and said frankly, "I found a Bible on the shelf with a card in it.""Cards!" Suddenly cried Peter.

Then look at the other men.

Through the eyes, everyone seems to have a spectrum in their hearts -

sure enough, different cards need to be collected during the game.

"We are discussing what the card is for." Open said, glasses man big square to get out of the way, the book on the table to show them.

Gu Meng goes to the table and sees a milky card on the open Bible.

He picked it up and looked at it, but frowned and said, "blank?"

Tang Zhi took it from his hand and looked at it. Both sides of the card were empty.

"It shouldn't be like this." Tang Zhi blinked, slightly puzzled and said, "it should be a painting."

"What oil painting?" The glasses man hears the key message and asks him directly.

"The final trial." Gu Meng helps to add.

After that, the information obtained from the short man was told to him.

Glasses man clearly nodded, but still do not understand: "why do I find out here is blank?"

"Interference item." Bo Ye, half reclining and half sitting at the table, with his years of experience as an Internet addict, said, "the probability is the interference item in the game. Not every time you find a clue, it's useful. "

People thought about it and found it reasonable.

"Bai happy, thought he found something wonderful." The little Flathead shook his head, closed the Bible, threw it in his hand, "keep looking, this area is quite large, or we should work together?"

The men said they didn't mind.

Gu Meng searched the room and came to the newspaper rack.

After a casual glance, he found that the same magazine was regularly placed on three rows of shelves.

It's about gardening. It's green.

Gu Meng picks up a copy and looks at the cover first.

Printed on the cover of a variety of titles, mostly to teach people how to grow flowers and grass, exchange experience.

Gu Meng is not interested and is ready to put it down without turning inside.

At this time, the line of sight just skims over a small heading in the corner --

"the power of seeds".

He pauses and picks up the magazine again.

Gu Meng calls on en Jin and Pan Peter nearby to leave the sports room ahead of time.

Walking on the way to the playground, Gu Meng said, "have you heard of the fact that weeds can lift up the rubble and stones when they take root and sprout?"

"Yes "It's because of the greatness of life! Even the smallest and most humble life can burst out an amazing desire to survive, so it can open the pressure on the top of the stone

"Stupid." EN Jin chuckled, "the seed swells with water, the force opens the gap, and the root growth stress is large, which belongs to the physical category. It has nothing to do with the greatness of life."

Peter Pan:.... "

Popular science knowledge can not be understood.

But I knew I was rejected.

Gu Meng glances at en Jin and shakes her head. There is a kind of helplessness that the child can't control when he is old.

"I don't know if it will work..." He said thoughtfully, "enter me, fill me, open me I think we can try it with seeds. "

"You said to plant seeds in the Rubik's cube?" Peter Pan opened his eyes in surprise.

Gu Meng nods.

EN Jin bowed her head and thought, but did not raise any objection.

The three came to the vegetable shop.

There's a patrolling C.O. watching them not far away.

Gu Meng and Pan Peter lowered their heads in a low-key manner, kicking stones on the ground by the iron net, pretending to be idle.

It's like a gangster on the street waiting for his accomplice to pick up the signal.

Trying to distract the C.O.

Eugene is different.

EN Jin not only did not cover up, but also took the prison guard back with a look.

Gu Meng:

He's a tough guy.

Seeing that the guards didn't stare at them any more, Peter Pan said to the old man who was weeding through the iron net: "master! Do me a favor

I don't know if it's the back of his ears. The old guy turned his head and looked at them slowly.

His face was wrinkled, his skin was dark, and his expression was very dull.

He wiped his hands on his apron, got up slowly, and shuffled to the net.

"What's up, young man?"

This NPC can communicate.

Gu Meng felt a little loose and said, "can you borrow some seeds?"

Of course, it is the "borrowing" of "borrowing without repayment".

He glanced at the toolbox on the other side of the wire mesh and figured there would be seeds in it.

In the morning, I found that the speed of rooting and germination of seeds here is abnormal.

Whether you can open the Rubik's cube or not will be known in a few hours.

The master wiped his hands on his apron again, looking thoughtful.No one knows what he's thinking.

But there was no answer.

Gradually, there are people casting their eyes on this side.

In order to avoid scaring the snake, Gu Meng grasped the time and said, "master, I'll trouble you this time. We don't want much."

The teacher raised his head and looked at them through the iron net. His eyes full of wind and frost seemed to see through everything.

"That's all right, leave your mailbox and I'll send you back after work," he said


The three young men realized that there was no serious old man standing in front of him.

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