After all, Bo Ye is a gentle man. It's funny to let two big and one small hit the wall.

What's wrong with the wall?

Snow White lovely, how bad it was to crash it.

A quarter of an hour later, Bo Ye shook his right hand and bent over to pick up his coat, ready to leave.

He looked back at the three people in the opposite direction, smiling, but there was no sporadic smile in his eyes. He said sarcastically, "in this situation, if you don't die, your father will love you."

Crouching by the wall with his head in his arms was like a group of three people who met the police's temporary inspection in Dongguan

Maybe Bo God loves them so much that he just beat them to a level 10 disability.

Gu Meng, en Jin and Pan Peter are as quiet as chickens on the surface, but at the bottom of their hearts they spit out --


We don't have a dad like you!

Tiger poison still does not eat son, just this animal actually presses them on the ground one by one, fat beat.

Today, I have learned that the hand of professional E-sports players is not only good at playing games, but also striking people.

High burst, high output.

Who can stand it?

Ignoring the three men huddled by the wall, Bo ye put on a small suit style coat on Tang Zhi's shoulders and took the people out.

As soon as the husband and wife were gone, Peter slumped to the ground, grinning, and relaxed.

"Brother, show me what's going on here?" He pointed to one side of his face and leaned to Gu Meng. He was very nervous about his little white face. "Is it swollen? Is it a disgrace? What should I do if it hurts? "

Gu Meng took a glance and perfunctorily said, "it's OK. Drink more hot water."

Peter Pan:.... "

Even if it's a boy, it's sad to be treated like this.

He vowed that he would never mention "hot water" to her when he had a girlfriend.

Pan Peter rubbed his cheek in circles. He looked at Enjin and Gu Meng.

EN Jin is standing at the desk, drooping her eyes, pulling a paper towel to wipe the corners of her mouth slowly.

He has some broken skin on the corner of his mouth. I don't know whether he was beaten by Bo Ye or some other reason.

Peter did not dare to ask more, and his eyes glanced away.

Next to him, Gu Meng's forehead was wrapped with gauze. When he stood up, he swayed twice. Fortunately, he supported the back of the chair.

Even the wounded were not let go. It can be seen that Bo Shen was vicious and felt bad after being watched by his husband.

"Seriously, brother." Peter Pan also stood up and couldn't help but wonder, "did you not hide well in the beginning? Why is Ye brother ready to leave, you suddenly roll out of the cabinet? Isn't it obvious that you want to die? "

Said, there are some resentment.

These two people took him in.

Hearing this, Gu Meng and en Jin are silent for a while.

They quietly passed their eyes to each other, and then they ran into each other in a hurry.

Blushing, he pinched the paint on the back of the chair.

Take a tissue and press the corner of your lip and look elsewhere.

The situation is very strange.

But Peter Pan may be young and ignorant, stupefied is not to see the two people slightly embarrassed and bashful atmosphere.

"Brother?" Unable to wait for an answer, he called for a reminder.

Gu Meng went to the file cabinet and opened the door. He didn't go to see Pan Peter, which means he didn't know: "it was opened by mistake."

Pan Peter didn't understand, and was about to ask more details. En Jin interrupted the topic: "don't you go? Do you want to keep looking? "

He glanced at Gu Meng's back, and his soft voice was faint.

"Well." Gu Meng takes out a folder from the cabinet and looks through it with her head down. Her skin is still a little red.

"It's just for this reason that I'm here to stay up He was obviously worried in his heart and said, "I went back without knowing anything. Was it not for nothing that he suffered a severe beating?"

EN Jin:

Peter Pan:.... "

So it is.

EN Jin at a glance, reading faster than ordinary people.

Soon, he found a record of the prisoner's detention from numerous documents.

Only the number of the prisoner is on the record, not the name.

A cell usually houses two people.

They found the records of 111 cell, scanned nearly seven or eight pages of records, and found that there was a number with the highest frequency -


"My dear, how long has this man been in prison? What heinous things have been committed? " Panpeter turned back a few more pages and sighed, "he has been there for nearly ten years, and I don't know how many prison pals have been sent away."

Indeed, as Peter Pan said.

The roommate of prisoner No. 07 has been changing, but he has been kept in cell 111 and even lived in a single room for the next two years.

Gu Meng looks for other documents, but there is nothing more to pay attention to."The flowerpots and Bibles found in the room should have been from 07," he guessed

Panpeter felt this and that, shaking East and West, puzzled and asked, "brother, do you know what the number 07 is for?"

"You can try to follow suit and pay more attention to the information about mentioning 07." Gu Meng thought about it for a second, and then whispered, "but you may not be able to touch anything. In most cases, the game depends on luck, and the clues you find may not be all useful."

Panpeter took the opportunity to praise a wave: "I heard that my Meng is always lucky to burst! There must be no problem! "

Enjin is turning a magazine on the tip of her left finger.

On the cover of the magazine were some hot lipped girls, which were used by the prison guards for their leisure time on duty.

After listening to Peter Pan's words, he gave a cool glance and said in a slow tone, "do you mean he's lucky enough to hit a ghost?"


Pan Peter quietly shrank behind Gu Meng and murmured in a low voice: "brother, do you have to be so poisonous in your mouth?"

Gu Meng smiles and shakes her head without saying anything.

Looking at her expression, she didn't mean to blame Eugene.

Before leaving, Gu Meng looks at the clock on the wall.

It's nearly ten o'clock.

They've been out of the room for almost two hours.

The three men closed the door of the management room and walked in the corridor on the first floor.

Panpeter stretched out, rubbed his sore cheek, and said happily, "I can finally go back to sleep well. This night is not easy."

As soon as the voice dropped, the footsteps stopped behind him.

Peter scratched at the back of his head and looked back blankly, "brother?"

Gu Meng stops in front of a cell, looking up at the number on the lintel.

Panpeter followed his gaze -

cell 111.

The young boy's face was bitter, and he seemed to understand something. He said, "brother, are you so energetic?"

Gu Meng stares at the door number and says thoughtfully, "just go in and have a look."

Gu Meng gets under the washing table and comes to a space of several square meters behind the wall.

The board was still on the ground, covering the hole below.

Behind her, Eugene also followed.

Peter poked his head through a hole in the wall and coughed softly from the dust.

He looked around the walls with his head up and asked, "brother, where is this place?"

Gu Meng squatted down, lifted up the wood on the ground, looked at the bottom of the hole and said, "it may be the passage through No. 07 If he ever tried to escape from prison, he should be able to find an escape by following the trail he left behind

"Really?" When Peter heard of the hope of escape, his eyes suddenly lit up and climbed in through the hole in the wall. "Let me see. Where does this lead to?"

He kneels down beside Gu Meng excitedly, and his head goes to the hole on the ground.

But when he saw the scene below, Peter turned pale and almost fell down.

With the imagination of Peter Pan, he never guessed that the cave is directly connected to the universe.

Some people have deep-sea phobia, and Peter Pan happens to be a space phobia.

Looking at the huge boundless deep blue, he only felt dizziness and terror.

It seems that the whole person will be sucked in, submerged in it, so small that even dust can not be counted.

The deeper the blue, the more terrifying things seemed to be waiting for him.

Gu Meng grabbed Pan Peter with one hand, but he didn't let him fall. He said helplessly, "you stay on it, I'll go down."

Panpeter retreated to the wall, shrunk his hands and feet, and said in a panic: "brother, it's not a strange place down here. If you fall into the unknown space, it will be troublesome if you can't get out. Otherwise, don't go down."

"It's OK." Gu Meng pulls up the sleeves on both sides and does not rest assured of his worries.

He was about to hold down the hole when the back collar was lifted.

Gu Meng looked back and asked, "what's the matter?"

EN Jin looked down at him with his upturned eyes and a little patience. He said, "are you going on like this? Do you want to experience space rafting? Find something to tie yourself to

“……” Gu Meng can see that the other party almost wrote "do you have a brain" on his face.

EN Jin looked around. Ivy was climbing on the pipes and walls.

He let go of Gu Meng, and with his height, he pulled down two thick vines.

The ivy leaves rustled all over the wall as the vines were pulled off.

The rattan's fracture was explored forward and then retracted, as if in fear of something.

It's just that no one noticed.

EN Jin lifts Gu Meng up, a vine around his waist and knots.

Gu Meng half raised his hands and looked at Enjin's beautiful fingers at his waist for a moment.

The man's fingers are clean and long, and the fingernails are pale pink.After a while, I went to see the pretty face close at hand.

Enjin lowered her head, and her bangs covered her thin eyelids, but she could see that her nose was straight and her mandibular angle was sharp but not sharp.

Such beauty is rare in the world.

Gu Meng thought.

He lowered his head, pursed his lips and laughed.

Enjin finally tightened the knot to ensure that it would not be released, and then bolted the other end of the cane to the water pipe.

He picked up another ivy and tied it around his waist.

"Or I'll take care of it at the other end," he said? When you want to come up, I can pull it back

"You hold the other end?" Enjin glanced at him coolly and asked in a low voice, "do you think we are kites or are you going to walk the dog?"

Peter Pan: "well When I don't say anything. "

Enjin enters the cave first.

All around was emptied of sound, only their own voice and shallow heartbeat.

Here is a void, the distant Milky Way flows quietly, and thousands of stars rotate in it.

It seems to be very close, but it is far away.

In the weightless environment, Enjin adjusted her balance and made a gesture to Gu Meng upward, indicating that he could come down.

Gu Meng goes down the hole and turns over two times uncontrollably when he is immersed in the void, but Enjin is still close to him and holds him.

"With air and sound, it seems that this is just a simulated space environment." Gu Meng grabs en Jin's sleeve, looks around and sighs, "like a dream."

The dazzling stars in the distance cast light on Gu Meng's face, and the jade like cold white skin seems to be shining.

Gu Meng looks at the Milky Way belt.

Eugene looked at him.

The bottom of my heart was sour and soft with inexplicable emotions.

EN Jin looked for a moment, seems to be aware of their own absence, a slightly dissatisfied look.

He let go of Gu Meng and said, "you really want to visit for a long time."

Gu Meng has nothing to hide in front of him. She smiles and admits: "the first day I found this place, I wanted to come down and have a look. Even if it's just a bug in the game, it's a pity to miss it."

Although it is not real space, such a real experience scene is also hard to find in the real world.

Which man has not yearned for the vastness of the Starway sea?

Enjin murmured: "I knew."

Just above them is the bottom of the foundation of the dormitory building. You can see the layers of steel and cement, wrapped in the glittering and translucent technology blue, illusory and ethereal.

A column clubbed in the center of the foundation, extending four or five meters into the void below.

Gu Meng is floating in weightlessness, gradually finding a sense of balance and walking towards the pillar.

He felt on the blue column. It was cold.

"Maybe it's just a loophole in the game..." Gu Meng said to herself.

"I'll stay here a little longer. Will you go up first?" Seeing nothing to explore, he turned to Enjin.

Enjin snorted coldly and fell backward. Her hands were on the back of her head, looking at the scattered stars above. She said, "if you care where I am, can't I look at the stars for a while?"

Gu Meng has no choice but to jump to Enjin's side and lie side by side with him.

He sighed contentedly as he looked at the boundless dark blue above and the starlight dotted among them.

Both of them did not speak, floating in the void, so quietly appreciate and experience the peace that has never been before.

The Milky Way stirred soundlessly in the distance, and the swirling silvery light flowed deep in their eyes.

Gu Meng suddenly opened his mouth and said with a smile, "there is a little bear on the ceiling of my bedroom. When I turn off the light every night, I can stare at it for a long time."

Perhaps he described it too vividly, and several broken pictures flashed through her mind.

It's fleeting and hard to grasp.

For a time, I only thought that I might have seen such a bedroom, but I felt ridiculous, so I didn't think about it.

Without listening to Gu Meng go on, Enjin couldn't help saying, "and then?"

Gu Meng said casually, "if you have a chance in the future, you can come to my house and have a look."

EN Jin turned her face to look at the people around her and asked, "what are you looking at?"

Gu Meng's eyes were bathed in starlight and became more and more warm and moist. Of course, he said, "the star map in the bedroom."

Enjin's first reaction was: "lie in bed together and watch?"

Gu Meng nods.

Enjin's heart is slightly elated.

Lie in bed together.

Very good.

At this time, the distance across a bright light, dragging a long tail.

"Meteor!" Gu Meng patted en Jin's hand, pointing in that direction, "wish!"

EN Jin doesn't believe these things. She sneers, but she sees Gu Meng's eyes closed.

On the side of her face, the stars are dancing, and her face is peaceful and devout.Enjin can't help blinking.

If the meteor can be heard So Then I hope you will never be hurt and betrayed, warm and happy life.

He made a wish in his heart.

After a long time, Gu Meng opened his eyes and asked, "what did you wish for?"

EN Jin lifted her chin with pride and said, "I don't want to do such a childish thing."

He pretended to be careless and asked, "what is your wish?"

"It may be a secondary two." Gu Meng looks at the star sea above, smiles and says, "I want to..."

"What?" The words behind en Jin are not clear.

Gu Meng said, "I want to be stronger."

Enjin had to say that she was very surprised Why do you think so? "

Gu Meng has always been gentle and harmless, like all soft things.

It seems that he is not suitable for the cruel and bloody escape game, but he runs smoothly all the way.

According to their own pace, in their own way, people feel natural but not strong.

Gu Meng turns to look at him, and the starlight sprinkles on the side of his extended neck. His eyes bend slightly when he smiles.

Suddenly more than a minute in the facial features, let the heart beat faster and more beautiful.

"Do you know how I became a kindergarten teacher?" He suddenly mentioned something else and replied to himself, "after graduating from junior high school, I went to a secondary school near my home, studying preschool teachers' major."

EN Jin did not hold back, because his head is still wrapped with gauze, it is very light, stretch out his hand on his forehead.

"So stupid?" A genius began to scoff, "I can't get into high school."

Gu Meng low smile, drooping eyelids, said: "could have been recommended into the city key, give up."

EN Jin pick eyebrows, ten thousand did not expect to have such a turning point, asked: "why give up?"

"There are two sisters in my family. My mother also needs to take care of them. High school is too far away from our small place, so we can only go home once a month." Gu Meng explained, "I didn't think it was convenient, so I chose a high school not far away from home, and I could go home to cook at noon."

EN Jin listens quietly, and suddenly has a general understanding of Gu Meng's family situation.

"No regrets?" He asked.

"Not at all." Gu Meng's eyes were full of stars and said, "my family is the most important to me, so it doesn't matter if I don't go to high school. Finally, I can find a job to support my family."

Then, he said in a low voice: "at that time, I knew that as long as I chose mediocrity, I could protect them But it doesn't work here. "

In a world full of cruelty, the only way to protect the people who are important to them is to be stronger.

So he wanted to be strong.

At least don't be a burden.

Even if the latter words didn't come out, Enjin could understand his meaning.

Silence for a long time, want to say: "in fact, you can occasionally rely on me."

I can't even speak.

EN Jin looked at the sky above, deliberately said: "can you really be recommended into the city key?"

"Well?" Gu Meng doesn't know why, so she looks arrogant at en Jin.

"People who can't even recite the alphabet," Enjin said

“……” He didn't expect that he still remembered this. Gu Meng was slightly embarrassed and scratched his little finger at the tip of his brow to defend himself. "If I can't recite the alphabet properly, it doesn't affect me to recite the longest word in the world. I'm just stuck in the alphabet. Besides, you won't be allowed to write the alphabet by heart in the exam. The most important thing to learn is to use it."

After thinking about it, he added in a low voice: "but after three years in vocational high school, I forget everything. In fact, it's not bad with learning dregs."

Enjin hummed twice and continued to tease him: "even if the English letters are 24 or 26, can't you tell the math is OK?"

Gu Meng said: "it's It's normal to think that there are 24 English letters in the world. "

"Enjin did not obviously hook up the lip corner:" sophistry

"Really, because in our culture, the number 24 is too common." Gu Meng counted with him, "24 solar terms, 24 histories, 24 filial piety..."

Gu Meng glanced at him and said, "there's another day, 24 hours..."

"Is that all?" Enjin said

However, Gu Meng suddenly lowered his voice and said, "I'm all thinking about you."

EN Jin breathed heavily and her heart stopped.


He looked straight up at the top of his eyes and didn't dare to look at it. He licked his lower lip.

The whole thing is bad.

I miss you 24 hours a day

What do you mean?

Gu Meng looks a little red, thinking that she may be crazy.

To blame, we can only blame the beautiful sky.

With a slight kick under his feet, he drifted towards the entrance of the cave not far away. He said quietly, "let's go. Peter Pan will wait until he falls asleep."

As he approached the hole, he was suddenly pressed on his shoulder from behind.Without waiting for Gu Meng to react, the whole body is turned over.

In weightlessness, the balance is broken and slightly out of control.

The two vines from the bottom of the hole were entangled, tightly intertwined and could not be separated.

In the dark void space, two tall figures were entangled in one place, reflected by the vast Star River and silver sea, and rotated upside down for several times.

Until Gu Meng is pushed against the cold pillar.

The whole foundation seems to be gently shaking, two men at the same time looked up, did not care.

Gu Meng looked at the person in front of her, cleared her throat and asked, "what are you doing?"

EN Jin pressed Gu Meng tightly on the pillar, and her eyes were covered with powder. She said eagerly, "what are you reading about me?"

The author has something to say:

thank Shen Pinghui and ye Xiu for throwing mines in their faces ~

I really want to see them in space.

It will be updated at 9:00 tomorrow evening.

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