Gu Meng makes sure that there is no movement outside, so he carefully opens a crack in the door and looks out. In the corridor, the dead silence of the haunted time in the middle of the night has been restored. If it is accompanied by a piece of dark and gloomy background music, it may feel even better.

My throat was cold and my throat was tense. He is also a normal person, alone in such an environment will be afraid, but his teammates disappear one by one, such a difficult situation forced him to take action.

Before he left, he looked back at the number on the door of his eyes - "002", and planned to find other people and come back to pick en Jin. He murmured to the house number three times, sure not to forget, and turned to where Peter had disappeared.

At the junction of the three forks, a large hole was broken in the ceiling, and a plastic board was broken and adhered to it. Standing below, Gu Meng looks around and sees an ax in the glass box next to the rusty red water pipe.

With his elbow and the base of his flashlight, he smashed the glass mask alternately and pulled the axe off the wall. Although I don't know if this axe with red paint can be used, it's no harm to hold it. In case you need to defend yourself.

Peter Pan is dragged into the ceiling, so Gu Meng is ready to go up.

The top of the second floor is not high, but it can't be easily climbed by a man of normal height. Gu Meng has to go back to his room and move a chair out. He stepped on the chair, first threw the flashlight and ax, and then supported the hole into the ceiling.

The ceiling is narrow and cramped, and the neck can't be straightened. It can only be pressed low. In addition, the dust inside makes the face itchy. In a word, it is a very unpleasant place. Gu Meng swings her hand to sweep away the gray feeling in front of her, holding the flashlight and looking forward. The four walls of the ventilation duct are hard iron gray, stretching for about ten meters before his eyes and turning right. Obviously, there is no other road for him to choose from.

Gu Meng also looks down at the aluminum pipe below, which is covered with a thin layer of gray, showing a light gold in the light of the flashlight. It is because of this that Ivy drags panpeter to move between the pipes, leaving an obvious drag mark.

Seeing this, Gu Meng can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. There is at least a trace to follow when looking for Pan Peter.

Gu Meng, holding a flashlight in one hand and holding an axe in his arm, crawls along the traces on the pipeline. In the process, there is only the "rumbling" sound of the knee hitting the bottom when climbing, the deep and shallow gasping sound of oneself, and the sharp and short-term moan of the wind drilling through the pipe. The cuboid pipe was narrow and narrow, and the dark place out of light seemed to be full of strange things, waiting for him patiently and maliciously in front of him.

Gu Meng tries not to think too much. At this time, once his imagination is out of control, it is difficult to stop it, and he will fall into the fear of infinite circulation. He pays attention to the drag marks on the pipe wall and hums the song gently. If you can find it is a children's song --

"there is a caterpillar who likes to wander around

Dear children

see it Don't be nervous... "

At every corner, the singing stops abruptly for a moment, and Gu Meng's figure also pauses for a moment. After getting ready in mind, he moves on.

It would be too exciting for him to turn a corner and collide with a ghost who is also kneeling on the ground. In this way, Gu Meng's humming voice is a little empty, but also with obvious slight tremor. Fortunately, singing that children's song, he can think of en Jin, thus giving birth to "although come, nothing!" Such confidence.

If you don't know how long it takes to climb the wall, you will feel that the dust has been on the wall for a long time.

Gu Meng takes a flashlight and looks forward. He sees that not far from the front, the ventilation duct is no longer extended, but a fracture appears. He hastened to speed up to the edge of the fault, which saw that there was a space of five or six square meters ahead.

Gu Meng climbs out of the ventilation duct, pats the ash on his pants and stands up straight. When he looks around, he finds that his feet are covered with red rusty iron wire. Through the fine mesh, he can barely see the corridor on the second floor below. The floor refracts a layer of water under the light of the flashlight.

Just as he was about to look up with the flashlight, Gu Meng heard a weak low cry: "brother Is that you? "

Gu Meng's heart is slightly loose. Who else can be the unfortunate child of Peter Pan?

The bright yellow beam of light was lifted upward. If it was true, panpeter hung pitifully on the vine, not close to the ground.

The vines tied up the upper body of panpeter like a rope. Because he could not find the force point, the young boy's body tilted slightly and slowly revolved around the bundle of thick ivy, just like a pendant on the wind chime.

"Brother..." As he spun around and shed tears, he put his head around his head and looked down, "brother, what should I do? I feel like I'm dying. "

God knows how the nervous frail young boy spent these ten minutes hanging half dead, and he doesn't know what will happen next. He is lonely and helpless. It's hard to experience these things than to die.

"Hold on. I'll get you down now." Gu Meng pretended to laugh at him, "what are you crying for? Can you look like a boyWho would like to say that, Peter cried even more. He had been sobbing before, but now he let go of his voice without any scruples, and wept bitterly.

"Who says boys can't cry? Boys are also human beings. They can laugh and cry "Brother, I didn't expect you to come to me. I thought I was dead."

the final ending was longer and more graceful than the mourning.

Gu Meng rubbed his ears and said helplessly, "well, crying is more terrible than ghosts. Keep your voice down. Don't bring strange things."

Panpeter quickly stopped, did not dare to delay for a second, and uttered a breathless voice.

There are rough concrete walls on all sides, and a red water pipe is installed in the corner. There is nothing to climb up. Gu Meng thinks about it and looks at the axe in his hand.

He looked up and said, "Peter, I'll cut you off."


Panpeter jumped up and down in the air like a fish and was scared: "brother, am I a branch or a coconut or something like that? Do you have to chop it? "

Gu Meng waved his axe and said, "I'll throw this up. If I'm lucky, I can cut off the vines..."

There was a half sentence to follow, but for the sake of Peter Pan, he didn't go on.

Panpeter glanced at the red painted axe and shrunken his mouth, clearly aware of his situation.

He spun half a circle in the air, and then Gu Meng said, "a little bit of luck can cut off my head."

“…… What do you think? " Gu Meng didn't retort and said, "if I can't, I'll think of other ways."

Panpeter's hands were tied and he pedaled two legs in the air. He knew that according to the current situation, it would be difficult for Gu Meng to think of other ways.

"Brother, if you throw it according to your feeling, it's my head. I won't blame you." The little boy took a deep breath, closed his eyes and looked down on life and death again, "but before you throw it away, there is something I want to ask you. Brother, you must leave the game alive, and then help me find my master Tony He owes me three months' salary. Help me get it. Take it... "

Pan Peter is a force to force the nag, suddenly feel the top of a loose, Leng half a second, the whole person straight down.

"Ah, ah, ah

"Bang --"

panpeter was still entangled with vines and fell on the barbed wire, raising a burst of dust. He bared his teeth in pain, opened his eyes, and found himself on the ground.

Gu Meng stood aside and relaxed his mouth and airway: "fortunately, it's within range."

The ax clattered against the water pipe and bounced to panpeter's feet.

Pan Peter quickly shrinks his feet and murmurs in terror: "don't don't, my little jiojio..."

Just at this time, the top of the cut-off vine like crazy twisted into a pillar, dive down. Gu Meng grabs Peter's collar and drags it to the side. With a loud noise, the vine bumps into the barbed wire.

If it had hit Peter Pan, it would have made a hole in his blood.

Panpeter screamed with fear and twisted into an earthworm on the ground.

It's the rustling and rustling of the barbed wire, but it doesn't make a sound. After a while, the whole iron net cover was lifted open, and was suddenly dragged back to the top by the vine.

"This is..." Panpeter was so dazzled that he forgot to wiggle.

With a light, Gu Meng finds that the barbed wire is quickly bent, twisted and swallowed by the dense vines, just like chewing food.

"Let's go." Gu Meng said that knowing that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, if the ivy is dragged back, it is likely to be folded into a strange shape and swallowed up again.

"Where to go?" Peter Pan looked at him with no idea.

Gu Meng's eyes sweep toward the gap of the opened wire mesh. Below is the aisle on the second floor.

Panpeter looked along his line of sight and grimaced: "brother, it's too high. I'll break my leg if I jump down."

"You can." Gu Meng sighs. Meanwhile, before the Ivy above is ready to move, he quickly kicks the trapped Pan Peter from the hole.

"Brother!!! Let me know before the next action

At this point, across the other side of two aisles.

Gu Meng hugged Bo Ye tightly, frowned and said, "don't listen to you. I'm sorry. Can we find a room to have a good chat?"

"No way." Bo Ye, holding a dagger in his backhand, stabbed his carotid artery quickly and accurately, "sand can't be tolerated in candi's eyes."

Gu Meng instantly opened his eyes, covered his neck and staggered back two steps. He looked at Bo Ye in disbelief: "why..." It was probably a stab in the throat, with a vague "grunt" sound.

Because he couldn't support it, he backed up against the wall and gradually slipped."Unfortunately, the first time I didn't get out of the snow mountain copy, so I didn't get into the smart house." Bo ye walked leisurely towards the wall, squatted down and said with a light smile, "besides, I'm really not Gu Meng's dish He may have a better appetite

Holding the handle of the dagger, he pulled out the dagger, and a large stream of green liquid gushed from the carotid artery of Gu Meng's unidentified creature.

"You stepped back and stepped back. You didn't have a good grasp of the dagger


The unidentified creatures cover their necks, which are constantly exuding green liquid, and their appearance gradually changes. The original cold jade like white skin exposed mildew green spots under the skin, warm eyes like ash on the paper, rapidly expanded into two scorched black holes, throat issued a strange sound of "click click", is twitching the neck.

"I I'll never let you go when I'm a ghost... " Until the last moment, he was still dedicated to the play.

Bo Ye wiped the blade's hand and looked at him Are you a devil, sir

“……” The fierce ghost stopped all twitching and twisting in an instant, and his scorched eyes blinked, as if he were lost in meditation.

After a long time, he lowered his head and whispered in silence: -- That's right. "

“…………” Bo yefo.

Then, in meditation, the ghost on the wall turned into a fuzzy black fog and dispersed in the humid air of the corridor. It's like an illusion.

Bo ye put away the dagger, solved a thing that he didn't know what it was, and went back. Since that thing had just led him to the right, it indicated that Tangzhi was probably on the left of the fork.

Fortunately, the thing will not take the initiative to hurt people, once identified will disappear, if he really led into the room, it may be difficult to escape.

He was thinking in a trance that he hit a person as soon as he turned around the corner.

Both of them were not prepared.

Bo Ye hasn't recovered from the incident just now. He has no idea. His first reaction is to turn people over and press them on the wall.

The flickering flashlight beam stopped. In the bright yellow halo, Tang Zhi pressed his face on the wall. He rubbed a few gray black marks on his white face, just like a poor little vagrant.

Dazzled by the light at close range, Tang Zhi glanced sideways at Bo Ye. His eyes were red, and he blinked wrongly and discontentedly.

It's hard to get rid of the tangled vines and come to find Bo Ye in a hurry. As a result, he was treated so rudely as soon as he met, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Bo Ye looked at him, slightly relaxed the strength of his hand, but still not so easy to put down his guard, said in a low voice: "say a word, prove that you are candi."

“……” Tang Zhi was not happy. He felt strange. He began to struggle to escape from his confinement. He pursed his lips and kept a stubborn silence.

Bo ye came closer and suppressed him even more. He threatened him in a low voice: "cooperate with me. I'll be happy if I give you a knife, right?"

Tang Zhi felt a hot air in his throat, his eyes filled with water mist, raised his voice and cried, "Bo Ye! You bastard

Bo Yesong opened his hand, turned the man over and hugged him tightly. He put down his heart and said, "OK, it's my baby."

This man can't do without scolding.

"Let go Tang Zhi was so angry that he couldn't hold him. He bit and beat him.

"Hiss Good, good, don't bite. Listen to me Bo Ye comforted Tang Zhi's back and said, "just now..."

Once someone says "you listen to me explain", the latter will not be able to explain, almost become a law.

Before Bo Ye finished speaking, a heavy object suddenly fell down from a distance in front of them. After the muffled sound, there was a howl with a loud voice --

"brother!!! Let me know before the next action

Because of the ivy on the ceiling, Gu Meng is not at ease, so after joining Bo Ye and Tang Zhi, he proposes to leave this passage first.

On the way back, Bo Ye courteously wanted to take Tang Zhi's hand: "baby, listen to my explanation."

"I don't listen!" Tang Zhi walked ahead and shook his hands mercilessly.

Bo Ye persevered: "listen to my explanation."

Tang Zhi said, "I don't listen, I don't listen!"

"Give me a minute and let me explain," Bo said

Tang Zhihong eyes, covering his ears: "I don't listen to me, I don't listen to me!"

“……” Pan Peter couldn't listen any more and said to Gu Meng, "brother, I think they can play it in a loop all night."

"Love lowers intelligence." Gu Meng sighed and turned to Bo Ye and said, "elder brother, can you explain it directly? My ears are getting cocooned. "

Bo Ye rubbed his eyebrows and briefly concluded, "before candi appeared, something pretended to be Gu Meng to seduce me."


Throw a word down, others are confused.Panpeter said, "well It's so beautiful that I can't think of it. "

Gu Meng scratched her eyebrows and tail: "this is the most disgusting joke I've ever heard."


"Miss Gu seduces you..." Tang Zhi pretended not to care, but in fact he was very concerned.

Looking back at Bo Ye, he asked casually, "how did you respond?"

Gu Meng corrected: "Hey, that's not me..."

Bo Ye replied, "cut to death directly."

Gu Meng:

Peter Pan: "well My brother Ye is really a man of infatuation. "

Four people chatting, Tang Zhi suddenly stopped.

Gu Meng stopped and asked, "what's the matter?"

Tang Zhi said, "Penrose ladder."

Peter Pan's face was blank.

"A paradox of geometry." Tang Zhi explained that "the four steps are connected from end to end, and they can go up or down in an infinite cycle. It is impossible for such a ladder to appear in the three-dimensional world unless the visual effect is used to confuse people walking in it."

Panpeter was still at a loss: "so?"

Tang Zhi looked at the door on his right hand and said, "if you want to create the illusion of Penrose stairs, the design of the corner in the building is the key."

Gu Meng looks over with him and finds that the door on the right is installed close to the corner of the corridor. On the other hand, there is a distance between the edge of the left cell door and the edge of the wall, and the two doors are asymmetrical across the aisle.

Bo Ye pushed the door which aroused Tang Zhi's suspicion, and a descending staircase appeared in front of him.

"Stairs!" "We've just come up from here!" cried panpeter excitedly

"It was hidden in the door." Bo Ye said lightly.

Gu Meng relaxed a lot and said, "we have found the way. We can go back."

Bo Ye said: "candi and Peter stay here to guard the gate. Gu Meng and I will go to Enjin."

Tang Zhi held his hand and didn't want to separate.

Gu Meng saw it and said, "you go first. I remember the house number. It won't take long."

Less than a minute after Gu Meng left, Peter Pan leaned against the door and yawned.

He shook his head and said in an uncertain way: "I was probably too nervous just now. I feel very sleepy when I relax."

Bo Ye is sitting on the stairs. Tang Zhi is sitting beside him. He is bending over and lying on his leg. There is no movement.

"Candi's asleep." Bo Ye looks into his eyes, dotes on a smile, and releases the sleeve of Tangzhi's camouflage jacket to block his arm.

Later, he leaned against the wall with some weakness.

Bo Ye was about to close his eyes and have a rest for a while. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He sat upright again and said, "it's time."

"Ah?" Pan Peter rubbed his eyes and looked at Bo Ye's back dimly. "When..."

In the middle of his speech, he also stopped and finally understood why he was suddenly sleepy.

Pan Peter turned to look at the corridor and said, "isn't Gu Meng..."

Enjin felt that her consciousness and body were completely separated and immersed in the deep sea.

He kept sinking and sinking, watching the gray beams of light passing through the sea level a little farther away. Even if he didn't want to, he couldn't do anything. The outside world is a mess. Everyone seems to have a tough problem, and he can't help at all.

Enjin strongly wants to wake up, knowing that he can't just sleep in the past, but he can't feel the existence of the body, and the fact that he is out of control makes him a little anxious.

At this time, a voice slightly stirred the water around him. It was hard to hear clearly, and all the movement and stillness were choked in the dead sea bottom.

EN Jin secretly make force to lift fingers, but unfortunately can not move, the whole person is still sinking.

The voice of the ear rang again, accompanied by the sound of the water gurgling, stuffy and difficult to distinguish, listening to Enjin more and more irritable.

Until the few words mistakenly poured in --

"wait for me to come back..."

It's Gu Meng.

Aware of this, en Jin made the last effort to reach out to the beam

In the room, Enjin took a deep breath, as if the drowning man had regained oxygen, opened his eyes and woke up.

After sitting upright, he stood still for a moment, looked around his surroundings and found himself still in prisoner 07's room.

EN Jin stood up and became very conscious. She immediately went out to look for Gu Meng.

When he had just gone to sleep, he still had some consciousness. He knew that someone had been dragged away by ivy. He didn't know if Gu Meng had anything to do

In this way, Enjin just grasps the door handle. In a twinkling of an eye, the touch on her hand changes into a soft and cold thing.

EN Jin looked down and saw that there were more ivy in her hand. She was surprised and threw it off on the ground.He slowed down for a while, opened his right hand, frowned and looked at the palm. He felt that something was running under his skin and between the blood vessels. Although he could not see it, it felt very intense.

EN Jin shook her hand, only when it was an accident and was about to open the door again, she gently "tut".

The doorknob was missing, or, to be more precise, ivy, which he had thrown to the ground.

At this time, a few pieces of the same picture in mind, en Jin thought of what, hesitated for a moment, put her hand on the door.

The next second, he watched the iron gate melt in his palm until it disappeared.

EN Jin looked at the corridor in front of her, and her hand was still in the air.

He said to himself dully, "what, this is..."

Main console.

A cat like teenager turns around in a swivel chair and leans over to put his elbow on the table.

Looking at the picture in the video, the long and narrow eye tail bent.

"Master." Different from the ordinary people's low soft voice, "is ability awakened?"

The author has something to say:

thank you for the mine of Huo Tang

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