Seven World Martial God

Chapter 105: Lingchi

   After listening respectfully to the guidance of the elders, Ye Tian and the others, led by the elders, went to a dense residential area at the foot of the mountain.

   The houses here are all courtyards, and the courtyards are arranged in a strange formation.

   The elder said that this formation is a gathering of spirits, which can gather the aura of heaven and earth, making the aura in this residential area far surpass the outside.

   Of course, Ye Tian didn't feel any changes.

   "Go, choose the corresponding courtyard according to the ranking of your contribution points. As for what you are going to do in the future, you will understand when you enter your own house." The lead elder said and left.

   The five thousand warriors looked at each other, and finally some people began to enter this residential area.

   "Ah..." Suddenly, there was an exclamation, Ye Tian looked up and found that the young man in front of him who stepped into the residential area was surprised and shocked.

   Then, Ye Tian also saw other people entering the residential area, and they all showed the same excited expression.

   Some doubts!

   Ye Tian and Lin Fei entered this residential area together.


   At the moment he stepped into this area, Ye Tian suddenly felt a strong, almost liquefied heaven and earth spirit rushing toward his face, and he immediately shook his body and was almost shaken back a few steps.

   "What a powerful spirit of heaven and earth!"

   Ye Tian was extremely shocked, his face was moved, and Lin Fei on the side also showed unbelievable gazes with shock.

   I haven't noticed any difference outside, but when I walk into this residential area, I can feel how terrifying the aura of heaven and earth here.

   is worthy of being a **** star gate, and it is able to arrange such a magical formation that is like a miracle.

   "Cultivating here for a day is comparable to cultivating outside for four or five days. No wonder so many people squeeze their heads to worship the Star Gate!" Lin Fei sighed, and his eyes were full of excitement.

   Ye Tian is the same, with such a strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth, he believes that it will not take long before he can practice acupoint condensing technique to the realm of Dzogchen.

   At that time, he might be able to take the opportunity to attack the realm of Wuling.

   "Let's go, according to the ranking, we are probably living in a courtyard!" Ye Tian smiled.

   "I just don't know who the other two are?" Lin Fei was a little curious.

   God Star Gate has not announced their ranking for the time being, only they themselves know their ranking.

   Siheyuan, one yard can live four people. According to the ranking, Ye Tian is sixth and Lin Fei is eighth. Indeed, they live in one yard.

   Soon after, Ye Tian and the others followed the number and found a very huge courtyard. This courtyard is located in the center of the formation, in the most spiritual place.

   "Look! It's the Seven Princes!" Suddenly, Lin Fei pointed to a huge courtyard next to him and said in a low voice.

   Ye Tian turned his head and looked around, and he found Wu Ding, Bai Yunfei, the Seventh Prince, and a woman in white with a veil, walking into the courtyard together.


   Wu Ding glanced at Ye Tian's direction and snorted coldly.

   The seventh prince's eyes were as domineering as ever, shooting straight like a sharp arrow.

   Bai Yunfei has a cold smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

   The woman in white clothes was covered with a veil, and she couldn't see any expression, just a pair of beautiful eyes, full of charm, and she glanced at Ye Tian with some curiosity.

   "Let's go!"

   Ye Tian glanced at them coldly and stepped into the courtyard in front of him with Lin Fei.

   Two people have already arrived in the courtyard. Ye Tian and Lin Fei are very familiar with them. They are the thirteen princes, and the other is a beauty in a green dress.

"Brother Ye and Brother Lin, we are really fate! Hahaha!" When he saw Ye Tian and Lin Fei walk in, the thirteen princes who were just about to enter the house stopped and greeted him with a laugh. Smile face.

   Looking at the hearty smile on the face of the thirteen prince, whether he pretended it or not, Ye Tian had to admit that he already had a good impression of the thirteen prince, at least not comparable to the seven princes.

   Lin Fei's complexion also looks better this time, perhaps compared with the Seven Princes, this Thirteen Prince is obviously more pleasing to the eye.

The thirteen princes are good at observing. He obviously felt the changes between Ye Tian and Lin Fei. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Brother Ye, let me introduce you. This is Miss Yun Shuiyao, Yun The eldest lady of the family is the number one genius in Nanlin County. As for Brother Lin, you all know him, so I won’t introduce it."

   The thirteen prince looked at the beauty in the green dress again and smiled: "Miss Yun, this brother Ye is the blood knife Ye Tian, ​​you should have heard of it!"

   "Are you a blood knife?" Yun Shuiyao nodded with surprise in her beautiful eyes when she heard the words, "I didn't expect you to be so young, much younger than me, you are really amazing!"

   "Miss Yun won the award!" Ye Tian said lightly. Actually, without the introduction of the Thirteenth Prince, he had already recognized this beauty. He had already met the four geniuses of the four major families in the Black Blood Mountain.

   "Call me Yun Shuiyao, of course, you can also call me Senior Sister Yun, after all, we will be brothers in the future, hehe!" Yun Shuiyao showed a lovely smile.

   Ye Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, then he touched his nose and said with a wry smile: "Well, well, you are ‘old’, I’ll be a junior!" After that, he looked helpless.

   "Who is old?" Yun Shuiyao suddenly looked like a cat with its tail stepped on, raising her tone, her pretty face cold, and staring at Ye Tian angrily. She snorted softly until she saw the smile in Ye Tian's eyes, gave him a blank look, and said, "For the sake of your younger brother, I will let you go this time."

"Brother Ye is right. Since we are all senior brothers, we will call them senior brothers in the future!" The thirteenth prince heard a hint of joy in his eyes, and continued: "I am twenty-five this year. Your brother! Haha!" He was proud of his face.

   "Yes, big...uncle!" Yun Shuiyao curled her lips when she heard the words, deliberately dragging the word'uncle' very long.

   The thirteen princes suddenly looked depressed.


   Ye Tian and Lin Fei both laughed.

   In the end, they all reported their age. Ye Tian was the youngest, Thirteen Prince was the oldest, Lin Fei ranked second, and Yun Shuiyao was only two years older than Ye Tian.

   After getting to know each other for a while, several people chose a house to go in. Anyway, the houses in the yard are all the same size, there is no difference.

   The room is very big, walk in... Ye Tian found out that there is a cave, there are three rooms inside, a place for rest, a hall, and a place for practice.

   At this time, Ye Tian sat on a chair in the lobby and looked at a few things on the table in front of him.

   A white robe, this is the uniform costume of the outer disciple of the Star Gate, according to the regulations, Ye Tian immediately put on this robe, and suddenly a handsome young man in white appeared in the hall.

   looked in the mirror slightly and sighed. Ye Tian was still satisfied with the clothes. It fits well, but the color is a little drab, not as conspicuous as his blood suit.

   Later, Ye Tian also saw several books on the table, namely, a low-level profound inner strength mental technique, and a low-level profound martial arts star hand, and a thick miscellaneous book called'Beihai Experiences and Records'.

   "It's a pity that these two cheats are of no use to me..." Ye Tian shook his head in disappointment. He threw the inner strength and martial arts aside, and picked up the thick miscellaneous book.

   He already has the **** transformation of the inner strength mental method of the ground level, so he naturally looks down on the inner strength mental method of the God Star Gate. As for the hand of the stars, he has already learned it, and he does not need to read it.

   It was this thick miscellaneous book that aroused Ye Tian's interest.

"The Beihai Experience Record... It turns out that it records the various schools of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, as well as various experiences, strange people and strange things... It can increase my knowledge." Ye Tian was slightly pleased, and he put the book away. It will be very helpful for him to walk the mainland in the future if he is prepared to have time to watch it carefully.

   "The Star Manual!"

   Ye Tian then picked up the last book on the table, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

   This book introduced all the things in the God Star Gate, allowing Ye Tian to immediately understand the God Star Gate, and at the same time know what he should do in the future.

   "Outside disciples, in addition to cultivation, they need to complete some sect tasks. This is an obligation and an opportunity to get contribution points."

   However, when Ye Tian saw the contribution point rewards of these sect missions, he couldn't help but feel fortunate. Fortunately, he had snatched many contribution points during the assessment. Otherwise, relying on these tasks alone would not earn 10,000 contribution points a year.

You know, during the two-month assessment, Ye Tian grabbed 50,000 contribution points. This is the income of the outer disciple for several so many contribution points, plus Liu Yunfei With more than 100,000 contribution points, I should be able to exchange many treasures to improve my strength. "Ye Tian thought secretly excitedly.

   Soon after, he, Lin Fei, Thirteen Princes, and Yun Shuiyao gathered in the hall.

   "Junior Brother Ye, the arena competition will be in three days. What are you going to do in these three days?" Lin Fei asked with a smile when Ye Tian came out.

   "Of course I used contribution points in exchange for something!" Ye Tian replied without thinking.

The thirteen prince smiled at the words and shook his head: "Junior Brother Ye, you have just come to the Star Gate. I am afraid there are many things that you don’t understand. I suggest you first use 10,000 contribution points in exchange for a chance to baptize in a spiritual pond. But this is only an opportunity for our outer disciples. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

   "Ling Chi?" Ye Tian suddenly became curious. Of course he knew that the thirteen princes knew the **** star gate better than himself, so he asked humbly.

"The Lingchi is a treasure of the God Star Gate. It contains the spiritual energy that is liquefied into water. If you can baptize in it once, it will have a reborn transformation, especially for half-step martial arts like us, it is very likely to be promoted directly. Wuling realm." Lin Fei said with some excitement and excitement after taking the conversation.

   Ye Tian heard this, his eyes lit up instantly, and he immediately understood the beauty of this spiritual pond.

"More importantly, this spiritual pool has only one opportunity for our outer disciples to enter. Those inner disciples can't enter even if they have 100,000 contribution points. If you miss this opportunity, you can imagine how regretful this is!" The Thirteen Prince said with a smile.

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