Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1216: 4 gods

The war in the chaotic territory not only shocked the Holy Alliance, even the Dark Alliance next door and the empires in the surrounding areas have all turned their attention here.

After all, this is the first time that alien races have united against the Holy See of Light and challenged the authority of the King of Light.

Moreover, wars like this are rare.

The Holy See of Light even defines this battle as a holy war, so that all the empires in the Holy Alliance will send large forces to gather here towards the chaotic territory.

The Holy See of Guangming itself also sent ten million trial troops, and four red bishops, plus Archbishop Jason Yuan who was originally in the Longxiang Empire, that is a total of five! Pig! Pig! Island! Novel. Zuzudo. Archbishop Yi, this is a very powerful force.

It can be said that the Bright Holy See sent such a powerful force not to deal with Ye Tian, ​​but to deal with the Elf Forest and those alien races.

After all, in the eyes of the Holy See of Guangming, a small Ye Tian is not worth mentioning. Only the elf queen, a powerful person who reaches the lower **** level, is what they really value.


City of Chaos, City Lord's Mansion.

Ye Tian looked at the leaders of the alien races below, and then asked Rutis: "Tell me about the situation of the Holy See and the coalition forces of the Holy Alliance."

Everyone was fully absorbed when they heard the words and looked at Rutis.

Rutis said in a deep voice: "Let’s talk about their strength first, first of all, the strongest Holy See, the 10 million Judicial Army, five red archbishops, and the fifty thousand magician army led by the red archbishop."

"Then the coalition forces of the Holy Alliance. These empires are not working together. They are only forced by the Holy See to participate in the war. Therefore, they are all garbage troops. But the victory lies in the large number. Each empire has sent one. An army of one million to ten million, a total of 23 empires, a full army of 130 million."

"Plus the 50 million army guarded by the Longxiang Empire itself around the chaotic territory, that would be an army of 180 million."

As Rutis's voice fell, everyone took a breath.

With so many troops, even if it is a garbage army, it is also very scary.

People can drown you with a spit of water.

"Let's talk about our strength!" Ye Tian couldn't help but continue to say when everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Rutis nodded respectfully, and then said: "We have five million berserkers, and one million of them are cloud-chaser knights. This force is comparable to their fifty million army, and even used well and even more powerfully. ."

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. They were very confident of the power of the Berserker.

In particular, these berserkers pretended to force the dwarves to build sophisticated weapons and armors, and their strength was even higher, especially the one million cloud chasing tiger knights, who were simply the elite of the elite.

Rutis said that it is comparable to an army of fifty million, which is still a conservative estimate and is the result of a head-on battle.

If it was a sneak attack, that one million cloud-chasing tiger knights would be enough to defeat the fifty million human army.

"We still have sixty thousand elf shooters and sixty thousand elf mages. This force can easily destroy tens of millions of human armies."

The elf archers shoot arrows very fast, and they are all sharpshooters. Sixty thousand elf archers can destroy at least 30,000 human armies in one round of shooting.

Moreover, with the speed of their shooting arrows, they can carry out dozens of rounds or even hundreds of rounds of shooting during a sneak attack. These are enough to destroy millions of human armies, and they are the best weapon for sneak attacks.

Especially when they are paired with winged warriors flying in the sky, it is definitely a weapon in the air, and only those magicians can deal with it.

As for the wizards of the elven tribe, it was even more terrifying, especially the sixty thousand wizards of the elven tribe led by the six elven kings, each forbidden curse was smashed, not worse than a million cloud-chaser knights.

"There are one million dwarf warriors and half a million winged warriors." Rutis said afterwards.

Wingmen warriors need to cooperate with elf shooters. Although their combat effectiveness is not strong, they play an indispensable role.

And one million dwarf warriors, that can definitely wipe out ten million human armies.

This is not only because dwarves are naturally powerful, but the main reason is their armor and weapons. These are the best armor and weapons that dwarves have built.

After all, it is for their own tribe’s army and to protect their tribe. The dwarves naturally want to create the best armor and weapons for them.

"Finally, it is our newly added 10,000 rock giants. I think you should know their combat effectiveness best." Rutis then smiled and pointed to the leader of a rock giant like a dozen-story building. Tansen.

As the leader of the rock giants, Tansen himself is stronger than Carter, the berserker leader before the madness, especially their huge body, which is simply a war fortress on the battlefield and the best weapon for siege.

However, they also have shortcomings, that is, they have huge targets and are easily attacked by enemy magicians, so they must be used with caution.

"In addition, there is our 10 million human army. Don’t underestimate this 10 million human army. They not only only have the best armor and weapons built by the dwarves, but they also each have a blood. Wolf mounts, I named them the blood wolf army."

Ye Tian continued.

"Blood wolf!" Everyone was taken aback.

Although blood wolves are not as good as chasing cloud tigers, they are all Tier 5 monsters. Each of the 10 million human armies is equipped with a blood wolf, so the fighting power is too terrifying.

After all, the number of people is there. Although the cloud chasing tiger knight is powerful, there are only one million people.

The blood wolf army has 10 million people.

The leaders of the foreign races were very curious about Ye Tian being able to produce so many monsters, but they also felt confident when they were curious.

"By the way, I have a medicine here that can help you improve your cultivation and has the opportunity to promote you to the realm of gods. This is also your reward for helping me."

Ye Tian immediately took out some pale golden pills.

This kind of pill is still a genius ninety percent goddess, casually refined, it has a certain use for the powerhouse of Wusheng Peak, can help them break through the bottle tight, but the probability is not great, only 30% at most.

After the genius Old Nine was refined, it was handed over to Ye Tian. After all, Ye Tian was the leader of the Shenzhou Continent. Putting this thing here can reward those martial sages who have contributed to the Shenzhou Continent.

However, there is still a lot left, left in Ye Tian's God Realm, and he discovered it not long ago.

"There is such a treasure!"

"Which master alchemist's masterpiece is this?"

"Oh my god, there is a 30% chance, this is not incredible."

The leaders of the alien races were very excited and excited.

Originally, they wanted to refuse Ye Tian's reward. After all, they helped Ye Tian to help their people, but the reward was too attractive to them.

Whether it is the six elven kings, or the berserker leader, the leader of the dwarf race, the leader of the winged race, etc., they are all powerful at the peak of the holy order.

Even Claire next to him was shocked. Although he was a lower god, this was the first time he saw this unimaginable treasure.

"Young Master is probably a powerful **** in a certain God Realm." Claire thought to himself.

"Each of you has an elixir, and the success rate of 30% depends on your own good fortune." Ye Tian gave them an elixir and said immediately.

"Thank you Lord Lord!" Carter and others hurriedly thanked them.

This is a chance to become a god!

Ye Tian's reward can even change the destiny of their lives.

After all, after becoming a god, you can have immortal life and powerful power like the elf queen.

At the same time, they were more puzzled and shocked about Ye Tian's mystery.

Because if Ye Tian can give away this kind of treasure at will, it means that he has a lot of this kind of treasure, and since Ye Tian has a lot of this kind of treasure, wouldn't there be a god-level subordinate?

Everyone involuntarily looked at Claire and Rutis. They used to think that these two were just holy magicians, but now it seems that they are probably blind.

Without thinking about it, Carter and the others took the pill on the spot and began to attack the lower god's bottle tightly.

Ye Tian, ​​Rutis, and Claire were also watching.

Kefes and Antaford, as well as Carter's son Ka Gang, and Carter's daughter Katrin, all looked at Carter and them with envy.

Ye Tian said with a smile: "If you can reach the peak of the holy rank, I will also give you such a pill."

"Thank you, Master!" Kefes and others immediately thanked them excitedly.

Who doesn't want to become a god?

It is the dream of mortals to have great power and immortal life.


Soon after, Carter, the most powerful, was the first to break through the bottleneck and promoted to the lower **** realm.

At the same time, Tansen, the leader of the rock giant clan, was also promoted to the lower **** realm.

Ye Tian was not surprised by this, because these two people are the strongest, even without the help of the medicine, they can still be promoted to the lower **** realm in their lifetime, but he just gave them a chance in advance.

Of course, although Carter and Tansen succeeded, of the six Elf Kings, only the Elf King Sharin succeeded. Although the others were close in strength, they all failed.

The dwarf leader also succeeded the winged leader failed.

All in all, this time Ye Tian's team added four lower gods, which is nothing to him, but for these alien races, it is more confident.

Now they are not at all afraid of the allied forces of the Holy See and the Holy Alliance.

"Congratulations!" Ye Tian smiled and looked at the excited Carter and Tansen. Then he looked at the depressed five Elf Kings and the leader of the Wing Human Race, and said: "Don't be disappointed, as long as you defeat the Allied Forces of the Holy See. , I will give you a pill like this, and I believe you will definitely enter the realm of the lower gods."

"Thank you Lord Lord!" Several people thanked them with excitement.

Ye Tian waved his hand and continued: "I have given the command of this battle to Claire. You must obey Claire's orders from now on. If you have any opinions, you can come to me, but I will never allow it during the war. Veto any orders from Claire."

Where did a group of alien leaders dare to have an opinion now, after all, the opportunity Ye Tian gave them was too great, I am afraid they would all be willing to betray their respective races.

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