Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1285: Easy

Ten thousand years at a glance!

Ye Tian carefully read the writing on the new stone tablet, and suddenly realized that it was a very wonderful combat technique, and the more he looked at it, the more excited he became.

This combat skill is called One Eye Ten Thousand Years. It is a very special kind of illusion combat skill. Once you have successfully cultivated, you only need to look at the enemy, and the enemy’s cultivation level will drop for 10,000 years. Keep watching and continue to drop, just like Same as Ye Tian just now.

"However, I don't believe that my cultivation will fall to the realm of the upper gods. This must be an illusion." Ye Tian thought secretly, and then continued to watch.

Sure enough, this sight of ten thousand years is not to reduce the enemy’s true cultivation base, but to create a kind of illusion, pig, island, novel www.(zhu)(zhu)().om. I feel that my cultivation has dropped.

Just like Ye Tian now, he was still in the illusion, unable to unravel.

However, this kind of illusion is very powerful, even Ye Tian can't solve it in a short time.

There are only three ways to dispel this illusion, one is that your strength surpasses the other's multiple levels and break it with absolute power.

The second method is to study this illusion with your own wisdom and will, and sooner or later it will be solved, but it will take a long time.

The third is to learn this combat technique, when the time comes, the illusion will be self-defeating.

After reading it, Ye Tian didn't hesitate to choose the third method. After all, he had now obtained the training method of this combat skill.

"Unexpectedly, a mysterious stone tablet that I got from the Tomb of the Stars would be of great use here." Ye Tian couldn't help but rejoice in secret.

Who would have thought that there should be a stone tablet exactly the same here, which can be integrated with each other, showing the miraculous combat skill of ten thousand years.

After some research, Ye Tian has discovered that this 10,000-year combat skill involves soul and illusion, and he has also cultivated the Soul Book, and this combat skill could not be more suitable.

Moreover, this combat technique is very powerful. Although it is not an offensive and defensive combat technique, it is a top-level existence in auxiliary combat techniques.

Think about it, once you use it while fighting an enemy, the enemy's cultivation base will drop, and the enemy's combat effectiveness will definitely be discounted.

For example, Ye Tian now, although his true cultivation base has not declined, he still exists in the illusion. He can only feel the cultivation base of his upper god, so the strength he exerts is only the strength of the upper god. , Naturally cannot cause damage to the enemy.

"As long as I learn this combat technique, I will be more powerful." Ye Tian said excitedly.

So, in this palace, Ye Tian began to practice the combat skills on the stele.

He is based on the soul treasure, and it is very easy to practice. As for the so-called illusion, it is only the law of illusion in the four-level law.

Ye Tian is now practicing the third-level rule. For him, the fourth-level rule is very simple. It's like a high school student answering a junior high school student's test paper, which is naturally much easier.

In just ten years, Ye Tian had cultivated this combat skill.

At the same time, the illusion had been cracked, and Ye Tian was restored to the original state of the lower master god's Consummation.

"A glance at ten thousand years!" Ye Tian showed off his newly completed combat skills, and his two eyes suddenly turned white, and the invisible light beam burst out, covering the void in front of him.

However, because there is no ‘enemy’, Ye Tian doesn’t know how powerful his combat skill is.

But Ye Tian believed that with the power of his soul book, the power of this combat skill would never be weak.

"Next, it's time to continue looking for Jian Wuchen."

After leaving the palace, Ye Tian dangled around him. As for the stone stele that recorded a glimpse of ten thousand years, he took it into his **** realm.

At this time, Ye Tian found that the surrounding illusion had disappeared, and it seemed that there was no stone monument, and this place was no longer within the shrouded area of ​​10,000 years.

Ye Tian couldn't help but spend time investigating and found that this was a formation. The stone tablet before was the formation eye, which could continue to use for ten thousand years to envelop this area, so when Ye Tian came in, he was attacked.


Suddenly, the palace not far away exploded suddenly, and a tall figure rushed out of it with a disheveled hair.

"Hahaha, I knew it was an illusion, all of them were fake, and my cultivation was still in the realm of the upper main god." This is a strong man in the middle of the upper main god. I don't know how many years he has been trapped here, and he is a little unconscious. Now, as soon as he came out, he was very crazy.


The upper main **** screamed frantically for a while, and then he found Ye Tian, ​​he couldn't help but turned his eyes, and smiled somewhat surprised: "The lower main **** can actually walk here, what is your kid's name?"

Before he finished his words, he had come not far in front of Ye Tian, ​​staring at Ye Tian with superb eyes.

Ye Tian glanced at him coldly, and said lightly, "I am afraid I will not know the unknown."

"The nameless person? Humph, boy, the old man is too lazy to talk nonsense with you. It is definitely impossible to get here with your strength. Unless there is some powerful treasure, I advise you to hand it over. If the old man is If you are in a good mood, maybe you can spare your life." The upper master sneered.

It's normal to rob homes and houses in a river of blood.

Even in other parts of the blood demon world, it is very normal.

After all, the treasures in the blood demon world are limited, and many of them have been seized by other gods. If the remaining gods want to have treasures, they can only **** them.

"Want treasures?" Ye Tian shot coldly in his eyes.

"What? Do you still want to do something with the old man? With the cultivation of your kid's lower master god?" The upper master **** in front of you felt the coldness in Ye Tian's eyes, and couldn't help but sneered. The sky was blowing.

"A glance at Ten Thousand Years!" Ye Tian didn't like the situation of passively being beaten. It happened that the upper master **** in front of him was looking for death. He didn't mind using the opponent to test the power of his newly learned combat skills.

At the sight of Wannian activation, Ye Tian's eyes suddenly changed color, and two invisible light beams shot out, covering the void in front of him, and even the upper lord **** in front of him.


"How could this be? My cultivation base..."

The upper master **** in front of him suddenly became horrified, his eyes widened, and he shouted in disbelief: "How cultivation my cultivation base keeps falling..."

Ye Tian suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth. The upper master god's cultivation level did not decline, and the upper master god's aura still existed, but the opponent himself felt that his cultivation level was declining.

Ye Tian knew that the opponent had been recruited and was in a phantom.

"No... how come I fell to the gods, I am the main god, the upper main god, ah..." The upper main **** in front of him was full of horror, almost desperate.

"Heaven? You can actually make the enemy fall to the realm of the gods, but I have fallen to the realm of the upper gods before. It seems that my soul is too weak, otherwise, let the enemy fall to the realm of mortals."

Ye Tian thought about it, and slammed at the opposing upper master god.

"Boom!" Seeing Ye Tian's move, the high-ranking master **** naturally wouldn't be able to catch it, and he also attacked Ye Tian, ​​but the power he exerted was only in the realm of the high-ranking god.

This makes Ye Tian feel incredible.

The opponent clearly had the strength of the upper master god, and the power he exerted was only at the upper **** level. This combat skill was amazing.


The upper lord **** in front of him was blown out by Ye Tian, ​​cracks appeared in his body, and the whole person cracked.

"What's the matter? I can't even beat a lower master..." He was surprised and angry, yelling in a panic, turned and ran.

"I want to go now? It's too late!" Ye Tian snorted and rushed straight into the sky. The blood river knife in his hand burst out with a ten-thousand-square ray of light, and it fell down with a sharp knife. The upper master **** on the run.


The upper lord **** screamed, suffered heavy injuries, and his entire body was shattered.

However, because of the stimulus of death, this high-ranking main **** also broke the illusion of a thousand years, and his cultivation was restored to the realm of the high-ranking main god.

"This is really an illusion!" The high-ranking master screamed in surprise. Although the illusion was broken, he was not happy because he was injured so badly at this time that he was not Ye Tian's opponent at all.

Moreover, he was shocked by the illusion just now, wherever he dared to continue fighting with Ye Tian, ​​he got up and ran.

Ye Tian naturally wouldn't let him escape. He roared, and the Supreme Sword Mark was sacrificed by him and blended into the Blood River Sword. The ultimate sword was launched in one move, and the terrifying sword traversed the sky and shattered the entire universe.

Chi Chi!

The entire river of blood was turbulent, and the void was broken into pieces.

In the distance, only a bright blood-colored rainbow could be seen, which was very dazzling in the blood river, drowning that high-ranking god, and even the opponent's high-ranking godhead was destroyed.

"Although I was able to kill the mid-level master of the upper main **** last time, it was not as easy as it is now, thanks to such combat skills." After Ye Tian put away the treasure of the upper main god, he was immediately excited.

Although his current strength is close to the power of the upper master **** in the late, it is very difficult to kill a master in the middle stage of the master **** so easily.

But after 10,000 years, he was much more relaxed.

At this time, Ye Tian even felt that he was enough to kill the powerhouse of the upper main **** late stage.

Even if you encounter a strong person at the pinnacle of the upper main god, it may not be impossible to fight.

However, the soul power of the strong man at the pinnacle of the upper main **** is very powerful, and it is estimated that even if he wins a 10,000-year trick, he will soon recover.

After reaching the realm of the upper Lord God, the further behind, the greater the gap between them.

Like the powerhouses of the upper main god's peak realm, they can even kill the powerhouses of the upper main god's late stage. The gap is too big.

"Of course, I have now reached the Consummation Realm of the Lower Lord God, and it won't be long before I can be promoted to the Middle Lord God Realm, and I will be able to compete with the powerhouses of the upper Lord God peak level."

Ye Tian said confidently.

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