Seven World Martial God

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Sunflower, rare in the world, is also called the flower of god.

It is said that this kind of flower grows in the core area where the sun is the most violent, and since it blooms, it bears the hot temperature that exceeds the limit of the human body.

Hearing that a drop of the green juice inside the sunflower can evaporate an ocean, which shows how terrifying it is.

Moreover, because this thing is too rare, the temperature exceeds the limit of the human body, even if it is visible under the chance, it is difficult to take away. Because there is no vessel, the space treasure can carry sunflowers, and if it hasn't touched it, it will be evaporated into a mass of air by the force of the sun.

"It's so scary."

Wang Feng slapped his tongue. This is truly shocking. Compared with the Nether Flower, the Sun Flower is truly hard to find in the world.

"It's really rare for the Nether Flower to flourish to such an extent. The resistance to this journey, I'm afraid it has exceeded the scope of my waiting." Kong Xuan said helplessly.

The Nether Flower is too tricky, not to mention that it has already bloomed to a certain extent, and its coverage area has already enveloped the hanging coffin, locking the latter. If you want to open the coffin, you must go through the Netherworld Flower Level.

In this way, the basic declaration is hopeless.

"Da da da."

When everyone was silent, trivial footsteps suddenly heard from the outside world, and there were even several powerful aura fluctuations in the air, which made people unconsciously feel oppressed.

Kong Xuan and Dou Zhan Huang glanced at each other, each converging their auras. This is not to be afraid of coming, in fact the two are stronger. The reason for doing so is due to my own considerations, covering up my identity so as not to attract unnecessary onlookers.

They are detached from the world, and they don't want to have too much involvement with other people, unless the other party seeks death and provokes them for no reason.

"Jiuzhong Pavilion, really is here." A Zhongzheng mellow voice sounded. Then the back figure was folded and put back together, and a heroic man wearing a moon white robe stood proudly on the scene.

He is very valiant, he is only over forty years old, and his superb eyes are fierce and bright, like the eyes of a falcon. There is a badge on his moon white robe, which comes from the Qi family.

"A member of the Qi family." Wang Feng was surprised and immediately discovered the problem.

This seemingly young and powerful man, the oppressive aura that rises and falls with his breathing, gives people more and more suffocating feelings, as if to shake the entire space. Although Wang Feng's realm is slightly weaker, he can also see that this strong man is stronger than Qi Huaiyi.

Then his inspiration flashed and he found the problem.

This strong man is only sensually young, and his actual age is longer than Qi Huaiyi. The reason why his face is not old and his aura is steady and vigorous is because his realm is too high and deep, and he can easily complete the rejuvenation and stabilize his state in the golden years.

With a breath and a breath, calm and powerful, this kind of cultivation has reached a very terrifying level.

Wang Feng even wondered if this person was Qi's elder.

Moreover, the number of elderly people dispatched by the Qi family this time has reached dozens of people, standing behind him in the same line, only his head watching. Perhaps it was the previous loss of Qi Huaiyi from the outside world, which caused a great shock in the Qi family, and so many older people were dispatched at once.

Dozens of people formed a strong combat force.

However, after the Qi family entered, they did not take revenge for the first time, but locked their target on the ten suspended coffin. People from this family can naturally see the priorities at a glance. Revenge can be discussed slowly, but scarce treasures have always been unavailable, and it is their most important point to seize the opportunity to obtain a huge treasure in a hurry.

The same Iron Sword Sect also mobilized a strong combat force, all of them were figures of a certain age, not belonging to the younger generation.

Wang Feng even saw a weird man with white hair and beard, convex pupils, and arms over knees. Perhaps it was because he realized that Wang Feng was looking at him, and the strange man glanced at Wang Feng, and immediately gave the latter a horror as if sitting on pins and needles, and his heart was groaned.

"Nether Locked Sarcophagus!"

"That is the Netherworld Flower, the extremely cold and evil flower, it has grown such a large plant, and it completely covers ten coffins."

After all, he is a scheming big man, and he can naturally know Nether Flower, and it is difficult to find out. As a result, the original imposing team suddenly became discouraged, and many people felt frustrated, retreating and daring not to take action.

Qi Yong, the leader of the Qi family, the heroic man in the moon gown.

His eyes flashed, turning to the weird man in the Iron Sword Sect, "Su Chen, you and I have a contract before, and you want to open the coffin together. What should I do now?"

The weird man of Iron Sword Sect who crossed his arms and knees was Su Chen. He smacked his lips. Obviously he did not expect that things would be so tricky, and he could not give constructive opinions for a while.

As for Dou Zhan Huang and Kong Xuan, they have been watching coldly, maintaining an attitude of not concerning themselves. Wang Feng leaned back, standing with Ye Qingqiu, Su Wuming and the younger generation. Distance from Dou Zhan Huang and Kong Xuan Zhang Xu.

"Netherflower's corrosiveness is unique in the world. It is difficult to resist anything that provokes it. It will be melted in minutes. Even if I wait for the treasure, it will be difficult to sustain the bombardment for too long." An older person said.

This is also the root cause of most people's heart, and they dare not look directly at Nether Flower.

"It's not like that." Qi Yong shook his head and suddenly smiled. It was gorgeous, his neat white teeth flashed with crystal light, but he gave people a gloomy feeling for no reason.

"What does the old Sect Master mean?" someone asked politely again.

Wang Feng knew it, and muttered in his heart, knowing that this is indeed the Sect Master of the Qi family and the head of the family. But not the current patriarch, but the previous patriarch, a strong figure who has lived for a long time.

Qi Yong's lips were red and teeth were white, and he smiled, and then he became more ear-piercing, "Our purpose is to open the coffin, not to target the Nether Flower. You over-focused on Nether, but abandoned our purpose here."

"As long as you don't come into direct contact with Nether Flower, you can naturally open the coffin."

"How can it work? This is unrealistic." Someone questioned on the spot and kept shaking his head.

Su Chen was also puzzled at first, and then understood it, couldn't help but smiled knowingly, "It's difficult to say, and it's not difficult to say. Nether Flower's corrosion ability is the only one in the world, but the corrosion speed always takes a while, and We can make it happen if we grasp this time properly."

"Please elaborate."

Qi Yong stroked his forehead and said lightly, "Throw the person to cover the hanging coffin, and use the human body as a medium to suppress the Nether Flower, so as to exert force on the human body and shake the coffin open."

"This type is called fighting cattle from the mountain, using strength to fight."

Everyone thought that this kind of feasibility is not impossible, and even very constructive. Because the reason why everyone thinks Nether Flower is tricky is that they are afraid of being touched by the flowers and being contaminated by the misfortune of unknown.

After all, a palm must touch the coffin, and the surface of the coffin is covered with Nether Flower. At this time, only a second cover can solve the trouble of not contacting Nether Flower directly. Although the time limit is limited, at least it can be done.

However, this approach is too cruel, basically it is to use human lives to buy time and complete the mission of shaking the coffin.

"It's too much to kill the lives in vain..." Someone shook their heads, feeling too cruel and against humanity, not to mention that they would not let themselves go to death in vain.

"Don't say that you don't agree to ruin yourself. Even the old man can hardly make up his mind, but if it's an insignificant little person, why not?" Qi Yong said indifferently.

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes turned and fell to Wang Feng.

Wang Feng's mind was slightly tight, he understood Qi Yong's meaning, and it was absolutely disgusting to use his own life to fill the coffin.

"Are you the Great Demon God?" Qi Yong said, "Not only did you kill my team of Qi family outside, but also instigated others to kill Qi Huaiyi?"

Wang Feng is neither overbearing nor overbearing, "Exactly."

The two sides talked about what Qi Yong was going to do, but most of them maintained a gleeful look, without the slightest pity, as if they looked at an ant with contempt.

"Since there is no objection, don't you think you should give me an explanation to the Qi family?" Qi Yong waved his sleeves and put his hands behind him, like a young emperor looking down at Wang Feng with contemptuous eyes.

Wang Feng sneered, "You Qi family is looking for death on your own, so you blame me?"

"Presumptuous, what's your identity? What's my Qi family's identity? Your low life is worthy of my Qi family's outstanding people?" The Qi family elder scolded and warned Wang Feng to be polite.

Qi Yong stretched out his hand to beckon the other party to shut up, and continued, "I will give you and your friends a chance to go up by yourself, lest the old man take the shot."

"Go up?" Wang Feng deliberately pretended to be stupid.

"Naturally, it is the human body pad, so that you and your friends can get rid of the crime of disrespect that you and your friends have committed against my Qi family." The Qi family explained that their tone was very strong, and there was no room for doubt.

Su Wuming and Ye Wushang bared their teeth, thinking that the other party was provoking.

At this time, Kong Xuan, who had been keeping things high and hanging up high, was not calm, including the Emperor Dou Zhan who was also angry, "Your Excellency is difficult to be a strong man, insulting the demeanor of a master."

This is what Dou Zhanhuang said, accusing Qi Yong of being too arrogant.

"I know that you two are very strong and have been paying attention." Qi Yong still maintained a calm look. He put his hands behind and smiled But there are fifteen elderly people on my side. Can you two live? "

Su Chen stepped forward to help Qi Yong, and began to use his power to suppress others, and severely warned Emperor Dou Zhan and Kong Xuan to act carefully and not to mistake himself.

Not thinking of this sentence directly caused Dou Zhanhuang to laugh, "Thinking that when I swept a domain back then, I really never saw anyone dared to point to my nose and say this..."

"Hey, young people these days are getting more and more confused."

Dou Zhanhuang was a figure who became famous a long time ago, and he is naturally qualified to call Qi Yong a young man.

Qi Yong's expression was slightly narrowed, his eyes gloomy, "Look at what your Excellency meant, you want to resist to the end, do you hesitate to tear your face?"

"If you go to your uncle, you are worthy of telling us to tear your face because you are a second-rate family?" Kong Xuan said very upset, not giving others face at all.

Wang Feng was amused, knowing that there was a play below.

He patted Kong Xuan on the shoulder, "Beat them fiercely, don't give me face, just beat them to death."

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