Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1322: provocative

"Ye! God!"

Posan ignored the laughter of other Blood Demon God's Domain geniuses nearby, and looked far away with cold eyes, looking at the treasure star that was about to arrive through the flying boat. ? Want to read? book 1ka?nshu·

Killing intent, then released.



With the passage of time, Ye Tian and their second batch of Zhenwu Divine Realm geniuses began to show their proud record.

After all, the True Martial Realm was originally second only to the Sky Demon Divine Realm and the Blood Demon Divine Realm, and Ye Tian and the others were the top geniuses of the True Martial Divine Realm, and they naturally pushed all enemies across.

However, the geniuses of other gods also learned well, and began to dodge around, or unite with each other.

Especially the geniuses of the Heavenly Demon God's Domain and the Blood Demon God's Domain, their quality is better than the geniuses of the True Martial God's Domain. Although they are the first batch of geniuses, together they can resist the second batch of one or two True Martial God's Domain. genius.

This also allowed Ye Tian to see the horror of these two divine realms.

However, in any case, this period of time is the time of the glory of Zhenwu God's Domain.

It wasn't until the second batch of geniuses from other gods' realms arrived.

"Ye Tian, ​​the second batch of geniuses in the Dou Qi God's Domain has arrived." On that day, Ye Tian got the news through Skynet.

People are very surprised, it is actually the second batch of geniuses from the Douqi God's Domain who came first.

However, this is not a big deal, after all, the time and space storm that enveloped the treasure star is unpredictable. Except for the recent True Martial Realm, other God Realms do not know who is closer.

Moreover, the Douqi God's Domain, as the lowest in strength, really has no influence.

True Martial Realm is really concerned about the Sky Demon Divine Realm and the Blood Demon Divine Realm. These two divine realms are not only hostile to the True Martial God Realm, but are also the two strongest forces in the universe.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Demon God's Domain and the Blood Demon God's Domain are also hostile, even mortal enemies, so the geniuses of the True Martial God's Domain are not afraid of siege by the geniuses of these two gods. A look at the book ww?w?·1k?a?nshu·

In fact, the geniuses of the Heavenly Demon God's Domain and the Blood Demon God's Domain are fighting harder, because the geniuses of the Heavenly Demon God's Domain want to keep pressing on the head of the Blood Demon God's Domain and keep their status as the'boss', while the geniuses of the Blood Demon God's Domain want To pull down the genius of the Sky Demon God's Domain in order to win the position of the'boss'.

After the second batch of geniuses from the Douqi God's Domain arrived, the second batch of geniuses from the Immortal Demon God's Domain and Magic God's Domain also came one after another.

Not only that, but the second batch of geniuses from the Dragon God Realm will soon follow.

The second batch of geniuses from the Sky Demon God's Domain and the Blood Demon God's Domain were also on their way, not far from the treasure star.

A grand gathering of geniuses, it will be heated up soon.

At the same time, the high-levels of the seven gods also cast their eyes on Baoxing, paying attention to everything here.

They are all expecting a stronger genius on their side.

Generally speaking, these geniuses born at the end of the epoch are not important to those senior leaders. After all, those geniuses born in the early and middle epochs are more worthy of training, because they have reached the realm of the upper Lord God's Great Perfection. Waiting for the destruction of the universe to impact the realm of dominance, those are the'bloods' that they value.

As for Ye Tian and the others, although their talents are good, they are inferior to those born in the early and mid-eras, but after all, time is limited and they have little time to grow, and relatively speaking, they pay less attention.

However, this time the geniuses of the seven gods on the treasure star gathered here, and their struggle has already involved the ‘face’ of each other’s gods, so these high-level leaders are so concerned.

Of course, these high-level people look at ‘face,’ but the geniuses below look at opportunities.

Even the geniuses of the Blood Demon God's Domain and the Sky Demon God's Domain put their time on treasure hunting instead of hunting down those geniuses who are hostile to the God's Domain.

After all, for them, obtaining treasures and improving their strength are the most important.

Compared to those geniuses born in the early and mid-eras, there is not much time left for them, so naturally they can't waste a little bit. Want to read the book·1 book k?a?nshu·

Ye Tian was also hunting for treasures at the moment, taking Xiao Panpan to hunt for treasures, instead of looking for geniuses in the Blood Demon God's Domain, he would only take action if he encountered them.

Otherwise, Ye Tian and Xiao Panpan have been advancing to unknown areas, looking for treasures.

The treasures on the treasure stars are everywhere, everywhere, even a piece of dirt that you can step on under your feet, it may even be a treasure.

However, although these treasures are inferior in value, they are of little use to these top geniuses. They can only take them back to exchange for money, and then buy the treasures that suit them.

What they really care about is the treasures that can make them improve.

"Master, I heard that a genius of our True Martial Realm got an incredible treasure, and he suddenly raised a level of cultivation. It is a miracle. This kid is very lucky." Xiao Panpan said with envy. The color.

Not long ago, a True Martial God Realm genius of the same realm as him, because he obtained a treasure, his cultivation was upgraded to a level, and he reached the lower main **** Consummation realm. I heard that he is now preparing to attack the middle main **** realm, making him very envy.

Regardless of the fact that Zhenwu God Territory has entered many geniuses this time, there are very few people who can reach the realm of the middle main god, only Ye Tian and the others.

However, like Reincarnation Tianzun and Zhuang Zhou, there are also some powerful geniuses in the mercenary world. They are the lower-level master gods and they can step into the middle-level master god's realm at any time.

After coming to Baoxing, they saw the power of the geniuses of other gods, and they all began to prepare for promotion to the realm of the middle main god.

Although some geniuses can leapfrog and fight, all those present are geniuses, and no one is much worse than others. At this time, if the cultivation base is higher or lower, the impact will be great.

"It's a treasure star, it's a pity that we haven't encountered this kind of miracle." Ye Tian sighed after hearing this.

He is also a little envious. After all, he needs this kind of treasure to improve his cultivation level. Although he has become a soul golden core and has a faster understanding of the law of darkness, his current realm is too high and he wants to improve his cultivation. It’s too difficult and it takes a lot of time.

Although Ye Tian is sure to be promoted to the high-ranking master **** Dzogchen realm before the end of this epoch, it would be better if he could reach this realm early.

"The treasure star is such a big one, if you want to find a treasure of that level, you can only rely on luck." Xiao Panpan said.

The two went on.

Crossing the mountains and the long river, the two of them picked up some small treasures while looking for the whereabouts of the big treasures.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed, and there was even more excitement on the treasure star, because the second batch of geniuses from the Sky Demon God's Domain and Blood Demon God's Domain finally arrived.

At this time, most of the top geniuses born in the Seven Great Realms at the end of this epoch gathered on this precious star.

The scene is often magnificent.

"Is it finally here?"

Ye Tian also received the news, because the genius of the Blood Demon God's Domain was very arrogant and domineering. Not long after he arrived, he killed a genius of True Martial God's Domain, and he was one of the top 32 in the mercenary world this time. One.

The geniuses of the mercenary world are very angry because of this.

Someone was even investigating the identity of the murderer, but it turned out that the other party was a child of the royal family in the Blood Demon God's Domain. No wonder he was so arrogant and domineering.

However, the mercenary world is not a vegetarian. Ouyang Pintian, who is the number one in the internal competition this time, has already gone to hunt down this person. There must be a earth-shattering battle between the two.

At the same time, the geniuses of the True Martial Realm were also vigilant, not daring to be as aggressive as before.

Reincarnation Heavenly Sovereign also heard words in Skynet, asking everyone to be careful, once encountering the geniuses of the Sky Demon God's Domain and the Blood Demon God's Domain, the premise is to save their lives.

Only Ye Tian looked forward to it. He looked into the distance, his eyes full of fighting spirit. He was very interested in the strongest geniuses of the Sky Demon God's Domain and the Blood Demon God's Domain.

He wanted to see, who is better than the strongest genius in other gods' realms?

Ye Tian was not the only one who had this idea, Jian Wuchen was also one of them, and there were some powerful geniuses in the True Martial Realm.


Suddenly, Xiao Panpan's face changed, and he looked up and said, "Master, I just received a message from a friend of mine that a genius of the Blood Demon God's Domain called Posan stopped him. The opponent is too strong and he is not an opponent at all. . And that person also persecuted my friend and asked him to send a message to the geniuses of the Zhenwu Temple, and let the master respect"

Xiao Panpan couldn't tell.

And then, his face was difficult to look, because he received news of his friend's death.

Obviously, his friend had been killed by Posan.

"What should I do?" Ye Tian also guessed the result, and asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Panpan said in a low voice: "He asked Master, you to cherish the last time. It is best not to let him meet, otherwise he will definitely die."



Ye Tian knew the reason immediately after hearing this.

When he killed Hunfei, Hunfei had already said that he had an older brother named Posan who would avenge him.

Now it's finally here.

It's just that Ye Tian didn't have the slightest fear. He snorted coldly: "Tell me where your friend is, and we will rush over right away. We have to see what this guy is capable of, and dare to speak so wildly."

Although Ye Tian doesn't like high-profile, people have already said so, plus Ye Tian was originally upset with the people in Blood Demon God's Domain, so he was naturally very angry at the moment.

"But Master, I am afraid that the other party has already left at this time, and it is useless if we go." Xiao Panpan said.

Ye Tian sneered: "Since the other party's target is me, then he probably won't leave that place for the time being, because he knows that only by staying there will he most likely meet me who rushed to take revenge. Otherwise, Bao The star is so big, when will he meet me?"

"Furthermore, even if you don't meet him, he has appeared there after all. We went there, maybe we can find some traces and trace this person." Ye Tian smiled.

In fact, he still didn't say that he mastered the law of time, and he could completely go back in time, thus tracking this poisan.

Of course, Ye Tian felt that there was a high probability that this Po San was there waiting for him to rush over. This was the intuition of the strongest genius.



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