Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1349: Ancient God Puth

The two geniuses fought fiercely in the **** sea and sky.

The geniuses of the Phoenix clan had very high achievements in the fire system laws, and they were the pinnacle realm of the middle main god, a realm higher than Ye Tian, ​​so they were extremely powerful.

However, Ye Tian has now refined a primordial grass, raised his cultivation base to the late stage of the middle main god, and his strength has been greatly improved.

Therefore, in general, there is not much difference between the two people's current strengths, and they have been fighting for a long time, and there is no winner.

In the end, they had to separate and ended this evenly matched battle.

{Pig+Pig+Island} Novel www.hzua Because, other geniuses have found an entrance in that giant, it seems that it leads to an unknown world, which has greatly increased the curiosity of the geniuses.

The geniuses of Ye Tian and the Phoenix clan would naturally not miss such a thing, so they had to stop, but there was still murderous in their eyes, obviously they would not let it go.

The entrance is under the armpit of the giant, where there is a crack, filled with a strong magical energy, as if leading to a piece of hell, which is daunting.

However, none of the geniuses here are idle generations. They are all fearless, but full of curiosity and expectation.

Finally, someone took the lead, entered, and disappeared in a magical energy.

Ye Tian also wanted to enter it, but found that three silhouettes were blocking him, blocking his way.

It is the genius of the Phoenix family, the genius of the Kunpeng family, and the genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng family.

The three geniuses of the Heavenly Demon God's Domain actually joined hands at this moment, and I don't know what the geniuses of the Phoenix clan used to move the other two.

"Ye Tian, ​​hand over the Desire Fragrance!" The genius of the Kunpeng clan shouted in a deep voice.

The genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan was still very arrogant, and he came up and shouted: "What nonsense to tell him, just kill it." After that, a big golden hand came out in the air, trying to suppress Ye Tian.

It is a pity that he was not Ye Tian's opponent before, and now he is not even Ye Tian's opponent. The big golden hand was smashed by Ye Tian's punch, making the opponent look a little ugly.

"Ye Tian, ​​the opportunity here has nothing to do with you, get out!" The genius of the Phoenix family made another move. His strength made Ye Tian dare not care.

At the same time, the geniuses of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan assisted, and the three geniuses attacked Ye Tian together.

Some other gods' realm geniuses who had not entered saw this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed.

When did the geniuses of the Sky Demon God Realm actually unite to deal with a genius of the True Martial God Realm?

There is no doubt that this time, Ye Tian is completely famous, and Laibaoxing's seven gods geniuses, I am afraid no one will forget him.

"Just because of you three idiots, do you want to stop me?" Ye Tian looked at the three birds on the opposite side with a sneer.

Although the geniuses of the Phoenix clan, the Kunpeng clan, or the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, the three of them are super sacred beasts in the bird clan, Ye Tian is not afraid.

Today's Ye Tian, ​​with the help of Primordial Grass, has improved his cultivation by one level, and he is strong enough to stand on top of Baoxing's geniuses.

He clenched the dragon blood sword in both hands, pushed the Tianlong suit with all his strength, and slashed out, making the world pale.

The terrifying ultimate sword intent made people tremble, and the incomparable blade light was very dazzling and splendid. It cut through the sky and the void was shattered.


Ye Tian is very domineering, stepping on the genius of the Kunpeng clan with one foot and the genius of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan with the other, then raised the dragon blood sword high and slashed at the genius of the Phoenix clan.

One person can be so strong against the geniuses of the three Heavenly Demon God's Realms, and the geniuses are dumbfounded and their faces are full of disbelief.

However, the three geniuses of the Sky Demon God's Domain were very angry.

"Arrogant!" Although the genius of the Kunpeng clan has a good temper, he can't help but feel angry at this moment. Ye Tian actually stepped on him with his foot. What humiliation is this?

Unable to help, he shot with all his strength and displayed his fascination.

"Time strangling!"

With a low drink from the genius of the Kunpeng clan, two rebellious time forces formed a big pair of scissors, trying to cut Ye Tian's legs and feet.

However, Ye Tian pushed the Tianlong suit to the pinnacle, and the blazing golden light protected his legs, rendering the unique tricks of the Kunpeng clan genius invalid.

"Tianpeng Magic Sword!"

On the other side, the genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan was extremely angry. The two golden wings turned into two peerless divine knives, with radiant light, surging divine power, tearing the void, and slashing towards Ye Tian.

"Such swordsmanship dare to be embarrassed in front of me!" Ye Tian sneered, and he used one leg to display the ultimate swordsmanship. The fiery swordsman spit out from the soles of his feet, expelling the genius of the Golden Wing Dapeng clan All of his wings were cut apart.


The genius of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan was injured and flew back. The golden feathers were scattered a lot, and the golden blood was falling everywhere.

"Go to hell!" Ye Tian wanted to take advantage of the victory, but the genius of the Kunpeng clan stepped forward and saved the genius of the Golden Wing Dapeng clan.

At the same time, the attack of the geniuses of the Phoenix clan came and Ye Tian had to deal with it in an all-round way.

"Phoenix dance for nine days!" The genius of the Phoenix clan unfolded its huge body, and the fiery phoenix rushed into the sky, as if dancing lightly on the firmament. The boundless waves of fire swept across and flooded the entire sea of ​​blood.

The scorching temperature caused the sea of ​​blood below to boil and seemed to be boiled.

And above the sky, the phantoms of the phoenix smashed down, rushing towards Ye Tian, ​​with a fierce murderous intent, the chill was enough to freeze people's hearts.

"The ultimate thirteen knives!"

Ye Tian roared, facing the strongest blow of the Phoenix family's genius, he did not dare to have any reservations, and hurriedly sacrificed the supreme knife mark and cut out his strongest sword.


At this moment, the heaven and the earth were torn apart, and the unmatched blade light was very fierce, cutting the entire universe in half.

The phoenix that only rushed down was shattered by the fiery sword light, and even that terrifying knife, directly reversing for nine days, smashed down the high fire phoenix.

"Rise from the ashes!"

The genius of the Phoenix clan roared, relying on their innate talent of the Phoenix clan to let him escape the knife without being injured.

However, this also shocked him, because Ye Tian's knife had already made him feel a huge threat.

"Rebirth from the ashes? The talented supernatural powers of the Phoenix clan!" Ye Tian snorted coldly, a little unwilling. Such a knife didn't hurt the genius of the Phoenix clan.

Rebirth from the ashes is the talented supernatural powers of the Phoenix family. Every super beast has talented supernatural powers, but the strength of the talented supernatural powers is related to their talents.

Obviously, the genius of the Phoenix clan is very talented, and they have reborn from the ashes to the peak state.

If Tianzhu Turtle's defense is invincible, then having the Phoenix family genius who is reborn from the ashes is equivalent to having an immortal body, it is too difficult to kill him unless the strength is too much stronger than him.

"No, the entrance is going to be closed!"

At this moment, someone in the distance heard an exclamation.

Ye Tian and the others were suddenly shocked and couldn't help but look towards the entrance. Sure enough, they found that the entrance channel was about to close, and the crack seemed to be healed.

"You go in first, I will hold him!" The genius of the Kunpeng clan suddenly shouted, and then mobilized all the laws of time to impose on Ye Tian.

"Time is forbidden!"

The genius of the Kunpeng clan shouted.

At this moment, Ye Tian felt that his body had fallen into prohibition, and he couldn't even move his mind.

"Space is forbidden!" The genius of the Golden Wing Dapeng clan also hurriedly shouted, mobilizing all the laws of space, and solidifying the void where Ye Tian was.

Taking advantage of this moment, the three geniuses of the Sky Demon God's Domain flew into the entrance together and disappeared into the darkness.

The geniuses of other gods also entered, and Ye Tian was the only one left in the field and was banned.

In fact, Ye Tian can break this level of prohibition at any time, after all, he alone has the law of time and the law of space.

However, as a last resort, Ye Tian didn't want to expose his biggest hole card in front of everyone.

Therefore, he can only watch the passage disappear.

"This giant has its own world in its own body, and there must be more than one entrance!" After a while, forbidden to disappear, Ye Tian broke free, flew close to the giant, and looked carefully.

At this moment, he was the only one left, and he was also happy.

After turning around the giant, Ye Tian found a mark on the center of the giant's eyebrows, which was the same as the mark on the black altar at the feet of the giant, except that the mark was golden.


Looking at this mark, Ye Tian automatically appeared in his heart.

Obviously, this imprint is a word he has never seen before, and this word is ‘God’.

"This guy is a god? I think it's a demon!" Ye Tian couldn't help but looked at the giant, and looked at the demon qi that kept going out. He felt that the giant was more like a ‘devil’.

Muttering in his heart, Ye Tian was very curious about this special word "God" and wanted to copy it, but when his hand touched the word a strong suction force would He sucked it all in.


Ye Tian's expression changed, and the next moment, he appeared in a golden space.

To be precise, this is a dark space, but there is a golden giant standing in front of it, emitting fiery golden light, illuminating the entire dark space.

Bathed in this golden light, Ye Tian felt very warm and peaceful, and a beautiful and satisfying feeling naturally emerged in his heart.

"Young man, what kind of life are you? I actually saw your life form for the first time. It is very strange. Although it is very weak, it has great potential. It is really amazing."

The golden giant looked at Ye Tian and suddenly spoke, frightening Ye Tian Tiantian.

"This...what is this place?" Ye Tian couldn't help asking, holding back the shock in his heart.

"Ancient God Space!" The golden giant grinned, "My name is Pusi, from the ancient gods family. This is my ancient God space."

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