Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1351: Lord of the universe

The only real world! Upper Three Realms! Lower Three Realms!

There is also wasteland...

Pusi opened Ye Tian's portal to a huge world, which shocked him very much and was unacceptable for a while.

At the same time, there was the strength of the true human race and the goals of countless race evolution, all of which he heard for the first time.

"Well, these are too far away for you. It's hard to say whether you can break out of the wild world in this life, let alone the upper three realms and the only real world." Pusi smiled and sighed.

He is also lonely + pig + pig + island + novel for countless years, so there are so many words, otherwise he would tell Ye Tian this "little baby".

Yes, in his eyes, Ye Tian is indeed a little doll.

Although Ye Tian's talent was good, Pusi still felt that Ye Tian could not rush out of the barren world. After all, since the birth of this universe, no creature has rushed out.

That's too difficult.

"Senior, since you are a member of the Upper Three Realms, why do you come to this desolate and desolate realm?" Ye Tian asked suddenly.

"Of course it is to open up the territory!" Pusi said with a smile: "We also have many forces within the ancient gods. Our line is just one of the small forces. Those big forces have divided the chaos, and our small forces want to develop. You can only come to the wasteland to open up the territory and expand the territory."

"What's worth your care about in this kind of place?" Ye Tian wondered, you know, at the beginning of the universe, wild beasts raged, there was nothing in this universe.

"Haha!" Pusi smiled at the words and said, "Do you know what is most important to a power?"

"Genius!" Ye Tian's eyes flashed.

The senior leaders of the seven gods are trying their best to cultivate geniuses. Like this trip to the precious stars, even the seven holy masters of the seven gods have taken action. This is enough to show that they value geniuses.

Sometimes, for just one power, the appearance of a strong person can determine their status.

If a strong man at the level of the Holy Master is born in the True Martial Realm, the increase in strength will be immeasurable.

And the ultimate source of these powerhouses is those countless geniuses. Only geniuses can eventually become peerless powerhouses.

"Not bad!"

Puss nodded and said, "It's a genius. Although the universe did not have any life races at the beginning, it is only a matter of time for us. What we need is a life universe. Sooner or later, some life races will be born in these universes. , And even if there is a genius we value in these life races, it is enough for us to work hard for it. What's more, mastering a life universe, we are equivalent to having a'base', in countless years, There must be quite a few geniuses who have been absorbed by us."

"Are you willing to absorb foreign geniuses?" Ye Tian asked in surprise.

"Foreign race?" Pusi smiled freely and said: "Have you forgotten the real human race I just told you about? The evolution of any race is human race. There are all kinds of homology, so how can they be divided into races? Speaking of other races, even if it is our mortal enemy, the ancient demons, as long as some of them are willing to take refuge in us, we can still absorb them, and give them a considerable status according to their talents, without discrimination. I can tell you that on us In the Three Realms, everything is measured by talent and strength. As long as you have a strong talent, many big forces will throw an olive branch at you, and they don't care about your birth."

"This is enlightened!" Ye Tian nodded secretly.

After a moment of deep thought, Ye Tian asked curiously, "I don't know how you measure genius? What kind of genius can be appreciated by you? Can I?"

Pusi smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then he looked at Ye Tian and said, "It's hard to say, some geniuses are very powerful when they are born, and some geniuses belong to the accumulation of accumulation. Therefore, we have a standard for the lower three realms, that is, reaching the supreme Only the realm can be counted as a'genius', and we can absorb them to the ancient **** realm. As for you, although you are promoted to dominance is certain, it is hard to say if you want to step into the supreme realm."

Ye Tian was speechless, and the Supreme had already stood at the pinnacle of the universe. Such a strong person could be considered a ‘genius’, so how many people in the universe could reach?

"It's a pity, your universe does not have the master of the universe, so even if you reach the supreme realm now, you can only be trapped in this universe, and you have no chance to go to the upper three realms. Unless one day, an outside force discovers You, it's a pity that the wasteland is very vast and desolate everywhere. Your life universe is located in a very remote location, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to be discovered." Puss sighed.

"Master of the universe?" Ye Tian wondered.

"It is to surpass the supreme realm, refine this universe, and become the master of this universe, that is, the master of the universe. Even in the upper three realms, the master of the universe is considered a strong one, at least you can leave the universe to go to the Chaos Sea Sailed," Puth said.

Ye Tian knew that there was still a Cosmos Lord above the Supreme Realm, and he estimated that there might be a higher existence.

"Then how did you prepare to take these geniuses away? You have the Lord of the Universe?" Ye Tian was a little confused, and asked: "If you have the Lord of the Universe, why would you be annihilated?"

"Hehe, if you want to open up land in the wilderness, of course, you must have a master of the universe." Pusi said, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes, "It's all those **** ancient demons, we will soon The desolate beasts of the universe were wiped out, but it was unexpected that a group of ancient demons suddenly arrived and discovered the universe, so our two tribes began a war for countless years."

"They also have a master of the universe?" Ye Tian asked.

Obviously, if the ancient demons had no master of the universe, they would have been destroyed long ago.

"Of course, the danger of the wasteland is not as dangerous as the prison and chaos, but our strength is not enough to wander in it. We must be led by a master of the universe. And in the end, we are. The Lord of the Universe and the other's Lord of the Universe perish together, so that both of us are trapped in this universe, we can no longer go out, and even the news can't be transmitted." Puth said sadly.

"Can't get out without the Lord of the Universe?" Ye Tian couldn't help but frown.

"Naturally, the original universe will not, but at that time we have eliminated most of the wild beasts and helped this universe give birth to the "Eye of Destiny", which is equivalent to the original universe evolved into an adult universe, the universe of an adult universe. The barriers are so thick that only the Lord of the universe can bombard them." Pusi smiled bitterly.

"Uh, didn't you have to reserve manpower outside in advance, just in case?" Ye Tian felt that these ancient gods and ancient demons were really idiots, and they trapped himself in the universe he cultivated.

"Oh, it's also our carelessness. We feel that there is the Lord of the Universe. In such an initial universe, it is impossible for us to exist that threatens us. It is even harder to think that the two Lords of the Universe will die together." Pusi sighed.

For the next thing, Ye Tian can expect that the ancient gods and ancient demons without the master of the universe can only take root in this universe and continue to multiply, and continue to fight and seize the territory. After all, they are natural enemies, and There is also hatred of life and death.

However, what puzzled Ye Tian was, didn't their two races give birth to a new master of the universe in countless years?

"I have already said that we belong to outsiders and are naturally repelled by this universe. Like me, if outside of this universe, I at least have the strength of a superior ruler, but in this universe, only Can display the strength of the mid-level master. Under such suppression, we have no chance to be promoted to the master of the universe." Pusi smiled bitterly.

"That'Eye of Destiny' was cultivated by you, can't you control it?" Ye Tian asked suddenly, he hated this Eye of Destiny very much, and he was almost wiped out by this Eye of Destiny several times.

Even now, he is horrified.

"If the Lord of our universe is still there, it can naturally be controlled. But now, it is completely free. In this universe, it is destiny and controls everything." Puth shook his head.

"Then do we have a chance to be promoted to Lord of the Universe?" Ye Tian asked suddenly.

Puth said: "It is theoretically possible, but it is difficult, because the eye of the universe was cultivated by us, which accelerated its growth. When it grew up, none of your races were born. Now you have developed enough strength, but the Eye of Destiny has reached its peak. Under such circumstances, if you want to defeat the Eye of Destiny and refine it, the difficulty is increased thousands of times."

"Will it obliterate and threaten its existence?" Ye Tian asked nervously.

"Haha, of course, this is instinct, after all, who wants to be refined?" Pusihaha laughed.

Smile, UU reading www. He looked at Ye Tian depressed and couldn't help but laugh and curse: "Boy, you think too much. It's hard to say whether you can become the supreme, let alone the lord of the universe."

"Hey, senior, you see, our meeting is also fate, the junior is rare to come, don't you have any expressions?" Ye Tian suddenly said with a smiley face.

Although the strength of this person in front of him is not the top in the universe, his origin is very big, and that is incomparable to anyone in the universe.

Moreover, the ancient **** realm is in the upper three realms, and their jerkiness and exercises must be extraordinary.

Pusi smiled upon hearing the words: "Boy, the inheritance of our ancient gods was already banned by the strong inside the clan when we accepted the inheritance, even if I wanted to teach it to you. But..."

Seeing that Ye Tian was a little discouraged, Pusi changed his mind and said, "However, there is a unique school that our ancient gods are willing to teach to all races."

"What?" Ye Tian was suddenly surprised.

"Eighteen Demon Hands!" Pusi grinned, a strange smile flashed in his eyes.

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