Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1371: Dark Demon Army

The blood-colored river ran across the void and turned into a sea of ​​blood, blazing and boiling, drowning the rushing black armored soldiers.

Now, with the increase of Ye Tian's strength, the power he exerted by urging Blood River has become even stronger.

In the blood river, these black armored soldiers seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, their speed reduced by 90%, and their strength also weakened a lot as the pressure of the blood river fell.

The upper dominating artifact is different from other artifacts. His own domain coercion is very powerful. As long as the enemy enters it, it will be suppressed by this domain, and its strength will be greatly reduced.

Of course, if you have a strong cultivation base and reach the master/pig/pig/island/novel www.huuo.ruling realm, then it will be relatively easy to face the suppression of the realm of the blood river.

It is a pity that although the speed and strength of these black armored fighters have reached the realm of the lower dominance, the realm has not reached this state, and the strength they exert is infinitely close to the realm of the lower dominator. Once they enter the river of blood, they are suddenly The realm of Blood River was suppressed by coercion, and its strength was weakened a lot.

"Old Blood, these guys don't know what it is, can you cooperate with me to capture one of them?" Ye Tian asked as he entered into the river of blood.

"Then you have to shoot as soon as possible, there are still many such guys chasing after them, if they all come in, I will be under a lot of pressure, and I can't suppress them all." Old Xue said.

Ye Tian nodded. After all, he has not fully utilized the power of the blood river. It is okay to trap a few or a dozen black armored fighters, but if the thousands of black armored fighters come, then he will still die. undoubtedly.

No matter how powerful the artifact is, it must have the appropriate strength to display it, otherwise it will only be a tasteless one.

Immediately, Ye Tian asked the blood veteran to isolate one of the black armored fighters, and then he was fully armed, rushed towards it, the ultimate knife path unfolded, and the fiery sword beam spewed out from the dragon blood sword and slashed forward.

With Ye Tian's knife, the Blood River also mobilized, and the domain coercion broke out completely, suppressing the black armored soldier to death.

In addition, the blood river also gave a force to bless Ye Tian's dragon blood sword, making his sword stronger and stronger.


The black armored warrior struggled fiercely in the suppression of the domain. It roared angrily, the black war spear in its hand was emitting fiery magic light, and it even slowly swallowed the surrounding blood.


The black war spear was suddenly pierced by it, and the surrounding space shrank, then cracked and collapsed inch by inch, and the force of terror was devastating and coming in mighty.

Ye Tian's face was dignified, and he didn't dare to express any carelessness. The dragon blood sword in his hand emitted a blazing divine light, and the imprint of the supreme sword had already been incorporated into it, and its power was doubled.


The two forces collided fiercely, and there was a loud noise.

Under this blow, the black armored warrior was bombarded out. Ye Tian's brilliant blade shook the opponent's war spear away. The powerful force blasted its body fiercely and blasted it. A few hundred feet away.

Ye Tian was overjoyed, he had also fought this black armored warrior before, but this was the first time he had the upper hand.

Of course, all thanks to the help of Blood River.

The River of Blood suppressed the power of the black armored warrior, but increased Ye Tian's power, which allowed Ye Tian to gain the upper hand.

However, just like this, Ye Tian couldn't capture this black armored soldier.

Moreover, more and more black armored warriors began to rush into the blood river, causing the pressure on the blood river to suddenly increase.

There was not much time left for Ye Tian.

"Eighteen Sealed Demon Hands!" Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he quickly pinched his handprints, spreading his hands, and a fiery golden light suddenly flew out, turning into a golden "seal", and suppressed the black armored warrior who flew out. past.

Earlier in that black ancient city, Ye Tian heard a black armored warrior yelling: "Those who trespass into the heavy land of the ancient demons will kill you without mercy."

Obviously, although these things do not know what they are? But it definitely has something to do with the ancient demon clan, so Ye Tian thinks that maybe these eighteen magic hands are useful.

Not to mention, the black armored warrior on the opposite side saw Ye Tian's display of the Eighteen Sealed Demon Hands, and even showed fear.

"Eighteen Demon do you have such a fascinating knowledge? You are an ancient **** race? No, you don't have the breath of an ancient **** race, who are you?" The black armored warrior roared, unexpectedly possessing quite high wisdom.

Ye Tian was a little surprised. He didn't expect this puppet-like thing to be so wise. He immediately displayed his eighteen magic hands and asked, "Who are you? How come you are in such a place?"

"Huh!" The black armored soldier snorted coldly. Ye Tian didn't answer its questions, and of course he wouldn't bother Ye Tian.

"Looking for death!" Ye Tian was furious, and drove the eighteen magic hands to the peak, and the dazzling golden light burst out, as if a sun blasted from his palms and pressed down towards the black armored soldier in front of him.

"Ah..." The black armored warrior roared angrily, but to no avail, was suppressed to death by this force.

Eighteen demon hands can restrain the real ancient demons, and for the puppets created by these ancient demons, the restraint power is even stronger.

Ye Tian didn't expect that the Eighteen Demon Hands would have such a great effect on these black armored fighters, so he was overjoyed, and quickly continued to make a move to completely seal the black armored fighter.

"Master, I can't hold on anymore." At this moment, Xue Lao's anxious voice came.

"Okay, let's leave this place immediately!" Ye Tian said quickly. Although he has been fighting this black armored warrior, he has also divided some spirits to view the entire blood river. He has issued hundreds of black armored warriors. Into the blood.

You know, these black armored fighters all have the strength that is infinitely close to the master, and these hundreds of them add up, I am afraid that it is not much worse than the lower master.

Moreover, there was an endless stream of black armored warriors rushing behind, and the river of blood could not be resisted no matter how strong it was.


With Ye Tian's order, the River of Blood quickly shrank, repelling the black armored soldiers out, and then wrapped Ye Tian and flew toward the front.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into this dark void.

Those black armored fighters could not catch up.

Although Blood River is not a speed-type dominating artifact, it is after all a high-level dominating artifact, and its speed is naturally not weak.

Without a goal, these black armored fighters were very angry, but they had no choice but to return.

However, Ye Tian continued to rush on the road, and he himself continued to urge the Eighteen Demon Hands to seal the black armored warrior, and finally suppressed all the strength of this black armored warrior.

At this moment, Ye Tian heaved a sigh of relief and carefully looked at the black armored soldier in front of him.

"Let's talk about it, what are you? Are you a puppet created by the ancient demons?" Ye Tian looked at the black armored warrior who was glaring at him.

"Hmph, you want to get information from my mouth, you too underestimate our Black Demon Army." The black armored soldier snorted coldly and looked at Ye Tian mockingly.

"You dare to be tough?" Ye Tian couldn't help being furious. He slapped it and shot the sparks shot by the black armored soldier, but it still glared at Ye Tian unyieldingly.

"You are just a puppet. Since you don't speak, then I will ruin you." Ye Tian said coldly.

"How can the puppets be comparable to our Black Demon Army?" The black armored warrior was full of disdain, and said proudly: "The great ancient demon race used the corpses of their powerful warriors to transform into our Black Demon Army. It can be comparable to those puppets, huh!"

"Oh!" Ye Tian was suddenly surprised when he heard this.

He couldn't help but feel happy. He was in need of the corpses of the ancient demon clan powerhouse to cultivate the eighteen demon hands. If these black armored warriors were really transformed from the corpses of the ancient demon clan powerhouses, then he would definitely cultivate the eighteen magic hands It also works.

Thinking about Ye Tian, ​​I feel excited. You know, that black ancient city has tens of thousands of black-armored warriors, so many ancient demon clan corpses, what realm should he raise his eighteen demon hands to?

Ye Tian was suddenly very excited.

I can't wait to refine the black armored warrior in front of me immediately, and try to see if it works.

However, Ye Tian still suppressed this desire forcibly, and he still had to figure out what the black ancient city was, and he had to ask this black armored soldier.

Right now, Ye Tian tortured the black armored soldier while rushing.

After several months of'severe torture', Ye Tian finally figured out the identity and origin of these black armored warriors. As it said, they were all'fruits' transformed from the dead bodies of the ancient demons. They are collectively referred to as the Dark Demon Army.

And that black ancient city is a fortress of the Black Demon Army, and there are many other forts like this in the bottomless well.

According to it, this bottomless well was a mystery of the ancient demons many epochs, and they specifically completed the task of transforming the Black Demons here.

Until the ancient demons and the ancient gods died together, this bottomless well was abandoned and became a dangerous secret in the universe.

However, in this bottomless well, there are still many forts of the Dark Demon Army.

Moreover, this group of black demon army is divided into six levels, among which the sixth-level black demon army is the strongest, which is equivalent to the king of the ruler.

The black armored warrior who was captured by Ye Tian was just a first-level black demon army, which shocked Ye Tian secretly.

"In this bottomless well, I don't know if there is a level 6 Black Demon Army left behind? However, for me, as long as a Level 3 Black Demon Army can easily kill me."

Ye Tian thought secretly.

The third-level Black Demon Army is already equivalent to the strength of the mid-level master, killing him is easy.

After getting the information he wanted to know, this first-level black demon army was useless, and Ye Tian shot it to refine it.

Not to mention, these guys were indeed transformed from the corpses of the ancient demon clan powerhouses, and they were very effective for Ye Tian's cultivation of the Eighteen Sealed Demon Hands.

However, because it was transformed, it was no longer a pure ancient demon corpse, so the effect was reduced a lot, only about one-tenth of the original.

Moreover, the strength of this first-level black demon army is too weak, and it is only transformed from the corpse of an ancient demon clan under the ruler. Therefore, the results obtained from the cultivation of the eighteen demon hands are very low. The second hand of the sealer.

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