Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1435: Emperor

Looking at the Qi Sovereign in front of him, Ye Tian felt a little strange. When he reached the Qi Sovereign realm, it was easy to restore a blind eye. Why not recover?

However, this is not a problem he wants to care about now.

Ye Tian walked in and bowed and said, "Junior Ye Tian, ​​I have seen Senior Qi Huang."

"Okay, don't have to be polite, your twelve brothers have already told me about you, take out the artifact you want to repair." Qihuang opened his eyes and said lightly.

Ye Tian quickly took out the Underground Fire City and sent it over.

The Emperor Qi shot two golden lights in his eyes, visited the crippled Underground Fire City, and nodded and said: "Okay, give me the true blood and eternal heart of the ancestor you collected."

Ye Tian quickly offered the true blood and eternal heart of the ancestor.

Earlier in Baoxing, Ye Tian killed a few royal children of the Blood Demon God's Domain, and in the God's Domain battlefield, he killed many more, so he refined a lot of the blood of the ancestors.

The Eternal Heart was given to him by the twelve brothers.

"With these things, your underground city of fire can be completely repaired, but..." The Emperor Put away these things, looked at Ye Tian, ​​and said lightly: "There is no free lunch in the world. You and I never knew each other. I don't want to repair the artifact for you at all. But if your twelve senior brothers come forward, then I have to give him face, but it is impossible for me to repair the artifact for you for free."

"Senior have any conditions, just say it." Ye Tian said quickly.

He doesn't blame the tone of the criminal weapon emperor. After all, as the device emperor said, the two of them have never known each other. Why should they repair the artifact for you for free?

The Emperor Nodded, glanced at the crippled Underground Fire City in his hand, then looked at Ye Tian again, and said: "Originally, if you let me refine a lower-level mastering artifact, or even a middle-level mastering artifact, it would be of no value. It will be very high. For the face of your twelve brothers, I can give it to you. However, this artifact has been crippled, and if you want to be restored to its complete state by him, the difficulty is almost close to one. The upper ranks dominate the artifact, so the value is even higher, you have to think clearly."

"No matter what price I pay, I will repair it." Ye Tian said firmly without even thinking about it. He must retaliate if he has grievances, and he must pay back if he has gratitude? When Xiaohuo desperately saved him, he naturally Don't be ungrateful.

"Okay!" The emperor nodded, finally showing a smile, and said: "First, let me explain that it is impossible to exchange Zhenwu coins at our level, so even if you have more Zhenwu coins, it is useless. "

"Of course!" Ye Tian nodded. He was very clear about this. The masters exchanged goods or favors instead of real weapons.

"I will list three ways for you. The first one is that you give me the blood river. Of course, the blood river is of higher value, so I will compensate you with a mid-level dominating peak-level artifact." Continue to say.

Ye Tian immediately shook his head and said, "Forget this one, I still need it myself."

The Blood River is an artifact of the upper-level dominance. He now possesses the Blood River to be able to defeat the upper-level dominator. If there is no Blood River, it is just as good as the mid-level dominator.

Of course he can't lose such a treasure.

"Okay, let's talk about the second one." The Emperor Nodded and said again: "The second one, you go to the bottomless well and grab a living third-level black demon army. This kind of puppet warrior is very interested."

Ye Tian couldn’t help frowning when he heard this: “I caught a sixth-level black demon army, which has a combat power close to the lower dominator level. The third-level black demon army should be equivalent to the mid-level dominator level. I might be able to Catch alive. However, the Bottomless Well is too dangerous. If you want to catch the third-level Black Demon Army, you must go deep into the Bottomless Well. Before I have been promoted to Domination, I have not taken me. Can you wait for me to be promoted to Domination before replacing me? Do you grab it?"

"No, before the end of this era, I must have a third-level black demon army to study." The Emperor Qi shook his head, then looked at Ye Tian, ​​and said lightly: "I didn't mean to make things difficult for you, in your identity. , You can let your seniors go to the bottomless well. This should be a trivial matter for them."

Ye Tian frowned and said, "Senior, what about the third way?"

Although as the Emperor Qi said, as long as Ye Tian invites a senior to go out and catch a third-level black demon army, it is naturally a trivial matter.

However, Ye Tian was unwilling to do this. He had to ask his seniors for help with even a little thing. Even if the seniors didn't care, he couldn't do it.

"The third one!"

The Emperor Qi said in a solemn voice: "The third one is a bit difficult. I advise you to choose the first two."

"Senior, let's talk about the third one first!" Ye Tian shook his head.

Qi Huang nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I will make it clear that I am very interested in the Shenzhou star under your name. As long as you transfer it to me, I promise to help you repair the underground city of fire."

"Shenzhou Star!" Ye Tian's face changed drastically when he heard this, and his eyes became cold. He stared sharply at the Emperor Qi, and said in a deep voice: "It's just a small planet. Is it worth the cost of seniors?"

"Hey, this planet is not easy. It not only gave birth to super geniuses like you, but also super geniuses like Jian Wuchen, Son of Evil, and Zifeng. You know, you geniuses, it’s good to have one in an era. I didn't expect that a small planet would be born so many, of course I am very curious." Qi Huang said with a faint smile.

"Really!" Ye Tian smiled coldly in his heart, then stood up, looked down at the Emperor Qi, and said lightly: "I choose the second one. Before the end of this era, I will go to the bottomless well and catch it for you. Here comes a third-level black demon army."

When the Qihuang heard this, his face became cold, and he said faintly: "Okay, I am waiting for your good news, but first say yes, if you have not taken a third-level black demon army beyond this era, then repaired the underground fire. City, I will destroy it again."

"Don't worry, what I have to do with Ye Tian will definitely be possible." Ye Tian said, and left without looking back.

Qi Huang looked at Ye Tianyuan's back, his face gradually darkened, and then he showed a cold smile again.

At this time, a light and shadow came down beside him, looking at Qi Huang coldly, and said: "You have done too much, it will make him suspicious."

"It's all at this time, do you need to care about this?" Qi Huang looked at Guangying and snorted coldly.

Guangying was silent for a while, and continued: "You are too impatient, Emperor Ouyang has just left, and don't forget, the Supreme Holy Lord is still there."

"The Supreme Holy Master has the energy to manage this?" Qi Huang sneered.

"His elder brother and the fourth elder sister are not something you can afford, please do it!" Guangying said, and disappeared directly.

Qi Huang snorted coldly: "Take care of yourself first, when something happens, you will be the first to be the first to be troubled by them, huh!"


Leaving the Celestial City, Ye Tian took the Shenzhou and shuttled in the direction of the Kingdom of Baiyun Mountain.

Sitting in the Shenzhou, Ye Tian's face was gloomy and he was lost in thought.

Shenzhou star is exposed after all!

That's right, Shenzhou Star has given birth to so many geniuses, and the high-levels of Zhenwu God's Domain have been paying attention, but before the presence of Emperor Ouyang, Ye Tian was valued by Zhenwu Temple, so no one dared to pay attention to Shenzhou Star.

But this time, Qi Huang actually exposed the purpose of obtaining Shenzhou Star, which is worth pondering.

"Does the Emperor want to get Shenzhou Star, or the Celestial Chamber of Commerce behind him? Or someone else?" Ye Tian meditated in his heart, his expression extremely solemn.

Shenzhou Star is very important, because if you let someone above the king get it and study it, you will probably figure out its origin and see that it is not originally from the True Martial God Realm.

In this way, the Supreme Ruins will be exposed, and Ye Tian and their origins will also be exposed. For Ye Tian, ​​it is necessary to face the entire True Martial Realm.

"It seems that my space ghost clone is going to retreat to Shenzhou Star, and I will hand the Blood River to him so that he can guard Shenzhou Star to prevent accidents." Ye Tian thought for a moment, and then made a decision.

No matter why Qihuang wanted to get Shenzhou Star, he had to take precautions.

It can also be seen from this point that because of the departure of Emperor Ouyang, some people have begun to ignore Ye Tian's threat.

"Sure enough, strength is the most important thing. If I were a disciple of Emperor Ouyang and a member of the Zhenwu Temple, I am afraid that Shenzhou Star would have long been unable to keep it." Ye Tian snorted coldly.

He is now more and more looking forward to the end of this era, because only when he is promoted to the realm of dominance can he increase his strength again.


Worshiping the Kingdom of Yunshan God, Ye Tian's arrival was welcomed by Emperor Baiyunshan.

"Brother, your performance on the battlefield of God's Domain is amazing. Brother, I am all excited and excited for you." The Great Baiyun Mountain said with a smile when he saw Ye Tian.

Ye Tian smiled, and entered the palace with Emperor Baiyunshan. The two chatted for a long time before Ye Tian went back.

When he returned to Ye's house, Ye Tian met his spatial ghost clone, and immediately handed the Blood River to him to go to Shenzhou Star to retreat. Anyway, where he retreats is the same.

The deity Ye Tian, ​​who stayed in Ye's family, went to meet his wives again, and then landed in the sky to contact the geniuses of the Chinese mainland.

Except Jian Wuchen and Xie Zhizi are still in retreat ~ ~ Zifeng, Reincarnation Tianzun are all there.

Ye Tian immediately told the reincarnation Tianzun about some of the conversations he had after meeting with the Qihuang. After listening to them, everyone showed solemn expressions.

"The Emperor of Qi is dedicated to refining weapons, and it is impossible to be tempted by foreign objects. I am afraid that there is someone behind the Emperor who is interested in our Shenzhou Star." Samsara Tianzun said sharply.

"The man behind the emperor? Isn't that the heaven?" Zhan Wuji took a breath.

Taichu Tianzun said solemnly: "Is it safe on this day? Will our conversation be known?"

Ye Tian shook his head and said: "Don't worry, the sky is the effect of the supreme divine tool, the supreme holy city, and unless it is the supreme holy lord, no one can detect our conversation."

"That said, it's better to be safe!" Samsara Tianzun said solemnly: "Everyone has a divine power clone to visit the Yunshan Divine Kingdom. We will meet at the Ye family and discuss again."

"That's good, I'll be waiting for you here!" Ye Tian nodded, and then left Tian.



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