Seven World Martial God

Chapter 163: King's return

On the ring, Ning Yijian's eyes were extremely dignified, and the vigorous true essence followed his arm and poured into the long sword in his hand. This spiritual weapon suddenly burst out with dazzling light. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Take me a trick Changhong Guanri!"

Ning Yijian's eyes were suddenly blazing, and his figure flickered, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and he appeared in front of the Seven Prince in an instant. The long sword in his hand spit out a roaring flying dragon, with light shining.


What is amazing is that this flying dragon roared in the sky like a real one, opened its teeth and danced its claws, and pounced on the Seven Prince.

"Small bugs!" The seventh prince sneered, lifted the spear in his hand, and a dazzling spear shot up into the sky, hitting Feilong's head directly.

"Ignorance!" Ning Yijian snorted coldly, and saw a flash of light in his eyes, and the roaring dragon had turned into hundreds of sword lights, and shot at the Seven Princes, dense as raindrops.


The people around watching the game took a breath.

"Huh?" The Seventh Prince didn't expect Ning Yijian to have this hand, his face changed slightly, and he quickly retracted the spear to protect him.


A series of sword lights followed, submerging the Seven Prince's whole person in it, and the ring trembled for a while, and then many deep pits were added.

The seventh prince was also repelled to the edge of the ring by this blow, and almost fell, causing an exclaim.

"The final blow!" Ning Yijian's eyes condensed, his body and sword merged into one, and he came towards the Seventh Prince. The dazzling sword light illuminated the entire space, and the world was fierce.

Everyone stared at this scene.

"The Seventh Prince is going to lose!" Qi Haozong said in a condensed voice.

"The seventh prince is careless this time, fighting Ning Yijian, absolutely can't let him gain the upper hand, let alone underestimate him!" Fu Xuedao said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhongshan looked at the silent Ye Tian with some curiosity, and asked, "Junior Brother Ye, what do you think?"

"Ning Yijian is about to lose!" Ye Tian blurted out without thinking about it, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.


When Ye Tian's words fell, Qi Haozong and Fu Xuedao couldn't help but glance at Ye Tian, ​​they looked different.

Fu Xuedao was puzzled, and immediately looked at the two people on the ring more closely.

On the other hand, Qi Haozong sneered, with a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth: "Young people, just ignorance!" His voice was very low, but all those present were masters, how could it not be heard.

Ye Tian smiled lightly, didn't care, but watched the two people on the ring with full concentration, the real decisive battle had arrived.


With a loud noise, the Seventh Prince escaped from the countless sword lights, and at this time, he also saw Ning Yijian's killer sword, and his pupils shrank slightly. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"You lost!" Ning Yijian said indifferently, the blazing sword glow, as bright as the sun, seemed to drown the Seven Princes.


The seventh prince snorted coldly and stabbed Ning Yijian with a shot. At the same time, a majestic will exploded, following his spear, approaching Ning Yijian first.

"Huh?" Ning Yijian felt a great horror suddenly rise in his heart, but before he could react, a huge binding force restrained him and made him unable to move.

"How is it possible!" Ning Yijian's pupils tightened, his face changed for the first time, he stared at the Seventh Prince, his face full of disbelief.

"Yicheng intent?" A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Ning Yijian's mouth.

"No—it's half of the intention of a spear!" The Seventh Prince said indifferently. Between the flickers of his figure, a black spear had already followed his arm and pierced Ning Yijian.

At this moment, Ning Yijian's long sword could no longer be hacked, as if it had been forbidden.

After the dazzling light dissipated, Ning Yijian dropped the long sword with a dejected look and said with a wry smile: "Seven Prince, you have won!"

At this moment, the tip of the Seven Prince's spear was facing Ning Yijian's throat. As long as the Seven Prince took one step further, he could penetrate it, unless Ning Yijian had also trained in the Nine Revolutions body to resist.

The surroundings were silent, as if no one, until a moment later, there was a cry of exclamation.


The powerful Ning Yijian, who had always had the upper hand, unexpectedly lost to a newcomer who had only worshipped the Star Gate for less than three years.

The spectators around felt both unbelievable and excusable, after all, the Seven Prince understood the intent of the gun.

"Really lost!" Wang Chongshan looked surprised, then turned to Ye Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "You guessed it. It seems that you, a young man, are amazing!" The last sentence is obviously ironic. Qi Haozong.

"Humph!" How could Qi Haozong not know his sarcasm, and immediately snorted without saying much.

Fu Xuedao turned his eyes slightly, and took a closer look at Ye Tian with an indifferent expression. He felt that this little junior was not easy anymore.

At this moment, Ye Tian was also shocked. He didn't expect that the Seventh Prince would have realized the intent of a gun. Although it was not as good as him, it was not far away, which made him feel a little pressure.

After Ning Yijian was defeated, the Seven Prince took his place and sat on the third chair.

Ning Yijian took a step back and sat on the fourth chair.

Therefore, Ye Tian and others also took a back seat.

"Ye Tian, ​​take action, let me see how much you have advanced in these years, otherwise you are not qualified to fight with me!" The Seventh Prince looked at Ye Tian domineeringly and said proudly.

Ye Tian glanced at him lightly, did not speak, just glanced at the few people in front.

Those who were swept by him all had a feeling of palpitations.

The seventh prince was wary, as if Ye Tian would not choose him.

Qi Haozong, Ning Yijian and others looked solemn, Lang Tianjiao looked at Ye Tian with a confident look.

"Forget it, come first, I'll wait!" Suddenly, Ye Tian retracted his gaze and smiled faintly.

Everyone was speechless.


A huge momentum rose to the sky.

"In that case, I'll take action first!" Qi Haozong stood up, his sharp eyes, like a sharp knife, swept at Lang Tianjiao fiercely, "Lang Tianjiao, come out, this time I see you pay What despicable means can be used to defeat me."

Everyone immediately looked at Lang Tianjiao on the first chair.

"Are you sure you want to challenge me?" Lang Tianjiao narrowed his eyes with a cold light in his eyes, staring at Qi Haozong on the ring, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.


When Qi Haozong heard this, his eyes showed strong anger. He pointed at Langtianjiao with a disdainful expression on his face: "Only you are qualified to challenge me? If it weren't for your brother's power, you would even give me shoes. No qualifications!"

Hearing this, Lang Tianjiao's face suddenly became gloomy, and an icy chill gleamed in his dark eyes.

Fu Xuedao, Ning Yijian and others were silent. They were all strong on the previous Shenxing list, and they naturally knew the grudge between Qi Haozong and Lang Tianjiao.

"At that time, Qi Haozong was invincible, and he was about to reach the top of the star list, but Lang Tianjiao used the power of the spirit weapon to forcefully beat him. Not only that, Lang Tianjiao also used his brother's influence to suppress Qi Haozong. , Forcing him to leave the God Star Gate." Wang Chongshan said softly.

Ye Tian frowned. This Langtian arrogant was really shameless. However, he could be so shameless because of his brother-Lang Fantian.

This wave of sky-shaking, in the star list, almost covered the sky with one hand.


Lang Tianjiao stood up, staring at Qi Haozong on the ring with his gloomy eyes, and said sensibly, "You will regret it!"


A majestic momentum erupted from Qi Haozong. He looked at Lang Tianjiao coldly, with a mocking expression on his face: "What? Are you threatening me? Tell you, I am already a member of the Four Royal Palace, don't Say it's you, even your brother, it can't help me."

"This time—"

Qi Haozong's eyes were blazing, and he pointed at Lang Tianjiao with an ugly face, and said deeply: "No one can take away my seat anymore!"

"Four Princes' Mansion?" Lang Tianjiao frowned, then looked at Qi Haozong who was somewhat proud, and sneered: "You are too naive—"


Not long after Lang Tianjiao's voice fell, a terrifying force that made everyone disfavored came from the entrance of the small world of God Star Gate. This breath was very huge, directly tore through the space, and instantly appeared in the sky above the God Star Gate, causing a large wave of terrifying energy.

It was too terrible to describe in words, like the destruction of heaven and earth, this terrifying breath, like a rushing torrent, flooded the mountain peak where the **** star gate was located.

The sky was turbulent, the entire mountain was trembling, and everyone felt the ground under their feet vibrate violently.

"What a horrible breath!"

"Who is this here?"

"Dare to be presumptuous at the God Star Gate and don't want to live anymore?"

Shocked eyes cast towards the sky, even Ye Tian was no exception, his eyes were full of shock, this powerful breath made him feel as weak as an ant, and he couldn't stand up to the slightest in his heart.

"Definitely a strong man above Jun Wu!" Ye Tian thought of the battle between the elders of the stars and the elders of the Hundred Poison Gate.

Obviously, Lai Ren is a powerful Wujun.

"He's back--" In the stands of the square, the elders of the Star Gate also looked towards the sky in shock, with shocked faces.

Elder Stars also narrowed his eyes, his expression a bit complicated.

Nan Lin Wang and others were also surprised.

"Across the North Sea for ten I am finally back!"

In the mighty energy storm, a handsome young man stepped into the air. Every time he took a step, the sky trembled, and the entire mountain shook, as if he couldn't bear his breath.


The majestic energy is flowing under his feet, and the howling wind is opening the way for him.

This is an invincible young man, his hair is flying wildly, his purple star robe is floating in the wind, and a pair of frightening eyes are shining like the sun in the sky.

With his hands on his back, he slowly descended, his cold gaze swept down, and a terrifying invincible will was suppressed like a mountain.

Except for the Wujun powerhouses present, including the elders of the God Star Gate, they felt their bodies sank and couldn't move.

"The waves—turn—the sky—"

In Ye Tian's ear, Fu Xuedao's indifferent voice came.

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