Seven World Martial God

Chapter 171: Dictatorship

Inside the hall, there was silence, and everyone's eyes fell on Ye Tian, ​​which reminded him of the scene where he saw the prisoners undergoing trial in the TV series in his previous life. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Ye Tian couldn't help but feel angry suddenly, did he really treat him as a prisoner? What crime did he commit?

To say that killing Yi Xuehan is a sin? This is too ridiculous, the Divine Star Gate is already hostile to the Baidu Sect, and even if he kills all the Baidu Sect people, there is nothing wrong with it.

But the current situation is almost like the Trial by the Third Division.

Ye Tian sullenly, feeling unhappy in his heart, he simply sat cross-legged in the hall and closed his eyes to practice.

At this time, Elder Xingchen also had a gloomy face, sat next to the second elder, and snorted coldly.

Those black-robed elders didn't speak, they could see that both the master and disciple were not happy now. If whoever spoke first, he would most likely offend Elder Stars.

The so-called gunshots, these black-robed elders are all old foxes. At this time, all of them wandered away from the sky, staring at Ye Tian, ​​but no one made a sound.

They didn't speak, and Ye Tian didn't even make a sound. He actually transported his true essence, and when he practiced, his body still glowed with a halo.

At this time, the elders in the hall could be thundered down, all of them stared wide-eyed and dumbfounded. No one expected Ye Tian to be so calm.

They are sure that since Ye Tian is here, he must know his own situation. It's amazing that I'm not nervous at this time, and yet so calm.

The corner of Elder Star's mouth raised a faint smile.

"Humph!" A cold snort sounded, condensing the atmosphere in the hall.

Lang Fantian looked at Ye Tian who was ‘cultivating’ below, his eyes were cold, and he scolded: "Presumptuous, is this place for you to practice?"

When Elder Stars heard this, his face sank, he glanced at the waves coldly, and hummed softly.

Lang Fantian pretended not to notice, he slapped the table, pointed at Ye Tian below, and continued to scold, "Are you still an inner disciple of the Shenxingmen? Seeing so many elders, it is so rude, it is almost inferior."

This is to judge Ye Tian as a disciple who deceives his master and ancestor with no respect... Elder Xingchen's face is getting more and more ugly, but at this time he is not suitable to speak and can only bear it.

After all, Lang Fantian is the deputy sect master, and even if the five elders are of lofty status, they cannot openly refute Lang Fantian, otherwise they would be refuting the sect master.

Facing Langshaking's scolding, Ye Tian knew that there was no way to continue practicing. He slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and looked at the opposite Langshaking with indifference. 【First Release】

Lang Fantian looked down at Ye Tian majesticly, with a cold look in his eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly, Ye Tian smiled.

Everyone in the hall was dumbfounded, and couldn't help looking at him in doubt.

"What are you laughing at?" Lang Shaantian frowned and shouted majesticly.

"I suddenly thought of a story!" Ye Tian grinned.

Everyone stayed again. This time, before Langshawian asked questions, Ye Tian went on to say: "The content of the story is like this. Once upon a time, a little beggar scared Baiguan with the power of a prince, and then he confronted the prince. Say: I'm amazing, they are all scared by me... Haha!"

Ye Tian directly adapted the story of the foxes and tigers in the previous life. After all, the fierce beasts in this world are much stronger than tigers.

However, although the story has changed, the truth remains the same.

The elders in the hall were not stupid, and they understood after listening, and Ye Tian's mocking expression also explained everything.

Lang Fantian also naturally understood that this story was mocking him, his face turned dark, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he stared at Ye Tian coldly, but he did not have the anger he had imagined.

At this moment, Ye Tian saw Langshaking and glanced at a black-robed elder below without a trace. This black-robed elder had been paying attention to Langshaking's expression, his face condensed when he saw the waves, and he immediately stood up and pointed to Ye Tian. Shouted: "Ye Tian, ​​are you convicted?"

"Hehe, there are hidden lines!"

When Ye Tian saw this, the ridicule on his face increased. He looked at the black-robed old man and said faintly, "What is the crime?"

"Because of your involvement, our Divine Star Gate has died so many disciples, and now Lian Ning Yijian, the genius on the Divine Star rankings, is dead, what do you think you have sinned?" The black robe elder shouted awe-inspiringly.

"Haha!" Ye Tian laughed when he heard the words.

"What are you laughing at!" The black-robed elder stared and shouted.

"I said, Elder Zhang, is it because the disciples of our **** star gate die in the future, I will be blamed on my head? If this is the case, am I a sinner through the ages?" Ye Tian sneered.

The black-robed old man in front of him is the mission elder Zhang Zhengyi. It is no wonder that this guy can become the mission elder. He turned out to be a hard-core little brother.

"Zhang Zhengyi, you better have evidence for your words, dare to slander the old man's disciple, don't blame the old man for not warning you. Humph!" Elder Xingchen said at this time, cold eyes made Zhang Zhengyi shiver.

However, when he saw Lang's calm gaze, Zhang Zhengyi immediately calmed down, and he continued: "Elder Star Mingjian, if Ye Tian hadn't killed Yi Xuehan and caused the revenge of Baidu Sect, our **** star gate would also Not so many disciples will die. Now even Ning Yijian is dead, and they have also dispatched elder-level powerhouses. If both of us continue to fight, then it won’t be long before a large number of elders in our Divine Star Gate will fall. Up."

All the elders in the hall heard this with awe-inspiring expressions. They anticipated this consequence and cooperated with Lang Fantian to judge Ye Tian.

No need to think, since the Baidu Sect has sent elder-level powerhouses, then the Star Sect must also send elders, that is, the black-robed elders in the hall. This is related to their wealth and lives, so naturally they dare not treat it seriously.

People are afraid of death, especially these elders who have status in the star gate. They just want to stay in the sect and teach the disciples, enjoying their status and power, but don't want to go out and fight the hundred poison gate.

Therefore, at this point, except for a very small number of militants, most of them share the same mindset with Lang. That is to hand over Ye Tian to dissolve the hatred of Baidu Sect, at least not to be so desperate.

Ye Tian noticed the changes in the expressions of the elders in the main hall, and his heart sank. He stared at Zhang Zhengyi coldly and asked: "Zhang Zhengyi, you are too arrogant, right? Our God Star Gate and Baidu Gate are deadly enemies. , I killed Yi Xuehan, in order to remove a future enemy from the Star Gate, not only was there no reward, but I was also convicted of unforgivable sin. Do you mean that we will live in peace with the Hundred Poison Gate in the future? , The disciples who meet the Baidu Sect must be polite for three points, even if they do something to you, should they stretch their necks and let them kill them?"

Ye Tian questioned, Zhang Zhengyi was speechless, his face flushed, and he could not speak.

The elders in the hall also looked at each other, and no one said anything.

This thing is to blame here. Although Ye Tian caused the madness of the Hundred Poison Sect, according to the rules of the God Star Sect, Ye Tian did not violate any of them.

Therefore, even if everyone knows that surrendering Ye Tian can make the Hundred Poison Sect disappear and solve this matter, they always need a reason, otherwise there are elders, who dare to move Ye Tian at will?

Ye Tian naturally knew his advantages, so he was not worried. At this time, he looked at the opposite wave shaking the sky coldly, his face was full of sarcasm.

The elders also looked at the waves and wanted to see what countermeasures he had.

At this time--

Langshaantian suddenly stood up.

He had been sitting on a high seat, but now he stood up and looked down at Ye Tian below.

"Ye Tian, ​​you have a sharp mouth, you can speak well." Lang Fantian said lightly, looking at Ye Tian indifferently, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he mocked coldly: "The deputy sect master should know the rules of the door better than me. I am upright, Ye Tiantang, but I didn't violate any of the rules.

"Yes, you did not violate the rules, but today I still have to decide to hand you over to the Baidu Sect, so as to resolve the crisis of my Divine Star Gate." Lang Fantian said coldly.

Ye Tian's face suddenly sank: "Why are you? What right do you have to do this? Don't be so bold, even if you are the deputy master, you don't have the right to decide my life or death at will."

"No! I have this right!"

Lang Fantian looked at Ye Tian coldly, and said indifferently: "As the deputy sect master, I have the power of dictatorship once, but it can target the inner disciples below the true disciple and the outer disciples. And you, although your talent is good, But still an inner disciple."

Ye Tian's pupils shrank, and finally understood how the crisis in his heart came. He almost forgot this.

As the deputy sect master, Lang Fantian did have such power once.

However, this power can only be applied to inner disciples and outer disciples.

And Ye Tian, ​​although his strength is very strong, comparable to true disciple, but he has not broken through the realm of Wuzong after all, he is not a true disciple.

Ye Tian's heart sank, he actually ignored this.

Above the hall, Elder Xingchen's expression immediately became gloomy, a little ugly.

"Now, I will use this only dictatorship to decide to hand you over to Baidumen to resolve this crisis." Lang Fantian said coldly.

In the hall, there was no sound.

Ye Tian stared angrily at the indifferent waves above the main hall, his fists creaked.

Lang Fantian is here to be hard. No matter what you say, it is useless. Whether it is Ye Tian or Xingchen elders, they have ignored the power of deputy sect master. They were caught off guard and didn't know how to respond.

"Ye Tian, ​​what do you have to say now? Of course, I know this is unfair to you, but for the safety of the Star Gate, I have to do it. If you have any last wishes, I represent the Star Gate, I'll do it for you." Lang Fantian changed into a hypocritical tone at this time, and Ye Tian gritted his teeth with anger.

"Since you have no last wish, then--" Lang Fantian was interrupted by a cold voice before he could finish.


As this voice fell, Wan Yunxia walked in from outside the hall, her white hair as snow, which made everyone in the hall stare.

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