Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1713: Scarlet Blade

"Trash!" The Demon Abyss Overlord snorted coldly, and slapped Cayin with a fan. Then his eyes shot extremely bright light, looking towards the chaotic void in front of him.


   In an instant, a series of laws and runes appeared, various order fish rules were turbulent, and in the void, it gradually revealed the scene of Ye Tian killing the Demon Emperor, taking the original universe, and leaving with Wang Feng.


   "They actually defeated the Eye of Destiny and became the lord of the universe." Cain exclaimed when he saw this scene.


The Demon Lord overlord smiled coldly: "No wonder he has the ability to clear the Dark Demon Tower. He deserves to be the person who got the mark of the Emperor of Heaven. However, since such a person does not submit to my Ancient Demon Clan, then he is the enemy of my Ancient Demon Clan. Kill him before he grows up."


"Master Demon Yuan, this place is the closest to the Zhanwu Universe, and the direction they left is also towards the Zhanwu Universe. They must have gone to the Zhanwu Universe. We can catch up with them now, after all, they don’t have spacecraft. , The speed is not as fast as we are." Cain said quickly, he hoped to be able to take credit for merit.


   Before he could finish, there was a violent energy fluctuation in the void next to him.


   "Hmph!" The Demon Abyss Overlord gave a cold snort and looked over.


   I saw an equally huge spaceship piercing the void and coming.


   "Devil Abyss, long time no see!" A tall figure with a dazzling golden light, like a **** king, walked out of the spacecraft and looked at the overlord of Demon Abyss with a smile.


   "Yingtian!" Moyuan Overlord sneered. He and Yingtian Overlord were old rivals, and neither of them could help each other. They fought for countless years.


Overlord Yingtian looked at the empty space around him, then looked at the Overlord of Demon Abyss, and snorted coldly: "Demon Abyss, you move very fast, but since I'm here, you should surrender the original universe obediently. "


   Obviously, he thought that the Overlord of Demon Abyss had taken the original universe first.


   However, the Demon Abyss Overlord didn't want to make any explanation, because if he explained to Yingtian Overlord, wouldn't others think he was weaker than Yingtian Overlord?


   Therefore, the Demon Abyss Overlord gave a cold snort and looked at Overlord Yingtian disdainfully: "Yingtian, what are you? You dare to ask me to hand over things."


   "It seems that you have forgotten the original lesson!" Yingtian Overlord heard this, his face gloomy.


   "Don't talk nonsense, fight if you want, don't call me!" The Demon Abyss Overlord roared extremely domineeringly.


   "Looking for death-Eighteen Sealed Demon Hands!" Yingtian Overlord was furious, raised a hand and suppressed it towards the Demon Abyss Overlord. It was the Eighteen Sealed Demon Hands that Ye Tian was proficient in.


   But this combat skill has exerted a terrifying power in the hands of the Overlord Yingtian. The eighteen palm prints are all over the chaotic void, and the terrifying aura covers the sky and the sun, and penetrates the entire chaos.


"Overlord Yingtian, do you think that only eighteen magic hands can suppress me?" Overlord of the Demon Abyss sneered. His body kept rising, piercing the chaos, and even one palm was the size of the universe. He raised his hand. Golden palm prints were torn between his feet, and he slammed to Yingtian Overlord.


"Your supreme demon body is good at cultivating, but you underestimate the eighteen demon hands created by my clan predecessors." Yingtian overlord sneered, only to see him pinch the seal and the broken golden palm prints. Gathered into a regular chain of gods, entwining the huge body of the Demon Abyss Overlord, making him immobile.


  The Demon Abyss Overlord roared again and again, and the unparalleled demon energy swept out of him, almost shattering this chaotic void, and the regular chain of gods entwining him was also broken one by one.


   But Overlord Yingtian wouldn't foolishly wait for Overlord of Demon Abyss to break free. He had already taken the opportunity to kill, making Demon Overlord very embarrassed.


   I have to say that this Eighteen Sealed Demon Hand has too much restraint on the Ancient Demon Race, otherwise the Demon Abyss Overlord would not be so passive.


   Of course, the gap between these two superpowers is too small, and they played for a long time without a win.




   At this moment, a blood-colored broken blade broke through the layers of chaos and shot from the depths of the remote wilderness. In an instant, the world faded, chaos vibrated, and boundless murderous aura swept out from this blood-colored broken blade, splitting a gap in the space barrier of the wasteland.




   A cold drink, and then spread from Scarlet Broken Blade.


  Overlord Yingtian and Overlord Demon Abyss had already ceased the war with fright. They looked at the Scarlet Broken Blade inserted in the chaotic void, their faces became pale, and their eyes were frightened.


   "The gods and demons are not me!"


   "Desolate Law Enforcer!"


   The hearts of the two were extremely shaken.


   Although this blood-colored broken blade was rusty and looked very old, the two of them immediately recognized its origin. It was the magical weapon of the law enforcers in the wasteland-the gods and demons were not me.


   In the last Seven Realms War, the law enforcers of the wasteland used this **** and demon to kill the strongest in the universe, the famous Seven Realms.






  The Overlord Yingtian and the Overlord of Demon Abyss didn't dare to think too much, and quickly took their men into the crack that the gods and demons were torn apart by taking a spaceship, and returned to their hometowns.


   Although they left, the crack did not close, because two figures walked out of it, standing proudly in the chaotic void, stepping on the long river of time and space, staring coldly at this blood-colored broken blade.


   "Old black ghost, you are not dead yet!" one of them said.


   "Little Devil Rong Di, do you want to die?" the other person snorted coldly.


   These two people, one is the black **** among the black and white gods of the ancient gods, and the other is the Rong Di of the ancient get out! "Amidst Bloody Broken Blade, a cold drink came again, this time the voice was even colder, and the murderous aura was more condensed, making people pierced.


The Black God stared at Scarlet Broken Blade and sighed: "Desolate Law Enforcer, I didn't expect that you were injured last time, and your strength has increased to the next level. It is estimated that you have now stepped into the realm of Half-Step Realm King. "


   "Boom!" There was no more words from the Scarlet Broken Blade, but directly tore through the void to kill. The boundless murderous aura was released instantly, shocking the Black God and Rong Di, and the two shot instantly.


   A piece of divine light is bright, a piece of magic light is boiling.




   This chaotic void is completely shattered.


   After a while, Hei Shen and Rong Di fell out embarrassedly. They were in ragged clothes, with blood on their mouths, and their expressions were all awe-inspiring.


   "It really is a half-step world king!" Black God shouted.


   "Half-Step Realm King is really amazing, but you wait, I will step into the Half-Step Realm King level soon." Rong Di coldly snorted.


   "Crossing into the wilderness, kill without mercy!" A cold word came from the Scarlet Blade.


   Black God turned around and left.




   Rong Zhen stared bitterly at Scarlet Broken Blade, and left.


   After they left, the barrier of the wasteland was repaired, and the Scarlet Broken Blade broke through the air and disappeared into the chaos. )!!

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